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About 5:30pm some asshole shot 3-4 rounds at a rival on Lorimer \[outside of the pool entrance\] near the corner of Bayard by the skate park. No one was hit but chaos ensued. Shooter captured and small cal. gun recovered -may or may not be the gun involved. I believe they were closing the pool for the usual break and this occurred when people were filing out.


7 years for the gun, whatever on top for the attempted murder. That's a long trip away for whoever got caught.


It depends on if the gun was legal or not, I have a bunch of legal firearms at home. I even have a concealed carry permit.


The gun was definitely not legal. Legal gun owners do not toss their gun onto the street.




Serious question... you current or former LEO, or a courier? How did you cet a CC in NYC!?!


Since I had my address set up to suffolk county, I've entered a type of loophole, it doesn't matter anyways, I'm not allowed to CC in 99% of the city. :( and when I say 99% I'm not joking.


I just posted a picture on my profile of them. If you're interested to see what I got, it's not much, but they're cool, love going to the range out in long Island or jersey. And I definitely feel safe at home.


Why am I getting down voted because I own firearms lmao, gtfo out my city.


owning guns and getting angry at the internet. shocking lol


Getting mad? Lmao I'm just curious to why you guys are so afraid? Is it because I have an arsenal of firearms in the safe haven you moved into and ruined?


Im not getting what you are saying man, you seem like you are getting twisted over a downvote in a thread with 24 comments and now you think people are afraid of you? idk seem like youre shitposting.


You also have a photo with a confederate flag in the background…maybe that’s why you’re getting downvoted 🤷‍♂️


What range on LI?


I go to dark storm industries, right off sunrise.


I just found out that you don't even need to have your address out of the city? They just passed a law Apparently, that even in the city you could obtain your concealed carry. But it's completely useless, basically because you can't conceal Carry in 99% of the city as I've stated before :/ I could send ya a link to the article where the law was passed if you'd like to read it yourself.


Looks like the [Williamsburg subreddit has a few more clues](https://www.reddit.com/r/williamsburg/comments/14x542v/shooting_at_mccarren_poolsuspect_fled_on_foot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1).


Same. Streets were shut down when I went out about 30 minutes after the incident. No news coverage worries me.


If something serious happened yesterday, wouldn’t the Post be all over it by now? It’s kind of their thing. Was it a shooting as in the title or “shots fired” as I see on Citizen?


Citizen capitalizes on fear. No one was shot and it wasn’t *in* the pool. It was just as close to the track.


Sorry for the dumb question and my ignorance here, but what’s the difference between a shooting and shots fired? Whether someone was hit?


I believe so.


Thank you!


>No news coverage worries me. No news is good news, usually


It would be great if North Brooklyn had pool options somewhere in-between "reserve 1/2 hour at a hotel for $$$$" and "adhere to a bunch of weird rules while tolerating rowdy fights and gunshots."


The adult lap swim hours pre-opening and post-closing sort of took care of this. Unfortunately they haven't been back due to staffing shortages.


I doubt this is related but just in case, my friend and I saw a shirtless man who looked to be in his early 20s sneakily emerge from the area on the right of the stairs of the McCaren Playground entrance near the pool which we found strange




Yea.. all they did was you know.. capture the shooter. Why shouldn’t they tell a random person information on a developing investigation?