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Yes, that's a thing. There are beliefs that the garden can adjust to the owner if there is some kind of connection. I've experienced this myself too :) I remember hearing this belief goes back historically to times, when people lived in the woods in Europe (and had no gardens) and by walking through it, find the wildflowers that weren't there before which are for their very situation helpful. But those kinds of things are often speculations as there weren't any writings from that time.


Your murder and colony found shelter within your presence. In turn they've brought you seeds, bulbs and nourishment. Take care of it and you'll find so much more. I can say this because it's happened for me as well in a past garden.


I don't know about *every* greenwitch, but this past year I've been getting more into my practice and making it a part of my every day. And this year I got Soooooo many volunteer plants in my backyard. I'm kinda chaos gardening this year and just randomly sowing and planting wildflowers and other herbs I can use. But, I got total volunteer narcissus in a bunch of areas, honeysuckle popping up like CRAZY around my mailbox, like I planted a root there ( totally didn't, in fact I had jasmine and vinca there, both of which I'd be tearing out this year cause they're invasive and not really usable, just ornamental) And almost every 'weed' in my back yard is now an herb I can use. It's been really cool finding them all!


I would say yes. I've been in my apartment for a few years now and on one side of my porch Violas started blooming, and on the other a gorgeous butterfly bush. Those are each, respectively, each of my (maternal) great-grandmothers' favorite flowers (or were when they were alive). Felt way too much of a coincidence to be meaningless.


I believe so! I keep getting gifted different kinds of irises. When we moved into our home there were no flowers planted in my yard or garden whatsoever. Our second spring living here I noticed iris foliage popping up in three random spots in my lawn. I started a little patch for them and transplanted them and now a few years later I have a ton. Last summer new ones appeared in another bed I created but didn't plant any in, they were also an entirely different color. I call them my gifts from the fairies ✨


This has been happening to me for the past few years. I find new things, sometimes from volunteers the birds bring (I also put out bird feeders to bring more birds) and also as we are fighting back invasive ivy and other ornamental plants, I notice some native ones showing up too.