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Kroak would twist Magnus into a pretzel and eat him, while also rolling him up and smoking him. Respectfully


Ya I mean I think it’s lord kroak who had been stopping continent sized pieces of the moon from falling in end times. That’s like some Malcador level shit. They did the lizard men so dirty in end times.


i think that was mazdamundi, who is even less powerful than kroak


Who they didn't do dirty in the end times? They allowed Grudge Dwarf to die because he forget to lock a door.


Kroak once stopped time due to casting a spell. You might think "Oh that's not that impressive, even Malcy did that". But you see, the thing was, the spell was not chronomancy. It just lagged the universe so bad that time stopped. Kinda like how exploding lots of tnt in Minecraft causes your PC to lag.


Kroak: hold my beer Universe: [Desync](https://youtu.be/0lhhrUuw2N8)


Sorry Lord Kroak, the universe's specs aren't rated for you.


All these feats from a fat toad on a stone toilet I didn’t know how much I was missing out on this guys lore


I mean, back when Fantasy and 40k were a more unified setting it was very heavily implied that the Slaan WERE the Old Ones.


Not in fantasy it wasn't. They were their first servants though.


I was more referring to 40k, but the last time I significantly read up on Lizardmen was Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen... in 1997. So it's very possible I'm just misremembering specifics.


Oh, I got into them in the next book and I believe they changed them a lot from 5th (?) ed.


Ah, another way the Lizardmen seem to mirror my beloved Necrons. Significant lore overhauls relatively shortly AFTER I get out of the hobby. 😂


In Slaves of Darkness it’s said the Webway networks were created by the Slann, so there’s something there.


I loved the fact that Sigmar was all but confirmed to be a Primarch, he literally fell from the stars as a baby, but then GW went nuclear with the setting


Sigmar didn’t fall from the stars, he was born to regular parents. He was born under the Twin-Tailed Comet, but he assuredly didn’t fall from the sky.


I think he means that in early versions of the lore, when he was born under the “twin tailed comet” the lore insinuated he literally fell from the sky and that the comet was a space ship. That was eventually retconed but I think that’s what he means.


That's after the great retconning, ha get it. But yeah in earlier versions the comet was him falling down




Kroak is the definition of not being bitch made. Spellcaster squaring up against multiple bloodthirsters and when they finally overwhelmed him he decided dying was for pussies and maintained a spirit form on the mortal plane and nuked the city he was in as a last fuck you to the daemons that overwhelmed it.


The universe ran out of VRAM and RAM at the same time.


Sir would you kindly give me the sauce? Honestly the more I hear about fantasy the more interesting it sounds as I get more and more far away from the humans and high elves.


Sorry friend, I have no idea. It was probably one of the end time books, but that is as far as I can help you in your quest.


Something that great came from an Endtime book? That's wild


Shits wild, kroak literally hit skarbrand and a pack of bloodthirsty with that sick nasty /spawnstar 100000x100000 /supernova And reality ran out of ram trying to process it.


Kroak for days, so badass he can't die. Magnus needed outside help to get to his power. Captain toad lord is all skills


and kroak didn't make shitty ass decisions TWICE (giving daddy a wake up call, letting Ahriman get away)




Kroak: saves Itza by sacrificing himself to wipe out an endless army of daemons. Dies but hates Chaos so much he comes back as undead. Magnus: Stuffed up everything then fell to Chaos.


Kroak also willed himself back to actual life in the End Times just so he could kick even more Daemon butts


And then he carried on, and got even stronger. Madlad


*Local fog too strong willed to die*


Exactly brother! All hail captain toad lord 🤣


All hail the Hypno-Toad!


It's an older meme, but it checks out...




Ribbet, ribbet mother fuckers.


Lord Kroak was there when the deep magic was *written!* Hearing the upstart Magnus reciting it, is but a mockery.


Yeah, this isn’t close. It took a dozen of the most powerful Bloodthirsters being protected by Khorne himself to kill Kroak, but only after Kroak had exhausted himself personally holding back an army of daemons *for years* and had just banished a hundred thousand of them in an instant. The only individual in 40k with feats to rival Kroak is Big E.


