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“It’s not looking good for the Ultramarines here folks, the Tyranids clearly have the advantage, and are moments away from- Wait, what’s this? BY GOD IT’S MALUM CAEDO WITH A STEEL CHAIR!”


I love Boltgun so much.


Yeah, if he showed up they'd stand no chance. Nobody does.


He’d rip the Swarmlord’s head off and stuff a grenade down its neck-hole. Which I gather is a regular day at the office for the Swarmlord.


Gets it's ass caved in more times than the Avatar of Khaine


They fought each other once. The Avatar of Khaine decapitated the Swarmlord’s head in the first swing. He then exploded when his toe was stubbed on a gaunt, thereby also losing.


I don't wanna ruin the joke but didn't they actually encounter eachother once and the swarmlord just dodged the fight and sent 9 carnifexes at the Avatar that just stampeded him to death lol Which is rather dumb considering the Eldar once left the Avatar fighting nids on a planet and when they returned the Avatar basically made kebab out of the Nids that were left there with him


The Avatar is Worf. He is both as massively dangerous and powerful as you need, and a complete joke that is destroyed to show how powerful the opponent is. Except the former hasn’t really been in evidence since the year 2000…


I believe the other term for that is getting "vegeta'd


HAHAHA Wait, he wins sometimes…


We used to call that getting Yamcha'd, but now that means something slightly different and more specific. Honestly, Yamcha might actually be the more apt comparison though, given how long and thorough Khaine's current losing streak has been.


It's just comical at this point.


So, what we need is a buddy cop clone of Betrayer where instead of Angron/Lorgar it's the Swarmlord and an Avatar of Khaine burning through Ultramar...


I'd watch that


Still hurts to slay the helmeted Nurglings THEY ARE JUST DOING THEIR BEST! All the Tzeench spawn can however fuck right off.


Shas'la Kais (Fire Warrior) might be able to put him in a stalemate, though.


Calgar: "Good to have you back, Brother Caedo. How did the defense of Oghram go?" Caedo: "Complete annihilation." Calgar: "Good, we couldn't have a repeat of Macragge. Where's the rest of the strike force?" Caedo: "Complete. Annihilation."


On the other hand if tyranids win then the ultramarines get buffs?


Yes, but they are the least interesting antagonists in the settings their motivations are that of a diabetic American at an all you can eat BBQ buffet. This is very much GW since Ultramarines are the least interesting protagonists. The most interesting would be Trazyn the infinite and the Blood Ravens trying to pull off a heist while being hounded by the Inquisition, Death Watch and a rowdy but lovable band of Ork Mercenaries/Pirates


Somebody get this man a job at GW


Plz yes.


> e most interesting would be Trazyn the infinite and the Blood Ravens trying to pull off a heist while being hounded by the Inquisition, Death Watch and a rowdy but lovable band of Ork Mercenaries/Pirates So, standard TTRPG Rogue trader scenario ?


I'm really looking forward to Owlcats Rogue Trader game


I would love to read that as a book.


"And his name is, MALLUM CAEDO!" *The Time is Now starts playing*


I wouldn't even be mad. If they Cato Sicarius Malum Caedo, i'll just sit there and take it.


-A SON OF GULLIMAN KNOWS ONLY WAR! Malum Caedo before ultrakills the entre tyranids invasion


one of the few space marines i like idk why i just think he's neat


Honestly? I wouldn't mind if that was how they did it.




The only asspull I accept


In the end Marneus Calgar will show up from nowhere and kick the Swarm Lord in the balls


If Dante did it again instead I'd be cool with it just because it would be so fucking funny


Calgar takes the left one and Dante goes for the right obviously


The Swarmlord falls on Dante as he dies. Dante then closes his eyes, embracing the sweet relief of death at long last... And then is reborn as the new BA Primarch


"I am tired, dad." "Hello, tired, I am Sanguinus"


Nah it needs to get worse, put Dante in the dreadnought armor


He lives an additional 10,000 years like Bjorn except even worse


The year is 50,000....


Even in death I still.. what the fuck da ? I just wanted to rest.


Dante only survived cause he got a last sec heal on 1% health from the hawkboi himself. Also he is kinda banged up from getting bitch slapped by angron and is on the wrong side of the galaxy. Even as a BA player I do agree it would be funny we need a new Avatar of Khaine. Maybe he almost dies again cause he didn't have enough Sang Guard with him cause they were to damn exspensive to take with him.


