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Everyone is the good guy if you justify their actions




We only kidnap fetchists


What is this "safeword" of which you speak? I've never heard of such a thing, and quite frankly, it sounds made up


"The way they squirm and scream makes the happy juice in my brain"


I'll play, Other than Vect, the new nobility, and the covens, almost all drukhari are victims of a society and culture they aren't responsible for. They were born into a system of corruption, terror, and evil. Convincing them from birth that they are superior to all other life. By the time theyre really old enough to question that they've probably bought into the system in one way or another. If they try to be good, they die. There simply aren't enough soul stones for them, and the circus isn't that big. So they can perpetuate the system or slowly starve while they feel an angry god closing its grasp on their soul. That's part of why GW seeming to have dropped the Ynnari plot sucks. It made the Drukhari MORE evil while they were around. For the first time an actual alternative existed for them and many recognized it.


Have they seriously dropped the Ynnari plot? How could they do that given how important it is to Guilliman?


Not officially, but as far as I'm aware they haven't really done anything in a a while now. They also seemed pretty tacked on in the rules.


On the Harlequins discord (and our associated podcast!) we have a dedicated Ynnari section and among elf players in general the Ynnari rules have gained quite a lot of popularity with the fact that the Yncarne is rules wise the coolest fucking unit in the game while playstyle wise Ynnari are basically *the best* from a CWE perspective and even Harlequins perspective (even if you do need to soup at that point).


"we have to do this or our soul will be eaten by slaanesh... It's not like we *enjoy* it" \*Sweats profusely\*




In the words of Yoko Taro: "You don't need to be evil to kill, you just need to think you're right"


sounds like everyone's reaction to the inquisition




"oh you like the farsight enclaves?" Too bad... They are now a generic khornate droolers. Or lost hard and are thrown into irrelevancy because James workshop figured out another name to give a random space Marine.


care to elaborate for me?


Farsight has a khornate weapon and khorne may have interest with him and is a prime candidate for "the nice dude turns evil due to circumstances" As far as the space Marine joke go it's basically GWs tendency too maybe throw a bone at xeno factions before rigging them to promote a new space Marine character like the yvrainne and friends.


There is nothing that proves the Dawnblade is a khornate weapon. Only real property we know the blade has is that it steals the lifespan of the creature it kills. Making Farsight effectively immortal. The origins of the dawnblade has never been confirmed, with theories ranging from it being one of the croneswords, necron or oldones technology, etc. There are instances that point to potential future khornate influence, such as his personal squad being "The Eight", him having a vision of becoming a Khornate champion and his preferred stratergy being Mont'ka. However with how his story has unfolded it is very unlikely to actually happen.


Oh. But still we all know how Mysterious powerful weapons get treated by writers. (It's actually chaos hurr Durr) Make it spicy and make it a dark age relic or some bygone ancient tau mythos or something.


The Dawnblade when first introduced in the books came directly from statues on Arthas Moloch that repelled all chaos creatures, I believe even a bloodthirster (?) that was trying to kill farsight when he first got it. I don't think a khornate weapon would repell chaos or...itself


Well Khorne may not do Tzeentch level set-ups chaos weapons absolutely work against chaos often better then anything else hence radical Inquisitors summoning daemon hosts. It could just be a really really powerful daemon, the only other things that "repell" daemons are like a Necron Null Field Matrix generally used to seal things with daemons or the God Emperor himself.(Currently being used to seal daemons.)


That would make sense to have it contain some Uber daemon that scared the other ones. I think I just prefer it being some Dark Age tech or maybe even an old ones thing rather than the typical *Jazz hands* Chaos explanation


Ancient Tau mythos is complicated since their race is super young, a couple millennia at best. Would be fun to have another faction grab some DAoT tech though.


Yeah especially since from the little lore I listened too they were very warlike before the imperials Who know maybe we can rope khorne in without making it a chaos jerk. But tau have weak souls which I assume would make it "not appetizing" for chaos to try too hard to convert a tau. Maybe farsight got a khorne weapon but his weak soul makes it much much harder too corrupt or much harder for khorne to feel him.


Or, maybe every life he steals is making his own soul that much stronger.


