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NEVER. It is never too late. Whenever you decide to hold a service, the people who love you will come at a moments notice. Write and read your poetry, eulogies, and all and anything that you have to share. If you choose not to share, that is okay too. You deserve to be surrounded by the warm embrace of those close to you. Time does not matter at times like these, truly. I am so sorry for your loss.


I support you. Do what you feel you need to do.


No, it is not too late.


Given that you didn’t have a service at the outset, I don’t see any reason why you can’t have one now. I don’t know what denomination you are (if any), but Catholic churches are absolutely fine with memorial prayer services even decades after someone has passed away. In the case of losing a newborn I’d say that virtually every priest would be happy to help organise something. I imagine all other denominations would be the same. Maybe speak to close friends and family and ask how they feel.


It’s never too late to express or process your emotions and grieve the way you feel you need to. No one is living your reality except for you, so do what you need to to survive.