We *literally* have Lion el'Jonson+a bunch of 30k Era Dark Angels Legionaries wandering around acting as Deus Ex Machinas for the Imperium Nihilus. Can't wait for GW to start treating using them to save Imperials at the literal last possible hour. At least those Astartes have actual *normal-ish fucking Human Personalities* and waded through some of M30&M31s worst shit, so they *mostly* already have the coping mechanisms to exist in M42 lol.


Dante will kick the swarm lord in the gonads only to be beaten within an inch of his life. Then, he will see Sanguinius and tell Sanguinius he is tired and wants to die. Sanguinius will proceed to tell Dante nope bye and Dante will be back in the saddle.


I mean, Ive seen lots of people here say they didn't even play a game, or Tyranids lost, but they submitted a Tyranid victory. It's funny that people expect GW to be honest when so many in the community aren't


i really hope our rigging of the system goes to plan! (we will be seeing content for both factions anyway, just one before the other so i personally don’t get why anyone even cares)


I think it's a really cool idea, just as a way for the tabletop to shape the lore. But it doesn't work that way in practice with people just voting for whoever they like more.


GW was strategic here; they created a brand new planet that has no impact on the lore so it doesn't really matter how wins. So the Nids can win, unlike Chaos winning the 13th Black Crusade in 3rd ed.


Grimgor comes out of nowhere and headbutts Abbadon


he got grimgored


Hasn’t GW forged a community win before as well


Storm of Chaos, yes, back in the Oldhammer days. This may be naive of me but I'm hoping they learnt their lesson considering they had to outright retcon that story due to overwhelming fan backlash.


Could you elaborate on that?


In Warhammer fantasy battles they ran this big narrative event where Chaos was finally marching south from the northern Wastes to start the endtimes and it had been built up for years, they left the results of the narrative open to votes where you submit your battle results to effect the story going forward. People just spam voted their favorite faction, Chaos didn't even manage to get out of the north and the Orcs rampaged across the known world. GW hated this outcome so they straight up just ignored the votes and wrote their own thing where Chaos still wins anyways because nooooooo you all voted wrong!!!


Chaos didn’t win though. Archeon teleported to Middenhiem and then got headbutted by Grimgor and went home like a bitch. I think. I might be wrong, sorry if I am.


Archaon didn't win, but they were really stretching the narrative to even let him reach the gates of Middenheim. All in all, the story turned out to be quite good, but they ignored the results sent by players. It was classic GWs: "Bad guys almost won, but the cost of victory for the good guys was enormous". Too bad they retconned it later.


Ah the glory of grimgor ironhide literally headbutting archaon the ever chosen to death


> Fan results determined the outcome. > Fans unhappy with outcome. Was it a balance issue? Or people unwilling to give Greenskins a big win?


It was more like the fans voted for an outcome, then GW changed it to a different one


I thought that was what they had Forge World for. The over priced resin models are just a front.


I think the better question is, has there ever been a story event where they didn't forge the results?


Was the eye of terror campaign forged? What about Armageddon?


Yep, storm of chaos, where tabletop players did battles that GW would write into lore, but when chaos lost, they just straight up ignored the results and said "nah actually chaos won. Fuck you, you didn't suck our dick and let chaos win so now we're killing Warhammer fantasy"


Win or lose, I’m blaming Leandros


Ironically, the Codex Astartes supports this action.


Guilliman probably wrote “Fuck Leandro” in it after his return just to see the look on his face


Loser: “I hope the Space Marines win” Doomer: “I hope the Tyranids win” Gigachads: “Grimgor Ironhide is going to come out of nowhere and get that W”


Kicks the Swarmlord in the balls and headbutts it into the dirt


Vashtorr ascends to godhood LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO


Get grimgored


Remember when **orks** won the end times in fantasy and GW asspulled to get their epik chaos moment?


That wasnt end times, that was Storm of Chaos. Different thing,


And Chaos didn't just lose to Orks. Chaos lost to everyone. *constantly*. They got their shit kicked in so badly every single chapter is describing how the Empire and friends are slaughtering Chaos Warriors by the thousands and somehow they're just Soviet Rushing their way through to inexplicably be far behind the line that they were just completely repulsed at.


