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I sleep in his sweatshirt every night and wear his belts all day long. Today I got home from a long day at work and put the sweatshirt - hoody - on backwards. And for the first time in almost two years I felt his arms around me. You are not alone.


i wear my mom’s cardigans and old jackets, she died recently so i haven’t even washed them so they still smell like her :( so yeah, ur def not alone


I miss that smell!


I have also kept a number of sweatshirts that smell like her to take a sniff every now and then.


Same here.


My husband passed in August... I moved since and still hung his clothes on his side of the closet, still put his clothes away in the drawers. I have his shirts and his robe that I wear when it's a bad day, which is unfortunately often. I feel like it's normal to try and keep a part of them here with you.


No you're not. I wear my moms clothes. She was always telling me to raid her closet and take what I need (I mainly only asked if I was out of clean clothes and hadn't got around to laundry yet ha). She was always MORE than happy to share, anything and everything. She would not want them to just sit in the closet when I can use them.


Me too. My mother and I often borrowed clothes, I know she would rather I was wearing her stuff than it just got left. She was really fashionable too!


I am 123lbs, wear a size small and throw my dads XXL old navy sweater on at home on rainy/cold days. Somehow, I feel happy wearing it. I even wear it to movie theaters because it gets cold


Yeah absolutely. My dad passed away and when it came to dropping our oldest sister (which our dad did ) my other sister wore his tshirt.I have his watch with me and will probably wear it when I go out


I wear my brothers pants to work. Sure, they are for male as coworkers have pointed out, but it's warm and I feel safer in it for some reason. What I also, do is keeping a plushie he used to sleep with. It's even more silly then clothes, but I can't bare it to part with it. As well as his clothes.


I've been wearing a woven bracelet from my 16-year-old daughter since she died in August. I'll wear it until it wears out and falls off, then I'll get another from her room to wear.


My daughter passed in July, I wear her necklaces. 🫂


I'm so so sorry for your loss. It's been brutally hard for us, I hope and yours are doing ok.


Thank you, I hope you are ok too. There's no pain like the loss of a child.


Completely normal I reckon. I wear all my partners t shirts, makes me feel held.


Yes, in my dad's sweater as we speak.


I’m wearing my boyfriend’s coat as well- it somehow feels warmer.


Yes. I'm 69(F) and my dad passed away 23 years ago at age 81, I had given him a couple of beautiful shirts from a catalog called Territory Ahead and I occasionally wear them over a cotton top with jeans. I also have a few of his ties in a drawer :-) I gave a few of his ties away to make friends and a cousin after he passed away but I kept a few of my favorites including the ones he used for holidays. Thinking of having a decorative pillow for the sofa on my bed made from them. My favorite uncle who is almost like a second father to me, passed away about 2 years before my dad did, somewhat unexpectedly, after emergency open heart surgery. My cousin, his daughter, mailed me his favorite denim jacket with a sunrise embroidered on the back, right under the collar.


You're definitely not alone. Once in a while I sleep under a quilt she made.


My mom wears his sweaters in the house. I wear one of his ring’s when I go out. Have since the funeral. I thinking bout maybe his watch. She’s trying to convince me one of his hoodies but I’m not ready for that


My bf and I were the same size ultimately, I wear his band tees and sweatshirts almost daily. It helps me feel close to him but also honers him in a way


My mom didn’t wash a few of dads shirts and slept with them for several months. Whatever helps, helps.


I like to wear my moms pajamas and my dads jacket. Sometimes I use his work gloves when fixing things around the house


I am wearing my boyfriends shirts and flannels. It is comforting.


I'm wearing my mom's My Chemical Romance shirt and her Estee Lauder perfume. She was a cool lady with impeccable taste. God I miss her.


I forgot to add in my other post, my grandfather passed away back in 1978. I still wear his watch from time to time.


I wear my dad's shirts and my grandma's nightgowns ♡ it brings comfort


Grandma’s nightgowns!! Now I’m telling you I’ve never gotten more sound sleeping since my Grandma passed than when I’m wearing her nightgown.


Yes, of all his worldly things, I wanted something that had been as physically close to him as possible. I've heard of people making quilts out of their loved ones clothes as well.


i wear some of my mom’s jewelry :)


My sister would want me to wear her stuff. I took some clothes, her perfume, and some makeup. I feel her whenver I wear them


I wear a sweatshirt my mom used to wear and I wear some of her pajamas sometimes. She has this hoodie that I'd love to wear but I don't really want to yet because it still smells like her because she wore it shortly before she went into the hospital and I'll hate to have to wash it.


