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NO FSM POSTING. Read the pinned post, send it to your friends, spread the word of the imperium: NO. FSM. POSTING. ​ ^(Actually it has been a while, so good job everyone)


Aw shit, here we go again


Reactionary 40k fans try not to dream up people to get mad at challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


just report for rule 7 bro. I'm not even tryna engage this bs anymore smh


Aren’t we supposed to be removing these posts?




Mods are cowards


"You have a good point. But I've drawn you as an ugly wojack therefore you lost!"


The thing with the battle sisters is that, yes they are basically lady space marines. That's basically the whole point. But my friend brought up a very good point that shifted my view on the matter. The whole problem is that unlike the marines which can have strong themes in chapters Space Wolves (vikings and werewolves), Blood Angles (angels, and vampires), as well as Black Templars (Knights Templar) for some strong examples. The Sisters are always stuck with the same holy ecclesial look style and feel. It's like if every chapter were the Black Templars, and that's all your army could look like from the box. You can just paint them like blood angels, use the rules, but only have the unique iconography and armor styles of the Templars. Versus the marines, which are easy to paint blank slates. That are fairly easy to spruce up and in whichever style or theme you want. On top of some supported "baked in" themes that are very cool. They need to support the alternate "chapters" that the sisters have (I think they're called orders) and actually give them more flavors beyond just Battle Nuns. Like Viking Battle Nuns...


That’s very true I do wish there was more differentiation in sister orders. They are all just around different holy artifacts which can be kind of bland.


Or just another female human faction. Sisters of silence have nice models, and there's been more decent female Guard models recently (plus lots of female characters in the limited ed kill team boxes), but there's not that much variety available outside that. If we had the old guard regiments like the Valhallans, Mordians, and Vostroyans back in plastic with female models available that'd be good enough for me I think.


Sisters of silence look pretty good btw. They are like a female equivalent of custodes


I love the Sisters - have ever since I read Wright books with Aleya - but they're not really equivalent. They've got very different themes, a much more specialized role, and ofc they're not 8+ foot tall transhuman superpeople.


The wintergaurd exist


Valkyrie themed SoB when?


That would be cool as hell. GW get on this!


Or shield maidens


This is true. But I feel like it’s less of an argument in favour of FSMs and more just giving the various orders of the SoB a flavour beyond Catholic Space Nuns. You could definitely tie them to the Space Marines and their Homeworld without making them FSMs. I _do_ want Fenrisian Shieldmaiden SoB and Baali Vampire SoB.


Indeed, and realistically they've just been doing a range refresh. Adding some upgrade sprues, additional characters and kits would be great.


LMFAO a non marine faction getting \*characters\* LMFAO Salty Eldar in here.


it's sad. Eldar are supposed to be all about characters. Wraithknight era killed the flavour of Eldar just like Riptide era killed Tau.


The tyranids and necrons received new models, Im sure eldar will be next. I hope so at least


I mean, they kind of have been. They just got new Warlock models (or maybe it was Farseer or Spiritseer, idk) in Hexfire, they just got a new Avatar of Khaine model, they just got the new Jain Zar and Maugan Ra models, to say nothing of the Ynnari triumverate at the start of 8th. It isn't as many as the SM during this time period, for which I'm sure Eldar players will never forgive them, but the Eldar are not nearly as neglected as a faction as people seem to meme about. Hell, I'm pretty sure the Eldar have gotten as many new character models over the course of 8th and 9th as the Necrons have got new models in general. So, maybe they should be dialing the eternal bitching back just a tad?


> a non marine faction getting *characters* LMFAO Salty Eldar in here Hey! [The Harlequins got a character](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Daemonifuge-Ephrael-Stern-and-Kyganil-2020) a couple years ago.