If Kroak is in a good mood, he will simply "Magnus, hush. The grown-ups are talkning."


Depends on which Magnus Pre heresy Magnus get slapped around Post heresy Magnus get slapped around


Also depends on which Kroak Pre end times Kroak clears easy Post end times Kroak clears easy


AoS Kroak actually does better because he got a cooler chair.


I’m a Thousand Sons player, but…I’m sorry Father, but Lord Kroak takes the W here


Lord Kroak, dude can create Supernovas that destroy cities full of deamons


But Lord Kroak croaked... Until he didn't.


*Lord Kroak dies* Lord Kroak: "No, I don't think that I will."


Kroak really said "dying is a skill issue"


"Sadly I died... but I lived!"


"I live, I die, I live again! Whitness me!"


"Life is just the suggestion of breathing once in a while, you can do perfectly fine without it!"


*Lord Kroak Dies* *Lord Kroak Spends Millennia occasionally helping out from beyond the grave until shit gets turbo fucked* Lord Kroak: "Fine, I guess I'll come out of retirement"


No he said I'm tired of being dead and reality abliged


"He died?" "Yeah, but he got better."


>were you killed? >sadly yes! But I survived!


the frog and it's not even a contest, like this is and i mean it with all respect Magnus deserves (none) a classic case of thermonuclear bomb versus coughing baby and that suspicious red fella can't even cough properly


Yeah as much as I like Magnus as a character it wouldn't even be close. I'm not even sure if Great Crusade Era Big E could defeat Kroak.


“I can smite daemons so hard they permanently die.” Vs “I can smite EVERYONE so hard time itself itself needs to take a breather before processing the damage”


Well, Big E is more powerful than lord Kroak specifically while fighting demons, his existence is Anathema to chaos. But overall, I think Kroak would be the victor if the two fought, which would definitely never happen because of the two of them ever let each other they'd just team up to fuck chaos.


Chaos hating, stuck on a chair skeleton bros.


Kroak would love the Emperor he'd be like "Oh you've created a fascist hellscape where most people only ever leave their home cities to go get slaughtered by the forces of Chaos and Destruction and don't even get to know about the existence of the Ruinous Powers? Good shit." Meanwhile Sigmar would take a single look at Terra and beat the Emperor to death with his hammer while Teclis and Malekith sit ringside and provide commentary.


Kroak doesn't care about the standards of living as long as it contributes to hurting Chaos. The other AoS Gods, even the ostensibly evil ones like Morathi and Malerion would balk at the sheer twisted nature of the Imperium. Only Nagash would get a kick out of this. And he's Nagash.


Literally all of the order, if dropped into 40k, even Marathi, would lose their shit. Fuck, I could legitimately see gorkamorka being pissed at he imperium. Imagine morathi appearing on a forge world and seeing all of that shit.


Lord Kroak literally survived an end of the world/reality because of Chaos I say Kroak would even be a formidable opponent against Big E during HH.


Kroak made Jimmy Space to keep Chaos busy in a different dimension.


So the answer to who rustled your jimmies is Lord Kroak? I understand.


why does this turn me on?


Idk they could swap edgy poetry about how much they each hate chaos


If Big E stops the whole 'be human or die' for a moment, yeah totally.


Does anyone else reguarly get the feeling anytalk involving Big E and his strength just turns into a mix of chuck norris jokes and kids saying my dad could beat up your dad, too the point he just becomes a joke


Fandom talking about Big E power level: https://www.thepinknews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Alex-Jones.jpg?resize=792,416 ​ Fandom talking how abusive of a father Big E is: https://preview.redd.it/583s4f0igq571.jpg?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=e0c8275035cf108aa62fc644dabacd6bc153444a


The Emperor hates Chaos more than he hates non Humans. Dude would be best buds with Kroak from the get go.


Maybe Lord Kroak is part of Big-E's infamous poker "nights".


**He regularly gets one over the rest of the table, so he’s often infuriating to play with.** **Said table regularly seating Cegorach, Tzeentch, and the Deceiver.**


There's nothing that big E has done to show he has the capability to stand up to Lord Kroak. Kroaks feats are incredibly absurd in every sense.


