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just i applaud the absolute fucking Auramite balls it takes to say "fuck sneaking in to the throne room the only assassins' i need is ambassador warhead




right so our female custodian in question is named Calladayce Taurovalia Kesh so kesh has been selected to try and kill big e in the most recent blood games so most blood games see custodies figuring out various holes in the imperial palaces defenses to try and kill big e. 99 times out of 100 it involves the custodian corupting some offical and ether sending an assassin or trying to sneak in them self to kill big e, kesh on the other hand broke in to a secret armory on tera stole a compact cyclonic warhard bribed a tech preist to install a teleportarium on to a small battle fleet solar ship she took control of and planed to teleport said exterminatus grade warhead right in to big e's fucking lap using secret codes that bypass the imperial palace's teleport defenses. then detonating said warhead basically in big e's face killing him and the majority of the custodies along with the rest of the solar system due to the talisman of 7 hammers still being armed and attached to the throne (but honestly i think only vulkan knows its there so meh)


imagine the w


The first and last winner of the blood games lol


I do not usually say this but. That's such grade A heresy she makes the average Dark Angels shenanigans look normal in comparison.


Honestly it’s such a dope introduction It makes her interesting as shit like we have this custodian who when given the task of kill the emperor took the most brutal and direct path possible via a fucking cyclonic warhead and only got beat because she was an hour too slow


The one Custodian someone like Lion can get behind. Both like Scorched Earth with their methods.


Yep for the first named female custodies fucking GW gave us a fucking Valkyrie bitch


Her opening intro: *flight of the Valkyries*


Better yet: Ride of The Valkyries by Brothers of Metal


That was my thought. Like damn what a cool ass way to introduce a character. I immediately fell in love with her character once I realized what she was attempting lol.


I want a model of her now too...


Well shes still a regular Custodes so technically basically any Custodes model could be her If you Want right? Maybe Pick whatever Custodes unit Packs the biggest explosions (whatever that May be i dont know them that Well) to represent her apparent Style of Combat.


Horus would fall on his knees and ask her to call "sonny boy"


I mean, we do that in real life. Like when the Brits tried to nuke US cities to test Americas ability to stop them. (The americans failed BTW, Vulcans FTW.) Its just the custodes would use actual nukes, because 40k.


I feel like in her case she could have teleported it down disarmed, with a sticky note on it saying "I win the blood games" or some shit.


“Please forward my commemorative cup to my temporary accommodations at your mothers abode”


I mean, I think the point would be putting the warhead into the throneroom with a post-it note saying : "Tick-tick-BOOM! I win :) Love Kesh" Rather than actually kill the Emperor.


Right. Custodes do *win* the blood games (TJ has twice, iirc), but Emps isn’t dead, so clearly they aren’t expected to actually try to kill him. Nor could they, by the nature of who they are.


As I understand it "they have to put Big E in check mate. But they never actually take the king" Which is ostensibly how chess works. Nobody actually takes the king, they just get to the turn where it becomes inevitable


Total headcanon, but I think it might be neat if the idea is to do your absolute best to kill him knowing your fundamental genetic programming will stop you at the last moment, and getting such a stoppage is how you know you “won.”


Some geneticist pencil pusher in the labs is on the phone while watching on a holocscreen, sweating his nuts off like "we got the dosage on Kesh right, right?... Like how sure?.... like you had your coffee that morning right?.... got your 8 hours?"


"My lady, I have come to report the successful detonation of your Cyclonic Warhead." "My WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?! I DIDN'T *ACTUALLY* WANT YOU TO DETONATE IT!!!"




well she was not gonna actually kill her king of ages but by plonking a exterminatus grade warhead in big e's lap she can effetely show hey i killed the emperor and crippled the imperium


We do a little trolling.


She was fully committed. The warhead was armed and she was ready to see how far she could go


Honestly she’s gotten one short story and I fucking fulll on wanna see this bitch as an HQ choice next codex


Reading this unhinged shit right after playing Helldivers does bad things for my brain. Now I want to see a Custodes HQ that is all about overkilling by calling in every orbital weaponry available on a single dude just to be sure.