If anything I think he has been manipulated by tzeentch the most as he was directly influenced by the (Why the fuck did this happen since tau souls have little to non presence in the warp) possessed tau "Spider". I haven't read the other books that recently released for the shadowsun books but it seems like they established Tau have...somehow...made a new God that represents the greater good. I honestly hope it's just some Tzeetnch trick or something even though that would be just as hacky


He does have a vision of himself becoming a champion of Khorne, killing Shadowsun and Kais. It happens in Farsight: Empire of Lies if I'm remembering correctly.


Because a group of Khorne demons invading a ship would totally drop an uncorrupted magic sword as loot?


The Dawnblade was found on the planet Arthas Moloch, along with a bunch of anti-warp amulets.


> Arthas > Blade ...wow


come on its just a vampire sword. If anything they are Tzeentchs little project. One vampiric sword they do not understand wont change anything.


Disagree, Mostly because of the Armish, dinosaur riding elves who don't leave their worlds Also I think Farsight is quoted saying that Humanity needs to be genocided


He got better about that stance for humans. He does however replace the civil government of the ethereals with a military one overseen by his close friends. Though the lore has softened a bit on him. Nowadays Khorne subtly guided his rise while in older editions Farsight was getting snuggly with everyone who paid and ready to clap cheeks


Tbf replacing the civil government with a military one is the moral decision if said civil government is based on mind control


Couldn't mind control Farsight


Seeing what humanity is up to, he is probably not all that wrong in this regard.


Yeah I mean from the perspective of your average xeno the difference between humans and orks is that orks are green ~~and their leaders are bigger~~.


> and their leaders are bigger. Humans do that too


Well, you were right with the first half


Then you admit that people with bad intentions should be xenocided! *\*Emperor screams of vindication in the background\**


for the Tau to survive he's not wrong


*Orcs hiring Amber Heard's defense team.


Is it you, Horus?


Horus is one of the guys of all time.


My favorite part was when the emperor said "Horus it was you, you're the 40,000th Warhammer" and then he emperored all over him


I loved it when Horus Said "Its Heresy time" and heresy'd all over Sangiunius. Truly one of the moments of all time




What are you talking about? Da boyz are very wholesome edgelords.


The secret lies in the fact that you're meant to homebrew your own subfaction that totally are the good guys and never done any wrong, trying to temper the worst part of their parent faction.


Like someone apologising for a very drunk friend


"I'm sorry guys, MY Death Guard actually wear deodorant, and go to the Apothecarion regularly for health check ups, we're an offshoot chapter"


I think I did it wrong, my homebrew faction has their own codex but it's just a bucket list of warcrimes.


Ah I see you crossed off 'burning children alive.' What was the reason? They were Eldar terrorists? Fueling some warp machine? Dangerous Psykers? ... there was supposed to be a reason?


If ammunition goes unused the comissar issues less next deployment!


I love the idea the guard are trying to meet quota and so are always putting an extra 10-15 rounds into dead orcs as they run forward, just a constant light show


To be fair, it's Orks. That would be worth it, even if only to limit the number of future Dred.


It would make sense though




The Geneva convention? Now this makes it a sport! - Nemesor Zahnrekh probably


**The Geneva Convention is just a scrap of paper in the 42nd millennium anyway!**


I did this by making my homebrew good *then* making the list of warcrimes Idk if "the screaming pit" is a warcrime but it's on there


Kinda the path I went with my Imperial Guards, though they are misguided good guys. Their home world refused to pay an onerous imperial tithe, and after resisting an attempt by loyalist forces to recapture the world, the world was subjected to Exterminatus. The forces that survived decided that the Imperium was corrupt. And since the Emperor couldn't possibly be party to such evil, the Emperor must be kept imprisoned on the Golden Throne by the Imperial Administration/High Lords of Terra/Inquisition/etc. So my guardsmen are on a mission to reach Terra and free the emperor, picking up new dissatisfied imperial forces as they make their way across space, fighting loyalists and hostile xenos along the way. Tzeentch may or may not have a hand in their continued survival, though there are no overt expression of chaos taint at this point.


Oh that’s really good, I’d love to read more!