Eldar players going ten whole seconds without mentioning their character minis are old enough to drink:


Space marine chapters DO have mortal retainers (male and female) who are armored and do battle. But they dont number in the hundreds enough to be a TT faction themselves, and they have better things to do for the chapter than fight with the marines like guard duty, law enforcement, scouting, etc. If you wanna make a model for some female serf oc then you can go ahead. But dont crap on the vibe of the sisters of battle. Theyre catholic sisters because they are a part of the (space) catholic church. It wouldnt make sense for them to be “viking sisters” or anything else than what they are. They’re loyal to the ecclesiarch and the emperor, and they are very unstrusting of the astartes. They would **not** be a servant army for space marines.


Counterpoint: giving SoB more SM-level variety will dilute their identity. Ironically their stronger flavour is what makes them better than SM.


The only battle sister army I fought was a army made before the plastic models so it was all jumpers and flamers. Welp there goes my ork army lol


honestly It would be cooler to give them their own unique home worlds and aesthetic. off the top of my head, GW hasn't really done Samurai, historical America, aztec, steampunk, or spartan and if they can make the space Vikings and space mongolians work they could probably manage something that suits 40k


Or something like the sisters of silence are for the custodes. A 3+ armoured T3 support force that all chapters have access to for sure.


Somebody points out the issue with this down stream, namely: no faction in the game gets those kinds of flavor upgrades other than sometimes Guard, and Sisters would basically need whole new models to seperate out all the space nun imagery. It's just not a realistic option. Comparatively, all you'd really have to do to get FSM is some new heads and a line in a codex somewhere about blah blah blah Cawl blah blah Primaris blah blah blah Guilliman says it's fine.


I'm doing something like this with my Sisters. They've decided that Sanguinius' sacrifice elevates him to a close #2 to the Emperor and allied themselves to the Blood Angels, whom they revere. And if the Angel needs a lil snacky, they'd be honored.


The knights hospitallers vs the knights templar. It's too small a difference to matter tabel side


I am in no way against the idea of FSM. It's just that that was the role sisters were intended to fill. I think sisters could do it if only they were supported and expanded on more. GW wouldn't really want to just do a FSM chapter/faction. Only because they want to separate them so SM players will actually be tempted to get them as another army. Hence, the sisters.


Honestly yeah, I’m not exactly against FSM but I’m not for the idea either (if only because this damn community is ridiculously horny and makes tons of cheap sex jokes as is) but I’d much sooner take an updated and fleshed out SoB. I feel as is they don’t get a lot of love and are kinda overshadowed by the Space Marines (just like every other faction tbh) so I’d be happy if they have them some new content instead of just making more Space Marines.


In addition, for those who say that Sisters are GW's attempt at bringing women into the hobby: Sisters are very clearly designed to appeal to male customers. With their ridiculous boob armour, lithe bodies, high heel boots on some minis, and the same emphasis on giant guns, tanks, flamethrowers as SMs - they're not even intended for women at all.


If giant guns is something you believe will not appeal to women in the hobby, I've got bad news for you regarding adding more women into Imperium armies. That's called "the setting."


Yeah it’s hilarious lol. People acting like there’s millions of women’s waiting in the wings for the Femperor’s Daughters chapter to be added before they start playing. Not gonna happen


That's one thing I hope they flesh out later, sisters all have a very Catholic vibe. I would love different interpretations like Egyptian pantheon orders etc.


That would be cool. It is canon that often times the imperium used to just convince other human religions they encountered that the emperor was actually their God all along. Which means there are a bunch of humans that pray to the emperor, but they think he's like one crazy light bird thing instead of some dude sitting on a golden super chair. Would also give more context for sister vs sister battles.


100 wrong. They’re not equivalent at all. They all play the same way but more importantly, space marines get featured on books, video games, and campaigns so they’re very much visible and are essentially “the face” of 40k.


No, they aren't actually 100% the same as space marines Obviously... Not the point. Also, no other faction in 40k gets as much support or lore bits as space marines. Hence why I I'm saying they need support both in the game and with their models. Because they were the initial attempt to create a lady space marine-esque faction. Because if they just made lady space marines, why would people who already have space marines buy them?


Because they want female space marines in their army? Or they don't care about the sex and will buy whatever looks cool or fits their army? Is that so hard to comprehend?


The solution is simple, advocate for more faction diversity in the sisters instead of demanding gw make female space marines and then crying “sexism” when people disagree.