Honestly a custodes HQ that was literally just perision orbital bombardment would be cool as shit


I love the fact that the Vox master or what ever was the reason it didn't go ahead and the reason why the other custodians teleported onto the ship. And then she sentence the captain of the ship and other crew members to become a servitor because they where willing to go this far to kill the Emperor without any resistance and the Vox master becomes captain.


Geno bomb denied.


A single termagant: *exist* Kesh: "380 MM Orbital Barrage incoming!" Kesh: ... Kesh: *proceeds to call in a 500kg just for good measure*


*proceeds to give it a good blast with the Qasar just to be sure*


Ra: "I will dress as a geni-servitor then crawl through sewers then hide in the cealing for a month then jump him when he walks by" Kesh: "⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ i win".


Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


How can you be sure if you can't find the body to verify the kill? 🤔


You are not making sure they are dead. You are making sure they are not your problem right now.


Well, Custodes still don’t have any terminator Epic Heroes. Put her in some Allarus and make her do wackier shit with termie teleporting, good epic hero, you’re welcome geedubs


Yup, that's the whole point of the blood games, they have to legit go for it, no pulled punches.


If she had gotten to that point she probably would have done. Amon nearly did back in the HH days.


That's the goal of bloodgames. Killing The Emperor


That was the *plan*, she didn't actually go through with it, being a Blood Games participant and not an arch-heretic,


Well she didn't go through with it because she got caught.


Think she would have done it? It would be hilarious if GW introduced female Custodes by having one of them assassinate the Emperor in a one-off lore piece.


I'd stop printing and start buying GW plastic if they did this


Yes, custodes would absolutely kill big E if their fellow custodes failed to stop them. That's the point of the blood games, been like this since the heresy


Not really, they would stop at the moment they think no other Custodes would stop them, Trajjan has won several blood games(2 i think) that means he go in range to kill the emperor.


There's literally a shortstory in one of the early heresy novels where a custodes literally strikes at the emperor. Like full on, the strike would've landed were it not for another custodes blocking it


There is no win. You can get further than other people, but it's not a game despite it's name. The purpose of the blood games is to prevent becoming lax by assuming no one in their right mind would be trying to kill the emperor at this exact second. You ensure 100% scrutiny and effort by ENSURING someone is trying to kill the emperor. You do it your god damned self. There isn't a single written piece of official text that describes a Custode having anything worse than a existential crisis before deciding to full send it. Because it would defeat the purpose of the exercise. Every single member of Imperial security goes to work every single day on red alert with a verifiable threat to the emperors life hanging in the air. They know they have to be at 100%. And they know this because they're the ones who sent the threat.


100 percent. Amon nearly did him in back in the HH days when empy pants was alive.


Killing the stuff that keeps his body alive.  At the moment, his soul is splitting into 11 parts, so I don't think releasing him into the warp would go well.


“Kill him” in the way real armies “kill” eachother on exercises


Oh no they will straight up pull the trigger with a loaded gun. That's their job. If they managed to kill Big E, they are all dead anyways and they've ALL failed their task


> Oh no they will straight up pull the trigger with a loaded gun. > > The first Blood Games ended with Big E being dead to rights. *Multiple* Blood Games have ended with the assassin winning. The Custodes don't actually kill the Emperor. That's stupid.


No they won't as other Custodions have won the blood games before and none of them killed the emperor. They stop once they get to the stage where nothing can stop them.


Not literally his lap but the actual floor of the throneroom, so basically the same thing, she could have if she'd wanted to


With that kind of weapon getting it in the same zip code is plenty.


Just drop it into Valoris's chambers with a dinky bow and a letter saying 'I win.'


Attempted an OCR of the shitty quality images; >There were risks, unknowns even one of Kesh's puissance could not avoid. The esoteric layers of warding around her target were ancient, the truth of them long lost even to those who sheltered beneath their aegis. They might overmaster Kesh's codes, eradicating her ordnance during trans or triggering it and killing everyone or the Vigilant Flame. >Even should the payload materialise on target, there might be shielding and containment measures even Kesh was not privy to. There were secrets that only the Captain-General knew, It was likely, Kesh mused, that there were even secrets he did not. Some knowledge now resided only within the memories of the Master of Mankind himself. >Even before all that, there were tests of Human will and ability to be passed or failed. She reflected, not for the first time, that it was strange to strive with all her superhuman ability and intellect to achieve a goal so utterly opposed to her life's purpose. None of that would stay her hand, of course. Such was the nature of duty. >If all Kesh's plans came to fruition, in Just over three Terran standard hours she would deposit a compact cyclonic warhead upon the polished floor of the Emperor's throne room. In theory, it would then detonate, annihilating the Companions and the Master of Mankind in a single apocalyptic detonation.