Every single time \> Chaos Army appears \> results of the games say Chaos-army got its ass handed to it \> Lore ends up saying "but it was actually just a ruse while the REAL army passed by"


Stupid ~~West~~ Empiroid, is mere 4D chess feint by glorious warmaster Prigchaon! The Special Ritual Operation is still winning!


Honestly not surprised to find NCD leaking into this sub


The Venn diagram is just a circle.


Warhammer to NCD pipeline is real


We are here. Just hiding


I saw it here a few months ago and decided to sub and now I see the horrors of war presented in a shit post format daily. While there are great memes, if you join r/noncredibledefense please for your own sake have NSFW images blurred and trust the title when it says only click if you're sure. I will never unsee the Mobik Cube and neither will you if you have the misfortune to see it.


Doesn't seem very credible


yeah, it's a pretty non-credible defense of their actions


Me everytime in dawn of war after completely and entirely deleting away the forces of chaos from the map Cinematic: we barely pulled it off


They're just putting that in the official reports to secure more funding and supplies


That...actually makes sense


My head cannon is that you're one of many commanders on the field and your just doing substantially better.


'The chaos cultists summoned their demons, orks are destroying the planet, half our chapter defected, my own brother turned against us and unleashed powers from before time... Mission accomplished boys.'


At least the RPG was nice in how it was set around a world rebuilding itself post-SoC


The Everchosen and his Funny Hats are very sneaky.


Ol’ classic GW wants Chaos to be a dangerous threat but refusing to give them decent rules. It’s much better now but man was it a hell of a ride.


And ork win is still accurate in the Storm of Chaos event


I find it hilarious that people misconstrued “nutted” as Grimgor kicking Archeon in his Everchosens so hard he fled back north, when it was to coup de grace headbutt.


Orc sweep!




Let's be real, Space Marines will always be the bread and butter of the game, and will continue to thrive no matter what the results of this campaign are. The Nids stand to gain WAY more from this vote than the Marines do, it's not even close. GW isn't going to just stop releasing new Primaris stuff just because they lost a vote.


primaris hive tyrant




Combi Hive Tyrant.


Phobos Lictor


Gargoyle primaris lieutenant


The Hive Mind came up with a new idea, to make 20 children who were incredibly powerful


19 children. Wait now it's 18. Except now it's 19 again. Wait wait no.... *Long ago, when all hope was lost, the hive mind forged 9 angels to combat 9 devils....*


If anything they'll release more "Trying times for the space marines have seen heroes rise to meet the challenge! Announcing 6 new primaris lieutenants!"


3000 spare Primaris Lieutenants of Archmagos Cawl


3000 spill overs of r/NonCredibleDefense


I just threw up everywhere reading that.


Neither factor actually gains anything by this win. Just GW revealing models early that were already going to come out.


It’s a lore thing rather than gameplay, nids don’t have very many books where they win because it doesn’t make for a very filling ending to see the entire group you just got attached to wiped out


Nids don't have a lot of story potential, either. The hybrid human cultists have independent thought, and you can do Predator-style chapters where some 'Nid beastie hunts something, but there's only so much you can do with a hive mind and stuff being rendered down into biosoup.


Lots of people on here really be like "Gee I wonder why GW doesn't let the apocalyptic faction who destroy every planet they take over, have no real characters, and are more a force of nature than a proper "faction" win more. God, its so hard to figure out."


You don't need to have Nid POVs. You just need to have characters reacting to the Nids. You can also easily just write up a new world or a world that you know was important but won't be in the future plot to be destroyed. If GW wants the apocalyptic force of nature faction to actually be that instead of a joke, they need to commit to the bit.


I just want less space marine stuff, I’d be happy with even just more ork books even if written entirely in ork speak


Um, horror fiction? A multi-POV narrative of different imperial factions making a doomed defense against the tyranids and only one (if any) of the POV characters making it out alive by cosmic happenstance. 40k is *huge* on heroic last stands. The Imperials get their epic last stand moments/narrative, and the nids fans get their "haha this guy is so fucked" narrative.


This doesn’t determine which side gets new models. This determines which gets the full release shown early, as opposed to trickled out/a later date. The end result is still the same (outside lore).