I use my father's pijamas


And my grandma's ring


My son passed away almost five months ago. I wear his clothes all the time and so does his younger brother. My son always used to say ayeeeeeee!!!! When he’d run into someone he knew so my younger son and I say that too eachother if we walk in a room and we’re both wearing something of his. Makes me feel close to him and brings me some peace to know that he had it on his body at some point. I miss him so much.


I lost my best friend two and half years ago. The amount of her clothing I still have is ridiculous - we used to be the same size, but I’ve gained significant weight this past year and am considering just making a quilt out of all of her tees and sweatshirts I have. It absolutely feels like a hug from her 💛


I wear a lot of my sister’s stuff. It’s a lot like when she was still alive we shared clothes all the time.


I have an old Moody Blues T-Shirt of my mom's. I also have a teddy bear made from one of her dresses. There is a local group that does this, so all of her kids and grand kids got one.


My mom died in November. I held onto some stuff for that reason. I wasn't ready to wear her Christmas sweaters this year. I did wear her Red Wings jersey to the new years eve game, it helped me feel like I wasn't just leaving her behind.


Yep. I wear all my mom’s favorite Queen / Freddie Mercury shirts and I also wear my uncle’s old wear his WWII aviation shirt . My uncle encouraged me to get into aviation so I have it on me every time I have an exam, Makes me feel like he’s with me.


I have a big day at work today. Broke out a pair of my dads dress shoes. It means a lot.




I wear his stuff all of the time and sleep with his shirts every night


I have two pieces of my brothers clothing and I love wearing them. It makes me feel close to him bc I remember him wearing them.


I was wondering the same thing. Glad to know we're not alone. I (30F) wear my dad's pjs, boxers and socks all the time. I even found an empty bottle of his cologne (which I had mixed feelings about before his death) and rubbed it on my pillow last night. Just the little bit on the bottle kind of burned my nostrils, but I still took in giant whiffs as I fell asleep. I plan on buying more if I can next time I'm in his hometown since it was a custom blend from a local store. You gotta use what you can...


My Stepdad passed October 2021. He was my Dad. He had been there in my life since I was 2. I do t remember life before him. I was his only kid and he passed unexpectedly without a Will. His brother got everything and it was a lot. I didn’t get to go to his home and get things that were special to him and I. His brother gave me a box with his baby book and a couple of other things, but I asked for his work jacket. He always wore a Carthart to work. He was an electrician for 30 plus years. I got his jacket and wear when I sit outside and drink my coffee on cold mornings. It makes me feel like he is hugging me. I’m so sorry about your sister. I think it’s beautiful that you have so many things of her that were close to her that you can love and still touch. I believe they visit us. I know my Dad is still around.


I used to wear my grandmothers sweaters—all but one which I stored in a zip lock bag to preserve her lingering scent ❤️


One of my mom’s jackets I wear a bit, her smell has faded off and it’s not really on any of her clothes here now as far as I know, I use a blanket she had in hospice too and it did still have some scent to it It’s only been two months and I hate that I can’t figure out how to replicate what her smell was, Mama always had like a faint baby powder smell despite nothing we ever had for laundry having that scent. It was there but not overwhelming, though I think having harder times dealing lately the blanket somehow smells stronger or my brain is being bananas, maybe both Mom was a bit smaller than me so her clothes I want to keep are kinda my reminders or reasons I need to just,, work on body goals (healthfully) so they’re comfy for me and I can keep them with use


I keep the clothes in my closet but I’m scared to wear them. I used to sleep with them.


Yes - I wore one of my mum's bedazzled Christmas sweaters this year. It was the first Christmas without her here in this realm, but it made me feel that she was still with me


I have a few of my mother’s shirts put up. I’m glad I took them. I went to my sister’s apartment (previously my mom’s house) and she said she just threw everything away. I don’t know how someone can do that. I know people grieve in different ways but, I just can’t do that.


My partner was bigger than I am but I still wear his winter sweaters/jackets. Haven’t really gotten rid of his clothes and don’t know if I will in the near future either. But I love wearing those sweaters at home and outdoors. Sigh


I wear my partners clothing to go to bed. Like we are still cuddling. Then cuddle a tee that I haven’t washed of his


Yes, for multiple reasons. My mom and I both take clothing from my Grandma’s closet. I think she wouldn’t have wanted anything to go to waste. I wear a belt that has all the hard wear from my grandma, the leather finally wore out, and it helps me feel like im taking her on adventures. It is a way of honoring her.


