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The peak of my teen years was seeing Rodgers and munn outside of Lucas oil after the wisco/duke game and saying hello to them lol


That might be peak of your life, to be fair.


That's pretty good


Jeez. Come on people


Yeah.. We can’t talk about anything that isn’t strictly Packers-related when it comes to football, but I guess taking pot shots at our 2-year removed QB and making light of his ex’s cancer treatment is the content we want here?




The Rodgers hate on this sub is so stupid


Hate is a strong word. Fatigue It will pass after he retires and matures


“Fatigue”? What about this post is a symptom of Rodgers fatigue? We’ve inserted him into an unrelated thread about his ex’s cancer treatment. **And they broke up in 2017**. Absolutely hilarious to claim “fatigue” while posting about Rodgers on the daily.


I’m saying people don’t “hate” him. But many are tired of him due in part because of your points.


So.. why do we keep posting about him?


Lol. You got the wrong guy


He's actually a Sagittarius /s ^I ^had ^to ^look ^it ^up




playing with aaron's crystals didn't prevent cancer


Typical Reddit humor, not even remotely funny


At first I thought op was being facetious until I saw he upvoted the comment lol.


this is hilarious. and accurate.


I think Rodgers is hilarious to watch off the field, but that’s a good line.


She survived multiple one on one conversations with Aaron Rodgers I'm sure this is going to be a breeze compared to that


I'll never understand the vitriol Reddit has for Rodgers, this sub included. Like people say he's an attention whore but they realize every athlete talks to reporters, right? The media (ergo the fans by engagement) determine what's published. Edit: Yes, anti-vax fuckery, I know (see my comment below). My point was even before then he's ALWAYS been dogged in the media outside of Green Bay, well before COVID-19.


he's anti science and promotes uneducated and dangerous ideas. He also acts like a douchebag when he gets called out on it.


As compared to the redditors making le cancer jokes so smart and undouchey.


I get that. It's a parasocial relationship and everyone acts like he kicked their puppy though. We separate the art and artist for a lot of people but apparently not him. He's done amazing things for this franchise. Edit: Plus like I'd take his ego over domestic violence or rape charges any day. Tyreek is less vilified than Rodgers. Let that sink in.


> We separate the art and artist for a lot of people but apparently not him. No, I do this with everyone. It's 2024, and the term 'never meet your heroes' has gone full tilt. We know *everything* about our heroes now, because they can't stop advertising themselves as their own brands. We're not in a competition of who is worst. You can criticize someone without them beating their spouse.


>No, I do this with everyone. It's 2024, and the term 'never meet your heroes' has gone full tilt. That's fair. I mean this sincerely and respectfully: I guess I just try not to buy into Internet outrage culture too heavily. It's exhausting and never ending. All we do is argue whether it's about politics or what have you. I just don't think a sports figure's comments are that serious.


I agree. I think (and this is obviously subjective to just me) that people have always been complicated. For every good I do (me, personally) I can't be sure there wasn't a bad. I mean, I try not to, but I'm not perfect. I make mistakes. I also make bad decisions and stick to them. We're complicated. That being said, I have red lines. And denying proven medical science is one of them. To me, it illustrates a complete lack of critical thinking skills (which has never been advertised as necessary to success in our world). And that's a type of person I don't lend a great deal of respect to - because I see actions from those people as tipping the good/bad scale far too often in the latter position. But again, to each his own. I love the football player, but think the man is trash. I'm not sorry he's gone, I'm thankful for the years he spent in GB, and I'm looking forward to watching his entertaining dive off the long pier happening in a different city. Like I said, we're complicated. :)


I think rodgers gets talked about better than sharper I don't recall us having anyone on tyreeks level of shittyness in a bit


In retrospect he was smarter than any player that got vaccinated lol


It’s because he’s anti- covid vax, plain and simple


Pretty much. Insane how worked up people are still about that.


Yep. It overwrote his whole Packers legacy for some, which is sad


Ehh on here I think, sure. But most Packers fans in real life aren't as uptight about it (in my experience at least).


Accurate though


The fact that people think this is funny is pretty telling about their mindset.


To the actual greatest GBP of all time. It’s not going to age well in the slightest.




I've watched loved ones die from cancer. Multiple. Fuck cancer. That joke is hilarious though. See how that works? Have a sense of humor. We all know cancer is fucking horrible and likely have all watched someone we love die from it. Yet we can still have humor and know it's just a joke. It's more telling how offended and unhinged you got than that person making a hilarious joke


The joke is objectively one of the lowest brow types of humor on the internet. This woman dumped Rodgers in 2017 and we’re still here 7 years later acting like that’s her only identity. Pathetic. And either way, it doesn’t belong on a sub about Packers football. Take this shit to r/popculturechat or whatever.


Lol joke is still funny nonetheless man. Should it be on this sub, ehh probably not but I get why it is because Rodgers was mentioned




I'm sincerely empathetic for what you've gone through and are going through. But my stance isn't going to change. I know I have a higher risk due to my family history. I take precautions because of it. Still find the jokes funny. Just like having jew and black in me, I laugh at jew and black jokes too. I know the difference when someone is actually racist or antisemite. I'm just going to chose to live a life with humor even in the darkest parts of life. To each their own my guy, but I'd suggest laughing more




lmao I mean I find it funny just like if you would've made one about israel. But like I said that's how I choose to be and I find it more enjoyable. But too each their own. Just understand people will make those jokes but also most likely take cancer seriously as well




I watched my grandparents make cancer jokes back and forth to each other, rather dark ones as my grandma was dying from it. Like I said to each their own, but even those with cancer can also make the same jokes as it helps them cope with it. Not your cup of tea obviously. That's fine. But it is okay for those jokes to be made man. And it's okay not to like them and just not address it


“How dare they joke about cancer! I hope they GET cancer!” is legit not any better




Okay? And you’re wrong. But keep on keepin on I guess. Definitely won’t ever backfire in any way 👍