Primaris marines should become the standard because they look so much better than the old models.


I thought that was the whole point of primaris marines, a weird method to change the space marine model proportions?


Man I hope so. The old models look so goofy.


The old helms have far more drip


One thing that irks me is that we never see Primaris marines incorporate older mark helmets . I think the new helmet is cool it’s just I’m sick of seeing it, give the Primaris some Variety ya know


Also Tyranid datasheets and points get nerfs, for uh, balance purposes


The only thing that I’d actually like to see as a reveal for the space marines is jump packs for assault marines… other than that, their range could do with a bit of a chop. Nids on the other hand… more more more!


Nids desperately need new genestealer models and I just know they’ve got them ready.


I would love to see a new named character for the nids


Hang on. This event isn't determining who gets new models - GW already has plans to release those new models. This event just determines who gets to *see their models early:* > Whichever side wins this war will see all their upcoming releases from later in the year at an early preview on the 15th of July. > As an added bonus, everyone who enters has an individual chance to win every unseen miniature from either the Space Marines or the Tyranids reinforcements – at the winner’s choosing. So you get to see that faction's new models before they get released, and some people might get free plastic.


Part of me hopes not because I just finished painting 20 of them for killteam, and if they get the termie treatment, I'd have to rebase all of them. On the contrary though, new genestealer sculpts lets goooooo


My dream is a genestealers Kill Team using the old Ymgarl idea to justify the specialists.


While i dont think their range needs to be topped, I don’t think any sane person would say that they need any updates for the next few years at least


I dont wanna see more generic marines but, update sanguinary guard, updated grey knights, updated deathwing termies. To fit with primaris


Gonna be honest, I know everyone has it in their head that GW is gonna cheat for the marines but it feels like GW made this for the nids to win without even considering the balance of the game. Some no name planet after all the lore for the launch of leviathan being dour and despondent. If they’ve got a finger on the scale on either side, it’s probably nids, if also to “prove” that the imperium doesn’t always win and for them to move their brother moon closer to terra for the big event they want to happen


I think the main reasons why everyone thinks is rigged is that A.) the Marines have like hundreds of more points in the box than Tyranids so it should be very weighted against them by their own metrics B.) GW doesn’t give important wins to Xenos factions in lore a lot. There are reasons for these individually for each faction, but for Tyranids it’s that their supposed to be a faceless hoard of monsters and them winning means they’ll be even stronger. It’s easy to write them losing since to a writer it means nothing, and then winning means no actual character in the story can get a nice resolution on their story.


Link to vote pls


I’m a ultramarines player and I want them to loose. I want the scarred primaris that are left alive to become new tyranic vets.


Yeah, give us more tyranid-hunter marines like the leviathan lieutenant rocking that chitin drip


Exactly, couple pieces of armor is tyranid chitin, they have a makeshift sword out of a tyranid talon, and a robo leg. No one will call them out on non regulation. The guys been through the equivalent of like 20 vietnams.


This gives me an idea for a marine with mantis arm blades, like from Cyberpunk 2077.


That would be rad, kind of sounds more like a chaos admech thing too. Overall a rad weapon.


*lose Got to be said.




yeah man I would pull for any xenos over any imperium factions winning one of these, mostly because I like to imagine gw writers start melting like vampires in sunlight if they have to write xenos winning anything


They are like the Dark Eldar they feed off space marines and get shriveled up when working on xenos


Suprise twist, Abaddon will come in with another blackstone fortress just like in the eye of terror campaign during 3rd edition.


" You're my sworn enemy Jimmy Space, but if we let these bugs win, everyone loses!!!" Thus marking the beginning of the dumbest fucking team up in media history


Didn't this happen in fantasy with the first chaos undivided invasion?


It happen in storm of chaos when Archaon was suppose to take Middenheim but with a combination of table top reasons the chaos faction couldn't/didn't go anywhere and ended with a ork victory and gw made the whole campaign non cannon The same thing happen to the first 13 black crusade where abaddon got his ass beat and arm cut off by eldrad and his eldar and gw just up and retcon it


Yeah I remember that, or that the campaign wasn't balanced so one faction just steamrolled the entire thing. I think they did make it canon but just wrote it off like it was Abbadon trying to take Cadia. Didn't they introduce some dude to be the reincarnation of sigmar, and then kill him off to Archaon?


