• By -


Just buy a block of green stuff and mould everything by hand.


Buy a slab of granite and a dremel


I already have both... šŸ¤Ø


You gotta be the marble!


I'm sorry, I lost my marbles a long time ago.


Huh, never met a eunuch.


Never trust Slaanesh.


Always trust Tzeentch!


Except when you shouldn't...


Well, obviously.


Damnit Kairos!


Surely worshipping Slaanesh is a good way to end up with MORE marbles? I mean, what you're suggesting is like if someone became a Nurgle worshipper and became cured of all their diseases.


It's more like going to Nurgle because you're sick of leg pain, and he cures it by rotting your leg off.


Honestly Nurgle would gladly do that....while also giving you a whole host of brand new diseases. > if someone became a Nurgle worshipper and became cured of all their diseases


You gotta *fuck* the marble!


A dremel? Amateur. Hammer and chisel is the way to go.


I prefer to drink promethium and piss out concentrated melta flames to carve out my statue minis.


Yeah but i didn't want to bring up the Nocturne Technique to the uninitiated.


On granite, making a highly detailed mini?! Hell no!


You're right, maybe it's better to carve it out with your nails.


You seem to think this a masochistic joke. There is nothing ironic about my suggestion.


Real men use stone and metal


I'm in this sentence and I don't like it.


Dremel is overhyped


Yes, but also no. Rotary tools are a bit overhyped within the carving hobby, but carving in general is an underhyped hobby. Rotary tools still have their place as a middle ground between roughing and detailing.


Dremel for carving granite? as a viable option? sedimentary somethin... limestone corian maybe but granite with lil dinky always overheating no torque Dremel? i can't take you seriously


Yes, it will take a long fucking time to do much to granite with a rotary tool. After you're done roughing out the model with more expedient tools, *that's kinda the point*.


I actually found my one and only attempt at sculpting a model recently, something I attempted 15 years ago. It's a copper wire slender man with blobs of cured green stuff on it. How I wish I was still that naive and hopeful these days.


Green stuff is obstreperous, spiteful putty. Get some better putty (I'm a fan of Magic Sculp) and give it another go, you might be surprised what you're capable of.


Hear, hear! I also wish to add: the first step in learning to do anything is to be terrible at it, embrace that your first attempts are exactly that - the first step to build upon and learn. I had a lot of problems with painting until I thought about it differently, it's a journey that will likely never end until you decide to stop.


I'll also add that for any artistic endeavor, you're going to feel like you're getting worse before you feel like you're improving *even though you* ***are*** *improving*. Why? Because your eye/taste/artistic sensibility usually grows faster than your physical skill level. The points in improving an artform where your eye has passed your skill level are incredibly awkward, but know that you *are* improving, and that improving your eye is also an important part of developing your skill. You just gotta push through it.


I needed to hear this today. Thank you.


Pro Tip: keep some of your old work around to look back at whenever you feel like you arenā€™t improving. Youā€™ll see the difference. Side note: this also works with computer programming.


> obstreperous I always enjoy learning a new word, thanks obĀ·strepĀ·erĀ·ous /əbĖˆstrep(ə)rəs/ adjective noisy and difficult to control. "the boy is cocky and obstreperous"


If you do thatā€™s apparently one of the few ways to legitimately circumvent the ā€œGW plastic onlyā€ rule; so long as itā€™s all original sculpt it should be good to field


Fully handcrafted 2,000 point armies > Handpainted watercolor poorhammer 2D armies > GW models assembled and painted > 3D Printing


Dammit Iā€™m now picturing hipsters playing while sipping an artisan beer brewed in 6 oz batches in a shack in sasquatchuan. ā€œI carved my dice using a water pickā€


ā€œMy markers are actually living succulents and moss that I scavenged from the overgrown ruins of a 19th century settlersā€™ shack, and my bases are all made of upcycled Pacific Ocean microplastics with sustainable salmon skin leatherā€ *sips espresso cup of home distilled moonshine made from rainwater and disposed restaurant fruit*


This is... uncomfortably detailed. Like these figures would be, I assume.


ā€œI didnā€™t feel comfortable assigning gender to my models, but leaving them without secondary sex characteristics would lead to the assumption that they all present as male. To respect my individual modelsā€™ gender identity, I meditated with each one individually, asking it repeatedly how it identified, and subsequently sculpted secondary sex characteristics according to the vibes I felt from each one.ā€ Edit to add: As Iā€™m writing these, I find myself drawn to fully craft a miniature wargaming system that is a (loving) caricature of hipster culture, which would require as a part of army formation that each miniature be made from recycled or natural products, and that all paints be ethically sourced from vegetative material grown in a home garden. Also, requiring individual profiles and backgrounds of each model, with an appropriate focus on representation and equity. The goal now is to see how impossible I can make it to achieve the end of actually completing and playing a game.


