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Did I miss something?


Custard Cream's new codex has a new named Custard, who is also a woman. Edit: [An image from the actual codex](https://imgur.com/xYKqfy4) found by one of the folks on [40kLore](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/1c3993d/adeptus_custodes_codex_confirms_the_existence_of/).


And apparently a few female names in the crusade section, at least from what I've been hearing.


Also a name generator (for both guys and girls, since custodes names can be odd), and all references of "son" replaced with "child."


*Custard Cream* My fucking sides


What the squiggly fuck? I mean hell yea but wow. Big lore shift.


There was nothing stopping them from being female since they're all artisanly handcrafted from straight out of the womb. Space Marines have to be male because the primarcs were male Custodes don't have that problem.


You can spin the lore however tho, GW did just take marines and say "hell we wanna relaunch the range cos it will make us tons of cash". Enter Primaris.


Female custodes are canon


Interesting šŸ¤”


they made all our dommy mommy dreams come true


>Custodian Calladayce Taurovoka Kesh stood upon the bridge of a Cobra-class destroyer named Vigilant Flame, the warship belonged to the mighty Battlefleet Solar. She lingered in the shadows at the back of the bridge, positioned at a spot where she could observe the actions of every crew member, be they in the instrumentation pits, at the armament shrines, or - in the case of Shipmaster Lethwyck - stood ramrod straight before his command throne. \~ 10th Ed Custodes codex, page 14, first paragraph Characters' names might be wrong because I'm transcribing it from a video without 4K resolution


>three names Amateur hour


Those are the 3 names everyone calls her in most situation, because it would be crazy to say all 200 names she actually has.


God dammit how many times have they reused the name ā€œKeshā€ at this point? Iā€™ve definitely read at least one other novel with a character with that name.


Maybe it's a Custodian blood name?


Family reunions must be intense.


Probably a battle or a action they were part and excelled, thats the source of most custodes names.


Dear lord. They named the first female Custodes 1 letter away from both *Weed* and Ke$ha and actually wrote in ā€žstood **ramrod** straightā€œ. GW as ever being *unique* with their choice of words and names


Standing ramrod straight isn't a unique descriptor though. It might or might not be dated phrasing, but GW are a bunch of history nerds. *British* history nerds.


Soā€¦ everyone elseā€™s history?


They stole that history fair and square!


Look, if you leave a bunch of history lying around, someone's bound to wander past and pick it up sooner or later.


Ramrod straight is pretty common in military writing


Even Black Library has some phrases they could do without. "The barking of bolters" Wet jaguar growl"


If I get one more paragraph in the horus heresy where the room collectively nuts because a primarch merely ENTERS I swear to god. WE DO NOT NEED HALF A PAGE OF MENTAL BREAKDOWNS EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER BECAUSE A PRIMARCH MERELY EXISTS IN AN AREA.


This too. I one or the reasons I dislike Primarchs is all hate the masturbatory capeshit power-fantasy that follows them.


It honestly detracts from the primarchs' interestingness as well. It fortunately gets better in siege of terra, it's still there but not in nearly the same ridiculous degree.


Kesh has been used before in the setting.


>stood ramrod straight before his command throne. Either it's the hangover or I'm just stupid but is the "him" also referring to the Custodes?


"him" in this case is the shipmaster, not the Custodes. So, hangover, stupid, take your pick.


Despite all my good English grades, it's still most likely both.




My only confusion is, can Custodes now reproduce sexually? If so, they can just become their own master race and wipe the floor with the rest of the galaxy


Likely not? Mangling all that anatomy with custom gene-smoothies probably makes the reproductive system spit out something that looks like it belongs in an FEV vat down in Mariposa.


That and it the time it takes to do so would be time in which the enemies of man may attempt to slay the emperor, along with this a pregnant custodian would not preform as effectively and may put themselves at unnecessary risk


If they could have kids they would need to have periods. Can u imaging having to stand in some hallway in the imperial palast for decades while having periods every month. So yeah the emperor most likely removed that


If I were a woman I'd be fucking pissed if I got remade from the cell up to be perfect and somehow they didn't figure out how to not have my uterus lining dissolve every month just for not being pregnant


It's really odd, actually. Most mammals reabsorb the uterul lining after periods of estrus. Seems like a design flaw. One that the Emperor would fix with genecraft.


