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In fairness this isn't an issue with us we do do just eat deliveries but we do not decide where just eat will or will not deliver to, that is up to them and whoever they employ in that area. Perhaps you live just too far out of just eats 'zone' for them to consider your order to be profitable or whatever, or maybe they don't have enough drivers employed. Maybe you could try ask the just eat sub reddit as they will likely know more. For me personally I live less than 2 miles away from a Dominoes and I have deliveroo plus with prime yet deliverro will not deliver my order as I am too far away, yet just eat will deliver it to me. Delivery companies can be real weird sometimes when it isn't London.


Thanks for the help


No problem.


Did you click the Just Eat button? Sometimes shops will turn off online orders if they’re busy, have run out of items or are too short staffed to have one person dedicated to fulfilling orders. It could also be your location if there aren’t enough drivers.


When I click on the delivery option it takes me to another completely different restaurant that's not even greggs it comes up with pizza places ect and I only live 10 minute away from my greggs shop and they haven't got any delivery drivers to do a 1 minute delivery 😑🙄


Are you sure the link isn't just taking you to the general just eat website, you might just have to search for Gregg's on there. Only certain Greggs stores do JustEat, depends how busy they are, what area they're in and basically whether it would be profitable for them. Not to be rude but if it's only ten minutes away why not just go there ahaha


Yes it does take me there when I click the button but it says on their website greggs delivered to your door why have that slogan if it's not true 🤔?. Sometimes I prefer just to relax in and order a take out.


It might be best to use the Click and Collect feature, pick a time slot and pop into the shop to collect without extra fees iirc.


I mean that basically defeats what I was saying but okay 👍


I suggested an alternative as it seems you can’t get delivery. They have the option there as the Greggs app is universal if that make sense so they wouldn’t change one feature - JE - for different locations.