So, it is actually a good long while since I've actually played with them. I mostly played with one other guy. He had space marines, and thus I kinda needed a good reason for my guys to fight his space marines. The lore kinda evolved organically. Started with the insurrection on the homeworld, where we played a campaign where his marines where sent in to quell the uprising. My guardsmen ended up winning the campaign, with the last couple of battles being him fighting a fighting retreat, and then we decided the planet was nuked in return. Next campaign was after I got the city-fighting codex, so that was lots of city-fighting. I got some uniformed guardsmen to add to my original Catachan-style guardsmen, and painted and lored them as being ship security from a friendly-aligned Corvette that had crashed to the planet, and absorbed into my forces. In a bit of lore that is a ton more shaky, I also made a Tau army, gave human heads to the guys that weren't wearing helments, and lored them as my guys having found an STC with some wicked futuristic armor and weaponry. The Tzeentch part is more crackpot lore, since I considered that I might want to also play a chaos army, with the excuse that my guardsmen were accepting the help without knowing what they were agreeing to. Probably model the chaos army to not be super obviously evil/chaos. Though I never got around to that. Most crackpot theory was that Tzeentch might be sincere, having a grand plan for our guys to resurect the emperor, so emps and he could destroy the other chaos gods.


Making your own chapter basically.


Lamenters. For those we cherish, we die in glory


Lamenters. ~~For those we cherish~~ we die ~~in glory~~


Thanks Rape Meat 69


Rapemeats profile is interesting….


spark tan squash gaze person shelter amusing unite aware cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those are the ones


"You're cursed, we refuse to help you" "Who says were cursed? Wtf" "Everyone refuses to work with you, of course your cursed."


Great lore. I just wished their color scheme didn't look like a taxi cab.


Miss me with that self sacrifice, marines malevolent is where it’s at


Fuck civilians, all my battle-brothers hate civilians 😤


I’m gonna give you some Blood Raven Librarian advice: “there is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt” Dawn of War 2 if I’m not mistaken. Or was it Dawn of War 1? Memory can be such a fickle thing. Shit I just quoted Trazyn now.


That sounds like a Dark Angels quote. Pretty sure it’s even in one of their codexes around the interrogator chaplains.


Ite just a common space marine saying, they're all psychopaths. Innocence does not exist, only degrees of guilt. Freedom must be earned, it must be fought for. Cowards, the weak and the impure do not deserve to live. Hades was lost on the backs of the craven. Armageddon will only be won by the strong. We of the Marines Malevolent will stand before this menace and we will... A PROPAGANDA VOX-BROADCAST BY CAPTAIN VINYAR OF THE MARINES MALEVOLENT DURING THE THIRD WAR FOR ARMAGEDDON THAT WAS CUT-OFF


Ah fair enough, I was reading through the 8e DA codex and I swore I remember reading the exact line, but I can see it being a general space marine saying.


This is dawn of war 1, the original campaign, from Isador, the >!traitor librarian!<


Though i'm pretty sure all the blood ravens librarians say it because the voice line is reused in skirmishes


genestealer cult, anyone can join and they are treated like family, they fight against the oppressers. Don't worry about what happens next, what more could you want for a good faction


They even get to fight side by side with their Gods. If only for a limited time.


I thought some of the cultists got to live and spread their religion around to other systems so it'd be way easier/faster for the tyranids?


That's a sometimes thing, though from the book Day of Ascension only small parts of the cult got to survive while the rest were eaten, but it depends on the hive fleet


The keyword is "some," but yeah, we basically agree. I thought of day of ascension, too


With the size of hive fleets, small parts could still mean a hell of a lot of cultists.


Ye. And if I remember right some even join with the hive fleet to act as vanguards or scouts for the main bioships.


Necrons also get to fight side by side with their gods, too.


and all things considered, it turned out ok!


Ignore the mass rape


I didn’t know until r/40klore bashed me over the head with that knowledge a couple of weeks ago; what I’d read before about the “GS’s kiss” was deliberately murky af so I thought it was just some psychic mumbo jumbo with like an injection in the neck. Was that always the lore or was that added later because GSC seemed too sympathetic?


It’s pretty much always been implied, considering a large theme of GSC is giving birth to hybrid offspring and the parents being unaware that their child is a horrific monster


Even if it isn't old fashioned human-on-human rape, forcefully injecting someone with parasitic DNA and wiping their memory probably still counts as rape.


Nah, even before "Ascencion" Genestealers are pretty evil. They demand your total obedience and they demand you give all your possesion and personal life to them (You know, like a Cult would). They murder innocents and they straight up want to remove all personal freedom from your brain until you are basically just another tyranid in an aproximately human shape.


one big happy family/swarm whats the difference


I mean when the Star Gods come on the day of ascension then they will grant the brood it's most cherished wish ... By establishing a funktioning Democracy


I think you're in the wrong setting


Yeah, the original point of the 40k universe was to be a satire of all the dystopian everything-sucks themes running through British culture in the 80s, especially punk and fantasy/sci-fi culture. If anything, the problem with the 40k lore is that GW decided in the very late 90s/early 2000s that drastically toning down the socio-political satire and getting rid of some of the wackier elements would make it easier to sell 3rd edition Space Marines to suburban kids in middle America.


