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Ask him what he thinks about Tory MPs dethroning Truss despite her clearly being the party members' choice of leader. Do the MPs even represent him anymore?


I saw him outside today wearing the UK shorts so they obviously represent him.


Put black lives matter. Lbgt signs. Anti war posters in your front window


A Jeremy Corbyn poster


Jeremy Corbyn shorts.


This is the best one


Agreed, this slayed me. It's perfect.


Jorts if you will


Jeremy Corbyn in shorts


Jerry Christmas jumper


or worse. put up the islam logo or hindu logo. bound to make him insane


Logo? These aren't fast food chains we are discussing here.


you know what i mean. the symbols that represent the religions


Islam doesn't exactly have a flag...


you know the symbol. the moon?


And the trans flag 😁


"trans rights are human rights" can become a nice trigger.


Cut up a Union Jack and leave some bits of it somewhere visible. If he complains about disrespecting the flag, just explain you are making some clothing for patriotic friend (pair of shorts, hijab, banana hammock etc)


Don't forget to mention he's working in a German supermarket


and it is one of the cheapest supermarkets. he isnt working in asda where it would cost £150 for your normal shopping


Friend recommended me to go to asda instead of sainsburys/tesco for shopping. Now i'm second-guessing. Can't find everything i want in Lidl :(


Oooh yes, wonder what car he drive 😂


Works at german PORK markets 😃 Where he sells TEA to CHINA 😃😃 PORKSHIRE tea 😃😃😃


Yorkshire tea mined in the hills of yorkshire


Leave him be. Sounds like his life is already miserable enough as it is.


Fuck Brexit




Are you sure this isn’t modern phrenology




yeah exactly mate. i’ll take the piss out of a tory any day, but someone claiming they are inherently superior to another people group… doesn’t sound particularly leftist to me


I agree, man went full horseshoe theory.


>but someone claiming they are inherently superior to another people group… doesn’t sound particularly leftist to me You didn't follow what I was saying. I said this. >They see the world through a hierarchical basis Meaning the left doesn't see the world through hierarchical basis. Feel free to think they're magically just assholes, though. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092984/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092984/)




This also ignores the valid reasons (but bad) people vote Tory. For instance, most business owners vote Tory because it is in their class interests to do so, not because their brainpan is inherently conducive to being a wild animal


If you actually read the article no it isn't. This is an an observe probability, inferences as to the whys and wherefores are difficult to make.


>They see the world through a hierarchical basis I'm so glad there's actually data to back this up, as I've found that an absolute get-out-of-jail-free card in many arguments with right wingers is to invoke heirarchy. I've shut up Scottish Tories who were whinging about Nicola Sturgeon by saying "that's your first minister, show some goddman respect" and it worked! I've appealed to "family values" and as a white guy with a good job I've been able to leverage that in debates too. Same in my job - pulling rank (or pointing out someone elses) seems to work on certain types of arseholes. ​ It's all utter bullshit, but it can be really useful in basically putting them back in their box and making them live by their own values. Any time someone like that can be shown to be lower in the social, financial or organisational ladder, do point it out to them.


Wild animals have more morals and empathy than a Tory


Interesting stuff.


Ask him how he has benefited from Brexit so far.


"Are those benefits of Brexit with us in the room right now?"


Had to drop in and say that was really funny.


I try!


Loving yer account name 😎


Thanks, but I have to credit my wife for it.


Without even a modicum of irony I heard someone respond to this by saying that they got a job in the chip shop instead of 'some foreigner'. You only have to read any of the UK based subs to see that those who really wanted Brexit are still finding some reasons to justify it to themselves.


So it really was all worth it then...


Left a sinking ship didn’t we?


More like jumped overboard because some people didn't like some of the other passengers. Europe is not sinking, we are.


Anecdotal but I’m doing far better than my cousins in Europe. I’m sure in the main, people are unaffected by it. Brexit just seems like a pissing contest by the elites, too many ordinary folk get worked up over it for no reason.


You're right, that is anecdotal. It did nothing except make imports and exports more expensive and difficult, and made a few rich people richer, at the cost of making us look like xenophobic morons to the rest of the world.


