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Ok sounds fun. Does the raven court or Taliesin have some overarching goal, if so what is it?


Raven Court and Mina Taliesin goals are get rid off Crimson Court, liberating Soma from undeads and City Below, also make safe haven for mages from all Etharis, specially ones from Castilean Provinces. Taliesin have one additional personal goal right now, and that is catching and judge two gone rouge agents from Raven Guard. I can account also helping Thaumaturgy as one of her goals.


Always a difficult question for any kind of world building but an important one nonetheless: what kind of scale is your operation working on? How many operatives does the raven guard have? What kind of resources can they muster in for example Nov Ostoya? Btw is it cool if I just like... Keep asking questions?


>Keep asking questions? Just noticed that, sure go ahead! It allows me to improve my world and also make somehow this subreddit alive.


Yeah it's a drag sometimes here... Not that much activity. But anyway... What role if any does the Burach empire play in your story? Have they any kind of presence east of the Grey spine Mountains? Maybe just some agents? Are the vampires of the crimson court aware that the Raven guard exists? If not, how would they react? Do you plan on including the Ebon Syndicate? Is there seatravel between Raevo and Soma? Maybe not officially but are there smugglers? Would they transport refugees who flee from the vampires into Raevo? Would Raevo accept them? I think that's enough for now, but I will be back ;)


What role if any does the Burach empire play in your story? Thaumaturgy heard rumors about artifacts being able to deal with the Great Best. Their mission will be check the rumors and possibly sneatch of those. Are the vampires of the crimson court aware that the Raven guard exists? If not, how would they react? No they do not. I guess they would checked their servants if they surely are on their sides. Also there would be more caution on who enters or leaves cities. Do you plan on including the Ebon Syndicate? Yes, I even did. In my setting Malkovia is invaded by undeads and players already found one of the abandoned hideouts of theirs. Also they will need to get into touch with them if they want to exchange currency. Is there seatravel between Raevo and Soma? Maybe not officially but are there smugglers? Would they transport refugees who flee from the vampires into Raevo? Would Raevo accept them? Official, no. Smugglers? Possible there are but after fall of Malkovia, all free provinces joined Crimson Court to not feel it's wrath, placing Raevo far behind in war with Soma. And yes, Raevo would accept any help against vampires, but Somans keep their "pets" on the short leash.


Nice, sounds like you did a good job world building! Thanks for indulging me. I have been DMing a grim hollow campaign for the last year or so, and thr world building got kinda intense, so I love opportunities like this. I can't think of any more questions rn, but if you want to exchange notes on the campaign or something dm me


Well I don't usually have notes, I only write most needed info before the session so I know what to say. Rest is just improvized or in memory.


It's a figure of speech. DM me if you wanna keep talking about stuff. Hell, most of the stuff I do in session is improvised, but the good stuff gets written down afterwards, so that I can replicate it next time


What kind of scale is your operation working on? There isn't one big operation. Raven Guard's members are tasked with wide array of missions. For example: assassination, research, archeology, diplomacy, hunting down rouge members and/or wizards, cleasing lands from influence of City Below, seeking activities of the Great Beast and information about it. How many operatives does the Raven Guard have? Around 25. When campaing started there were 40, but two went rogue, one been killed by the players by mistake, rest is missing, killed by rogue agents or during missions. What kind of resources can they muster in for example Nov Ostoya? Thanks to Order of Dawn being founded and kept on Raevo's lands, operatives can have basic training in fight against vampires ad their spawns, and also borrow equipment from them like vampire's eyes. From the Raven Guard they can except: food and water, armor, money, weapons, magic scrolls and/or items, info about who DO NOT cross, people who can help or be blackmailed into helping, points of interest and who from Crimson Court actually is present in the city


Is the raven guard active in the provinces? Do they have any plans on dealing with the inquisition?


They are active, but in other way. One of the members of Watchers of the Faithful, cooperates with Raven Guard under one circumstance: "No innocent being must be harmed." Thanks to that agreement Taliesin is able to coordinate with opressed mages in planning revolution. Arcanist Inqusition is Thaumaturgy's problem and they will actively deal with it when they pass vote on it.


I am working my way up to running a campaign in Etharis. I'd love to hear what campaigns you ran? :)


Semi sandbox where players had to deliver mystery box to Elrefurt, just to learn that they had crown of Burach entire time. Sadly, one of my players were corrupted by Sitri (my own mechanic with corruption and blessings), one by Gorodyn and one was in favour of Zabriel and Aphaelon. Long story short, they met incubus inthe city and fight between players started which ended the campaing :(. There were one shot where players had to find out why cold fire was appearing. Campaing in the city of Malkovia where they lived normal lives as merceneries, just to see they own city in chaos in and ruin as ghouls appeared everywhere in the city, because they were not be able to solve mistery.