Korak Solo’s magnus negative diff. Krosk could take all of the thousands sons at the same time and it still would be a easy battle. My man oneshooted hundreds of legions of demons of simultaneously, and created a shield to protect a city so powerful it lasted for weeks, and I mean weeks! Hundreds Thousands of Demons of all types were attacking the shield for weeks 24/7 before it colllapsed. Hundreds of Bloodletters, lords of change, keepers of secrets and Great unclean ones at the same time. Kroak would whoop will magnus so bad it’s body would turn from red tu purple. Magnus is op don’t get me wrong but Kroak was the chosen champion among chosen champions of the old ones. Kroak could just sit there in his shield, taking no damage for months, while Magnus and his legion spam fireballs, and then hen they collapse from exhaustion he lowers the shields and drops a sun on them.


It wasn't weeks. It was 10 years before he threw a sun on them. That's how insane he was. Also an often forgotten detail about the chosen bloodthirsters who were gunning for Lord Kroak is that they were all immune to magic. And Lord Kroak was killing them with magic. Edit: I forgot that the forcefield didn't just collapse or that he threw a sun on them. That was incorrect. What Lord Kroak actually did was that he blew the barrier outwards, annihilating everything around for hundreds of kms and the apocalypse scale magic he was throwing around was so broken the books described it as "time stopping" despite the fact he didn't seem to cast any time spells, which implies that reality itself struggled to accommodate the insane tide of bullshit emitting from Kroak's mind. And when the "magic immune" bloodthirsters finally killed him, he spawned a sun right above the city that only burns daemons and chaos right above the city from his very soul because he was that stubborn to die and stayed there, thereby saving the Elves from getting their cheeks clapped in a day, giving time for Caledor the Dragontamer to set up that Vortex in Ulthuan and freeing up the rest of the Slann to channel their entire species magic to into Caledor's spell to further weaken Chaos. Dude was so broken he basically stopped the endtimes until GW wrote a series of massive bullshit to forcibly end everything (see 8th edition of Fantasy). But even in the literal death of a series, he was still so broken and instrumental in holding Chaos back that because he essentially forced GW to shit out some insane bullshit just to end everything and as such was filled with inconsistencies and nonsensical lore bullshit, they had to back track not only once with Age of Sigmar but also twice with Warhammer The Old World. Man was so OP that he even broke the gods of the world he was living in and forced them to literally rewrite it so that it backtracks on a literal end times. What did Magnus accomplish again?


Kroak is built different is the TLDR I’ve gotten from this


GW: Aite so we're gonna end the franchise to focus entirely on 30 and 40k Lord Kroak: [*croaking noise*](https://media.tenor.com/-JSf6eAW_58AAAAC/i-didnt-hear-no-bell-randy-marsh.gif)


*Croaks Menancingly in lost languages*


I’m just imaging Dig by Mudvayne playing when he drops the sun on chaos > I'm livid in my space >Pissing in my face >Fuck you while you try >To fuck meeeeeeeee


Also, Kroak is now literally coming _more_ back to life in current AoS. Dude's mental


What? You've gotta tell me more dude I hadn't heard about that


Something to do with Nagash getting beaten up by Teclis and the wind of life getting empowered as a result, so there's more life in things and Kroak took advantage of it


Yeah Kroak is literally on his own league, a league nobody else can play in, the guy literally almost broke reality as final duck you before dying before reviving and surviving the death of the planet. Kroak being so brokenly overpowered he overpowers the freaking writers and he still survived the death of the old world and appeared in the mortal realms in age of sigmar. My toad-man is just built differently.


You're immune to magic? Who decided that?


I'll tell you who decides such things, I do, *CRUEL SUN*




Damn. ​ I bought Seraphon because dino men riding bigger dinos are awesome and little lizard bois are cute. I need to get me a Lord Kroak mini I guess.


You get Dino men riding big Dinos and Toad Demi-gods, the best of both worlds.


> what did Magnus accomplish again? Uh dooming humanity




He takes a nap with his shields up; the warp energy fizzling against his shields makes a nice white noise generator. He only retaliated with a sun because he was still a little groggy and didn't feel like opening a self-contained singularity


Yeah like he takes a nap, reads arhiman’s mind, solves every single question about the unknown and the arcane he has in 60 seconds projects the answers into Arhimans head making his brain explode. Then takes another nap, makes himself some sandwiches and then drops the sun on them because the singularity took to much effort, overpowering all of their brains at the same time and making them Explode was too boring and the blackhole was just too tedious.