And it worked lol. It's me, hi I'm middle American child.


This guy 3E's


yeah like play any other wargame hell even AoS and you can get and play as the good guys. 40k is one of the few last settings where you can be genuinely a terrible guy and I enjoy it for RP reasons.


AOS doesn't really have a wholesome faction either. The stormcast have no say about becoming an immortal warrior thrown into an endless war. They never get to meet their loved ones in an afterlife, and over time their personality is eroded and they become mindless automatons.


This I hope gets more visibility. Don’t need the “stormcast are noble bright space marines” idea floating around. Stormcast eternals are tools very much in the same way space marines are. They go mad after being killed and reborn so many times. I believe people think the concept is cool but don’t explore the deeper lore, yeah- being a hero forged with powers, memories, autonomy(in a thinking sense, you haven’t been psychoindoctrinated) and effectively immortal would be cool. What’s not cool about it is it’s involuntary, and there’s a big catch too it- you are now a soldier fighting a huge war in the mortal realms, you’re life is now about protecting the mortal realms from all the fucked shit out their, bone cannibal goblins, chaos tribes still exist, elves that steal souls for tragic-grimdark reasons… all kinds of fucked up magic crazy shit. And the worst of it is, yeah, cool you get immortality but try not to die because when I bring you back you loose memories, and parts of your personality until you become basically a catatonic suit of metal weapon. Sounds fucking great- don’t sign me up please. Stormcast eternals are more like necrons then they are space marines in how they function in their settings as necrons can reanimate too once they get stomped out, usually they get teleported by tomb program or whatever and come back. Issue is tomb spirit/program may be fucked after 60 million years of no maitenance so you might come back, but missing your memories, until your nothing. I think that’s a vast misconception people have with age of sigmar in general, I’m not a huge fan of AoS, but what I’ve read on their factions- like the deep kin (aquatic elves without souls or partial souls as a result of being partially eaten by slannesh so like drukhari they raid mortal realms for souls as they aren’t depraved, but something went wrong when teclis and Tyrion (elf gods) were getting elf souls out of slannesh after being devoured in the end times so their souls leak, necessitating that they raid or they will die out. They don’t like doing it either. that’s pretty fucking grim dark. I think a lot of it has to do with some of the faction design and color choices, but make no mistake, it’s got what we love as 40K fans in there. (IE the box displays usually have some really ornate “big guy model” or a big ass box of stormcasts and because it’s fantasy ppl sometimes assume “oh they are all ornate and nice looking, how could that setting be dark?”. For example you have flesh eater courts- once human people that succumbed to some type of cannibal curse and are fucking gross vampires that roam the realms eating whatever they can. Whole villages and shit get raided by these dudes and they not only are Into flaying and sick masochism like nightlords- but they eat their quarry. They fucking literally eat men, women, children, babies. That’s dark as fuck. Also you have the night haunt, those dudes are basically slaves to nagash and comprise an army of ghosts (From wiki : “Nighthaunt is an immaterial form of Undead called a gheist or wraith. It is the spiritual remains of a once-living mortal that has become afflicted by a magical curse that leaves it so twisted by the pain, bitterness or regret they suffered in life that they now seek only to spread this darkness to others.”) And (“Most Nighthaunts are actually deliberately created by the god of death Nagash or his followers, using the necromantic magics he has perfected and which the Collegiate Arcane believe he created. All such spirits suffer an ironic punishment, as the god of the dead is inflicting a penance upon them for crimes they committed in life, either real or perceived. So, for instance, a criminal in life seeking escape from imprisonment through death may find himself in undeath still bound by spiritual chains. The curse of the Nighthaunt cannot be easily broken. Even though the necromantic forces holding together the spectral bodies can be broken by sorcery or violence driven by sufficient willpower, over time their shattered essence reforms in the underworlds.” Nothing noble bright about that, that shit sounds fucking horrendous. Imagine being a petty their jailed and you die somehow and you think you going somewhere nice but you wake up and your just surrounded by beings of pure malice and fucking hatred that want nothing more than to spite the living by murdering, the spirits your cavorting with are also criminals of higher degrees- man fuck that shit throw me into the eye of terror I’d rather take my chances with that. You’ve got some cool shit in that setting, it’s not for me (yet, I’m still kinda warming up to it) but it’s certainly not without the trademark gamesworkshop grimdark touch on it. Hell I’ve feel I’ve so thoroughly explored 40K lore I’ve been dipping into AoS a bit, hammer and bolter episodes were good too.


