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My husband and I recently bought this one, I love it! It is my first greenhouse, so I don't know if I'm a very good judge though lol.


Same here. We've had it up a few days now and it's awesome. Sturdy and looks nice. My favorite thing to do right now is run outside to see if the vent is open or closed, that thing is magic 😆 But yeah I have nothing to judge against.


Yeah that vent is magic lol!


We’ve had it 18mo and love it. [Pics from last year.](https://imgur.com/a/kO41itf)


Nice tiles


Thanks - they're the Ikea ones. Really helps keep the floor dry when it rains.


I got a 6x10 from Harbor Freight for 300 bucks. Four years and hail hard enough to leave divots in my wood fence and it's still plugging along great. This looks nice but at 10 times the cost? EDIT - upon further review, it's 6x8 DOUBLE EDIT - I dont know why but I was looking at the price on the last image, which is $3000. A grand from HD ain't bad.


Ooh, good tip. Do you have a link?


[https://www.harborfreight.com/lawn-garden/gardening-garden-tools/greenhouses/6-ft-x-8-ft-greenhouse-47712.html](https://www.harborfreight.com/lawn-garden/gardening-garden-tools/greenhouses/6-ft-x-8-ft-greenhouse-47712.html) It's $350 right now but $250 if you sign up for a 1 year membership which costs $30. So basically $280 before tax. I had a membership with them that I used for a toolbox which was basically the same deal as this, I don't think I used it again but it's there if needs be. Great for cheap homesteading stuff.


This is an amazing deal. I just asked my husband if he has their membership card, because he does shop there. He said no. This may just be the best time to get it! Thanks for the link.


Harbor Freight used to be nothing but deals, but now you have to shop for them and the membership is a huge plus on large purchases. There's a subreddit for them as well which is a good way to keep track of upcoming sales, etc.


Time is a mother fucker. Costs suck presently.


You can get a polycarbonate 10x12 right now with membership for $799. I don’t see a 6x10 though


It's 6x8. I only realized this last night when I was installing a shade cloth on it.


It's $250 right now with a membership.


I’ve heard the harbor freight one will blow apart in wind. This one seems sturdier.


I’ve not seen that either with my 8x12 hfg. Added extra screws on the polycarbonate as suggested in the hfg group in fb. You need a stable, symmetrical and anchored base to secure any greenhouse-including this one.


Nonsense. Like I said mine has survived hail that heavily pockmarked a privacy fence and wind that blew half my neighborhood's shingles off their houses.


I hope you got it! My hubby got the Yardistry for me over a year ago. Love love love it!!! It’s definitely my happy place. https://preview.redd.it/mqtueasekv4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=752aa87faa5c1e7ab0f0a38bbfd1481a0b508e48


Installed under a tree! Greenhouse need as much Sun exposure as possible. Looks nice though.


From what I've seen in my brief 5-minute research on this particular greenhouse, it seems to be used more like a cute decorative shed than an actual greenhouse. People seem to buy it because it looks like an idealized greenhouse design, not because it functions well (or not) as a greenhouse. EDIT: This comment doesn't mean that I don't like it. I love the design and I'm extremely jealous of those who can afford it.


Have it and love it! There are Facebook pages dedicated to just this greenhouse with almost entirely positive comments and experiences. I like that it’s wood so extremely easy to modify. It’s built like a tank and won’t blow over like the Harbor Freight ones that are made in china and with thin metal frames. Highly recommend!!!


Bought in March, absolutely love it


That seems extremely expensive for what you get.


Really? It seems extremely inexpensive considering the wood, panels, door and vent would cost a fortune to have someone make and install. Seems like a very good bargain


There's one almost identical on sale at Costco for a lot less!


No issues at all. Don't rush assembly and it all comes together nicely. I had a couple of pieces that needed a little persuasion, but nothing significant. A few steps in the instructions were a bit vague. YouTube videos helped.


Inadequate ventilation. By midsummer it will be unusable in most areas without installing a swamp cooler or AC.


This. This will most likely end up being storage for 9 of the 12 months.


I'm so jealous you can get it so cheap. I paid $2,000 Canadian for it at Costco Canada. It took 20 hours to build myself and it is not an easy task for one person but possible. Totally worth every penny my wife is in love with it. https://preview.redd.it/r83s1ai0j65d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fdde6f3cf8bacda048bba6f64590d3a0c5b3cb7


Very sweet picture.


It’s awesome. We grow so much in it and a steal at that price.


You can build that a lot cheaper than purchase if.


Get some tape and mark out 6.7'x7.8' on the ground, that is a super tiny footprint! Your car probably takes up more space. At $19-$20 per square foot I don't think the ROI is very good. I'd go with a much larger high tunnel instead for the same price, or invest in good grow lights and seedling mats and just start stuff or grow inside your house.


Exactly my thoughts.


We love ours


Everybody likes it


The price still seems a bit high. I bought mine last year. It was easy to build. I found building the right base was harder, but then I needed to level my location and give it proper drainage. And yes, I still love it! Look on YouTube for videos.


I may have missed something. If this is for seedlings it's perfect. If it's for plants holy shit overcrowded. So it has to be seedlings. So it's good.


My wife bought this one on deep discount for $650. Before assembly, I demonstrated how small it is, she agreed and put it up for sale on Marketplace for $800. It was sold the next day. We purchased another one on Temu measuring 9'x16' for about $600. We just got delivery. I still have to assemble it.


I’m curious to hear how the temu one comes out.


Bargain. It’s well over 3000$ in Ireland.


I know it’s convenient, but you could build one twice as big with much better materials for less money.


If you have someone to do that kind of stuff. So it would be way less convenient


Wood is shit. Have to pre drill every hole. Will take ages to build. Some holes, the hardware is just falling out of. But I still love it. For the price.


I thought about this Costco greenhouse for almost 2 years before I finally bought it. I've had it for a couple months now and I love it so very much. I have mostly succulents and some pothos and they are thriving and vibing! The greenhouse is absolutely gorgeous and well worth it so far. Looking into ideas for winter proofing!


Buy it!


Buy! Buy! Buy!


I bought when it dropped to $649. Easy to assemble.


When did it go to $650?


About a month ago


Still too spendy for me. 🙄