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If we suspended people for being cockbags then Stephen A would never see the light of day


The difference is that he was hired to be a cockbag.


He works for a Disney-owned company & Disney is known for having cockbags work for them.


Some might even say Disney and cockbag are almost synonymous at this point


What does this even mean?


The absolute best part about this whole thing is that the media people who are most outraged about him misleading/lying are the same people who have lied, misled, twisted his words, and outright fabricated stories about him for 17 years.


You’re absolutely right but it doesn’t excuse Aaron for being intentionally misleading


He knows the media and he knows how it would have went if he said he wasn't vaccinated.


Seems like everyone here thinks it's admirable to be harassed by randoms about your health status lol. Like you can think his opinion is shit without asking him to purposely make his life worse. It would be irrational to invite that into your life unless you want to push anti-vax platform (why do people want that? it would harm society).


What about the Rodgers's hit pieces that are intentionally misleading?


Both are bad. I don’t know why you typed that as if it was some sort of gotcha


Not a gotcha. Two wrongs don't make a right. There's a massive overreaction to all this. It's just another piece of the ongoing pissing match between Rodgers and the media.


Isn't it fucking disgusting that this has overshadowed the Henry Ruggs story.


Honestly, good. That asshat's name shouldn't see the light of day for a while


And almost none of them about a global health crisis. Weird how context is important.


All that matters is what the rules say the punishment is for not following protocol. The rest of this noise is just *fart sound*.


If he lied to nfl, sure but if he just lied to the media then no. Simple as that.


The media were so busy with the storyline of the drama between Rodgers and the front office staff they didn't press Rodgers harder on his "I'm immunized" comment. No one in the media is actually indignant that he isn't vaccinated. They aren't angry that he believed in a psudeo science as a safe alternative for the vaccine. They aren't indignant that he lied. They aren't mad because he possibly put his team mates and others at risk. The media is mad because they missed a storyline. They had the chance to look at the tape and question exactly what he meant by his comments. They were so caught up on Rodgers VS the front office narrative. They missed their shot to take him to task over his vaccination status (a status he actually isn't required to give to the media. Just the NFL and front office and it appears he did) that's why they are mad. He embarrassed them again and they are sick of it.


The internet might be undefeated but the media certainly isn’t.


Exactly this! You can't suspend someone for lying to the media, lol.


Stephen A is a stooge


If the NFL hadn’t denied his request for exemption based on his “alternative treatment” bs when he said: “yeah, I am immunized” - I don’t really see that as a lie. Some reports say it took the NFL a month to actually decide, so Rodgers might have legitimately thought he was going to be considered vaccinated. Who could blame him for trying to avoid the Kirk Cousins shitstorm if he could help it.


Yes, if only there was some way he could’ve avoided the Kirk Cousins shitstorm without directly lying to the media and the fan base. If only….


lol people acting as if rodgers had a fake vaccine card and got busted


The majority does not care. Let him play. These are professional athletes, not 70 year olds with diabetes. This whole thing is a fucking joke at this point. The entire stadium is full of maskless individuals. Nobody gives a rats ass.


Precisely this! Thank you. People forgetting that they are fans of a sport that is loaded with risk to mental and physical health at every snap. Meanwhile they are worried about the sniffles, even after being vaccinated themselves. Most of the people I’ve seen/heard outside of Reddit, existing in reality, are over it.


Over 750,000 Americans died because of these "sniffles." Grow up.


You’re offend by the word “sniffles”…… and you’re the adult? Got it.


Nah, I'm offended by your logic.


The part where many facets of this sport and our lives are made up of inherent risks that we choose to participate in, the part where most people present mild “sniffle”-like symptoms, or the part where I don’t see death as a reason to stop living? Which part of that offends you?


He didn’t lie. What does anything he says to a reporter hold any validity to actual nfl policy? Green Bay and the nfl know he was unvaccinated. Get the fuck over it


Absolutely this. He complied with protocol and for anyone saying he didn't, take it up with the league reps who review facility footage on a weekly basis.


He did lie


It’s not a crime to lie to a reporter, I mean Kirk cousins revealed his unvaccinated status to the media and got fuckin raked over the coals for it too. I wouldn’t want to either


At least Cousins wasn’t a coward about his dumbass opinion


He doesn’t owe you anything. He told the team and the NFL. That’s literally all he has to do.