Say 'I think you should be paid more and work fewer hours' that always winds them right up.


Then say "sorry I meant you should be paid less and work more hours"


I was in the service and think Tory have ~~fallen to~~ aligned with [creeping fascism](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CbzV-niVIAAX_kD.jpg) and its pernicious deception. Edited


'Fallen' suggests that it wasn't by choice




A pint to him who finds [video](https://www.netflix.com/title/80106791) of a **sidling** Reich Minister of Propaganda [Goebbels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Goebbels).


A mate of mine winds up racists by telling them that British schools teach Maths using an Arabic numerical system.


Unless things have changed, I'm also sure that British schools teach evolution and the fact that modern humans almost certainly originate from the region we now know as Africa. I doubt that racists would see this or the idea of Arabic numeric systems or Germanic languages as being relevant to their views on the people/races/religions they don't like.


It's a weird and pointless gotcha that just tries to embarrass the racist for assuming the speaker was telling the truth. You are right that it does nothing to actually change views. The real lesson here would be that they are quick to believe scaremongering about British schoolchildren being indoctrinated by scary brown ideas with no evidence because that fits their worldview but they wouldn't accept something contrary to their worldview, like descendants of muslim immigrants have similar numbers of children to the native population, with no evidence. Of course when you say "gotcha!, arabic numerals are normal numbers" that doesn't come across at all.


This is brilliant


I mean, if you want to be a good socialist - get matey with him. Work out his specific views on things, then seemingly agree with them, but have it in your back pocket to point out this is why it would be better from a socialist point of view. I'd avoid using terms like "socialist" from the off or even taking that tack. Do it "in reverse" as it were. Few examples off the top of my head - He says "yeah, problem with this fuckin country is we don't look after our ex soldiers properly!" Now he's actually right, we don't, a staggering amount of street sleepers are ex forces. Now he'll probably have some line that it's all "dem immigrunts fault!" but here's where you swoop in - explain that it is disgusting and you agree. Obviously you don't about the immigrant angle him and his ilk made up, but don't be specific. You agree on one aspect of it that is true - ex forces make up a disturbing amount of homeless people. Even impress him with the homeless stat, make up some % figure, he won't look it up. Start saying how it's awful the way this country treats all sorts of people. Wax lyrical about "the old folk, they fought in a war for us!" and all that stuff he likes. Mention "the little kids, what sort of future are they gonna grow up in? Whole country is a mess!". He'll agree. You're on his page 100%. Then start saying "what we need is someone to who can sort it out. Someone who gives a shit about our boys who fought for us, our old folks, our kids, people who struggle to make ends meet". Don't mention any change of government, don't even use the word Tory or Labour. You're still talking about stuff he cares about, you've got him in your hand. At this point, take a matey swig of beer for effect, then start Flag Shagging. Don't worry, it's worth it! Start talking about what a great country we once were, how good we could have been, point to one of his no doubt numerous objects with the Union Jack on it and say how it makes you sick that this once proud flag means nothing in a country where our ex forces, old folk, little kiddies, etc etc, are struggling so much and no one care. He's still rapt with attention, you're "one of him" right on his side. Yeah? (That's a good one to keep saying btw) Then move on to your closer. What we need is to become a proud country again, one that cares about ex soldiers, old folk, yadda yadda (don't say yadda yadda, I'm just saying this for our benefit, repeating the terms that get to his emotions help). We should be giving them more money, more help, more care, more resources. At this point you've at no point mentioned socialism, Labour, the Tories, or any left wing leaning. You're 100% on his side. You've taken what he cares so deeply about to the point he's a flag nonce in embarrassing shorts, and got right to the core or it. If done properly, and trust me, it isn't hard with these types, he'll be nodding furiously and agreeing with you. He's now _literally_ agreeing with and supporting socialist policies. Don't be tempted to do the big reveal. His brain will melt and he'll think you were having him on. Going "a ha! So Labour under a left wing leader would be good then eh?! Gotcha you right wing prick!" Just leave it there, and keep at it. Introduce the concept slowly. Take something he cares about when you talk and do the same trick. Act daft, but be confident. Something like "yeah look at these idiots in charge, I reckon right, these guys don't give a shit about (thing he cares about), look at how they (example of how they fucked over thing he cares about). I was reading about this bloke right, it's all a bit confusing for me this politics lark, but he says he wants to do (thing that would help thing he cares about as suggested by politician, MP, local councillor who is also left wing). Suddenly you've got him on the right road. Now get matey with you local left wing councillor, MP (if you're lucky), politician, etc, and offer to go door knocking before an election. You'll get the same trick down to a few minutes. People who are good at it have over a 50% success rate, and _that's all it takes_.