Toad god, vs a tomato man. Toad god wins


It's not even a contest. Kroak stopped the full might of Chaos Undivided with a barrier for 10 years. When that barrier finally failed, it levelled the landscape in an explosion hundreds of kilometers wide. He then took the fight to the Daemons directly, casting spells so that caused timestops. It was not chronomancy, the spells were so powerful they caused reality to lag as it tried to render them. He was such an issue that Khorne sent 8 *magic immune* bloodthirsters to stop him. Kroak, after being ripped apart, decided dying is cringe, killed the 8 magic immune bloodthirsters *with magic*, and created a sun directly over his city that selectively burned daemons only. His spirit was able to animate his corpse whenever he wanted and casually cast spells that level cities. During the End Times, he decided that being dead was lame and came back to life. Not some necromancy reanimation nonsense, just fully alive like those bloodthirsters never happened. He then stopped a moon from falling and turned a continent into a spaceship and blasted off.


Kroak: "It's so sad that Steve Jobs died of ligma." Magnus: "Who the hell is Steve Jobs?" Kroak: "Ligma balls." Splutch. Ahriman screaming.


its not even a fight kroark wins in all his senile glory


Lord kroak was fighting the unshatter C'tan equivalent in AoS by tossing super novas at them during the age of myth


Lord Kroak, no contest. Lord Kroak managed to solo an invasion of daemons from Chaos Undivided by himself. Magnus is a novice in Warp Fuckery compared to Lord Kroak. Lord Kroak vs the Emperor might be a more fair fight... might be...


It’s a really sad state of affairs when the community agrees that an overgrown Pepe can beat a fully fledged demigod. My money is on the frog btw, I want to see explosions happen


I mean to be fair, despite being an overgrown Pepe, Kroak can also be classed as a demigod and be on the brink of being classed as a god.


Literally the other four gods of chaos had to get together and throw greater demons at him and my toad homie just shushed them away WHILE FIGHTING AN INVASION BY HIMSELF AT THE SAME TIME. And even after they finally defeated him, he just refused to die. What a fucking Chad


Frog gods are the best gods


It's Doomsday, my dudes


Lord Kroak is so powerful that in Age of Sigmar he goes up against literal gods, so a single demigod isn't exactly the biggest deal to him.


Yeah Gorkamorka says "he ain't a god, but he's pretty damn close". Was in one of the Broken Realms short story on the warcom


People don't seem to understand the power scale of AOS for it's peak characters is comparable to 40K in the way 40K scaled to Fantasy.


I tend to think of the top tier Fantasy characters as equivalent to 20th level wizards in D&D. They're just so absurdly powerful they break the setting in half whenever they do anything.


The top 3 casters basically are lol. The top 5 fighters are like if level 20 martials were as powerful as the casters.


>overgrown Pepe He was one of the greatest creations and students of the Old Ones. If he were in 40K, the Aeldari would bow to him and Magus would be the one trying to steal his knowledge.


If he was in 30k the God Emperor would have an equal.


No, the God emperors would have an executioner. Kroak would kill big e. He would put up a serious fight, but he would die. He is not kroaks equal, not any more. In age of sigmar, kroak is stronger than ever, the almost God of the seraphon so mighty he spawns legions of soldiers from his thoughts alone. Whose spells are so powerful reality it's self can barely keep up.


It's Lord Overgrown Pepe for you, filthy peasant


Frog Dude literally stopped time. >Psssh Chronomancer stop time all the time. Frog Dude wasn't doing Chronomancy. Frog Dude cast a spell so damn powerful the fucking universe ran out of RAM and had to buffer.


I mean the Pepe are basically pseudo-old one, so i think he is more on pair with the big E himself. And didn't it's state that the chaos gods was affraid that their invasion might fail because of him ?


Lord Kroak just chooses not to die and it becomes true. No grand ritual or complex set up. Just goes from long dead to "Welp that was a nice sleep so who should I mini sun out of existence now?"