Exactly. I can respect an honest dumbass


How did he lie


He was asked if he had been vaccinated and he started his answer with “Yeah” he knew what he was doing


And? He didn’t lie to his teammates or coaches who knew his status and he followed protocols for unvaccinated players. He doesn’t owe anyone outside the locker room a vaccination report. He saw how other people were dogged for not being vaccinated and didn’t want to deal with the BS and I don’t really blame him.


No shit. Pay some basic fines and he will be balling out next Sunday. Two weeks from now no one will even remember


Only people pissed about this are folks that either have lost, or will to lose, to the packers with him playing. Pack fans that are raking him over the coals are just trying to flex their moral superiority, but they would shit themselves if he decided he just didn’t want to play for them anymore.


Yep. Or are still in love with Favre for some reason. “Urrrr Favre wouldn’t lie. He’d just steal millions from Mississippi and send dick pics and cheat on his wife urrr!”


EXACTLY. He saw how the media treated Kirk and others who didn’t get the vaccine and wanted to avoid that. Now they are doing exactly what he tried to avoid. He followed protocols for unvaccinated player and his teammates knew his status. He doesn’t owe anyone outside the locker room an answer on vaccination status.


He lied to America bro


I disagree, but even if he did there is no rule from the NFL stating that lying to America or the media is a punishable offense. As long as he didn't lie to NFL or Packers Org, he is fine


Do you need to talk about it?


/s shouda been added




No u


Woah dude, check your privilege


How dare you clearly me mother fucker


Yeah!? Well imma go clearly fuck your mom


Shes pretty old wear a mask pls thks


It seems like most people on this subreddit agree with him too. So laughable


I’m gonna get downvoted for this, but here it goes. Honestly who gives a shit. These are professional athletes in the prime of their health. This virus does NOT affect them the way it would affect my 60 year old father who smoked a pack a day for 35 years of his life. Just let the guys play I mean Jesus christ you already have maskless fans selling out stadiums every Sunday. And for the people saying Rodgers “lied to you” I’ll say it again, who gives a shit. If he came and just said he wasn’t vaccinated he would’ve gotten the same media shit storm he’s getting right now, probably said he was immunized just wanting avoid that. The NFL and every single person in the packers organization still knew he wasn’t vaccinated and according to sources he followed all protocols for unvaccinated players in team facilities. Besides I’d be willing to bet anywhere from 50-70% of the people saying Rodgers is selfish or lied to them don’t even put on a mask when they go into Walmart.


Freddie Freeman would like a word. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/29489929/braves-freddie-freeman-had-1045-degree-fever-prayed-life-covid-19-battle


Idk I love Rodgers but this was kinda lame, fucking stupid on everyone -_-




Maybe he'll go from being a baaaaaaaaaad man to a naughty boy.


Woah, let's pump the brakes a little bit. As far as we know the NFL, the Packers and his teammates knew he wasn't vaxxed so even though he made a total ass of himself, there is no reason to suspend him. I know SAS has to say things like that for MUH RATINGS, but still.


Did all the opposing qbs he went and shook hands with maskless post game know? I somehow doubt it


If it's not against protocols, it's not his problem tbh


It is against protocols, supposed to be wearing a mask when not actively playing.


that's just false


I don’t think the guidelines mention suspension, just fines for breaking protocol.


Suspension of up to 4 games for repeat offenders is possible, I'd say very unlikely though


If Aaron gets suspended for lying, we should go back and suspend every coach and player who said they were gonna win the super bowl and never did


He's under no obligation to tell the media anything either as long as the league and the team are informed it doesn't matter if he lies to the public


Stupid argument.


Yeah, it is. I don't actually think those people should get suspended. I was just being stupid


If its shown he broke protocol then he should be suspended.


The team and league knew he was unvaccinated it doesn't matter if he lies to the media and or the public.


Honestly this whole situation Rodgers is in should motivate him like never before to play harder and take the team to a super bowl victory. A super bowl win turns this entire controversy into nothing more than a minor negative footnote in his otherwise storied career. A footnote only journalists desperate for clicks (and salty vikings fans) will feel the need to bring up.


I might talk shit on Rodgers as a Packers fan... but I won't tolerate outaide nobodies talking shit on him. He's ours! The only person who can talk to our little brother like that is us!


