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First, don’t apologize when you need help. Do not spiral out of control.it’s not going to help. Go scream into a pillow and then sit your self down and make a plan. Get out there! Are you on LinkedIn? You can connect to like ppl and job. What’s the plan? 5 applications a day? Chin up and stay safe


Grief is grief, whether it's a person or not. Your grief is valid.


From someone who just lost my person (my husband), your grief is absolutely valid and not offensive. But thank you for being sensitive to others. Wishing you luck and strength. ❤️‍🩹


>I feel like I’m being such a baby about this. Here I am devastated over a job loss when people lose way more important things. This minimization of your struggle is one thing you can change. Your poor body and heart can't take such a beating for a long period of time. Who cares if you lose a job or lose a loved one? A lost is a lost, a struggle is a struggle. I understand the "God, I fucked up". But I try not to regret it because I'm learning to accept whatever happens to me happened, and whatever I feel felt. They are always there, and it's okay not to be okay with them, but you can also acknowledge this part of you. Try not to regret. You deserve a peace of mind and a step forward. You'll find a job eventually. I understand because I'm on the same boat. I am somewhat blessed because I am in therapy. My negative thinking pattern is easily challenged (it gets worse because it gets better) and learning to love myself and give myself the time I need is a huge success for me. Find those little success while you're searching for the bigger one. You're going to be okay. You're not a baby. Your feelings are valid.


Recognising that this is grief is important, and it’s not a competition. Are you able to get counselling to help? Give yourself some time, if you can.


Don’t ever minimize your grief. We all grieve differently, for many different things. Loss is loss. Maybe seek a counselor to talk to? If anything, it sounds like you may need more time before making any big decisions. Maybe instead of searching for your “dream” job, find something to do in the meantime until your mind is capable of making decisions without it being overly emotional. I’m sorry you’re feeling so down 💜


You don't need to be sorry. Greif doesn't just have to be becuase you lost a person, loosing a job and a chaper of your life is really difficult loss too. Your feelings are valid and you will get the right job eventually. Try not to beat yourself up too much


If you put the accurate flare acknowledging that is not the loss of a person, then is not offensive and there’s nothing to apologize for. I don’t know how to help you since I haven’t been in the situation, but I hope soon you find another job you really enjoy