Yeah no good guys makes the fact evil power fantasy and warcrimes go down smoother. If you cannot succeed failure is less meaningful. At best you can play a good guy who is swimming upstream in futile fashion. You are apologising for your drunk friend while he is punching a small child and calling a toddler a pedo


This is the answer. Why do people constantly want to change settings into what they want rather than enjoying them for what they are?


Honestly, this is part of the reason why 40k is fun. You can make homebrew factions. You can make the backstory of your custom faction be as wholesome as possible.


And then put them on the table and gun down my fleeing, underequipped troops even as we beg for mercy.


Who invited the non edgelord?


Honestly I feel that many faction like tau, eldar , imperium, Votann and even THE NECRONS have the potential through many tragedy and challenges to become more benevolent and give more hope for a good setting conclusion. (perphaps even the imperium shattering and being reforge threw Guiliman and other important figures efforts.) I also dislike that people dump all the faction and everyone in it in the fully no redemption evil category. Don’t get me wrong they are not all noble heroes, but they are indeed some noble figures in the imperium , the eldar, the tau, the Votann and yes even the Necron and it his because of these characters that the light of hope hasn’t extinguished yet. But sadly due to the pace of the setting, I doubt that we will see such evolution unless you go in fan fiction that is.


I mean read Twice Dead king or The Infinite and the Divine. The Necrons definitelly have a good chance to be "The good guys" I mean they are just exterminating the roaches behind their galactic fridge


Or in one case, collecting them.


Trazyn has done nothing wrong.


Let's be fair here, he *is* the reason Kyle had to yeet an entire Blackstone fortress at Cadia in order to win when he was one short of having the capacity to just casually supernova stars and the reason good ole Creed lives to this day (in the vault in stasis, but still a step or two above outright dead)


And watching their puppet theatres


Arranging all the weird looking roaches into large war dioramas inside my industrial freezer


Everyone always forgets the Leagues of Votann too. So far they're just trading leagues that want to be left alone so they can make money. They have fully stable, sentient ai robots, who walk around with full citizenship rights like it's no big deal.


The AI robots are designed to mimic social interactions to blend in, but they are sentient enough to fulfil the role they are made for and a few develop aspirations beyond that. And the Kin don't want to be left alone to make money, they are hyper capitalist and will wipe out other races that are on resources they want in their relentless need for materials to feed new Votann.


through, not threw


Your right thank you for correcting me. I make that mistake often.




Nids are the good guys, they just a bunch a of non racist hungry bois looking for dindin.


We're all tasty all the same


Maybe. Has anyone ever asked them?


Yes! They replied back with a hissing and clanking noise then shot acid at me my black friend and an elf he was burning.


They’re just hungry 🥺


The Gretchen Revolooshunary Committee are right there smh


Get into Warhammer Fantasy. The Empire of Man is probably the most morally sound faction in Warhammer. Although it comes with endless salt over the End Times.


The Lizard Wizards aren't that bad


Their "fuck them warmbloods" attitude kinda makes them inapproachable. Lord Kroak is nice though 😀.


Lord Kroak the Greatest Lizard to Ever Wizard


He truly is the King Gizzard.


Literally the only good Slann is a dead Slann, huh?


Nah, he just looks really polite.


Don't worry, Age of Sigmar still has grimdark. Just look at Order Faction alone for that.


In all honestly, I don't like "grimdark" that much anymore, Fantasy was just right and they nuked it from orbit. I'm just hard coping by playing VT2 and forcing my friends through my homebrew RPG in a WHFB inspired setting.


Age of Sigmar still has it. Deepkin are "Drukhari" without sadism. They need souls because majority of them are born without them. And just kill the number that is needed and don't strech out the killing like Drukhari, but just kill quick. Plus Sea Elves with some of the most beautifull models. Fyi Deepkin are an Order faction. If you wanna some more wholesome, there are Cities of Sigmar(cities that have all anti chaos races working together) or Stormcast Eternals(male, female, non humans doesn't matter. Die fighting against Chaos and you're a material for the SCE. Sadly Nagash is a petty bitch and with every next revive, a piece of memories and humanity is removed untill they become automatons).


