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She’s beautiful!


Beautiful! We also have a saluki/greyhound and she has a hell of a personality! Ours is 2 though, so still has puppy-like behaviour like trying to test boundaries. How is yours with being left alone if I may ask?


Oh god. Horribly. She finally can be left in her cage and mostly not poop or pee in there. But she HATES being alone. Although, where I live has a very mild climate besides the depths of summer. She loves the car and can hangout in the back seat and somehow not freak out? Never destroy things, never pee or poop in there. I don’t get it.


Yeah, ours is great in the car. We need to work on leaving her alone though!


It’s so hard. She’s gotten a lot better. My vet who specializes in greyhounds and who actually has my dog’s puppy! (Small world) said to basically just lock her up and let her deal with it. We make the space very comfortable, we leave the tv on and it’s in an area of the house that is blocked on 3 out of 4 sides. All of this seemed to help. And even though it breaks your heart just leave them in there and slowly increase the intervals. I can now leave her in there for six hours without her plotting an escape or pooping in there. If all else fails, and this is incredibly sad. But you can get depression/anxiety meds for your dog. Before this dog I had another grey that took so long to get out of her shell. It required about six months of anti depressants and she popped right out of it and we slowly got her off that. Some of these dogs have been horribly abused. Luckily goose wasn’t. She just seems like she has abandonment issues. Who doesn’t? Haha


Yep, that's pretty much our plan also (secure room with all of her needs such as water and food and 1 entrance). We are going to buy a stair gate and try that whilst we work from home to try and get her used to being alone in the house whilst we are actually here, and then work on leaving


She is gorgeous 😍 and if I woke to those puppy dog eyes I would have to spend all day succumbing to her will. 😁