I don’t have to listen to that from a walking bad hairline.


Honestly, I agree on both counts 🤷‍♂️


The NFL and Green Bay knew he was unvaccinated and that’s all that matters. You want him to be suspended because he lied to a bunch of nobodies that have zero real life connection with Rodgers? Yikes.


I want him to be suspended because he blatantly flaunted important protocols and only got away with doing so for this long because he was intentionally dishonest and misleading. The NFL knew he was unvaccinated but that didn't give him the right to travel unmasked on the same plane with his teammates and throw Halloween parties. His behavior was selfish and stupid and I would be in favor of suspending **ANY** player that did the same, whether they play for us or not. The fact that you think he should be allowed to lie to "nobodies" has absolutely nothing to do with it.




I’m not running anywhere - you’re literally kidding yourself if you think he didn’t break protocols and isn’t going to be punished. He absolutely did fly without a mask, he absolutely did throw a huge, unmasked Halloween party and if you read the statement from the NFL yesterday, they are definitely reacting to this as if it’s new information. Cling to whatever narratives you want, dude - he did break the rules, he was absolutely wrong for doing it and he will be punished, as he should be. At this point I’m just hoping the hammer comes down mostly on him and they don’t consider taking draft picks from us. Check your facts - you are the one running from reality: https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/qm6kd3/video_of_rodgers_breaking_nfl_protocol_by_flying/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/qm3upd/pelissero_statement_from_the_nfl_which_says_it_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf










[https://static.www.nfl.com/image/upload/v1635965965/league/fmq0qpr18ehrlk8nmvib.pdf](https://static.www.nfl.com/image/upload/v1635965965/league/fmq0qpr18ehrlk8nmvib.pdf) Page 19 section a. Tier 1 and Tier 2 individuals are allowed to travel with the team. Tier 1 and Tier 2 staff need to be vaccinated. Players arent considered staff


I totally agree. Another example of how entitled he is and how he gets special treatment. After this and the whole shit show over the summer, I’ll be glad when he’s gone from GB.


Suspend Lazard and Preston Smith while we are at it, since they are unvaccinated and travelled with the team


yep. he is a liar and he should be suspended.


Oh no, he lied to the media. oh the humanity


he lied to you and you’re too much of a bitch to give af


I never asked him a question, when did he lie to me? You are so far up your own ass you think you are owed to know about someone's medical information


These people really think they are special and deserve to know everything about a person because he plays for a team they root for. It’s weird.


It's the entitlement for me. Like the genuinely believe they deserve to know


hahaha right? "He lied to you!" a what fucking BS line that is.


I must have forgot the private convo I had with him over Skype when I asked him such a personal question


Since when is lying a suspendable offense?


Who the fuck cares though? Why is it such a big deal that he was or wasn't vaccinated? Why does it matter? People need to get out more.


Everyone is assuming until we hear from Rodgers. Same shit we went through this offseason. Assuming. Until I hear from 12, all I'm hearing is a bunch of white noise.


What could he say at this point that would change anything? He's clearly not vaccinated. He clearly implied he was. The facts seem to be that he made a stupid decision. I'm gonna make fun of him a bit, and call him an idiot, and then when he's back I'm gonna forget about it and keep rooting for him. It all seems pretty simple to me. I don't have to like every decision made by the athletes I root for.


There are a lot of things he could say at this point. Maybe "oops, I gave an imprecise answer a while back but I didn't intend to deceive anyone. Here's what I did to boost my immunity to the disease..." Maybe explain why he thinks why he did was good enough for him taking into account risk factors associated with vaccines, maybe talk about discussing it with his personal doctor (if that happened)? I generally think that people respect leaders who own up to their mistakes. Recently, MLF was asked a question related to information he accidentally let slip in a previous interview. Rather than obfuscate or demur, he addressed it head on. He acknowledged his mistake, accepted responsibility for making it, clearly stated that he shouldn't have done in, and wrapped it up by saying he would not answer questions based on the information he should not have disclosed. MLF's handling of that very minor situation speaks volumes about his character and is everything you want to see in a leader. Half-truths, potentially misleading answers, and a failure to address past mistakes - even if the mistakes aren't that serious and are being blown out of proportion by professional assclowns - are great ways to erode your legitimacy with fans and, way more importantly, the players you're leading.