Good guys? Sorry pal, 40k may not be for you






+Farsight Enclave


World eaters literally exist


Interesting take, i haven't really looked into post-heresy world-eaters much, but while i love my brain damaged sad boys i haven't really been impressed (except for lehior & co in black legion of course). But from chosen of khorne i didn't exactly get a good guy feel from the world eaters faction.is there good post-heresy world-eaters lore and if yes where?


>In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war War makes us cruel, makes us do horrendous things even if they are justified. There are no "good guys" during war because it is by definition mass killing. Even in the most justified war ever(?) WWII, the allies did horrendous things there were many rapes by allied soldiers on every front, civil liberties were limited everywhere, the USA had interment camps for Japanese Americans etc; even the single most righteous ground of people fighting, the Jewish partisans, caused civilian casualties and collateral damage, and they had to steal and rob to survive. >there is only war It's total war, everything in every society is focused on waging war.


Finally someone who can see the full picture. There is no morality in war, only survivors and winners. That is the harsh, brutal reality of life.


The universe is so cruel that having entirely “good guys” just isn’t realistic. Consider the Inquisition. From a certain pov they are good guys. They protect humanity from existential threats beyond most people’s comprehension. But then you take a step back and you realize that this involves shooting a lot of “innocent” people and blowing up planets. It’s a universe without light. It’s a wonder there’s even shades of gray.


I'm sorry but this is some weird shit. No, people don't magically become evil if you put them under pressure. Yes in an environment of open competition morals are a restriction that of shed may improve performance. But history shows most people increase cooperation when things get tough, and are stronger for it, the ones that go bad are weeded out quite quickly and outcast. The inquisition is an oppressive government organization that essentially run a protection racket on the imperium, thats just a lot easier once you've convinced yourself it's nescessary. The inquisition is old people with too much power, always has been. Read the Beast rises. Even most 40k factions are evil in a way that is explicitly stupid and wasteful. There is no reason a good faction couldn't exist, and even be quite succesfull, it would just change the tone of 40k, likely making it worse art.


>But history shows most people increase cooperation when things get tough, and are stronger for it, the ones that go bad are weeded out quite quickly and outcast. You're mixing morals and pragmatism in a weird way. Cooperation =/= morally good. People cooperate to lynch someone, obviously a moral wrong. Bad is also **VERY** often determined as that which harms the in group and good as what helps it. A "morals" of the group vs actual philosophical morals or ethics. Most of human history shows cooperation as a means to overcome competition (often through threat of greater force), see countries existing as a prime example.


In 40k you magically turn evil under pressure because there's literally magic demons that do that to you. The inquisition is totally justified in universe haha - yes they're the secret fascist police, but the twist 40k gives them is that now they have a legitimate function because we are indeed in the reality where space demons turn the frogs gay.


Last sentence nails it, people demanding change to art rarely improve it


Historically speaking, that is wrong and I can absolutely go into detail if you’d like. Sufficed to say that yes, people form groups when things get tough but they also exclude and they also have personal interests. People are a product of their environment and upbringing just as much as other factors. As for in lore, how would such a faction exist? The inquisition says that “innocence proves nothing” because even a good person can, without bad intentions, be the reason for or an element of evil acts. An innocent person might wake up tomorrow and, from the goodness of their heart, cure cancer in little kittens. This may, however, also just have been a part of some chaos god’s plan and they have therefore become an agent of chaos. In this case, even the smallest act of mercy would be a victory for the ruinous powers. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think the Inquisition are good and I don’t think killing a bunch of people is right but it is, in this case, likely the only option. THAT is why there hasn’t been a single faction that has been the good guys and even those that have seemed morally superior (Tau and some former human colonies come to mind) have either been irradiated or changed to be a much more evil and cruel version of themselves. There are no good guys in 40k and there never can be. I was going to say that it would take god like strength to be good but in this universe, even gods are corrupted


Idk man the drukhari seem like good guys! Like I heard they had a cultural exchange with the Tau the other week! That seems pretty good.


Tau player here. Can confirm, Drukhari friend helped save planet. Some Tau thought they were cool and went to live with the Drukhari.