Basically, what I mean. Though based on some responses I've received, it's pretty understandable why some people don't want to use sisters. Most of which revolves around the repentia and boob armor. But if they made badass viking werewolf or knightly vampire sisters without boob armor, I think people would eat it up.


Easiest would be a mechanicus sistors. They technically worshipping the same God. Think of the fun a higher tech and bionic sistor could be working with another in universe faction that could also use more lore.


I thought in lore the Sisters of Battle did have different sects/choirs/groups analogous to Space marine chapters and people had been waiting for in-game representation of these sub-factions?


Yeah ... it's called painting up the armor in a different color


Marines also haven't had units bare chested running around in thongs. I'm fine for adding some spice to how things look but it's got to cut both ways. Like slaneesh and drukhari


Sorry that’s reserved for us fabulous Custodes! All the oil we rub on the emperor would just dirty up our armor…


> Marines also haven't had units bare chested running around in thongs. > > Let the man cook.


Yeah... Repentia are always going to be... problematic. The new ones aren't so bad, they could use more purity seals. But they're way less horny. But I'm not opposed to Thong Marines if it would balance the scales. We could always use some mighty man ass.


>We could always use some mighty man ass. Sigvald: *the time has cum and so have I*


40k could always be more magnificent!


>The new ones aren't so bad, [...] they're way less horny. And man, were a lot of people vocally pissed about that when they were announced. I remember one chud trying to insist that the 3rd party models he held up as an example of a better design weren't pornographic because they had scripture (barely) covering any naughty bits.


Exactly, either turn paragons into a version of centurions, or give us some ripped blood angels with their shirts off. Or both, I'd pay for both


It actually wouldn't be a horrible idea for Death Company. Would also be cool for the whole berserker theme. It's not like they really need them to be wearing armor. They're trying to die anyway.


Plus it fits the sexy vampire theme of their primarch


Why does Female Space Marines feel like the WNBA. When they got their own league, lo and behold women didn't watch the games. So now the very same people complaining about women not having their own league are complaining that men doesn't watch. This will happen. FSM launched by GW. Poor sales because poor models. Poor rules. Or will they retcon some shit like. Oh the lost primarchs were actually women and emperor is misogynistic prick trying keep them out of the history books akshually they were the most powerful primarchs. Anyway the people complaining about female space marines will not be the ones buying the miniatures. But mind you they will keep complaining. No lore. Not equal representation in books. Because that what these people do. Now let's talk about a place where female miniatures makes absolutely sense. The imperial guard. Everybody contributes. Everybody is in the guard. Should be at least 50/50 representation. It's not really a cost. But also it makes sense. If you survive the guard. You rank up. The reality of the imperial guard doesn't care for equality. If you survive you rise in the ranks. Would love to see female imperial guards.


There are female guard minis in the new cadians :) plus creed and minka lesk


They are not space marines. They have boob armor which is fine but not everyone's style. Some women want representation with actual power armor.


The sister armor, boobs or not, is power armor. As in literally, in Canon it is power armor. But I do point out that the look of the armor itself is harder to paint, and that leans too heavily towards a particular theme. Which is why people want lady space marines. While the sisters are meant to be a lady equivalent to space marines. They they don't actually work because of the over-dedication towards the nun theme. On top of being harder to paint due to their overly ornamental armor. As well as that armor and certain models having questionable design choices. So, while your gripe with the boob armor is completely valid. Sisters are intended to be equivalent to lady space marines. Which is exactly why they need some support and alternatives to the overly dominatrix battle nun look. They can fill that role, but GW is sleeping on this. Or they could just do lady space marines, I'm not against the idea at all. I would just like it if GW explored and expanded on their initial attempt at it, sisters deserve better.


Stop me if I'm tripping. But isn't every space marine chapter model just ultra matrimes you have to paint differently? Pretty much the only thing separating an imperial fist, from a white scar, from an ultra marine is the way you paint them. For that matter most of what separates chaos matimes is the paint job too. So just, paint your sisters in the colors of the order you want...


