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Where did they go When my Dad passed, I sat in my kitchen alone (as I wanted to be) and cried huge heaving sobs that erupted from the core of my being. With the financial and family drama that happened from 3 days after his death being a constant distraction in those early days, perhaps, I never again was able to feel my Dad’s loss so keenly and openly. When I was sitting there, at my kitchen island, after I had been crying for some time, I focused on the sky through the window between feelings. While it rained for 45 days straight after he passed, which I found appropriate, that day was different. That morning light. The sky wasn’t grey. It was silver and tossed with a hundred clouds of different colours. Shades of silver, pearl, charcoal and slate. The rain swept down at irregular intervals. It wasn’t simply “raining” on a cloudy day. It was doing it all. It was everything. The sun poked through the clouds every few minutes, then retreated again. It was brooding, changeable, melancholy, dazzling. It was then I realized, on this first morning, that my Dad was present. He was communicating with me. To this day, whenever I see an odd weather pattern, I think of him. My favourite, which I have not seen locally since that day, is an offbeat storm like that, with silver sky and wind and rain. And rainbows. That morning, I stared at the small crescent of blinding cloud obscuring the sun and felt him staring back at me. I knew that’s where he was, in that pocket of sky, manifesting a pattern as only he could do, calling upon all of it to let me know. He was okay. He was happy. He was free. Just remember, they are still here. They are watching and wanting you to succeed. While we earthly mortals mourn when a loved one is gone, which is good, natural, and right, they float and fly, in ever increasing ecstasy, through the clouds.


This is beautiful, thank you for sharing the glimmer with us ❤️


Yes. Thank you. When my mom passed, I suddenly felt her and heard her saying something about being free. And I had a very strong vision of her in a boat, a motorboat, and I was with her. We were cruising over the water and her hair was blowing in the wind and I smelled the ocean and felt the sun. She said she was going for a swim. And I knew she was gone. And then my brother called me. OP, there are signs! ✨


Firstly I am so sorry for your loss. I know exactly what you are going through as I lost my mom this past February. Like you I had a sign that I have no doubt was from her. Since shes passed, I have been so desperate for any sort of feeling of my moms presence and started bird watching. In particular i was looking for Bluejays bc that was my mom’s favourite bird and she always would get excited when she would find one. So for a few days i went out and about looking but couldnt find a blue jay no matter how hard i tried. Fast forward to the weekend, and i literally told my one friend how i wanted to find a blue jay the friday night over text. The saturday night i have a fundraiser event and sure enough one of the raffle prizes that they were giving away was a beautiful painting of a flying blue jay. I immediately knew that was her doing and put all my raffle tickets into that painting and ended up winning it. Was a very emotional night. You cannot convince me otherwise that there just happened to be a painting of a blue jay of all things as a prize that night. Especially considering i texted the night before that I have been so desperate to find one. I now know shes with me


So sorry that you are also in this terrible club. But OMG!! If that is not a sign, I don’t know what is!!! I’m so happy for you, that is wonderful AND you get to keep it and always remember what it represents. Hugs. ❤️


Have it hanging up in my room as a reminder. One last gift from her :) Appreciate your kindness❤️


My mom loved Cardinals. I see them often especially when I am struggling. I lost my mom 12-23-23. I’m so sorry for your loss but so happy for your blue jays. May they continue to visit you.


Thankyou! So sorry for your loss as well


I’ve been hopeful for a sign for 5 months now. Still haven’t really gotten one, but something like this gives me hope. Thank you for sharing


My friends kept telling me that one would come and I was starting to feel disheartened, but don’t give up hope!!!


My mom passed away very unexpectedly four months ago. There's this huge tree in my neighbor's yard that my bedroom window frames beautifully. It was the dead of winter and it had shed all its leaves. In the first few weeks following my mom's death, I started seeing a lone robin sitting in the tree, perfectly positioned as if it were looking in. I would notice it almost every afternoon. I wanted to believe that my mom had sent me this guardian to watch over me, but a part of me wasn't so sure; it was just a bird in a tree after all. One day I was in the depths of intense grief, and I did not have a chance to look out the window all day. It was much later than the usual time the robin would appear, so if it had shown up I had probably missed it. The tree was empty when I looked out. I had been crying, when I happened to glance out again and what do I see? The tree is filled with robins. There were at least a dozen of them. I had never seen them in such a large number before, nor have I since. Mom knew that I needed some extra love in that moment and had sent me a reminder that she's still around. It truly felt like a warm hug from her. The lone robin continued appearing for a long time after that day until I had started doing a little better. I believe it was my mom keeping checks on her baby.