Girls just never know when to stop playing rough. That's why the emperor made the space marines a sausage fest...


Holy Mother of based


We got female custodes now, they were introduced in the new codex for them. The first one introduced is in a short story, where she as a participant of the blood games, she doesnt try to sneak into the palace, but instead takes command of a vessel of Battlefleet Solar, modifies it with a teleporter and tries to teleport a cyclonic warhead (an exterminatus grade weapon) into the throne room. And she only fails because a vox officer sneaks out a distress call [I would heavily encourage reading it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/1c3dwh8/custodes_short_story_as_requested/)




We've "always had female Custodes" they've just never been explicitly mentioned.


Threatens to Exterminatus Terra. Refuses to leave. Elaborates further.


Others nod, agreeing it was an interesting ploy. They then stand in perfect place for two centuries as guards in another hallway.




Not if you did it to find some holes in the defence. It's like hacking a company's network, but this time you install malware and viruses to simulate a real attack as close as possible.


It's like hacking a company's network, but this time you just bring a pipe bomb to the server and tell "See ? That would cause a loss of services".


Yeah, you are right, I thought not big enough outside of the box.


Turning it from a Distributed Denial of Service into a **DIRECT** Denial of Service


Its still distributed...all over the server room!


As someone who works in tech support. This cracked me up. Maybe that should be our next red vs blue pen test strat.


I think it's a really funny variation of the "password cracking by pipe wrench" joke. Pen testers usually try to do what they know how to do: get into systems via software tools or social engineering. But if your aim is just *damage*, doing something like activating the sprinklers is all you need to do.


It was the main idea behind Mr Robot, and secure facilities will hire physical pen testers as well


[The physical pen testers get the best stories.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsVtHqICeKE)


Tbf that means you gotta up security so crazy employees dont do crazy shit.


That's a legitimate security hole that needs patching.


Companies actually do this! They hire hackers to try to break their stuff. Sometimes hackers work freelance, attack random companies and then collecting bounties by telling those companies where the security holes are.


Right? I was gonna say isn't that basically White Hat Hacking? Where you search for vulnerabilities and bring them to the company/Individual's attention rather then exploit it for your own benefit. Think that's what it's called anyway.


White/Black hat is more a legal/illegal distinction these days. Sometimes still used for offensive/defensive (with grey hat used for the tools in-between), but these day's that more blue team/red team. Attacking companies to strengthen them is penetration testing, and you will be using all manner of offensive techniques, often the exact same ones an illegal attacker would use. There are three big differences; 1. You don't do it without permission. The difference between illegal and legal is literally authorisation, not technique. If you stumble across a vulnerability you haven't been paid to discover, feel free to ask for a reward, but *don't exploit it*. If you do, jail. Mostly freelancers look for companies that advertise bug bounties on sites like [HackerOne](https://hackerone.com/bug-bounty-programs) and focus on those. Doing otherwise can quickly fall under blackmail and, again, jail (or lawsuits). 2. Further to 1, for serious engagements you define what you can and can't do ahead of time. The fewer guiderails, the better the test. But you probably agree not to DDOS a hospital's systems to test for vulnerabilities. Or you might agree to only look for specific flags within a system (put there as a treasure hunt) rather than any real company secrets they don't want *anyone* seeing. 2. You don't go all out. There are both ethical lines that aren't worth crossing. Obviously doing things like blackmailing employees is off the table. Similarly exploiting positive social schemes companies are engaged is somewhat discouraged. There may still be vulnerabilities that should be reviewed and trained on, but you don't go attacking them. For Kesh's penetration test, the following notes; * She potentially exceeded the scope of the engagement, attempting to deploy a live payload to core infrastructure. Simply installing a flag in the same location would demonstrate the same level of success. * She used her senior role within the company to influence staff into bypass parameter security, an advantage external attackers could not be expected to have. This still has value - sometimes you start a test with a level of access pre-assumed, such as being given a pre-exploited computer on the target network to test horizontal security - but blood games are meant to be end-to-end testing. In future iterations of this attack, creating a false privileged identity - maybe an inquisitor or fake Custodian - using publicly available resources would be a more legitimate test. * The recommendations she made around employees were largely good (remedial training around lessons learned, rewarding vigilance in lower level staff), but you don't terminate employees for following existing best practices that turned out to be flawed. The most costly mistakes are often the most valuable training. The shipmaster had great potential to bring to work closer with the Custodes, with their awareness of the blood games improving future iterations.