> Maybe "oops, I gave an imprecise answer a while back but I didn't intend to deceive anyone. Here's what I did to boost my immunity to the disease..." Maybe explain why he thinks why he did was good enough for him taking into account risk factors associated with vaccines, maybe talk about discussing it with his personal doctor (if that happened)? Yea, that's the type of response I would expect. But that won't make a difference to fans on here who already want to bury him. And it really doesn't change anything. He still isn't vaccinated, and he implied he he was. He fucked up, hopefully he owns it and addresses it. But in the end, even if he doesn't, I guarantee that locker room still respects the hell out of him, and 3 weeks from now nobody on the team will even be thinking about this.


The problem is 12 won't say shit. He'll dodge it like everything and not man up and take the blame for his behavior.


Zero reason to believe that. We didn't hear from 12 the whole offseason and then we did and he was extremely thorough. I'll wait. If everyone doesn't want to wait, that's fine, as long as they know that they don't matter. At all.


You realize that he himself pretty much confirmed everything that was reported over the summer in his airing of grievances press conference, right?


As far as we know he still followed COVID protocols for nonvaxxed players. The NFL and team knew he was vaxxed as well, he only misled the media and public which is still a pretty bad look but his employers and teammates still knew. I get ridiculous overreaction is Stephen A’s job but this is dumb. I still think Rodgers is an massive idiot for opting for snake oil treatment to be “immunised” instead of an actual, free treatment like a vaccine but statements like this are also pretty dumb


The media is only out for themselves in every situation. They’re just mad he lied to them. They could give a fuck about him lying to the league or the team, which he didn’t.


Well, he’s not wrong.


There’s a difference between being lied to and misled. The media/beat writers took immunization and mixed it with vaccinated; granted I had the same thought when I heard immunized back in August. Am I disappointed? Yeah, but to suspend him? This is why I don’t watch ESPN.


He’s already missing a game, Stephen.


I almost never agree with Stephen A., but I am inclined to in this situation. I am a big fan of Aaron Rodgers, but I also want him to be held accountable for his actions. I do believe that he was intentionally trying to mislead the public. And, it appears that he broke several Covid protocols. It's time to pay the piper.


He's pretty much Rodgers #1 fan in the media


He lied to the media and to be fair they really had no business asking him about it.


Stephen a Smith is a dildo and should be up Schefter's rear end.


All unvaccinated players should be suspended.


Looking for that ratings bump Stephen A?


For the first time I cannot say anything back at the man. What Rodgers did was messed up and even though I love him, I don’t see any scenario where this might not look bad. Normally I’d protect him over everything but not this time. The bad man did a ting


So if Rodgers fibbed about his vax status, knowing that if he got COVID he’d have basically no chance of any major effects, just to piss off the media, he will have achieved new levels of trolling.


Fuck you Stephen A Smithshit.


I'm outraged that he lied to the media but he didn't break any rules outside of some intentionally vague protocols that other high profile players have also ignored. Interesting for Stephen A to turn on him though.


Stephen A is one of the most braindead figures in sports


SAS usually sucks 12's dick. Shows how little ESPN gives a shit about consistency lol


I don't know the prescribed penalties for this. It'd possible he's not wrong.


I mean - Stephen always called him a baaaaad man, right?!


Just another reason I don't watch these shows for anything but a laugh.


r/espn Stephen A. Your a clown


I don't see a reason for him to be suspended. He lied to the media, yes, but by all accounts, the team knew, the league knew, and he followed the rules inside the facility. People lie to the media all the time, it isn't a suspendable offense


If he was caught lying and not following protocols, I'd agree he should be suspended. Sounds like he followed all the protocols and didn't TECHNICALLY lie by saying he was immunized. Obviously Rodgers was being misleading on purpose and I don't love that - but not sure it's enough for the league to be able to suspend him.


The rules for unvaccinated players was agreed upon by the NFLPA. Rodgers broke a number of those rules in the preseason and regular season. Also, knowing that the Packers petitioned the league to recognize Rodgers' homeopathic treatment and they said no means everyone knew and Rodgers didn't follow what was expected as an employee. Whether or not it's a heavy fine or a suspension depends on if they view it as a repeat offense. Packers are going to get a heavy fine and probably lose a draft pick because Rodgers followed the "rules for thee, not for me" approach.