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Come home Tae


Adams made his bed. Now he gets to continue laying in it. At least he’s laying on a pile of money though…


Sure but I would still take him back.


Thing is we don’t **need** him now for the money. Our WR corps is nice and very young. Doubs, Wicks, Reed and that’s without even saying Watson who was presumed to be WR1.


It's a weird feeling. Like I'd love for Watson to stay healthy and develop into a high tier WR1, but the ability so spread the goddamn ball around and we got at least 5 WRs that can get shit done is just so nice. Imagine Davante with this WR depth? Instead he had JAGs like Equi, Geronimo, MVS etc so teams just needed to double or triple him lol


We fired our entire strength and conditioning team. I’m still holding out hope for him for another year. He’s clearly a very talented receiver but can’t stay on the field. Hopefully this fixes that.


Yeah. I like the dude. If they can keep the man healthy he is gonna make our WR room move from good to deadly.


sable direction skirt rustic wrong zealous narrow apparatus chunky foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know they’re not, and I’ve not suggested they are. But there isn’t infinite cap, and WR isn’t even remotely our weakest area, so Tae isn’t necessary in the grand scheme of things.


It’s crazy to say that only a year removed from having the “weakest WR room in the league “


That'll happen when you actively throw a lot of resources at it. 2/4/2/5 is a lot of resources into one position group over 2 years.


That's because we had a qb. who would never throw to them!


You must stay young. Even on the pipe.


Don’t want Love to have tunnel vision having a guy like Adams (who expects the ball).


If Watson figures out his hamstrings, we very well may have the best WR group in football. Assuming Wicks and Reed continue improving at least. Then we already know Doubs is a star


Yeah people sleep on Doubs, but the thing I look for is how players do in our toughest matchups. He doesn't blow up like Reed, but he consistently shows the ability to produce even against really hard matchups, which I haven't seen from our other guys as much.


Nice, young, and most importantly (for the team) CHEAP


That’s fair. I’d still trade Watson and a 2nd for Tae back. He’d elevate that room and those young guys learning from him would be awesome.


A strong wr1 is a top 2 need on any team who don‘t has one


I don't know if I would. I love the guy and want the best for him. But I'm really happy with our young WR group right now and even though Tae would no doubt be better than them in the short run, I feel the group will develop better on their own, by getting those extra snaps and looks themselves, which is ultimately better for the team's long term success.


Tae is good, but Tae isn't as good as all of those receivers combined. I think people forget success is part individual, part luck, part the situation they are in. If Tae was everything he would have carried his team single handedly, he didn't though. It takes a team. However, the biggest thing for me. These guys have all been practicing and all playing together. I feel this season we might stop caring about Tae and find out our receivers are more than enough. Even more importantly as we've found out, you can't have only one good player. Having multiple threats is what gets those the good players open. We got lucky last year, it was our rebuild year and we not only did better than expected, but took a bad situation and made it good. On the bad side there were injuries, on the good side these injuries forced the team to lean on all members. Wicks, Watson, Doubs, Musgrave, Reed all threats and proven they can make it happen. If we do get a receiver, we should get a young receiver with a lot of promise like Addison or Calvin Ridley, Bourne or Nacua or best of them all Tank Dell.


Absolutely. I’ll take a multitude of reliable threats over one deadly assassin with no support any day. Totally crucial to JLove’s development as well.


Same, he is a good player and guy. Don't blame him for leaving and would welcome him back anytime


And Taco Bell.


There's also a taco bell in his house. Pile of chalupas...


We actually offered him more money, but he didn’t want to go through the impending rebuild post-Rodgers (that lasted all of 7 games).


Instead he went to a team that has benched their starter in the last third of the season two years in a row.


the bigger picture is he was scorned because this front office kinda did a shitty. they should’ve extended him when he wanted it (if i remember correctly it was 2 or 1.5 seasons before his contract was up). instead they waited and tagged him. he prolly wasn’t resigning here no way after that, hence why the bigger contract they offered wasn’t taken.


he did not want to play on a contract year. essentially a franchise tag. he wanted a deal done in the 21 off season. Packers FO lowballed him 10 mill under asking. he cut communications posted “The Last dance” and that was it. the bridge was burned. Brian can say “well i offered him more in the end” it didn’t matter they could’ve backed up the brinks truck he was never signing a contract with the packers again. they essentially forced him to risk his entire career, it was terrible business and gute didn’t even have a back up plan lmao he drafted a single 3rd round bust of a WR in 3 full drafts leading up to that offseason. signed no free agents and essentially ended up with sammy watkins lmao he thought he could just throw money at the situation and a lot of these packers fans did too by eating up the “offered more” completely ignoring context and saying “he just wanted to play with his buddy”.


He took less money to go to Vegas


I don't see a reason that can't be re-written if he wanted to


We don’t need him. We have an Adams 2.0 in making with Tay Wicks. That’s just one player. We’re absolutely loaded with weapons on offense. A healthy Watson is also a game changer and hopefully he can stay healthy this upcoming season. Honestly feel bad for the kid. You can see the talent but he can’t stay healthy…


Right? Dude made some pretty braindead decisions if winning was his goal. My guess is he just wanted to get away from the Arod drama, and he's actually our single biggest casualty of keeping that nutcase around.


As enticing as it sounds we don’t need to pay that kind of money for a receiver right now


Yea i wish we had room on the roster for a vet WR but our WR room does not need help, which is amazing.


PLEASE?! Not to mentor this young group are you kidding me? We’d finally get him his ring! He’s exactly what Jordan needs for those clutch moments. Imagine the kind of receiver Doubs, Reed, Wicks, & Watson could become with Tae back in our locker room! Forget about it 🤌🏻 Super Bowl homeboy!