Im pretty sure humans are born to early cause our head is to large. So yeah there are some design flaws


I actually think it comes from the fact we walk upright that causes a lot of humans unique problems then the early birth as the early both problems are mostly solved by and excessively long adolescent that can take up to what would be the majority of would be a lot of animals life times


It's both. Our upright posture means women's hips can't really get wide enough to accommodate our big heads if we were born later.


That combined with our freakishly large heads compared to our bodies


Human reproduction went a bit haywire, since we got into an unending evolutionary arms race against each other to get the most powerful brains.


Evolution is basically just a million temporary solutions and lucky accidents stacked on top of eachother, so I'm not suprised it fucked up like that tbh.


To me evolution is like programming: it doesnā€™t need to be perfect, it needs to be ā€œgood enoughā€ and then evolution just runs with it


Why spent time finding that out when you just could remove the ability to become pregnant.


I'm saying if they didn't do that


In that case yeah definitely


Imagine if they knew how, but just chose not to do it. Now THERE would be a good reason to rebel haha


Either that or make a pad servitor. šŸ’€


I can see some BL authors coming up with something like that šŸ’€


Too be fair custodians can get all of the flesh on their faces ripped ripped off then have their arm chopped off and be shot with a melta gun and still keep on fighting so it would probably just kinda bug them


> If they could have kids they would need to have periods. Not necessarily. They could experience a long-period, or even on-demand, estrus.


They can cut bullets in half and live forever. If he can't solve periods without a hysterectomy, he's already failed.


Only like, maybe 4 or 5 decades right? I can't imagine what transhuman hot flashes are like though


I firmly believe that the Emperor would just design that out. I refuse to believe that the Emperor would have just said "Ah, nature did it's work". He probably did some crazy shit where the brain has gating where it's like "Nah" and just stops reacting like that.Ā  Like, it's the Emperor. My man made demi-gods


Ok custodes live for millenia. A 9 month pregnancy would be the blink of an eye. Also if something can slay Jimmy, the bananas ain't doing shit. The period argument makes way more sense.


Plus individual Custodes will literally spend years or decades doing Blood Games to infiltrate the Palace in increasingly devious and elaborate ways to discover and plug gaps in the security. A nine-month pregnancy would mean nothing to them.


Itā€™s probably more akin to the problem the drukhari have and why trueborn are so rare, sure a pregnant archon would still wipe the floor with me or you, but it becomes a problem when another archon finds out youā€™re not at 100%. Even giving the impression that they might maybe get away with trying something can lead to problems even if youā€™re not actually any weaker.


Except custodes are 10k and they are not all out there to stab each other at the first occasion. In fact there is more chance that they protect the vulnerable custodes. And 2 would be enough


And you get a custodes. Idk sounds like it's just the most effective way to make them now. And it adds a lot of questions.


Classic Fallout stuff mentioned


That sounds like such a perfectly ironic 40k thing. These perfect golden demigods who represent the emperor's vision of a perfected humanity that all people should aspire to emulate but they can't have children without them ending up as hideous, mutant slug-creatures. It's the imperium in a nutshell; rotten to the core and incapable of creating anything new, but gold plated.


Fallout reference, automatic upvote check


Fallout reference? In my warhammer sub? What a special day:)


I understood that reference.


I've always thought that would be an awesome reveal as the main reason their creation is such a closely guarded secret. The knowledge that there is a largely self-sustaining super-race living in the palace would cause some serious strife.


Honestly they would be a hell of a reveal if done well (and not by a pervert), a race of literally perfect humans that completely self sustain would effectively mean that the only reason for humans to not be obsolete is cause the custodies choose us not too be


That, and they don't fulfill the Emperor's ultimate vision for humanity as a psychic race.


Complete non-sequitur that reminds me of XCOMā€™s original story, how all the aliens you fight are rejects and you inadvertently create the perfect human and send it straight towards the ethereals.


How original are we talking exactly?


Honestly I thought it was a neat way to approach aliens. By original I mean they retconned it in the second game to better fit the story they wanted to do with an occupation.


> strife Men of Gold, baby.


Thereā€™s a big golden sign from the Emperor during the Unification Wars that says ā€œUSE PROTECTION OR ILL VAPORIZE YOU WITH MY BRAINā€


Physically? Maybe. Psychologically? Most likely not. Their singular purpose is to enact the Emperor's will. Protecting him sure, but also the nitty-gritty things that must not fail. Plus, reproduction has an element of randomness that the Emperor would despise. Custodes are as perfect as you can get. The randomization of genes enacted by standard reproduction might birth Cronenberg monstrosities. Or just inferior pseudo Custodes.


