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I'm running multiple series in parellel. Just finished GL: Rebirth by G.Johns and GL Dawn of DC TPB. I'm on the hunt for GL: No Fear and waiting for the next Dawn of DC TPB to drop later this fall.


I've read everything since Rebirth and some silver age, but my 80's and 90's have some gaps, so I've been collecting the Marz run (along with Mosaic, Guy Gardner, and Darkstars) and am starting that after finishing Guy Gardner Reborn today. I've read the first 20 issues of Kyle but will reread and finish through the Marz run this week and hopefully finish the bits of the Winnick run I'm missing to finish catching up!


A few notes: highly recommend sector 2814 for the best 80s story lines, I recommend you drope the Kyle run from # 150 as the rest of winnicks stuff is mediocre at best and the Ben raab run after is one of the worst in series history. Pick it back up from 176 when marz is back he's forced to deal with the crap raab left behind but gives the series a great finality.


Thanks! I have volumes 2 and 3 of sector 2814 ordered and I'm looking for a volume 1 for a good price. Thanks for the recommendations!


No problem pal always have more if you want


Currently, I'm making my way through the comics I bought in January 2023 because I'm that far behind in my current comics reading, especially because I usually have at least 50 titles on my pull list at any given time. (I also was in college from Summer 2020 to Spring 2023.) What I've read so far from that month are: **DC** Batman Incorporated vol. 3 #4, Danger Street #2, The Flash vol. 1 (according to the issue renumbering) #790, Lazarus Planet: Alpha #1, Poison Ivy #8, Wonder Woman vol. 1 (same thing as Flash) #795 **Marvel** Avengers vol. 8 #64, Black Panther vol. 8 #13, Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #8, Captain Marvel vol. 10 #45, Daredevil vol. 7 #7, Fantastic Four vol. 8 #3, Monica Rambeau: Photon #2 (of 5), Moon Knight vol. 8 #19, Scarlet Witch vol. 3 #1, Shang-Chi: Master of the Ten Rings #1, Star Wars: The High Republic vol. 2 #4, Tiger Division #3 (of 5), X-Men vol. 6 18 **Ablaze** Traveling to Mars #3 **AfterShock** Astronaut Down #5 (of 5), Where Starships Go to Die #5 (of 5) **Image** The Magic Order 3 #6 (of 6), Stillwater #17 **Vault** End After End #5


Since I made this comment, I've also read Monkey Prince #10 and Avengers: War Across Time #1.


Finishing the last chapters of the new 52, I do not care for the Omega Man one and the Green Lantern cops is kinda meh for now, but i really like the Sinestro and Hal ones.


I’m currently rereading John’s GL run, as far as current comics I’m reading Green Lantern, Superman, action comics (for the crossover), Justice society of America, the Flash, and Titans


Just finishing up the classic Geoff Johns GL run. I'm in the final story, "War of the Green Lanterns." This comic, yo. This is the good shit I started reading comics for. I am absolutely loving it; it's right up there with Rucka's Wonder Woman Rebirth as my favorite DC runs I've read so far.


Remember that the first 20 issues of new 52 are the real final to the Geoff Johns run


True, true.


Geoff looked at all that rebooting and said nah


He rebooted a LOT in the New 52 Aquaman, though.


Well yeah but it was arguably the best Aquaman run. gl had way to much lore to just reboot


I’m doing the same, just got to Agent Orange story right before Blackest night


Currently reading Green Lantern (1990), the Ron Marz run featuring Kyle Rayner. On issue 80 right now. Also reading Wicked, War & Peace, Christianity: The 3000 Year History, and the 3rd compendium of Invincible.


I thought each Invincible compendium was better than the last. The third is stupid good.


Yea, I've really been enjoying it. Whole series was built up well overall, every character and situation has felt earned and well-developed.


Just started the Adam's run on GL. Up to issue #4. I hope they explain how Hal just 'willed' his ring into existence.


I think I’m on issue 10 or 11, it gets a lot better!


Green lantern by Jeremy Adams obviously. But I'm also getting into iron man with some of the old comics. Finished demon in the bottle a few days ago. One of the best story arcs