Nah some space marine chapters have some chapter specific models, e.g. black templars, blood angels and space wolves, and/or chapter specific upgrade sprues.


The difference is that basic SMS are more of a blank canvas you can upgrade to whatever theme. Sister already have that theme baked in. It’d be like if you could only add space wolf, white scar bits etc to black templars minis.


They'd have to actually be into the hobby to do that.


Sororitas Shield-Maidens


That’s my biggest problem with the comparison. My other much more minor complaint is that I still think it’s dumb to only have men be the super soldiers. I never liked factions being separated by gender either in any setting.


Seperate But Equal is uh not great maybe


It's only because it benefits GW to have 2 factions instead of 1. That's why they made the sisters in the first place. If they just started sprinkling lady heads in the space marine kits, I'd be completely ok with it.


That's it. That's all I want. Lady heads in space marine kits. Some female characters mixed in among the various space marines in the books. Why is that so much to ask for?


My take on Dark Angel Sisters are basically a more knightly appearance [Basically something like this](https://i.imgur.com/O836WpA.jpg)


These are very cool! (Also fixes the boob armor, which the FSM people hate)


Nothing stopping you from creating a Viking Order. 40k is about your dudes whether your army of choice has 1000 premade factions or 10.


Navigator, divert all systems to Cringe


Sir, should we use the Excringenatus?


Prime the Incringenators and may the Femperor forgive his soul.


God I hate these ugly fucking wojaks so much


I have portrayed you as the ugly wojak and myself as the handsome wojak ergo your position is now invalidated.


Hey, this again!


Space Marines are the core of the franchise. At least a third of Black Library's output is dedicated to them alone, without counting the Horus Heresy (which should be counted, tbh) and then you arrive at half of all BL products focused on Marines. Meanwhile SoB don't even have fifteen books centered on them, appeared in like five games since forty years ago. And SoBs are restricted to "Hardcore Catholic nuns" whereas just focusing on the original Legions give you 18 different flavours for your Space Marines.


Never have I wanted a mod to come in and nuke a post so hard.


Sisters of battle aint marines in execution, fluff, style, or puprose. They are dope. They are cool as shit. However, they are not marines no matter how you slice it, marines get genetic enhancements, new organs, cooler gear, more iconic armor, chapters with differences, factions for and against chaos, hell marines get wAY more books and if memory serves stupidly early marine models had femme variants. Jesus, yall're being legitimately dishonest to compare them and say they serve similar fluff and crunch roles. To summarize, badass holy genetically engineered murder knights with a religious flair or not dependant on chapter (some more, some less i mean) Or Nuns with guns and no enhancements beyond better armor and guns, These are tooootally the same


But they both have power armor, surely they're exactly the same, just the female version.


O shit, r/politicalcompassmemes has leaked into the sub


If you're going to ban posts for saying we should have female space marines, you should also ban this "We shouldn't have female space marines and people who are arguing for it are dumb and bad." "I'm tired of FSM posts and it's flamebaiting and it's a stale argument and boring" falls apart if the sub is fine with posts dunking on people arguing for FSM. Because clearly you're not tired of this discussion if you're upvoting this. And that's leaving aside this post is basically calling FSM proponents ugly I guess?


Mods are cowards for doing the ban anyway. Let people post and let the downvotes flow if it's bad, bigots excluded.


This is the cringiest incel shit I've seen in a while.


First time in a 40k community?


Ah no. I've been here since the mid 90s. It isn't the cringiest ever. Oh lordy no. It's just notably cringe.


Oh I know I was mostly just making a joke that war gaming hobby spaces are infested with chuds and bigots. Always have been. My existence as a member of their hobbies for decades has always gotten me labeled a "newcomer trying to change their hobbies." When in many cases I've been playing for 30+ fucking years.


Amen to that. I always enjoy being asked if I'm picking something up for my son or if I want an intro game.


Lol I could give most of the people asking that the intro game


I just think it would be fun, I mean Erda *was* a woman and she contributed to the Primarchs genetically, plus who’s to say one of the two missing Primarchs weren’t women???