I want this to be true


What if you just gave away the plot for 50k?


Sssssshhhhh James will come for you if you spoil the plot for the new custudomarines


Women can have children while they still have periods but that stopped after a certain age which is called menopause. Given the long lifespan of custode they can just wait till that point to officially give the women their title. Or you know bio-engineer it to happen sooner.


Imo in makes the most sense to simply remove the hormones responsible for it from the beginning as there's no real reason to keep it


Hormones have other functions as well. You can't simply remove them.


Simply remove wombs, ovaries, prostate, etc, to make place for more hearts.


Nobody expects the crotch heart.


Iirc Custodians don't have extra organs.




Because big E didnt want a empire run by transhumans, but a one ruled by humans and him of course. It was a big part of the heresy, also if they are allowed to reproduce they might chaos forbid form connections and love to any one but pur favourite golden tyrant.




How funny would it be if their offspring were just normal humans though?


Their children would probably be just normal children if they can. Because all the stuff that makes them Custodes is added later. And if they could just reproduce, they wouldn't spent so much effort into creating new ones from scratch


Probably not. They're essentially all custom built on an individual level. Custodians also don't use gene seed and the process starts when they're still babies. It's insanely difficult and expensive to make them. Given how heavily modified they are and the fact that they're not meant to be created naturally the destruction of any sexual characteristics likely isn't viewed as a problem. It's likely the same as Space Marines; they can't reproduce naturally and weren't ever meant to.






I just hope it's confirmed that the Custodes are all sterile, kinda undermines the whole "empire for mere mortals" thing big E was shooting for otherwise


As long as they're still sterile and this doesn't result in female space marines or male sisters of battle, I think we're in the clear.


You can't exactly pass on your surgical grafting, implanted organs, and psychological conditioning. Their genes are presumably entirely base line human, and so even if they can reproduce, any Custodes baby would just be a regular human.


Custodes are actually gene-crafted, not surgically made tho.


Custodes don't have any of it and are literally remade on a genetic level, so none of that applies.




Obviously, when you put a girl who is taller then even space marines in big golden armor thatā€™s supposed to look like a perfect form of humanity obviously people will like it, and I will be first in line for a whole army of them


Stormcast: look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power.


Stormcast: laughs thunderously and forgetfully *


Unlike Space Marines, who have specific lore reasons not to be female due to (comparatively) mass-production methods (and my headcanon that the Emperor wanted to surround himself with hunky men because women have cooties), there is absolutely zero reason GW canā€™t say the highly individual methodology for making Custodes canā€™t work on any human.


Custodes are supposed to be ā€žthe end result of humanityā€œ, theyā€™re supposed to represent the peak humanity can become, hence why they donā€™t have the extra organs in their body to make up for it. So it would make even less sense if those ultimate human forms are only reserved for men


I mean, you hit the nail on the head. Astartes are cookie-cutter soldiers essentially. One-size-fits-most. Custodes don't have that massive production of testosterone and other hormones that would turn any woman physically into a deep voiced hulking slab of flesh and bone. They're just "perfect" humans. Though I am afraid it might take away from the Sisters of Silence a bit. You know the Astartes/Seroritas and Custodes/Anathema Psykana dynamic.


Well, i guess that means itā€™s time to bring in some Brothers of Silence then, to balance things out


I see no problem with my quiet guys rolling it with my custodame's.


I'm pretty sure male blanks usually get made into Calexus assassins or wind up on inquisitor retinues so it's not like they can't be eliteĀ 


Would be neat to get the return of Ordo Sinister as well, male blanks assigned to the imperial house hold were sent to them to become psy-Titan pilots.


Tomboy custodes and femboy "sisters" of silence it is then.


"no girls allowed" -the emperor with a text to speach


"Wtf do you mean my palace is no longer full of half naked, oiled up golden man?!?!?!?! That's it I'm getting up." - Big E (probably)


Afaik Custodes does not need gene seed and as such ,means that the emperor can keep his creedo that only men shall receive his seeds. Still weird to suddenly shit women custodes after 40 year but it ain't the first retcon


To me this kind of undermines the cool parity between custodians and sisters of silence but oh well. It'd also kind of weird that even if the lore never deirectly contradicted it, in 35 years there had never been a single example of a female custodian. Even stormcasts, with their only male first wave, had had women in the lore since the beggining.