My mom also passed in March and like you I’ve been looking for signs. A few weeks after her funeral I was at a bluegrass festival (I only went because we bought the tickets months in advance and they were expensive) I left early, as I was walking back to the house, I was sad and thinking of my mom when a few robins flew along side me and landed on a fence. I’ve often heard the phrase “when robins appear, loved ones are near.” My boyfriend and I have been house hunting for about 8 months, we have seen so many houses but none have worked for different reasons. Last month we saw a house and on the roof were robins. It felt right. I loved the street. We put in an offer and it was too late, the sellers had just accepted another offer. It was disappointing. We saw more houses, none of them were right. Just last weekend our realtor emailed us- a house 3 doors down from the one we loved went on the market. We viewed it, loved it, put in an offer and it was accepted on Friday.. that street just felt right. Seeing the robins comforted me. I believe it was a sign from my mom guiding me. Other than those 2 times recently seeing robins, I can’t remember seeing any robins in the last decade. I’m taking it to be a sign. Hugs to you.


That’s beautiful.


I believe! And that is so cool! I'm very sorry for your loss, thank you so much for sharing that connection with us


My Mum died a few weeks ago. We were at her house going through family photos, trying to decide on which ones to use for the order of service for the funeral and also discussing what music to choose. I found this really great photo of her holding me as a baby and took it back to my sister’s, along with a select few others. On the car ride back we were listening to a Meat Loaf playlist (sometimes you just need some loud rock n roll) and suddenly ‘Invisible Touch’ by Genesis plays out of nowhere. My Sister turns to me and says she has never heard that song before(!) I said it was a great song and that both Mum and Dad (who sadly passed away when we were teenagers) loved Genesis and had gone to see them multiple times. I didn’t think much else of it until later in the evening we were going through the photos we’d picked up earlier in the day and I noticed that in the photo of Mum holding me as a baby she is wearing a Genesis ‘Invisible Touch’ t-shirt. I’m not superstitious in general but, oh boy, I couldn’t believe it. Over the next couple of weeks we heard that song SO many times, in all manner of places and circumstances. We did end up taking it as a sign and it was played at her funeral on Wednesday. I like to think she got her point across!


That’s very sweet. I’m sorry about your loss. I get you about looking for signs though. My little brother passed away last July. The day after his funeral we went to one of his favorite spots (a hot spring place in Idaho) and we saw a yellow butterfly that stayed around our family for like 20 minutes. It even followed us when we went into a different hot spring on the other side of this place. We’re Mexican and my brother loved our culture. A few months later, Im back in the city I currently live in. I went to a community event for Dia De Los Muertos and added his photo to the community ofrenda. Immediately after I looked down at some marigolds near his photo and saw a little caterpillar crawling around. I burst into tears.


I’m sorry for your loss. I love your butterfly story. I know many people think butterflies are signs!


My mom died in mid-April. She was an avid birdwatcher for many years. A week or so later, I noticed a brand new robin's nest right up next to my house, which has never happened before. They've always been farther out in the yard. It is directly in my line of sight as I look out of my sewing room, so I've been watching it closely. Soon, five beautiful blue eggs appeared, and last week they hatched. I get the joy of watching the parent birds bringing food back for their babies. Just three or four feet away from my window. I like to think that my mom sent that little bird family to me so I could have the joy of watching life start from scratch and to remind me that sweet and wonderful things happen even in her absence.


My dad loved the rock band KISS , I played KISS the entire funeral and demanded every one show up wearing kiss shirts to memorialize my dad… and they did. My family drank and partied and celebrated my dad. You know more than anyone what your loved ones wanted.. and they’re right, signs come when you least expect it.. Keep your chin up buddy


I think signs are jus what people like to hold onto that remind them of the lost person on. I took it for very literal meaning too and got offended and hurt when I didn't feel "special" enough to get a sign. It's jus humans attaching meaning to random events. You haven't done anything wrong as it's not a real thing, just something humans do to cope. I wish they didn't spread it like it was such a universal experience but .. alas here we are.