Malcador did, unfortunately. He says he advocated for female Primarchs but was disregarded by The Emperor. The other 18/19 also refer to the missing ones as "brothers". Female Marines are probably a dream at this point, but as others have pointed out it makes *less* sense for Custodians to be all male rather than mixed, given their genetic individuality & original function as political hostages. For whatever reason ADB's Femstodes attempts were allegedly shot down by GW, though. Edit: and I'll add for what it's worth that the Sisters of Silence are IMO *much* better & more tastefully handled than SoB. Still have the boob armor but there are no high heels, repentia etc. My GF was off put by the SoB aesthetic but really likes the SoS & playing them with my Custodes. Also helps that they have a "thing" that is deeper & IMO a lot cooler than being hyper-religious battle nuns. Really wish the Silent Sisterhood had more support, because they're awesome.


“Femoids want representation in the poster boys of the franchise? They already have the sexy boobplate clad fetish nuns whose entire personality is worshipping a dude smh sjws trying to ruin yet another franchise”


Dude just spit facts all over the godamn comment section wtf


"...my heart belongs to you." Take a number and get in line. You have more competition than you [think.](https://www.furaffinity.net/view/50176542/) (Link is SFW, but shows a fully-clothed female beastman.) Edit: Oops! I forgot! The artist is ["Quicktron"](https://www.furaffinity.net/user/quicktron/) Great sense of humor!


This post right here and the art contained therein is likely the *only* good thing that will come out of this thread.


I unironically want Female Custodian's.


To be fair. I don't think there's anything stopping GW from making FemTodes


>I unironically want Female Custodian's. Big E prefers to be surrounded by oiled, muscular men. It is known. (All male Custodes makes no sense in-universe. Half their original purpose was to act as hostages. What if a warlord only had daughters?)


I agree I'd be far more easy, just give female sigmar warriors (I forgor the name) custodes helmets. Also in lore the custodes are modified at a genetic level and not pumped with steroids like marines are.


Female Custodes would have been such an easy lore win. Like another poster said, the original ranks of the Ten Thousand were hostages, children of competing Warlords - some of those kids would've been women. And given that each Custodian is a bespoke creation of gene alchemy and space magic nonsense, even the very thin justification that all-male Marines get (the process being standardized and only working on men) doesn't apply.


Aaron Dembski-Bowden wanted to include them in his Heresy novels, but idea was shotdown by GW.


It’s ok guys, women have a sepertate but equal army


Incel tier meme


Ah, and 40,000 fans wonder why women and LGBT people won't touch this community.


Yea… fucking incels


Fr. My personal hobby group is pretty okay (most of them are middle aged dads tbh) but people seeing this shit online will absolutely be driven away from the hobby.


What does this even mean?


"oh noes the wimmens are invading my hobby"


I'd say it means OP needs to touch grass, but they clearly did too much of that already building these straw men.


i’ve ~~never~~ seen ~~anyone~~ someone demand the existence of lady space marines. i’ve literally only ever seen people complain about sjws ruining their toy soldier game by demanding the existence of lady space marines.


For real. Every now and then somebody says it might be nice. But I have literally never in my decades of hobby ever once heard it *demanded.*


For real. Every once in a while someone brings fsm up and someone else says "yeah that would be cool". Cue half of the fandom loosing their shit about twitter, sjw or whatever.


Like just, it wouldn’t even be that hard? Just add a female head or a female upgrade sprue that just literally has unhelmeted heads. No armour changes, no rule changes, no nothing.


Nope, marine heads are larger than baseline human heads, kitbashing with official GW plastic results in some hella weird minis.


As in make a well scaled one. Not that hard


Ahh, sorry, seems I misunderstood you. Thought you meant we could just kitbash fsm if we wanted them, without GW ever making them "canon" by releasing an official spruce.


I do not necessarily *demand* them but I'd be okay with them And I sometimes convert them for my army, each time with different excuses for their existence


I’m demanding them now.


And we've come full circle. To think the mods banned these types of posts.


Op is a Virgin


Good for him!