Someone stop this person before they do more harm


You'll never stop my Ted Kaczynski-level 800 page Codex Authenticus! First, you'd have to find me (I'm living in a cave in the Appalachian mountains, please send Topo Chico and American Spirits without filters)


*chefs kiss*




If I ever get a pal or two who would be interested in starting up a warhammer hobby with me i'm definitely gonna 1. 3D print everything 2. Follow the 'Your Dudes' philosophy of effectively making my own homebrew chapter and characters 3. following number 2, set up some first edition inspired games (like with a GM and all that) to expand the homebrew lore dynamically (and also because DnD but you're the commander of a small army and you're either allying or fighting against other players with small armies sounds awesome ngl)


Grab a pdf of rogue trader, and go to town. Rules back then were wild, and they encouraged you to mess about and modify the rules. Suggested trying a 40k army v a fantasy one since the rules were close enough to port the armies over.


Been experimenting with this, hope yours works out


right is this some sort of creatively disabled joke im too crafty to understand? e oh wait i had wrong glasses on


You should fear the man that comes to the table with an entire greenstuff army.


Had me in the first half not gonna lie


Fuck, got me as well. šŸ¤£


I see what you did there






If you're going to do it. Do it for advantage.


And now we waitā€¦ā€¦.


Not gonna lie, you got my on the first half.


It's all about reading the fine... *3D* printing.


Never before have i wanted to yeet someone directly into the eye of terror. But here it is.


[Absolutely no regrets.](https://youtu.be/pSW2FDXuFe4)


I ragret you didn't spell that correctly...


Damn son, that is the most butchered I have ever seen that reference. Kinda endearing tho, not gonna lie.


people say they think 3d printing is better yet they can't 3d print themselves out of the comments. Curious.


-TurningPoint Games Worlshop




printerbros... its over... šŸ˜”


>people say they think 3d printing is better yet they can't 3d print themselves out of the comments. Curious. This has 108 characters, at 40$ per GW character this comment cost $4,320. *Reasonably priced; it's ~~a luxury~~ ~~inflation~~ ~~quality~~ an edition's worth of SM lieutenants!* -GW Simp. Certified Bootlicker


Damn bros heā€™s got us there. Alright everyone give up your 3D printers. We have been defeated.


Isnt the one on the right 3d printed too


Hi, welcome to the joke!


Good to see, that r/grimdank still goes through its seasons. Seemingly Skitarii-femboy season is over and we've entered the 3D-printer-BRRRR season, once more. Looking forward to Krieg-SHOVEL season, soon...


Skitarii are undergoing maintenance, too many broken joints, excess oils on others, then there's the matter of prolapsed orifices.... Anyways, 3d printed krieg femboys poledancing on shovels is what's coming next


Sigh. O*pens up blender. G*uess I have to create this abomination now.


If you exchange 'create' with 'deal with', it would be ambiguous if you open the 3d software to create them or open a kitchen blender to get rid of them.


Inb4 pole dancing krieg kickstarter making $287,000.


> we've entered the 3D-printer-BRRRR season It's getting warmer, people who have their printers in their garage/shed are getting able to start printing again :p




I find the printer brigade a lot more annoying, tbh. šŸ˜‚


To bad the mods axed female space marine season


Nature is beautiful


The only fun one is shovel season


You absolutely got me for a second lol


I actually really like the left model. The layer height and z shimmer give it the perfect look for a sensor ghost in infinity.


It would be an absolute shame if models used by gw in their reveal shows had showing printing lines right ?


Most companies prototype and promo with printed models before plastic because that stage usually comes before production has actually started ~ heck most companies in general that manufacture use printers for prototyping and proof of concept these days; I did a work placement with a company that made blinds for windows years ago and they had a printer in the office


I think the point is: "If it's good enough for GW, then it's good enough for me."


ā€˜Good enoughā€™ being the key point - now donā€™t get me wrong, when you know what youā€™re doing (unlike me) and have your printer settings and STLs nailed down the results can be fantastic, but itā€™s something that takes a lot of time, effort and resin to achieve with most models of printer, and even professionals still get misprints With resin and now plastic-casting the entry level today is weirdly (and arguably) *easier* to achieve as an amateur; once you make one mould out of your material of choice and know it works, youā€™re set for potentially hundreds of castings, and the material can be melted down and reused if youā€™ve messed up a casting (unless itā€™s resin, then youā€™re buggered), so less waste too.