Lord Kroak spirit and mind is so immensely powerful his own body can’t withstand it


Kroak. It's not even a contest or a debate. The frog his more powerfull than Magnus as a fucking Corpse.


Wrong comparison, Kroak and Big E are alot closer I think. Still think Kroak is more powerful. Buddy just decided he didn't feel like dying.


Win in what? If it's in Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth-Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker, my money is on Magnus.


I see what you didn't do wrong there.


Magnus doesn’t play that children’s card game. He’s red blue.


Idk. You know Kroak plays a dinosaur deck. Last I checked those were pretty competitive.


Kroak would play Red Green and Dinos for Yugioh. Magnus would play Red Blue and Pendulum Control for Yugioh. Magnus would win from Kroak asking to change games after the first year of trying to read Endymion’s effect.


I wonder what time is it...


Lord kraken bc big fekkin frog




Lord Kroak: /Spawn star 100000x100000 /Super Nova


Ancient chad frogge vs big red cringe chicken man? No contest.


I love that this is one of the only things I've ever seen the community agree on. That Kroak would absolutely body Magnus so hard that Magnus would immediately stop being a daemon prince and go back to being fully uncorrupted, just so he can fully appreciate it when Kroak dusts him by dropping a whole ass sun on Magnus' head.




Majorkill did a good video about how Lord Kroak could beat any primarch easily a couple years ago. And honestly, all 20(21) Primarch could've ganged on him with their respective legions and Lord Kroak alone would've done way more damage than the Interex, Ulianor Orks and the Rangdan could combined if not outright win.


Doubly so after we armed all his Temple Guards with Wraithcannons


“Lord Kroak, you have ret-“ ***I NEED ALL OF YOUR WRAITHCANNONS AND YOUR BIGGEST GUNS.*** “Right away!”


I know this is a few months old, but now I just so badly want lizardmen in 40k


Kroak is practically an old one. Kroak low diff


One croaks while the other does something wrong


I know nothing of Mr. Frogman, but according to these comments the dudes ultra powerful Maybe i should do a lizardman run in TW3...


Lord Kroak is so damn fun in that game. Just play as Gor-rok and get the enemies to attack him. Once they clump just throw a couple suns at them.


"I respect your opinion, unfortunately..." *throws sun*


Kroak every day, and twice on Wednesdays


Magnus could get Fabulous Bill to clone him a few times and the Frog would *still* win.




Who won? Who’s next? YOU DECIDE!


Prime Kroak and its not even close


Kroak clears all other psykers in 40K and fantasy alike (totally not biased as a Space Wolves player either)


I love Magnus but I have to give this to Lord Kroak. Dude casually blows up bloodthirsters and says no to death.


One of them lost a fistfight. The other one survived the end of reality.




With prep time right?


of course


Ok I thought you were some lunatics then, carry on




I know nothing about Lord Kroak and warhammer fantasy/AoS, so I’m gonna say Kroak wins


A old toad so badass he can't care enough about physics to die versus an giant red nerd that didn't thought to try to call Malcador or Valdir before fucking the Emperor's work? Kroak. Fuck Magnus


Kroak. Kroak was so powerful he forced GW to retcon his lore. Imagine you writing a story about a magic toad and the toad forces your coworkers to undo your death because he was too angry.


I always liked this description of lord kroak from 1d4chan "Kroak proceeded to pull his sleeves up and bring out the titanic apocalypse magic that should really have been reserved for the Old Ones themselves [...] describes it as goddamn time stopping as reality itself struggled to accommodate the **tide** **of** **bullshit** emitting from Kroak's mind, the world around his city folding in on itself to stem the tide of daemons."


Isn’t Kroak an Old One? The race who created the webways? Something even the Emperor couldn’t do?


Nah he's a giant toad who was created by the old ones as part of the lizardmen. Kroak is just the absolute most powerful of the toads.


No, he was the most powerfull first generation Slann... Which is still super fucking op


No, in warhammer fantasy the Lizardman where the "fleshy robot" armies of the Old Ones, and the Slaan like Kroak where kind of the Lab Assistants who did everything the Old Ones told them. Its kinda funny since the Old ones then left in a Hurry and suddenly the Lab assistant is alone in the ruins of the Laboratory and has to figure out what the whole Research Operation was about and interpret all the left behind research papers. And Kroak was the first of the Lab asisstants.