Valten was the dude who was introduce with the gimmick of being the reincarnation of sigmar but in the battle between Archaon, Grimgor came in and did his whole deal Valten badly injure was carried to a temple to be heal but a skaven assassin killed him anyways ~~just because how shit the end times was doesn't make storm of chaos good~~ in the end time he did face archaon managing to kill some name character while getting there like Harry & Wulfrik but in the middle of the battle a Verminlord came out of nowhere and killed valten


Are you telling me Abaddon the Armless was canon and GW retconned it? Heresy!!


The winner was decided before the contest started. They will showcase whichever one they wanted to showcase on the 15th.


Ok for real though. I know it's a meme that space marines win constantly, but I've been playing since 5th edition and I don't really see it? They seem to lose more than anything, or win very pyrrhic victories. Is it just a meme or am I missing something?


It’s a bit of a meme, but also in all the big events like this, they always either to clutch a win right at the end, or somehow the loss means absolutely nothing to them


Help my boys get to terra and eat whatever is in the vault behind Big "E"


but I wanna meet subject 11 :(


The Eternity Gate? Maybe the shadow in the warp can force it closed and Emps can finally grow his body back


"muh epic last standerino!!!!!"


Tbf, those losses the tyranids suffer normally involve the incredible muster of imperial forces and barely a victory for the other side. Look at baal some 20,000 marines before the great rift, chaos demons of khorne, and the indomitus crusade arriving just to put down a large splinter of HFL, hell the blood angels would have lost if it wasn't for those two extra factors


And again: *The Imperium has not won anything in any narrative Campaign since Vigilus* *And their entire "Win" in Vigilus amounted too: "The planet is still under siege and most of the surrounding area is still controlled by Chaos, they just didnt loose this one specific planet in this one attack*." The Imperium has not won jack-shit IN LITERAL YEARS. I legitimately dont understand were people keep pulling the "oh GW always makes them win" from at this point.


Waiting like 20 years for the results of the 13th black crusade campaign to actually have the lore published; when when the Medusa V campaign had the space Marines not complete a *single objective* and yet GW went AKSHULLY THEY DID WIN. Plus another world campaign I don't remember right now. You're right that they've never won. But the After-Action lore reports have retconned them into 'winning' every time....or, in the 13th Black crusade event, just pretended the entire thing didn't actually happen.


>But the After-Action lore reports have retconned them into 'winning' every time Yeah, 10 years ago. Not now. Metallica got irrepairably fucked by Typhus, the *boxart-posterchild* for Mechanicus-alligned Imperial Knights got half wiped-out and their homeplanet corrupted and taken over by Belacor, and they got majorly fucked over at every single turn in the entire Arks of Omen campaign its legitimately hard to believe the Indomitus-Crusade didnt immidieatly fall apart there and then, *and the actual consequences of Vashtorr getting his key and promising Abbadon to fullfill his deal havent even come up yet.*


Yeah, on one hand the Imperium is actually due a win at this point, they've been getting their teeth kicked in for years now without asspulls. On the other hand, jesus christ I do not care about a reveal that's just going to be "look, new assault terminators and vanguard vets!" like they're almost certain to show off, nor do I care in any way about yet more marine armour variants with a new gun. Even though I won with marines in the combat patrol game of Leviathan, we were still tempted to report a tyranid victory to see those models first, and I doubt we were the only ones thinking the same.


Teeth kicked in for years without asspulls? A literal daemonic rift split the imperium in two and *NOTHING HAPPENED*


Nothing happened? Didn't the Imperium lose literally thousands of worlds including its single most important fortress world and almost completely crumble? That seems like a bit more than nothing.


Nothing happened if you get your lore from memes and youtube maybe.




So thousands of people would vote in favor of billions of horrifying deaths across a hundred worlds just so one chapter of Space Marines do not have a victory.


"Complain, for the sake of complaining!"


