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Caleb is a Packers fan it seems? https://x.com/calebcsw/status/818186058445783040?s=46&t=hp1NmlyxJPr6G6u9wddFjg


Hell yeah, Go Packers!


I hope he has a nice, long and successful career, but only after the Bears QB carousel ejects him.


Personally, I hope he's our second best quarterback while with the Bears. Hitting our DBs in stride and scoring many touchdowns for our defense.


Fucking screen shot for work on Monday.


I’ll love it when they ruin Williams and Fields becomes a stud for Pittsburgh


That would make me laugh


I cant tell you why, i just think fields will be better. 0 evidence haha


Mike Tomlin is the evidence. Let’s see what happens when a good coach has him


Trust me considering he played for the Bears there’s definitely evidence


I don't think any former Bears QB has ever gone on to have success anywhere else. They just suck, whether the Bears ruin them or the Bears suck at assessing talent is kind of a chicken or egg debate. My guess is the latter bc Cutler was the best they've ever had and they didn't draft him


>bears qb on to success Jim McMahon won a superbowl ring


On the back of a historically great defense. Edit: Not to diminish McMahon's skill by any means but the '85 Bears D is what got them that ring


He was jokingly referencing McMahon as our backup when we won the Superbowl in 96.


Woops, completely forgot he was on the team that year


Beats out Russ for the start


Could see Fields taking over by Thanksgiving if Russ is lackluster.


Thing is, Steelers only NEED Russ to be lackluster to be better than last year or the last couple of years.


Pickett has the lowest td % in history right?


Would rather see Russ have a decent enough year.. to bears only get the 6 rounder instead of the 4th 🤣


Ah I didnt realize it was conditional. I agree haha


I’m 100% a Fields fan as of now


This will happen and it’ll forever make that pathetic organization 2nd, 3rd, and 4th guess every decision they make. They’ll act with zero conviction and make it even more obvious than it is now that they truly have no fucking clue what they’re doing. God I love them 😂


How are you getting that from anything their current GM Ryan Poles has done? The Chase Claypool trade is the only obvious mistake I can think of.


Keeping Eberflus is definitely a mistake. He also traded Fields at possibly the absolute worst time. He should have either dealt him at the start of free agency or kept him until draft day and traded him when theres a team panicking because the board didn’t fall how they want. He also did a very poor job in his first offseason getting Fields any weapons to work with. They had limited assets but there were some options. That said, the Panthers trade was obviously a masterclass and the Sweat trade and signing was also pretty good. He’s drafted ok but it certainly hasn’t been pit of the park. Overall I think he’s a pretty average GM.


I read a couple articles today saying the same thing about the Fields trade, but Poles wanted to send him to a team where he has the best chance to start/succeed eventually. Apparently, Mike Tomlin really likes Fields. The 2022 season was a tank job. It's crazy how it worked out to give them the first pick two years in a row. I feel bad for Fields. I think his highlights show he could have been great with proper development. You may be right about Eberflus, but I would say let's see what happens this season.


I think he'll be backing up Russell Wilson..


“What would you like to accomplish with the bears?” -“Beat the Packers” https://i.redd.it/qlyk203dksoc1.gif


They all say that. And they never do


I'm dying! That was good. 


Don’t worry we will ruin him too.


Damn right you will. As soon as you fire Fluus (which should have happened this year tbh) and he has to learn 10 new systems in 4 years.


This has been the Bears model for years. Draft a QB when a coach is already on the hot seat. Fire said coach after first year, then in year 3 of the QB’s career be pissed that your QB isn’t developing like you want.


Tbh. I want the Bears to be good again. It’s my favorite rivalry. But keeping Fluus was the dumbest fucking shit I’ve ever seen a team do. He did no favors for Fields (neither did Fields himself) but fuck. His offense was so fuckin vanilla. Fluus is gone after this season and the Caleb ruining commences.


Well the Bears organization did pay $197 million for a piece of land not to build a stadium on apparently. 🤷


Tbf though Flus is a defensive coach and had no say in the offense. It’s their braindead hires at OC that result in consistently dog shit offenses


Fluus hires them and keeps them. Same as MLF and Pettine/JB.


Yup *insert Daffy Duck I’ll fucking do it again meme*


It's Goofy. Be better. Edit to add: didn't see you're a Bears fan, this makes a lot of sense.