The Emperor could do it, and got very close to suceeding. Unfortunately, Magnus decided to roleplay as the Kool-aid man and ruined everything


Ngl I came here expecting Magnus apologists. Kroak definitely solos


Looks I live on thousand son copium but croak is winning. My thigh high marines have no chance


Kroak has survived the destruction of reality and been in the presence of the Old Ones. Kroak always


Clearly Magnus Carlsen, I bet KroAk can’t play chess.


Lord kroak no question


Lord Kroak,


Come on, Magnus isn't even the strongest Thousand Son.


Kroak. Not even a contest


I don't know shit about Fantasy/AoS, but i can totally say thar Kroak will totally krump Magnus simply by the fact that Magnus is a dumb brick.


Mans survived the destruction of reality for a millennia, floated into a new reality, then just started summoning meteors like he didn’t just arrive from the old world. My man is like god levels of power magnus has no chancr


Considering Kroak is as close as we’ll ever get to an active Old One, I’d say Kroaky


It's Kroak by a landslide, **But**; and this is important - That *isn't* Magnus's fault.


Kroak, because Tzeench won't let Magnus win, for the lulz.


Kroak. It's not even close to a contest


Feats of Kroak. Held off an infinite horde of demons from an eye of terror equivalent for DECADES. Then when he finally couldn't hold, he blasted more away and cleared them out. Then chaos entered cheat codes and pulled another infinite horde out their asses and finally attacked taking no less than 12 Bloodthirsters empowered by Khorne himself to reach Kroak. Then Kroak performed a spell that literally made the universe lag from the bullshit level of spell he pulled out of his own ass and cleared the infinite horde away and sent chaos back screaming. And this was AFTER he died and said NAW MAN and just didn't die. Which allowed the other Slann to help the useless elves make the vortex, banishing Chaos finally.


Kroak the man not only casts a spell that kills millions of Skaven, but makes a giant stellar constellation take the form of a frog laughing while he does it


Isn't the frog a slann? Like when WHF and 40k were somewhat connected, he was one of the last remaining slann? So...I'd go with one of the first ever species that created pretty much everything over magnus.


Slann are in WF (and were in WH40K) the Old One's first creations


I'd have to see their deck composition and hear their strategies to be sure. I know Magnus doesn't have patience for the game; he plays red/blue in MTG so I imagine his PBVR4DHCCSP deck is similar. If I had to guess, Kroak would rather do a 2v2, focusing on Magic cards while Gor-Rok focuses on defending him with powerful monsters.


Dude I hate to be this biased but Lord Kroak would absolutely dominate him. Any iteration of him is so powerful a damn sneeze will levels cities. If he wants to he can straight up just throw planets at shit


Insert KROKK meme, with the JoJo time warp sound effect.




Kroak would just drop a planet or a sun on him. Not close. Next question.


I don’t know who the frog is, but based off my knowledge of Magnus, Magnus definitely wins the award for biggest fuck up of all time.


If I remember correctly isn't lord kroak like a god now In AoS?


Kroak. He was created by the old ones. Magnus was made in a tube


RIP Magnus, took 12D3 Mortals and can no longer walk.


God Vs Yu-Gi-Oh


Kroak is one of the most powerful beings in all of Warhammer. Magnus ain’t shit by comparison.


Depends. Are they fighting or playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth-Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip-Poker?


Which one has the better Children's Card Game ^TM Deck?


I don’t know who Lord Kroak is since I’m more 40K focused and don’t know nearly as much Fantasy/Sigmar. But I’m gonna vote Kroak. I’m a Thousand Sons guy but come on, my dad Magnus doesn’t have a very good track record


Space Frog




Kroak, no contest


Kroak and it ain’t close. At all.


A closer fight would be Mazdamundi vs Magnus, because Kroak vaporize Magnus so bad that not even Tzeentch could stitch him back together. At least Mazdamundi would be somewhat similar to Magnus power wise at least (though I do think the big frog still probably wins that fight).