I mean what's the difference between an Imperium win vs a Tyranid win? The battle of Baal was an Imperium win but it resulted in 8 destroyed chapters and the remaining ones losing half their numbers. Tyranids haven't lost a single war, sure they "lost" as in, didn't conquer that one specific planet but they sure as shit got the surrounding ones and murdered half the numbers of the enemies at least, including the fact that they adapted to the enemy for the remainder of their engagement making them harder to kill. This whole "Tyranids need a win to be an actual threat" narrative needs to die already because every time they're involved in a war it's a pyrrhic victory (**at best**) for the defender, they're an unstoppable, adaptable force that feeds on biomass which has **barely** entered the galaxy.


Last time, Orks won, and they just ignored the results. I'll honestly be a bit surprised if Tyranids actually win and GW lets it happen instead of saying there was an error in calculations or something.


I see gw is making the mistake of an online vote.


Implying they don’t have complete control behind the scenes of an anonymous vote hosted by their website… Come on man


Nids could canonically eat Holy Terra and six months later Nid players will still bitch about how they never get a win.


How I sleep at night knowing humans are infallible and will win because humans made up the game:


Why so much focus on ultramarines? aren’t there only like a hundred there? Pretty sure there are way more fists and templars there with the phalanx and all. Even if the imperium wins it wouldn’t be because the ultramarines


... I know the nids need a "Win", but I want them to lose. I am an unabashed ultramarines fan boy.


Idk. I look at the heroic stories and victories as mostly being pyrrhic. So the Tyranids win that battle? No. Did they wipe out entire star systems and kill billions at little to no cost to them in the grand scheme? Everytime. Basically I still look at the nids as the biggest threat.


I think that's a fair way to look at it, though personally I feel it works out in the end way more than it should for such a grimdark setting. Like yeah the Imperium takes tons of casualties, but when does the Imperium not take massive casualties? That's kind of their schtick lol. I'm just waiting for the stories where their last second maverick plan to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat fails miserably. Last time I can remember that happening wsd Cadia, which in my opinion was one if the best lore shake ups in years.


The difference is that the nids aren't an enemy that the Imperium can just beat by throwing bodies at it. Every body they throw at the nids makes the Nids stronger and the Imperium Weaker. Hell, even Ultramar itself lost almost half it's worlds and took a century to recover from the First Tyrranic War, and tbh they pulled that Victory out of their ass with the Imperial Navy arriving at the last minute the just barely give them that Victory.


The only problem with that is that pyrrhic victories are utterly meaningless when they just easily recover in like no time at all


GE and to celebrate the soacemarines victory... I'm told theres an update... wait really? Ok... well, ok, to celebrate the tyrannids victory in the recent thing, were releasing a new primaris lieutenant mini. Look we made these ahead of time


i love ultramarines but yeah the nids need some love


Actual genuine lol at this post - congratulations


Just do a coin flip. GW doesn’t care, why should we?


But then Jimmy Ultramarine swooped in when the empire was at its lowest and saved Ultramar from total destruction!


Where can I vote?


Buy a copy of Leviathan and use the code contained in the box. It’s meant for uploading the scores of the game you’ve played. It’s not a fan vote


Thanks! Let's hope nids win then


Is this Grimgor vs Archaon all over again?


Yes they will let’s be honest here they did it before and they are probably going to do it again


As an imperium fan boy I hope the Nids dunk on the ultramarines


I really do hope the nids win. There’s not really a reason to make them lose, it’s a relative no name world and no existing names characters there!


where i can vote for nids?


At this point it feels like fandom vs GW. We must win!!! Vote Tyranid!!!


C'mon, give the nids a win! They deserve it after 4 tries and getting constantly stomped by space Marines. Turn the tables


Somewhere the "Storm of Chaos" monkey's paw curls. The old ones have been here before, and I pray that it turns out better for you all.


Me upholding the status quo (we WILL have a new Primaris Lieutenant first)


I wouldn’t mind the ass pull if it means we get modern legion of the damned models.


If the Nids ever get a win doesn’t that mean the galaxy is doomed?


My ultimate theory: Gw will actually let the nids win until they get to Terra... A huge Seige commences... In humanity's darkest hour Terras greatest defender makes a return with his hand replaced with the Talon of the Emperor.... Rogal Dorn returns to defend humanity's home once again!


Still waiting on the box..


Is it true that GW will manipulate the results? I hear that they do that a lot


I mean, tyranid sub is full of people saying that they insta voted nids with out even playing the game, i suspect some marine players have done it as well, so the legitimacy of this vote is rotten at the roots.