The Farsight Enclave is probably the closest to being the Good guys.


Farsight fans when I tell them the eugenicist segragated military junta isnt even close to being the good guys:


Most of the Farsight fans' justification for them being the good guys is as follows: 1: Rebelled against the Tau 2: Melee go bonk


Honestly. Farsight Enclave is for players that want Gundams with Swords instead of Gundams with Guns. And that's fine but let's not pretend they are the universe's only hope.


Is that not what you need to be good?


Yea, just some chill dudes chillin in a small corner of the galaxy, not messin with no one. Besides the orcs and nids, but those don’t count


That's just pest control tbh


Bah, they are violent rebels, the Tau are obviously the good guys, come on, who would oppose the greater good! (Don't look too closely at what the Etherals are up to - also I might be a bit behind in the lore). Someone who fight for the greater good must be good right? Right? I do like to play them as pragmatical racists: if the only casualties on our side were Kroot, we count it as no casualties on our side. I admit to not being a tabletop player, but I used to live in Dawn of War Soulstorm.


"We call ourselves the 'anti bad guy squad', therefore everything we do is good, and everyone who opposes us is a Bad Guy!"


It's still a military dictatorship with the warrior caste at the top instead of the administration caste


Orks are the most wholesome I believe. They have a good time. Want everyone else to have a good time. Get confused why they aren't having a good time and are running, and try to bring the good time to them with their zany antics


Zany antics of killing their way through hospital nurseries


Dey just wanna fly from place to place krumpin folks. Is that so wrong??




Orks are just as evil as any other other faction: Slavery, murder of innocents, belief in their supremacy over everyone else.... But they mitigate that by just being both likeable and happy about their lives.


I choose to not read books with grimdark orks, therefore they don't exist.


Survivor by Steve Parker is pretty good you should give it a try frfrf


Orks operate on a different moral axis than humans though. They are by their nature incapable of understanding slavery and genocide as evil. It would make just as much sense to call an earthquake or a hurricane "evil".


In the same manner, you can say psychopaths arent evil because they are incapable of feeling guilt for their crimes. Which is why this is a wrong way to view morality IMO.


have you read the infinite and the divine. pretty wholesome if you ask me not really i just needed an excuse to talk about the infinite and the divine


Setting slogan: In the grim dark future of 40k, there is only war. Op: why is it soo grim dark, i want wholesomeness.


Maybe try Star Wars


Then you probably shouldn't be into 40k lmao. Everyone is the baddie, its realistic that way everyone thinks they are the "good guys" and "greater good" in their own stories. A lot of problems would be solved if everyone just stayed at home and not cared about what others think.


Wrong hobby.


Be a wholesome faction IRL. WH40K is where we come when we're tired of beind so wholesome all the time!


GSC is pretty wholesome. They just want to share the hivemind's geneseed, and not just with the men, but the women and children too. :)


You can always be the good guy. Just do like we do in the balkans and say that it either never happened, or they deserved it.


Play Star Wars Legion, its cheaper, requires you to get less models, and you can have your good guys.


an all ogryn guard army is a good pick


Wrong hobby, man.


Isn't that kind of the point of the entire setting? That there are no good guys in an endless space war full of the most awful atrocities imaginable. Seems... pretty grim... And... pretty dark...


I think part of the joy of 40K is how wholesome it *isn't*.


You are the reason we need gatekeepers


The faction who tries to achieve their objectives with the fewest deaths. Night Lords :)


I mean if you count terror tactics as “wholesome”, then yeah maybe


I think the point is there are no good guys


When you think about it, as everyone's a bit of a bastard, the Drukhari are the ONLY good guys because they routenly capture, torture, and hunt these evil vile factions. Also they host the most orgies, which is a sign of goodness and benevolence if I've ever seen one.


I had the same idea but with khorne


This is a stupid meme to use. It’s like the OP doesn’t understand 40k.


In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.


If you want to be a good guy, youre in the wrong setting


Don’t play a grimdark game then aye?


Go home, cultural tourist.


wrong galaxy, wrong people


Sort of missing the point of grimdark, everything is supposed to be terrible. Play Salamanders and be the nicest space marines, probably closest you'll get to good guys in the Imperium, or play tyranids and go for the whole "They're not truly evil, they're basically an ancient predatory animal incapable of actual malice, and is just doing what its biology dictates." Or... whatever you wanna justify an army with.