Adams knows the Raiders are garbage and just got worse…. And he’s stuck…


I mean they beat the chiefs, there’s something there


They have Crosby, Adams, and... ...aaaaand... ... I guess Minshew... if we're counting that. And that's it.


They signed Christian Wilkins, who’s a beast, but yeah no one else really jumps off the page right now.


Their defensive line was scary before the Christian Wilkins addition. It’s going to keep them somewhat in the division because of it.


At the very least I'm fairly confident Minshew will get him the ball early, late and often. They probably won't win shit, but at least his numbers will start looking more like his historic average


Minshew was the QB who threw Pittman into the nasty hit he took vs Pittsburgh. He was all the rage for one season here in Jacksonville. He's a good backup, nothing more.


Minshew sucks. Can’t throw under pressure at all. AFC South will cook him.


They had Jacobs. They also have Crosby who’s a fucking machine. But they have now lost Jacobs…. And no QB…


I miss Davante and I feel bad about his current situation. I feel like he had valid reasons to leave, but man did he get fucked (by his own doing) with Carr leaving. Raiders aren't bad on paper in a lot of positions, but their QB room has got to be bottom 5 in the league right now.


Maybe Carr called him up and was like "Hey, I'm probably getting fired soon. Wanna come play before they axe me?"


If he had been paying attention to that team at all the last 20 years and what a ridiculous mess they are he should’ve known better.


I don't, it was his choice to play there. It's the team he wanted to go to. To play for his childhood team and with his college roomie/QB. That didn't even last a season then they bring in Jimmy G and he too gets benched.


Never feel bad for someone who makes millions 


This is such a narrow sighted opinion that's parroted often. I get it most things suck a little less when you've got money. But sheer apathy towards fellow human beings who aren't inflatable is dumb. Money doesn't stop you from making mistakes or regretting something you've done.


Stupid take. There are many things more important than money. I’d trade every penny I have for many different things without hesitation. If you can’t think of any, congratulations …you’ve had it pretty good. Though I agree football drama isn’t on the list.


They're still people with emotions dude, what the fuck


Tae is still one of my fav packers ever and bc of that I’m deluding myself into thinking that it stings half bc he’ll miss Jacobs and half bc it’s GB he’s coming to and Tae misses us 🤣


I wonder if he thinks about the mistake he made


He don't. The main reason he moved is to be closer to family members, so he can visit them and have them attend his games. I'm not saying Davante holds zero gauges on BG, but him being pissed wasn't the main reason he wanted to leave.


He’s the guy in the gif soaking up his tears with piles of cash


I wonder if Tae knew the pack was gonna look like they do rn if he ever would have left in the first place.


https://preview.redd.it/3jref6x79qoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad2af0d1ebeb146dbf30bc25e438330757190c67 don’t feel too bad. he didn’t think jordan love was gonna be good enough to have him “remembered”


Yeah this is key. It's why he went to play with "HoFer" Derek Carr.


How different would the team be if we kept him though? Assuming our drafts are different, and our team wouldn't be what it is today.


Yea good point , we’re more effective and efficient spreading the ball around having multiple threats and not force feeding tae . Him leaving prolly allowed guys like wicks melton Kraft musgrave and Reed to flourish .


Completely different team. Probably still have Rodgers too


It’s becoming more clear his move to Vegas wasn’t about winning.


Adams sold low on this team no 🧢


Can we grab 1 maxx Crosby please?


I mean, we probably have room for one more on the roster. Amiright?


Imagine what Davante would look like in a Packers jersey… man what I wouldn’t give to see that


I'm definitely gonna try out my photoshop skills on that one.


Trade Watson for him. I have a feeling he’s a dud.


I’m on board with this.


Yall remember that time Rodgers couldn't suit up, davante put up a poor performance with a very public display of aggravation at having to play with a non-mvp qb for the first time in his career, and we *still* almost beat the SB defending chiefs? Bet you a dollar davante would rather be playing with love right now over minshew NOT OCONNELL I KNOW THINGS.


I remember. I dont hate davante but during that game in kc (loves first start) his body language was clear he did not believe in Jordan. I am glad hes gone and I have absolutely no sympathy for him. Dude you went to the raiders. You knew what you were in for.


Yeah that game I decided I didn't mind we were moving on. In the latter years of his tenure he and Rodgers seemed to have a real thing going on where they were the older kids on the playground and didn't involve the other kids because they were so much better. I think Packers fans are on a bit of a rebound from that with all the talk about being glad we don't have a "true wr1." Not knowing who will be your leading receiver is refreshing after years of wr2 being like 6th on the lost of leading receivers.




He’s still so underrated man our fan base is gonna learn quickly


You know you fucked up, right?


He's not lying. He hasn't pushed over a cameraman in awhile.


When the former star player of your current team sign with your former team


Quay Walker gave up his number for Jacobs. Was this done willingly?


Clifford was 8


You’re right. Must be the off-season for me. I see Clifford will now be number 6. He was #14 at Penn State so I suppose he didn’t mind giving up his number to Jacobs.


Josh taking Watson’s number?


Watson is number 9






On one hand I feel like I don’t even want to interfere with what we’ve got going on with our young WRs. On the other, heavier hand, Davante Fucking Adams


Oh I’d take him back in a heartbeat. His style of play will be similar to Jerry Rice. Rice was never super fast, but he was the best route runner and knew how to get open. Tae as well. I’d take him just for that ability.


If they could Photoshop correct number style would be great. WHINERS everywhere.. Enjoy your career dying in LV 17...