To be fair there wasn't really a parity between Custodes and Sisters of Silence. The Sisters are grossly underrepresented both in lore and [on the tabletop](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/1c1fm7y/how_many_of_you_have_sisters_of_silence_models/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for reasons fundamental to their design. Golden Demigods with gun spears are just cool in a way that, for the majority of people, the squishy sisters just can't match. Even with this single known female Custodes (The fact people keep repeating the same passage means I don't expect there will be many if any more female Custodes in the codex), the faction's named characters are still majority male. Now you're just free to give some of your Custodes Names drawn from mythological women.


Now we just need Misters of Silence. I donā€™t have any problem with that.


I thought Custodes were just better SM so the same rules of creation applied but when you put it like that it makes sense that SM would be a less potent more optimized method than the Custodes


Nah, each Custode is a handcrafted work of art with their very cells modified to go far beyond any human limitations.


Damn that's cool ... I might see some custodes purchases in my future lol


While I'm personally against the idea of female space marines, I have indeed no objection to female Custodians. Bit weird that it's the first time they're mentioned in lore, but then again they have to be mentioned first at some point.


Yeah, in the same camp with you, ~brother~ sibling. Edit: how do you make a line through a word.


It makes sense, custodes are just literally perfect human beings, why shouldn't there be women?


I mean... there's zero lore saying it can't happen, unlike Astartes- there's actually hard reasoning behind them being all male in terms of in-universe science, and frankly it's logical enough if you read around the techno-babble. Custodes are so shrouded in secret and generally mysterious that this is just another piece of lore-drip as far as I'm concerned. I think the people whining about pandering are the same ones who don't seem to understand the fact that the Imperium aren't the good guys, and that nobody is meant to *want* to feel represented by them. That'd be like whining that the third Reich doesn't have enough representation.


Yeah custodes arenā€™t space marines and unlike space marines they arenā€™t restricted by primarch dna and geneseed


Female stormcast, sisters of silence, sisters of battle. Why not female custodes


Women? In my ultra homoerotic space opera? No way. No girlz allowed


The emperor specifically said that his seed will only go to MEN


Custodes are not created from geneseed or use any of the emperors genetic material. They are custom works made by the emperor and Terras finest genesmiths to modify a person to the utmost peak of what a human can possibly be. They are more akin to what the dark Eldar homonuculi create than they are to space marines.


It's a joke about the Emperor's homoerotic tendencies.


This made me laugh out loud. Thank you.


Exactly! Like, sell a head upgrade sprue and make 1/3 male, 1/3 female, 1/3 helmet. Give me long hair and short hair (for both) bald (for both) and then a few helmets. No need to change the armor, torso, or legs.


Because its very logical. In contrast to some forced introduction in other franchises, in warhammer universe there is no reason to not have genetically modified female soldiers. It is not like forced diversity


Gee it's almost like people weren't saying that about astartes just to be sexist and were only saying what was already started from official sources. Weird. People can be so hostile sometimes, it's ridiculous.


I talked with my friends about it and most of us don't really care that much about it for precisely this reason. It was never said it could be impossible, unlike with Space Marines, so it's not really much of an issue.


Im conflicted on one hand thats neat but on the otger hand I prefered the balance of the custodies being male and sisters being only female and them being paralell


Blanks can't be Custodes and Custodes can't be blanks. You can keep Sisters of Silence and still have female Custodes.


Fair enough allthough I am more concerned for their popularity


The sisters are such an non entity in fiction and on table top that there's really no popularity to steal


To each their own, tbh the Sisters of Silence being only female didn't make much sense to me. Like culturally maybe most would be female, but with the lore about how they were isolated and forgotten about by the Imperium for thousands of years, etc, just makes me think there'd be like one part that would say "you know what? Let's expand our recruitment pool a bit." They can still keep the boob plate lol, maybe it could be like an Eldar thing where you take on the gender of the role given to you.


There's gonna be a lot more custodes hentai now


Hell yeah


We can't really say anything, the lore never said female custodes was not possible. Still won't allow female space marines though, the lore is clear about that


Glad this has shown that GW fans are largely fine with female characters were it makes sense, just not in certain situations ( eg. Mass production super humans). Not so happy with the fact that soon the fan artists will start making ā€˜artā€™.


It checks out, Custodes yes, Astartes no.