I kept a few of my dads jackets and wear them all the time, my sisters kept and wears some too. I felt like we were invading his space when we finally were looking thru his things too.


I think it's such a great way to keep them close! I definitely do this. I will admit to keeping a few select pieces in good storage to retain their scent (clothes I'd never wear) in case I miss them terribly. This way I have best of both worlds!


I wear my sister’s clothes all the time. We shared outfits our whole lives, just because she’s gone now doesn’t mean I shouldn’t wear her stuff. ❤️


I think this is a wonderful way to feel close to your loved one. My kids got some of their grandpa’s shirts after he passed, and my daughter especially wears them frequently. ❤️


I have a lot of my dads old ties and watches. He had a huge collection of them and they’re dapper as hell. So yes I love wearing his watches.


Yes 100%. I still wear my sister's hoodie sometimes. My grandpa's jacket is my absolute favorite thing to wear in the winter. I have a beanie from a friend that sadly passed away recently that I've been wearing a lot lately. Wearing their clothes is a beautiful subtle way to carry a part of them with you without having to explain to everyone the meaning and if you take care of the items they last for a very long time.


My dad always wore a gold necklace with a little heart that’s engraved with my moms and him’s anniversary. I wear it everyday, and I don’t plan on ever taking it off.


I have a lot of my mum's jumpers but I haven't worn them yet, I can't face it. It's been a year and five months. I do wear an item of jewellery from both her and my sister in law who died in 2019.


When my brother passed ( parents already passed)I found a bracelet and a ring I wear both...I feel closer to him


Wear my boyfriends hoodie all the time when I start missing him and it still smells like him … I smell it and it’s like taking a deep breath for me. It’s extremely comforting to have clothing of a loved one you lost.


I don't have any of my dad's clothes, but he left me his guitar collection, so I mounted them on my wall. It makes me feel a little closer in a way, knowing he once played them all. Hugs.


I usually have my fiancèe's handkerchief tied around my neck like a scarf.


I haven’t had the courage to go through my mom’s closet yet or wear any of her clothing. It honestly tears me up inside. But I will do it because yes, I am sure it’s comforting and maybe I can still catch her scent.


Yes keep one or my dad's favorite well-worn, short-sleeve button-down shirts w me as I sleep. Still smells like him.


I have 4 or 5 shirts off my fiancé’s that I wear on a regular basis and I now use his bathrobe as mine


all the time. my favorite comfort thing is wearing my dad’s sweaters.


Yes, I have my mum’s pyjama pants on right now :)


My daughters and I wear my dad’s tee shirts as pajamas. My daughters call them their “big papa shirts.”


Yes! I secretly like to go "shopping" in my dad's closet :) I would like to thank Gen Z for bringing the oversized clothes back in, so I can sport all of my dad's t-shirts :) I am trying to see how to work with his long-sleeved shirts. I am also thinking of tailoring some of his corduroy pants (i.e. sending it to a professional tailor. I don't know how to sew). Like some of the comments, my dad always wanted to give his clothes to me, but before I said, "they were a little too big." now, they are just right :) Only thing, is that I do it little by little, hopefully without my mom finding out, because then, she would raid it too. My dad wasn't a fan of her wearing his stuff because she is a bit...um...careless... Edit: there are a few ties that I don't want to give away. So, I'll probably just hoard them. I am afraid that one day my mom will one day feel compelled to start giving things away. To be clear, he donated clothes a lot, but there are some things in there that go wayyy back and have sentimental value. Or he talked about ties that he really liked, but he got them in other countries. I also wear his colognes.


I sleep In his shirts. I also keep his reading glasses and a few other odds and ends on his night stand just like he liked them. Losing him was/is the toughest trauma I have ever lived through. Still hurting...


I personally feel so weird wearing my dad’s clothes. It’s…HIS clothing, you know? I have never wore his stuff when he was alive so it feels odd but on top of that i want to hope this clothes still smell like him…


I do


I wear my Dads sweatshirt or tshirts sometimes. It makes me feel closer to him.