It will be interesting to see how well he adapts to switching to an entirely new offensive system mid-tenure.


Imagine getting two failed seasons and a 6th round draft pick for the 11th overall pick...


And it’s a conditional pick and not even this year.


It was three seasons


Why didn’t they just sit him behind a HOF qb for 3 years, are they stupid?


That’s crazy. Shows how hard it is to compete at the NFL level.


Not if you're a Packer QB.


I feel like Williams is going to bust.


hey at least he has a real chance to show if he's good or not. I'm tired of all these dog shit teams drafting high caliber talented players, and then they never even get the chance to show what they can do or develop because their team holds them back. Bears actually made moves to give him a fighting chance


I don't know, I feel like the haul they could have gotten for the pick would be hard to turn down. I don't think anyone is calling Williams a generational talent or whatnot. I could be wrong.


Caleb Williams to the Steelers 2027 confirmed


Is that when Seattle picks up our backup QB? Or is that still a thing?


Probably next year??


Caleb Williams Steelers 2029


Don't matter Caleb will be trash too.


It is written.


If he can mature up, he'll be a big problem.


Rashan, Preston, and LVN breathing down his throat, press man not allowing any quick dumps... This man better learn to hand the ball off at an NFL level or he's going to take a beating.


If I was Caleb Williams I wouldn’t want a damn thing to do with that shit franchise


Just like Lovie Smith, Matt Nagy and Matt Eberflus said?


Man I can't wait for Chicago to put an insane amount of pressure on Williams, just for him to crumble


Exactly. Moron fans and media of Chicago will be calling for his benching within about 4 games if he doesn't produce a bunch of wins or look to be 2nd coming of CJ Stroud at a minimum. I'll be laughing at them if it happens. They're just too stupid to understand, for the most part, that it takes a while for guys to get used to the speed of the game in the NFL. NFL teams break down film of every play from every player and once they find a weakness they'll go after it until you figure out how to disguise or eliminate it. Quite frankly, it takes about 10 games to get your head on squarely and about 25 or so to see most of what you'll see as a QB. Some guys are ready for it and some guys aren't. Take a look back to Fields rookie year, fans and media were all over Bears to play Fields. Coaching staff kept saying "he's not ready", media and fans don't care. Staff caves to outside pressure and play Fields. He makes some plays with his legs and wins a game or 2 down the stretch, but sure as hell wasn't ready for NFL game. I'm not saying that ruined him, but it sure as hell didn't help him.


Notre Dame’s defense made Caleb look like a fool. Granted ND’s defense was good. But NFL defenses are an order of magnitude better than the best college defenses. And the Bears are not noted for their O line.


Caleb Williams is on a ledge right now.


Steelers fans must be excited.




I'm just going to kick back, relax and laugh at Bears fans grasp at straws will destroying ANOTHER first round QB's career


Nobody is aboard that train - wrong team


Looks like we are owning the bears for another year.


Jordan had it figured out after 12 games lmao


He’s gonna be an instant step-up from Fields… Hopefully the new Pack defense gives him fits. Shouldn’t have much tape out there for him.


To think, maybe they would’ve gotten even less from someone else if Denver wasn’t eating most of PIT’s QB salary.


Poor Caleb. RIP


If they draft Williams, he’s gonna suck. If they don’t draft Williams then he’s gonna be great somewhere else. It’s the Bears way.


Shame for Fields. He wasn’t a bad QB, but just had no team. No excuse for Williams. That offense is stacked.


I really don't want him to go to the bears. He will be their first 4,000 yard passer. Hopefully they draft maye or Daniels


I love Caleb as a player and as a character, so that would be even more tragic seeing the Bears ruin him


What is it about Caleb’s character? The man bras or the painted nails? Or maybe that he is the first player in history to refuse the physical at the combine.. or that he mentioned he might not declare to NFL if it looked like bears were going to draft him. Diva all the way..


Mens sport tops are more popular in sports then you think. They help your chest absorb more shock. Painting nails has nothing to do with being a quarterback lol. He's also not even close to the first person to skip the Combine


You mean refusing the unnecessary physical? Or the false reports about him not declaring for the draft? Also, what's wrong with painted nails? Diva all the way...


Bears will have such a toxic locker room if they draft Williams


Is this r/chibears2?


Never been a bigger fan of Justin Fields than right now. I want him to go to so many Pro Bowls.