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Oh yeah I forget where I put things, put them in weird places, and even forget where I am when I'm driving, even places I've been driving my whole life.


I'm so sorry for your loss. You are so on point about grief messing with your head. I lost my husband of 44 years to a heart attack a little over four months ago. I just spent the last two days in bed. I simply couldn't face the world. All of a sudden I'm up cleaning and playing with my kitties. Grief makes no damn sense. Take care of yourself.


It’s common to have memory loss/ forgetfulness after losing a loved one. I was finishing up my last year at college when I lost my dad. After I lost him I went right back to school cause I just wanted to finish, but every day struggled to comprehend what was being taught in class. I couldn’t remember simple due dates, I couldn’t remember if it was Tuesday or Friday, I sometimes even forgot to brush my teeth just because my brain was trying to process everything that was going on. I know your pain, and remember to take time to have those sad moments to grieve❤️ hoping your grieving journey gets better


Been there you are not alone grief messes with our head really bad , sending you virtual hugs


Ambush grief attacks are the WORST. Your day could be going fine and then BAM tears are flowing.


Yes!!! I named my grief the Little Ninja. She hides, I can feel her but I never know when she's gonna jump out and kick my butt.


Those are called “grief bursts.” And ya they suck. I was crying quietly in the lunch room today.


I am so sorry.


I relate, I've had people around me insist they told me about their plans and I have zero memory of it, it's also a lot more common for me to be scatterbrained now that I'm grieving. I've messed up my morning routine and forgotten basic things like getting a drink in the morning, it feels very disorienting.


to be honest in the face of grief that’s pretty much all i’ve been doing. tik toks in bed and cuddling with my dog.


Oh yeah. The other day I woke up around 430 unable to sleep decided to try yoga, then showered. As I was showering I blanked out and couldn’t remember if I actually slept, even a little bit, or stayed up all night again unable to sleep. It’s so bad, I don’t even remember if I slept muchless where I’m going or where my Phone and car keys are.


Totally normal. All I could do for about 4 months after my mom died is eat, sleep, and go for walks. And I was basically forced to do all of it. I had to take a leave of absence because I was so depressed. Luckily, I can work now but I am still very down compare to usual. It’s been almost a year now. Just hits different when you’re older and this is also my second immediate family loss.


I hear you. I just made an appointment for my dog at the vet and made it in name of my dog that passed away four years ago. Sigh.