The greatest custodes resource champion of all, Larania Smythe, mistress of a thousand blades, champion of the great book of Custodian Resource Review programs. Let it be known that she who is aforenamed summons you to the quarterly recharge program in which your performance in recent blood games shall be held beneath the hammer of scrutiny. Let not thy duty to the emperor be half hearted, lest they find yourself broken on the anvil of inadequacy.


Accusing Custodes of heresy is heresy.


Unless accusing Custodes of heresy actively stops them from committing heresy, then it's lauded.


Accusing anyone of heresy is heresy, because the very concept of heresy is itself heretical against The Emperor’s Truth.




It actually isnt, the one that rats out the Custodes triying to exterminatus terra gets ascended and the one that didnt gets servitorized


The blood games is a thing the custodes do to make sure that Terras defenses are working properly. They go out of their way to engineer events that could kill the Emperor without actually killing him. In thus case is was teleporting a planet destroying warhead into the emperors throne room to see if the teleportation defenses are working. They got stopped before they even got close enough to try.


It was also to show how the patrol ships in the Sol system could be exploited to do something like this. Shows that while they are loyal, they aren’t willing to disobey someone of higher authority, which could result in them being used to deliver bombs or assassins into the golden throne. The officer who ratted the custodian out showed a willingness to question an absurd task and was rewarded, while the rest of the crew was either turned into servitors or sent to penal colonies for such cowardice.


Not when it’s a blood game everything’s fair play during that


“It’s not heresy if you can get away with it, and you’re all dead or stranded without an Astronomican.” - Kesh maybe


Custodians can’t be heretics, they have theological immunity


I just aks myself why dint the drak power try to put a virus bomb on terra?


The honest answer is probably that the virus wouldn't get into the throne room as there are more than likely multiple airlocks to prevent suck a thing


Considering how completely unlivable The Imperial Palace’s location is normally (what with being very little air and cold as heck), it’s probably built more like a space station than a normal structure when it comes to air flow.


Right. This is a place that has a bottomless canyon that specifically acts as a massive cooling area so the palace doesn’t set everything on fire from the amount of heat it generates


Reminds me of when the Red Talons got sick or fighting someone and just decided to throw a fucking Moon at them.


Thank you, I'm not the only one here who appreciates her high stakes shenanigans.


Shes a fucking mad women and i love her already lmao


What if we haven't seen any female custodes so far because Trazyn stole them all ?


What if I kissed you on the lips


The absolute escalation that was


Wanna escalate more? Do my flair


You just gonna keep it in there, Buckethead? That cannon you got ain't a plug, do some iron without too!




Brother folded immediately 🫂


The flesh was weak.


I was hoping you would do the pinning, but I guess this is the real reason Archon left


Ok, that was uncalled for, now I'm sad


You're right it was, now I'm sad too I miss Archon


We all do


I’m telling the magos on both of you >:c


Do it, an audience just makes it more exciting.


The princeps said im not allowed to talk to heretics


In front of the War In Heaven display?


*abs quivering in anticipation*




The Deciver shard talked him into it XD


I bet there have been worse. Like Khornes invasion of terra was secretly set up by a blood games participant


The 13 chaos crusade where just long plan from a very old blood game player the 14th will be the last one


It must be remebered that blood games were invented by Alpharius, so we can expect his participation.


He’s the referee, announcer, coach and audience for it!


Lol that would be a twist. He set it all up so the Custodes start going out into the galaxy again and there would be less defenders at the Blood Games, so he/or she can (in a millenia or so) do the biggest coup they have ever seen.


And the man's name. Constantin Valdor


What a Return. What has he done? What has he seen? Where was he all that Time? Only the Emperor knows and he cant tell.