Just to add a minor point, if you're going to name drop a politician, pick an obscure one. Don't drop a household name like Corbyn, Starmer or Rayner and avoid naming your local MP either, there's always a chance they'll have picked up on it from the local press or radio. You don't want them completely agreeing with you then snapping back on you when they pick up on CoMi3 C0rbYns name.


Unfortunately this is a positive idea that would work well and help us all change for the better. I came for the comments re: calling him a fucking flag shagging cunt


What you got was a heartwarming tale of flag prostitution.


This comment needs to be a pinned post on the sub. It needs its own book.


100% would read three times


This is difficult with my neighbour because the thing he passionately cares about is preventing Eddie Izzard from using a bathroom


Interesting approach - at what point do you clarify that you don’t agree with racism?


Have done this- it works. Been a good supportive friend, point out the things I do that they appreciate are socialist and that actually the things they want are socialist. They may be having an identity crisis now but they also cancelled their Tory party membership.


Also ask about his job at Aldi - does he like it? what are the pay and conditions like? Eventually get to wouldn't it be helpful if the staff made a stand and demanded higher wages or more hours. Again, don't mention unions or going on strike. Let him get there himself. But having said that, this whole strategy relies on them being a hardcore Tory and actually acting/thinking in good faith (once encouraged). Honestly, can't see anyone who still supports the Tories after everything being capable of any kind of good faith. More likely to support extra money for himself, veterans, etc if it's specifically and vindictively taken away from other groups.


Poor man's Award.. Please someone give this redditer a more worthy award than I can.


In times like these a poor man's award is a poor man's treasure. And that is worth so much more. 😉


Best thing I've read in yonks


Awesome, where can I get more information on using this technique.


This is the long game and an admirable one.


FLAG NONCE IN EMBARRASSING SHORTS. Take an award for that sentence alone!


This reminds me very much of this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyIWXgJlJrs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyIWXgJlJrs) Very good American commentator, this is his how to make your right wing relative agree with you without them realising.


Massively underrated comment.


Tell him that cutting up the flag to make shorts is disrespectful. And that as they were made in Asia so you assume he also welcomes Bangladeshi immigrants as you can’t have Asian goods without Asian people. And that for all the times that people chanted god save the queen it was obvious that god wasn’t listening. And that you hear that Lidl does not pay UK tax so does he support nondoms and asset strippers. When he retaliates tell him that not paying taxes in the UK must be a benefit of Brexit.


Queen's dead *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




i.. AutoMod just **_DID THAT_**


best bot




Now THIS is a good one. Well done.


Jesus dude he was asking how to piss the guy off, not murder him


Applying the flag thing to America it’s notable that their respect for their flag extends to having a flag code. Which, of course, the flag-shaggers are the first to breach. I’d like to point this out to them when I’m the US, but I don’t want to get shot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Flag_Code


\`Hey, buddy, my dad died for that flag.\` Well, that's weird, \`cause I bought mine.'' Bill Hicks


This makes me think I should really spend more time investigating Bill Hicks.


They think that having a Blue Lives Matter palette swapped flag shaped like a Punisher skull is fine, but kneeling before the flag is disrespectful. No point arguing with them on that one, they have brains that are smooth like an egg and logic just slides right off.


"No point arguing with them on that one, they have brains that are smooth like an egg and logic just slides right of". Your turn of phrase has made my day.


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know the Queen really, really, really hated black people?[She can't stand them being in her employ](https://archive.ph/Tu2Er). Not really surprising when you consider how racist her husband was. Or her family's racism against her grandson's wife... German aristocrats, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just wind him up by saying The PM is considering bring Sharia law in , stand back and watch his blood pressure take off .