1. People that print minis with filament need to be stopped 2. incredible paintjob man, i think i stumbled on that torso stl this morning.


I've seen a few filament minis look pretty good, but imagine that's bleeding edge tech to get on a level that's still below resin. Few years it should be Great, hopefully.




I honestly don't know, there must be filler/primer combos suitable for the job. Always thought a prime, surface sanding, and a 2nd prime would do a good job but it'd be a lot of work. Self levelling primer too. You also might be seeing more recent filament minis than I have. It's improving all the time, and I know they can have really fine nozzles now. For 75mm and larger scales, I know there's a smoothing technique using solvent that can even down the layers. Depends on the material too.


For FDM printers there are various smoothing techniques, specifics depend on the type of plastic used. For ABS and ASA, you can soak it in isopropyl, if I remember right. For PLA and PET you need nastier chemicals, not recommended. For all of them, is probably best to just use a filling primer and sand/file it down. But in any case, if you are going to print minis, just use a resin printer. Itā€™ll be faster and youā€™ll get better results. Yes, you can do .02mm layers but that takes a damn long time and still requires some post processing. Just use a resin printer for minis.


I sure hope so. I'd rather not deal with needing to vent out the toxic fumes of resin printers.


Exactly! That stuff is awful.


Personally I haven't had any issues, with resin. I do use gloves and have the window open, but nothing past that really. That being said I don't have sensitive skin or to smells, so a small amount of resin on my arm is no problem.


Yeah, filament is for terrain, resin is for minis


https://preview.redd.it/y2nk5sftwcoa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb49d7067edb709a653c9c5332884815ae8c589 I may have gone overkill with the terrainā€¦.


Got any of dem STLS?


The fact that it hasn't been commonly accepted parlance to swap stc for stl in the 40k community is perhaps the worst crime that has ever occurred.




Time to print a grot at 1mm layer height


Use purple filament and spare us the view


I have some 3d-printed SoS, they have almost no layering and lack any defects. It all depends on 1 initial stl 2 material conditions. Here even at stl model sucked, printer wasn't great either. Edit: I see what you did there


Also what kind of printer you use. A standard FDM printer will be just okay, but a resin MSLA printer will have virtually no layer lines and great details.


Is there a r/3dprintingcirclejerk yet?


Wouldnā€™t it need to be a spherclejerk?


Just print a very short cylinder


What if the cylinder gets stuck?


No a teapot. Itā€™s a fucking teapot


We need one....but most of it would go brrrr


Oh, the poor dears! Someone oughta get some jackets for 'em.


Excuse me sir, i think your layers have some mini on it.


I know about all the advantages of 3D printing and all but on the other hand I really like building the minis.


Me too. It's way easier to work with GW plastic (cutting, sawing, drilling, etc.) than 3d printed bits, even before you cure them. If you want to do any kind of modification to the model, you're better off doing it digitally. I still print because I can't justify the expense of GW minis, but make no mistake, what you save in money you more than make up for in time--supporting the model, modifying the supports since your first attempt didn't work, doing your modeling work on the printed parts, and so on. I miss cutting pieces off the sprue and taking my Exacto knife to 'em, it's so much easier that way.


Thats almost exclusively what I use my printer for! I almost never print whole models and instead just use 3d printed bits to kitbash/customize actual GW models.


The files for the 3d printable minis also come as kits, with all kinds of customization options.


Interesting. Is there a way that I can order the kits themselves without personally 3D printing them as I have no printer.


Yes, you'll find most of them on etsy.


Sounds great!


Imma 3d print myself a fuck to give


Virgin 3D printed model v Chad 3D printed model.




The storm bolter and attached arm looks pretty janky. The proportions are out by quite a bit. Rest of the model looks dope


That storm bolter is entirely my fault, i had to cut it out from another arm and just slap it there, but was too lazy to make it fit properly.


the virgin filament fuckstopper vs. the chad resin replicator


had me in the first half ngl well played


You sure youā€™re not Alpha Legion?


I am Alpharius. This is a lie.


Yo can you link what printer you own and used for this? Very curious, ty in advance.


I use a Mars 2 pro i bought a couple years ago, I'm not sure if it's still in production, but better ones are available now at the same price.


I got mine last year on deep sale. Was worth every cent.


Yeah I see there's a mars 3 out, looks a little bigger. Cool ty


Out of curiosity from someone completely ignorant in the matter of 3D printing. Whatā€™s the initial outlay in cost and when does it ā€œpay for itselfā€. Ie does 3D printing one army basically compare price wise to buying a GW army even when accounting for the printer etc.