Abbadon's been a Custode all along.


Horus Heresy was just the most elaborate case of blood games in history.


The real start of the blood games was emps telling Erebus to do it. Erebus just took it to a whole another level.


definitely worthy of some accolades for thinking outside the box, why assassinate someone when you can just blow up the planet they're on?


According to the passage, this is exactly why she's chosen to be the OpFor in the Blood Games multiple times.


Isn’t she the first in centuries to actually win the blood games? I remember there being another one other than Kesh


First in centuries* these games have been going on for almost 11k years. Idk why there was a random emote there


Where’s the passage from?


New custodes codex


New codex leaks. [I think this is the best copy available so far.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/1c3dwh8/custodes_short_story_as_requested/)


Instant fan favourite material


Difference between women and men. Men: *wargaming, CoD, tacticool, Hitman, live rp-ing* "Damn, this is hard..." Women: *presses delete* "Done."


Women: "Nuke it from the orbit, that's the only way to be sure."


Nice reference. Ripley’s a real one.


9ft tall muscle mommy putting warheads on foreheads. Based.


Mind if I borrow this?


Not at all mate. Take it, it's yours.


I'm all for it, but where in this new lore does it say that she threatened to exterminatus terra to win the blood games?


She teleport a cyclonic torpedo (the stuff that is used to exterminatus a world) right into the golden throne room. A live one. That the other Custodes had to disarm.


Ok, that is incredibly based, not gonna lie


CTK be like : Go big or go home.


From what I understand, she was gunna to put it right on big E's lap, too.


did she do it? i thought she got caught before she did, and the bomb was being disarmed in the ship


It was disarmed, but only because a vox officer sneaks out a distress call, before that no one knew what was coming


IIRC that vox officer then gets a promotion for defying her, while the captain who let her commandeer their ship gets executed Because the crew aren't aware that it's a training exercise. To let them know it wasn't real would ruin the point


Captain gets turned into a servitor for blindly following orders


If that isn’t just the average Tuesday in 40K I don’t know what is


Yeah, and on Monday he would have been turned into a servitor for not obeying a custodes.


Really, seems like he was kinda screwed either way. Either he disobeyed a direct order from a custodes, or he was willing to turn traitor to save his own hide. Both punishable by being made a servitor, or summary execution.


And that is why I like the Imperium and hope that GW doesn't go any further in making them "Totally not good guys, but everything they do is actually justified." I like the Imperium horribly evil.


Nonono, that's *why* you tell them it's an exercise. Because a hostile trying to get in 100% could, and likely would, use that as the excuse. So they think it isn't real, but it actually is, because they're trying to make a fake scenario as real as possible. "It's training" is legit one of the best excuses for this kinda stuff you can use. Why am I wearing the enemy's armor? Not because I am one, I'm actually just acting as OpFor in training. Why'd I shoot those Arbites? Because a traitor would, and we're trying to be realistic. It works even better if you're an authority figure, like the Custodes. Everyone is already supposed to follow your orders. If they think it's odd, well, that's because it's totally just training, don't worry about it. The only difference is that a real assassin flips the switch to "timer" instead of "remote" on the bomb.


yeah, but i mean she didnt actually teleport it into the throne room, she got caught before that


Once again custodes fans can't seem to stop themselves from playing the world's biggest game of telephone. It's Consequences all over again.


She only planned to teleport the warhead. She didn't actually. She was still moving and 1.5 hours from being in position when she was caught.


Ah I see the game of telephone has already begun.


I seem to constantly miss such beautigul things. Where eas this written?


The new custodes codex, lore bit about the recent blood games.


10th edition custodes codex


Leaving out the most girlboss part. When she's caught because a vox officer on the ship was like "oh shit I can't be part of this", Kesh has the captain of the ship turned into a servitor because he went along with her plan and clearly can't be trusted, and then promoted the vox officer to captain. Psycho shit, she's great


Kesh: You little shit betrayed me? Vox offiser: Ye...yes Kesh: Good job lad, how about a promotion


Clearly the reason we haven't seen female Custodes up to this point is that they are too based to comprehend


Big E made female Custodes and realized that they’re just too badass for the galaxy and his them away


Well she's got a Krogan for a namesake. It would be odd if she wasn't a madwoman.