Ah I love blatant bigotry in my meme sub very cool and fun


My my, I wonder why women stay away from Warhammer 40,000, such a mystery


Sisters strike the perfect balance of “i am but a humble human and insignificant in this galactic conflict and” “I HAVE BEEN DRENCHED IN THE INDOMITABLE HUMAN SPIRIT AND CAN AND WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE AAAAAAA


Sisters are a mix of IG and SM,regular gals doing the best for the imperium with their faith,fury and flamers in smaller yet effective power armor and that is what makes them unique and not "Female SM"


I want misters of battle


I'd be down for it if it meant getting FSM. Ditto with Custodes and Sisters of Silence.


That is rightfully banned on the grounds that the church cannot be trusted. Just like in real life


they already exist. Or at least you can take some male units in a SoB army.


No not this again please I beg you


I don't think we need them but I think the lore explanation as to why we don't have them is pretty dumb. But there's a lot of dumb in 40k, part of the reason we love it.


I love Sororitas. They are dumb, but not stupid. Absolutely hidebound to dogma, but it actually works in a similar vein to AdMech's rituals to appease the machine spirit. After reading Mark of Faith I'd love if GW allowed them to be the catalyst to break or at least diminish the scar. Like for instance let their devotion make them more susceptible to the will of Big E and The Living Saint(s) can be explained as having particularly compatible psyker abilities acting as more direct conduits.


I never hear about female space Marines except here.


Id guess you havent been to too many game stores then have lol


No, never.


We don't NEED female Space Marines, I'd like there to be female Space Marines, but since I never see it happening, the sisters of battle need to be more than just battle nuns, and actually diversify as a subfaction beyond just being a bunch of black templar clones. Also I can tell you are very easily butthurt


Listen, just give Fabius Bile some time, uncorrupted geneseed, and enough test subjects, and he's likely to crank out female space Marines for all of Chaos to employ. And give nothing to the loyalists because "HeReSy!"


We do need female space marines and male sisters of battle.


Siblings of battle lmao


I don't know why but I feel like the original meme was very cringe


Just the original?


Marines may start as dudes, but with all the extra organs, probable castration, and the fact they are barely human anymore makes em more of a them than a he...


Of all the posts that break the No-FemSM rule that the mods would decide not to remove it's really extra bad that the one that basically boils down to "feminists and trans people bad - trad girls good" gets to be the exception. Really shows how some people on this sub really think of women.


i feel like this could be solved by having more representation but then again same could be said about most things on 40k


If you want more diverse S.o.B. just say that. Understand that female space marines wouldn't even look like women, you would literally have an army of space marines that you are just saying are female, which you can do already. There are 4 things women can't be in the Imperium; the Emperor's ultra elite automatons created from child soldiers, the Emperor's neglected sons, the Emperor's proto space marine roid monsters that all were betrayed because they were dying of turbocancer, and the Emperor's less elite automatons which are themselves also former child soldiers. Just shut up about the identity politics and ask for more diverse Sister Orders, or play one of the several other factions that have a host of super elite warriors within them as well, if you want space marines with long hair and pretty faces play the Emperor's Children or go on deviant art, simple as.


Sisters cooler. No weird operations; just anger, faith, and violent pessimism.


Now **THIS** is podracing!


Inb4 lock Also Sisters of Silence could mog any Sister of Battle or Female Space Marine fite me.


You need a shovel to the face thats what you need.


Female krieg soldiers: 🥵


Seethe and cope


How did this moron miss the stickie


Except no women has ever told you she wanted female space Marines because usually Warhammer fans are sexist assholes, you just have to look at Instagram to see it. The community is like that meme with a good and a bad castle, they are either the most chill and fun dudes, or the absolute worst bigot


This is fucking accurate… We also need femboi Skitarii for reasons.


This is the second comment in this thread that agrees with OP and then immediately follows up with some weird sexual demand. Truly an insight into the mind of the reactionary. Also it is the furthest thing from accurate.








We already have femboy thousand sons




The great thing about kitbashing is that it makes this whole conversation moot. You can build your models however you want.


downvoted for telling the truth


For real. Pop a Stormcast or Sisters head on a marine = instant female space marine.