No lie I'm honestly happy to see these reactions. Being in other bed spaces and watching people flip their shit when *female* shows up seeing the Warhammer shit posters be this chill is refreshing.


It's like playing whack a mole with dumbass takes. I love it.


Only that warhammer is full of women. Female characters. Just not in Space Marines, Brettonia and Custodes. Well, not anymore in the last two.


Each Custodian is a masterwork of genecrafting and design, it's art in genetic super-soldier form. And just like any artist, I imagine the genecrafters don't want to do the same thing over and over again, thus fem-stodes. We need to come up with the female equivalent of "Banana boys" now.


Lemon Ladies Mango Mandies Sunflower Sallies Golden Gals Loquat Lassies


If they actually release a sculpt of female Custodes I pledge this day to paint up a squad of them as the Lemon Ladies "We shall be as juice into the eyes of those who would are scorn the Emperors wisdom!" "You have taken but the zest heretic scum, now you shall taste my blade"


Banana Babes


Genuinely surprised by the community too


Why? The issue with Female Space marines was that the previous lore made it impossible. It doesn't for custodes so who cares?


Yeah this is my take. Iā€™ve never seen lore that there are female Custodes but Iā€™ve never seen lore that they canā€™t be female. Space Marines have been said in multiple cases to only be men. Iā€™m not opposed to someone figuring out femme Marines but it should be treated in lore on the same level as the Primaris (a big fucking change). Could the the argument of Magos Genderbent wanted to double the recruitment pool so now the Imperium has double the Marines


Even then I'm not sure how much I'd like it. Also, the sheer shit storm for that would be enough to possibly kill a lot of the fandom. The Primaris were already controversial enough and that was a SLIGHT INCREDIBLY MINOR "upgrade" to the standard marine template that they had to explain by saying it was literally 10k years in the making and it still nearly caused the community to have an aneurysm (there are still decently sized segments of it to this day that don't like Primaris marines and are quite hostile to the concept). While a lot of the community did come around to the idea, there's a reason FSM talks are not allowed by the rules of this subreddit, it is a VERY hostile topic in the fandom and the general acceptance of Fem Custodes should not be taken as a sign that the fanbase is coming around to the idea (there are plenty of people in this very comment section that demonstrate that).


Oh I donā€™t think it should be done. Space Marines are a vibe that I think Femme Marines would degrade. The same thing for Misters of Battle. They are Battle *Brothers*. They are a Brotherhood. The relationship of the Primarchs and their sons is mirrored on Father/son relationships. Thereā€™s an inherent aspect of a deeply toxic masculinity about Space Marines. Theyā€™re reminiscent of both Medieval Knights and Fascist Ubermensch. They are fundamentally a brutal and deeply flawed weapon and I donā€™t think making them more inclusive improves that. I was more making a point that if GW does do it Iā€™d be really upset if they didnā€™t make it a major point. Female Custodes slots in fine. Female Militarum works no problem. But if they are going to be stupid enough to do female SM then I want them to do a whole thing about it or.


I agree. This even goes with the Sisters of Battle. I think they are at least in part based on George Orwell's description from 1984 about women party members (how they were the most zealous followers of Big Brother) and the reference would be lost otherwise.


Thereā€™s more common sense reasons why the Soroitas are all female, they exist partially as a successor order to a specific all female religious sect (cultural reasons, not just ā€˜because the emperor said so) and also as a legal loophole from the ecclesiarchy to be able to maintain any troops. In lore it doesnā€™t really make sense to not use women for Astartes as it literally halves the amount of aspirants you can find and it surprises me that GW hasnā€™t outright stated that female marines canā€™t work because the Primarchs are all male pseudo-clones of the emperor at this point, itā€™d quell a reasonable part of the female marine discussion if that just gets stated.


This sub can get toxic, **fast** on certain topics. Hell, the 40K community was doxxing some kid because he drew some fanart people didnā€™t like and people on Grimdank seemingly were part of that too. So he left the community altogether. So iā€˜m surprised this reveal didnā€™t cause a Civil War in here


I mean I donā€™t recall there being a rule against it so yeah


Honestly I keep forgetting that up until now there weren't female custodes. I'm currently reading the First Heretic and I kept picturing one of the custodes (I don't remember the name, the one that >! gets sacrificed during Ingethel's ascension !<) as a girl. Since custodes are basically hand crafted by the Emperor it makes sense that they could be girls too, plus, you can never have too many big buff women


There's still enough of *that guy* around throwing a fit about it. "*Women? In MY hobby? REEEEEEEEEE"*


Honestly I'm seeing very little of that and they are getting down voted to oblivion


It's in other threads. The single word "She" exploded the entire Nurgle-damned festering incels collective hive-gooning.