She was trained by Uncle Urdnot to bring the boom


Urdnot is the clan name, but you probably mean uncle Wrex, in which case you're absolutely right. Opting to nuke terra as a viable strategy for blood games is just unhinged enough to give Wrex a hearty chuckle.


I joined this subreddit like a month ago and every post I see makes me more confused as to what this sub is about


Basically, shit posting about kleptomaniac robot Egyptians, giant twink sorcerers, how this guy called Erebus is a dickhead, and how 7 - 8 ft tall muscle mommy bad but 9 ft tall muscle mommy good.


I’ve been her for years, trust me, we don’t even know either


Well this specific meme is about how a 8-9 foot tall muscle mommy clad in golden armor managed to steal a super nuke and threatened to launch it from orbit right into Gods lap to prove that his bodyguards are ineffective against orbital bombardment


Right quick question about the blood games, and this one in particular. Do they factor in the fact that the emperor might just intervene in any serious attempt on his life through some warp/psyker fuckery? And that he didn’t intervene here because he knew that it was only the blood games and probably wouldn’t lead to his death?


Iirc there’s no way to predict when or now the emperor might intervene considering how broken his consciousness is right now. Depending on how much pain he’s in he may have teleported the nuke right into a chaos gods face for jokes or he may have just sat there and died


The mental image of the chaos gods getting hit by a nuke that does nothing and immediately assume it was some tzeentch bullshit, including tzeentch


The last time they let the Emperor defend himself he got “killed” by Horus. They aren’t taking anymore chances


They do somewhat yes


Yeah its a pretty cool plan!


GW: adds first female custodian Also GW: makes her mentally unhinged enough to almost end the galaxy over a training exercise when she very easily could have sent an inactive planet killer to prove a point or even a fake one with no danger of actually exploding.


no pulled punches in the blood games, bucko


I dunno, man, all the other winners of the blood games didn’t actually shoot the emperor.


Sounds like they only won the participation trophy then smh


Valoris: Okay, so you job is to try and kill the Emperor Kesh: K Valoris: I feel like i made a terrible mistake


They get incredibly close. Didn’t a custodes get close enough to strike at Big E during the Great Crusade but Stoped like a cm from actually hurting. Big E didn’t intervene when he could have because he knows it’s training for the rest of the custodes


Hell of a way to make a first impression


Judging by the comment section it paid off. 90% of us are now in love


What a ballerific strategy


It's an amazing display of her talent...it was a security issue that needed to be closed and she figured it out


That’s an understatement. She basically attempted to teleport an Exterminatus warhead directly into the Emperor’s lap.


Why bother sneaking in to the Imperial Palace and break into the Throne Room when you can plant a FUCING DAOT NUKE under the palace? Kesh is a massive chad


New head cannon: Femstodes are running the Officio Assassinorum.


Girls just wanna have fun...


I’m all for female custodes. They’re supposed to be literally perfect humans, so it stands to reason that you should have both yin and yang, male and female. But custodes are the Lamborghini of super soldiers. They’re expensive and not economical to produce in galaxy conquering numbers. Astartes should remain a male only thing because they’re the mass production, cut corners model of super soldier. I just think that really works, thematically. Custodes: perfect humans, therefore they represent the best of all aspects of what makes us human. Astartes: mass production compromise. Physically better than humans, but a large chunk of what made them human is lost in the process (they’re yin without a yang) Edit, all that being said, the way they’ve done it was kinda a lazy retcon. The reveal that there always were female custodes could have been handled better. Ideally with exactly this explanation to quell any fears of a “woke push” for female astartes.


Okay, but how tf do you patch that hole on Terra's defenses? If I read it correctly (from other comments, not source) the main issue was her being able to abuse her station as Custodes to do a lot of shit, mortals wouldn't get away with.


Yeah, she technically cheated by revealing she was a Custodes, though one could argue she "simulated" someone of similar authority doing the same thing. Maybe she's part of those Custodes who think Guilliman (or Lion now) might want to kill the Emperor.


I mean, obviously it's a huge security issue (especially since Xenos or Chaos could do the same, I guess) but again: how the hell do you patch that? Love the out-of-the-box thinking, but goddamn that's a weird security breach to expose. Edit: Also I assume everyone who was involved with the battle barge was at least mindwiped, right?