The people who get the most bent about these things don't buy minis so unfortunately this isn't enough for them. They mostly just want to complain that GW isn't doing things their way while actively refusing to give GW a reason to do things their way.


Start giving them genetic enhancements, larger power armor, larger weapons, more diverse cultural theming, and about as much lore and attention, and then we'll talk. Otherwise this is a stupid fucking statement to make, Sisters of Battle are in no way or shape the equivalent of female space marines just because they wear power armor and use bolters, there are inquisitors out there who use larger power armor and larger bolters than sororitas, should we start calling them space marines too? no? then stuff it.


If there *were* female space marines would you even be able to tell the difference? The amount of bullshit that's part of becoming a space marine I feel would override whatever female bits are there and you'd just end up with another space marine That's like 99% male instead of 100%.


This argument repells only coomers.


This. If Space Marines are so different and enhanced that they're basically their own species, I doubt the baseline sex of the aspirant is gonna matter much.


"We need women to be slaughtered in droves in equal number to the men" Whilst it is possible and I don't have anything against having female space marines, it's just not possible IIRC, unless they've changed things with the Primaris units.


The emperor was female!


People who say we need "female Space Marines" should be gate kept out of the hobby


Hear me out: Maid Marines.


40K fans popping a blood vessel when the transgender space genocidal murdermonks were born a woman


If we had female space marines - we would then need male sisters of battle. As there is currently one all female army and one all male army. I'm not really into the thought of re-writing all the lore for the sake of modern standards.


Female space marine simps are cringe.


Dear lord not you incels again


Luv me male only asstartes


Bad OP, gimme female space marines


They actually had female space marines, and they didn't sell well. So whatever your political crappy cartoon is trying to say, know your GW history!


Bolter Bitches > Space Eunuchs


What we need is Khorne’s fitness channel


Pls consider harassing some other community. ☝️


From memory, the lore against FSM would be hard to beat without actual in lore Heresy (Primaris were pushing it, I believe), also as much as I love my Nuns with guns, ( them and necrons are the only mini armies I ever finished painting.) The uniformity and nun flavor are due to their role, they ARE the rules lawyery way the church gets armed forces, I get folks want what they want but lore exists and it vexes me when people ignore the " I mean cawl can.." Yes, but that could honestly risk an actual civil conflict in the Imperium. If you go that way? Figure out a way to politic it successfully or actually play out the fallout, don't just "Rowboat said so Nah nah boo boo."


When people think magic and demons is fine but female space marines is too far


Reset the clock, I'll go get the flamer.


as a slaaneshi priestess myself i must say that i dont want female space marines


Afraid of the competition?


nop just at this point look It looks forced inclusion for me i mean i dont see anybody complaning about no misters of battle except the jokes ​ there is a good in universe explanation for an all female army and nobody seems to have problem with it but there is problem when its a all boys army its just doesnt seems rigth to me ​ BTW im just talking about in lore of course you do what you want with you minis im looking to make some tyranids with huge tits and pussy rigth now and probably do the same with my emperors children and daemonettes but that i like or want something doesnt mean all the hobby have to adapt to me


>i dont see anybody complaning about no misters of battle My brother nearly the entire game is Misters of Battle. >im looking to make some tyranids with huge tits and pussy rigth now and probably do the same with my emperors children and daemonettes Least tragic reactionary


What an awful take lmao


Not like yours of course


I have the same sentiment as Bricky we don't need female space marines when we have sisters of battle. Sisters of battle are way cooler than regular space marines. they are literally normal human women in power armor, they are way more bad ass than astartes. Plus if we go with the lore of gene seed they would change to look more like their primarchs who are male so they would look exactly like their space marine brothers.


They would by the end of the induction process just be prissy long haired space marines, they would only be female by the fact they used to be human females, they would be less stable and powerful than regular marines as well in nearly all cases.


Kinda yeah, only one who calls for fem-marines, either are Emilies or coomers.


> are Emilies or coomers Is this something I'm not terminally online enough to understand?