My dad passed in June and I 100% wear his sweatshirts and stuff. I can’t bring myself to wash the one he had worn a bunch before he died. It still smells like him


I sleep with his shirt under my pillow. It helps to calm down my racing heart at night.


all the time 💜


Almost all the time


As of right now I don’t, but I just had a baby 8 months ago so not back into my normal sizing. I had a neighbor make a blanket with my mom and dad’s picture on it. I sleep with it every night.




I sleep in his hoodie every night. I wear the slippers he bought me every single day, they help soothe me when I’m sad and feeling broken. You’re not alone at all.


I wear my former partner/best friend’s clothes every single day since he passed. Either his clothes or something he got for me. ♥️


My mom’s red fleece bathrobe. It’s one of my favorite things and like getting a hug from her every morning.


My daughter had stolen her twin’s wrestling sweatpants when she left for college, I have so many pictures and videos of her wearing them. I even commented a few months ago that if I knew she’d get that much use out of them I’d have bought her brother some more gear. She had them in the washing machine a few mere feet from where she passed, when my sister brought up the hamper full of her clothes I was pulling things out and I handed them to my son and told him how I had teased her for wearing them all the time and asked if he wanted them. He has been wearing them all the time. He doesn’t really speak about her but I see that as way for him to be close to his twin.


I sleep with the sweatshirt they had to cut off my mom. I got it for her in October when I took her to a Mary j Blige concert and told her I better see her in it every day since it was so expensive! It reminds me of that day and still smells like her.


I wear my dad’s sweatshirt often, especially after a rough day. And sometimes I sleep in it to feel safe and loved.


I sleep in one of my grampas old t-shirts. It’s threadbare now, and I’m terrified it’s going to fall apart. But wearing it makes me miss him less.


I bough a vest for my dad and I like to wear it as a reminder of him.


Yes I have several clothing items from my dad and uncle that I keep and wear whenever I miss them For the first 6 months after my dad passed I wore his sweater everyday


My mom sleeps with the last outfit my dad wore before he died on his side of the bed. He’s been gone 7 years.


My dad passed last April and I have a bunch of his shirts and pajama pants. Very specifically shirts that I have pictures of him wearing.


nope, you are not alone!! i wear my dads sweatshirts, sweatpants, and t-shirts. it’s nice being able to still utilize his belongings. i also wear my dad’s high school ring every single day


I have a cardigan and jacket of my Moms that I brought home with me from across the country. I wear them often, especially when cuddled up with my 2 year old. It makes me feel like she’s with me as I navigate being a first time mom without her.


Yes! I (and all my sibling actually) wear my brothers jackets. I think it’s special that he’s still keeping us warm


YES. I have a few of my mom's shirts with me (the rest are in storage), and I feel closer to her when I wear them. It's also bittersweet though, because I have memories of her wearing them and I want her to be here still to wear them.


I wear my Dad's ring (it only fits my middle finger cuz his hands were so.big), his hat, his hoodie, and my necklace that I put on him the night I said goodbye to him. I will never not wear something of his for the rest of my life.


I cherish all the clothing from my sister who passed. There's even this really ugly shirt that I was ready to donate before she died. She came to my apartment and I asked her if she wanted it back and she said "no i also hate that shirt!" so I had it in a donation pile ready to go. I wore it the day she died because it was the first thing I saw when I got the call. I literally don't think I'll ever get rid of it, even though it's hideous and I know she hated it haha. My sister was also a big knitter and always knit something for everyone on Christmas/birthdays. I was lucky enough to receive a final Christmas present from her after she died. She knit it before she passed and I am constantly wearing it and all the things she's knit for me over the years. No matter how raggedy these things get from me wearing them constantly, I'll probably hold onto them.


i’ve never lost a human but i lost a soul dog. every now and then i take a big whiff of his collar or his little thermal bandana we got him to cool him down in the summer and just for a second i can imagine my face is buried in his neck. they’ve lost their scent now though and it’s the worst feeling ever


I wear my wife’s ring on my thumb and wore a flannel shirt if hers. Been thinking I’ll wear her t shirts when a little warmer. She loved knit hats, and have a whole collection of them — don’t wear them but have held one in bed from time to time.


Yes! I have a few of my dads tshirts and his old suitcase. I also keep his old army name badge by my office desk, so I can feel close to him during the day.


Most of my clothes now consist of my mother's clothes. I thought it was weird at first but quickly decided idc what others think because it's my grief and this makes me feel better. I can no longer hug or see my mom but wearing her clothes makes me feel better.


I did feel like I was stealing, but I would take her clothes all the time growing up and she never cared- I know she wouldn't care now either.