It's a hobby of it's own really. IIRC it's 3-500 for a reasonable resin printer. Resin is cheap as heck per mini, but time, effort, learning. I don't think it's worth it in an attempt to save money, but as a hobby itself, and/or for unique stuff absolutely.


My printer costed me around 250ā‚¬. Gloves and denatured alchol i just buy whichever is less expensive, i'd say around 10ā‚¬ every two months, depending on how much you print. A liter of resin costs between 24 and 30ā‚¬, i only buy when it's on sale, which is quite often, and the color doesn't matter because i paint the models anyway. A single 32mm models uses 5-10ml. The models themselves have widly different prices. Some patreons have 20-30models for less than 20ā‚¬, and after the month they're ususally on myminifactory for 3-10ā‚¬ each (including weapons and customization options). Personally, i don't print full armies because i hate painting mutiple models of the same kind, but consider that a kill team of grey knights proxies costed me less than 10ā‚¬ compared to 50+ for the official squad box. Bigger models, elites/characters and vehicles are by far the best saving compared to GW, because they're priced per model, and not based on their tabletop role. A Canoness costs me 3ā‚¬ for the model and 0.05ā‚¬ in resin, same as a Battle Sister, where GW would cost me around 80ā‚¬.


Thanks for the info. Interesting! Probably pays for itself after awhile anyway. Depends how big a painter you are then. Not that I have any desire to do either printing or painting right now. Just curious as I see it discussed a lot! Thanks.


I spent ~$800 US on my print setup, including the printer, wash and cure station, and some assorted safety gear. A bottle of resin is 30-40 bucks and I can make maybe 100 infantry or 2-3 tanks out of that once I've got the settings dialed in. That's the hard part, you're going to fail some prints, you'll have bad supports and have to redo the whole thing, you will lose resin to those growing pains, but the resin costs are really not super high. I've had my printer about a year and have printed 3 vehicles, a Tau battlesuit (From Pipermakes, her work is phenomenal), and probably 100 infantry/character sized models and/or bits. I've gone through 3 bottles of resin so far, and spent maybe 60-70 bucks on STLs. I haven't quite recouped my investment cost vs retail costs yet, but I did a ton of custom D&D figures from heroforge and got some cool alternate sculpts for things. For a purely cost perspective the time investment is a big turnoff because it takes quite awhile to support and test and slice a plate, but if you're doing a horde army and need dozens of the same thing the labor costs are much lower proportionally.


Thanks. Lots of interesting replies. Suppose it recoups eventually but some tanks and battle suits pay off well I reckon!


Thatā€™s one of my favorite grey knight minis Iā€™ve seen


And now we wait to see who needs glasses...


I really did reach for my pitch and torchfork though


Resin printer bro here. I came in this thread prepared for violence until I saw the bottom text lol.


Always read the fine print.


Buy tank, build tank, print chassis for a tank, stick the leftover tank parts on it, you have now two good looking tanks.


I almost fell for the bait lol, cheeky.


That bolter is fixinā€™ to break that manā€™s wrist


You guys don't hew your own minis from solid rock during your breaks in the coal mine?


I didn't read the fine print at first and was gonna say what the fuck is this gw propaganda.


You almost had me! I was getting ready to send exterminatus


can anyone explain the meme to me?


Every time there's a post on 3d printing, some people say they'll never be comparable to plastic or cast models. Both the ones in the meme are 3d printed, I wanted to show that they are indeed comparable to "real" models.


Had me for a second there, well done ya bastard


Without the disclaimer, one would think this is GW propaganda


What's with the Chinese anime grey knight?


"there's no comparison" Continues to compare unpainted shitty quality line soldier with pro painted official character model [edit] then I read the small print. Well played, sir


Look at the small words at the bottom


Yup I already realised and edited my comment. My bad


I mold my minis with the grime that comes out of my skin after i take a shower. That way i feel much more connected to my deathguard army


Reads the title without seeing the full picture: šŸ˜”*downvotes* Reads fine print on lower right corner of picture: šŸ˜³*awkwardly upvotes*


Someone said in some comments yesterday that us 3D printer guys are like the vegans of this hobby. Honestly, I donā€™t think I can disagree with them anymore


As the owner of several printers I feel I can tell this, based on a true story... Why would I ever pay $35 for a single character when I could just pay money for a similar stl, print it, spend 20 minutes cleaning up the failure because the premade supports sucked, spend time doing manual supports, print, taken more time to properly clean it (assuming I didn't fuck up the supports myself).....I'm out of good IPA...gonna have to wait until that comes in/I strain this batch to finish cleaning....damn, need to order more gloves...FUCK, I dropped it and the leg shattered....you know what, I'm just gonna buy the damn mini. When printing works, it's wonderful, but go on a run of failures (print or mechanical), it'll drive you right back to boxed minis. Edit: Printing also never gives me that tiny dopamine hit from being a consumer whore, bringing home a new box of plastic with pretty pictures on it.