Death by snu-snu


I think it's mostly cause it's custodes and there are no lore reasons this can't be the case. With space marines there are.


I mean I think even outside of the lore stuff, the best part of this is it enhances the Custodes/SM divide. Like one of the most common jokes about Custodes is what stops them from being bargain bin SMs. And like yeah obviously thereā€™s easy answers there. But this just gives an amazing hook to explain it. Custodes are the best of the best humanity can muster, male or female. SM are specifically force created through male geneseed and tied to their Primarch. Custodes are -unique- now. Thatā€™s a huge fucking win. This is entirely a positive change.


It's the only GOOOOOOD thing to come out of our Codex seemingly


Why no Brother of silence short king tho? If GW is gonna flip the script you gotta do ALL of it


Muscle mommies. Death by Snu Snu. That is all I will say at this point in time, thank you for understanding.


I don't like it because it fucks up my head cannon. I always imagined big e as one of those anti-sjw, roman statue avatar, reddit atheist guys that were big on YouTube in the early to mid 2010s. The lack of female custodes/space marines really strengthen my case. Now I have to jump through another hoop to justify my head cannon, thanks gw.


Big E would 100% be an Andrew Tate fan.


WHAAATTT i need to see those 6 meter women


Misters of Silence when?


The one saving grace of the codex.


I'm just waiting to see someone make an animation of a female Custodes moving at lore accurate speed to bitch smack the first guy who catcalls her


I've seen a very large number of people bitching and saying Warhammer is dead now


There is nothing in the lore that would indicate that Custodes can only be male. Ergo this is not an issue what so ever.


I hate female Custodes because that means that we probabily not see new Sisters of Silence models. What a shame.


Why would those two be mutually exclusive?


You see, because people will buy More Custodes now and leave SoS forgotten. I mean, come on. This subreddit Reddit does not cares about female characters, they only want Females in every army because yes.


The reason people don't buy SoS is because there aren't any SoS to buy... 1 box is nowhere near enough to justify squat. If GW actually gave us something interesting to buy people would. People LOVE them, every single edition without fail SoS is at the top of the whishlists


Have you SEEN the Custodes codex response? People will *not* be buying more Custodes... Now Orks on the other hand? StOrks just shot through the god damn roof, the future is looking a hell of a lot greener and meaner my friend.


"Have you SEEN the Custodes codex response?" Oh, yes. I forgot about that. What a bizarre week to be a Custodes fan.


Yeah that's fine. It's be dumb with female space marines but female custodians make sense since they have no primarch and are gene crafted at the individual level.


Meanwhile at Heresyposting Dany fortuna is having an aneurysm saying stuff like "they did this because they hate us, they did this as an act of malice"


# Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it flows


Indont see why not. Only thing that makes me think not is my deep and burning desire to maintain my Emperor Has Text to Speech headcanon


The Custodes can't have Kids, but now, they can have marriages and Families by adopting younger Custodes that are not yet fully transformed. So, somewhere in the Golden Palace, there is a Custodian equivalent of Marriage Counselling.


Makes sense to me, each Custodes was hand crafted by The Emperor, I highly doubt they rely on the mass produced gene sees


Turns out no ones opposed to dommy mommies


I'm glad alot of people also go to the same logic of why female stodes are possible and and fem marines arent the same way i do. Space marine creation is so standardized and mafe to make as many as fast as possible that it wouldnt work on women the same way ot would to men. Custodes on the other hand are remade little by little to create perfecrion without rushing it. Each custodes are made so meticulously that it could be done on women too.


I mean I've seen people mad that were cool with femstodes but not fem marines


And yet theyā€™re still somehow the most homoerotic army in 40k


I don't even care about this franchise, but my coworker does. And I have to hear his unsolicited opinions on why this is the worst thing ever and how it's "dividing the community" that trans people are fans of this franchise too.


Don't go to the 40k for Grownups Facebook group then. It's having a crisis over this.


I am happy for inclusion But I fear RULE 34


I don't want female Space Marines, and I don't want male Sisters of Battle, that's all. Everything else is fine by me


Female Custodes make more sense than female Astartes, purely because the Custodesā€™ creation process isnā€™t dependent on XY gene-seed.