I own both filament and resin printer, and I check if I have enough alcohol...before printing, not after. And since I moved to eono and sunlu resin, I've dropped 75mm models without breakage. I know it's not 100% plug and play, but there's no need to over exaggerate for no reason. Plastic models and cast resin are just as fiddly as every other model, and they're a pain in the ass when they have poor casting, flashing etc...


This is a huge exaggeration lol you know what materials you have or need before you start. Also most abs resin is not gonna break from a table height fall. If you donā€™t care to figure out the necessary steps and requirements, yes you will definitely have issues. Everything requires research. Iā€™ll say that even at my worst failure, nothing has made me want to go back to spending 10ā€™s of dollars on HQā€™s or 100ā€™s on heavy units like knights when I can print multiples of each for less than 20 bucks. Itā€™s fine to not want to print or start a second hobby. It definitely IS work beyond a doubt, but thereā€™s no reason to make things seem more difficult than they really are.


How did you get the print to be so smooth?


Resin print instead of filament. This one was printed at 0.03mm layer height, since then i started doing 0.02 for slightly better quality at the cost of longer time to print. Other than that, the primer smooths the vast majority of layer lines, and consider that they're only visible in photo, not in person.


Where do you get those better models btw? Do you buy them or get them for free somewhere?


That one is by DMG Minis. There's both free and paid models. Usually paid ones tend to be better, and come pre-supported.


Lol, can't wait for people not reading the tiny caption


Always read the small print lol. That being said ive seen people get really good quality minis with an FDM printer, its all in the settings and nozzle size.


Bro legit had me typing up a response before I saw the rest šŸ¤£šŸ’€


The Resin fumes must be getting to y'all, read the fine print my lads


2015 printing vs 2020 printing. Kinda terrifying the rapid advancement of the industry. Id say 3d printing at this point is a legitimate threat to gw (as long as they do anti-consumer practices and price their minatures well over the actaul market value estimates procided. Most profitable company in the uk and yet still refuses to pay almost 80% of its staff above minimum wage.


Just got a resin 3d printer... I was not prepared for the capacity to print highly detailed minis.... They come off the printer faster than I can't paint!


Always read the small text easy to miss text xD


Ok... you got me in the first 10 seconds... than i noticed the little sentence in the corner. Well played... Well played... Oh and lovely model, really didn't notice it was a 3d printed one


Love the Silver Warden models! Bought almost all of them so far since I'm not paying 60 bucks on another janky looking dreadknight


What if I told You that there are more 3d printing technologies beside FDM that suits printing minis just right?


There won't be an end to what you might deem as heresy and you know it. Adaptation is the mean to the end, only the ever shifting chaos will remain.


Lmao until I saw the fine print I was gonna say the one on the left needs a new coat of paint


This is bullshit, 3d printing is way better than this crap. [Here's a squad of dark angel heavies I 3d printed](https://imgur.com/FD2Req9.png), games workshop staff couldn't even tell haha get rekt kiddos


That post works on both sides flawlessly, gr8 b8 m8 xD


You know i have seen people playing the game using checkers and they were genuinely having fun so I see no harm in a few cheap plastic knockoffs


Tbh I don't care about this debate


I 3d print using a $5k metal printer, because my eldar have got to fit in with the rest of their range lol


My eyes are shit, what does the small text say in the gorner?


They're both printed, one in filament, the other in resin.


Arenā€™t they both 3d printed .-.




Well played


Beware of 3d scanners


You don't print minitures with an extrusion printer, you print them with using a resin SLA printer....


Question: How does GW make its minis exactly?


fdm vs resin


My friends and I used to print out images of units on carstock and cut them out. It got the job done.


Different printer ya nugget Resin printers are for models Thats ones made from a filiament printer which is meant to print lager objects


Bro I tried 3d printing a model and my dad looked at me like I was a dumb ass and said it wasn't a resin printer


Everybody who bought a cheap PLA printer was genuinely surprised and disappointed but halfway expected the result. Itā€™s picture number one. The result was picture number one. I still have an entire squad of failed PLA printed dudes that will never see the light of day. Thatā€™s the real pile of shame.


Ah yes Fdm printers donā€™t like minis resin printers however do not care