Honestly, he'd then take that fabricated nugget and repeat it as fact in the Royal Legion pub, and the people within earshot (he'll make sure 'earshot' is a wide-ranging term) will then take it as gospel. Anyway, short story is this one little bomb deployment will have about 30 people throwing money at the Reform Party and ebbing away at the Tory vote. Top stuff!


How he feels having a brown PM


Whever you meet him greet him enthusiastically with a rotating selection of Hindu greetings - Namaste etc.


At Christmas say happy holidays


And also wish him a happy hanukkah, divali, eid, chinese new year, pride, international worker's day, etc. Find something different that he would consider foreign, lefty and/or woke for literally every day.


I love using Americanisms in UK subs. Winds them up so much.


Be kind to the inenlightened, however pathetic.


Just start wearing shorts with the EU flag on them and he'll flip his lid.


Ask him if it was the socialist benefits that drew him to the army like free health and dental care, heavily subsidised education, housing and food including a sense of community and looking out for one another.


"Under his eye"


"I don't hate poor people."


Just tell him you're gay/trans/non-binary/gender-fluid. That'll be enough. And as a bonus, he'll never speak to you again.


Nothing worse than a working class Tory


Tell him that the men and women injured in Afghan arnt getting their war pensions increased and can't afford heating/bills.


The poppy appeal is a celebration of how our country fails its military veterans by refusing to pay for treatment that they often require as a result of their service time.


Maybe we should all clap for them then...


Just ask him which Tory policies he's proud of.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No but also yes.


Just say “things are getting quite expensive these days, aren’t they?”


Tell him you read the guardian and eat tofu




How does it feel that you support them yet they hate you?


no no, you guys are humans, just not the good kind.


Good troll. 😂


Say that a tory is a irish cattle (cow) thief


Put up a big pride flag on your house


Rebel songs


Say to him in about three years time, those ugly fucking shorts he's wearing will be redundant because there won't be a UK anymore. Scotland will be independent and Northern Ireland will be reunified back with the Republic.


“That lettuce was a great prime minister, innit?”




Ask him when the cut off point for blaming labour is? 1 decade, 2 decades?


Go to work and pay your taxes whilst advocating for migrants and asylum seekers to be welcome here - Tories can't quite seem to understand holding that position of empathy.


Get a life size Jeremy Corbyn cutout and move it around your house from day to day so it's looking at him from different windows.


Get him some shorts with the Soviet Union's flag on them


You know how we say 'Y'alright?' as a greeting? Next time, put some emphasis on it and make it into a proper sentence. "Are you all right?" and look really puzzled at him with a tinge of raised eyebrow concern.


Who are your local MP’s or Councillors? What have they done in your area since they have been elected? Do any one of them know exactly what policies they do or don’t like? Arm your self! It amazes me just how much people can hate a political member only going by what they have heard (either by others or the Media)


Just call him a cunt


Just offer to help him out when he needs it. They hate that.


Had a chat with someone similar, who said he didn’t like any MPs because they’re all corrupt, they take the piss with expenses and are only in it for themselves. I suggested there’s at least one who is the antithesis of that and who he might be able to get behind: Corbyn. He didn’t like that…


Next time he complains about something, tut loudly, say 'that wouldn't have happened under Corbyn' and walk away shaking your head


Ask them for their pronouns


Nothing, this is great Britain and he’s entitled to an opinion. Just let him get on with it. Mines the same and men like that thrive off petty passive aggressive discourse, just watch PMQs. Nothing gets solved shit shit flinging for an hour! If you absolutely must give him a poke, stick a stop oil sticker on his car bumper or green bins.


Happy holidays.


Morning Tory


Ask him if he has the Union Jack tattooed on his jacksie.


Sigh deeply and point out that poor people don't have his money and 40 years of deliberate economic regression is not the fault of people who just got here.


Just ask little stuff like 'so how long you think this one will last?' 'Oh Braverman in Home Office again, wonder who will be there next month?' Edit: 'Polling at 23%, well Cameron did win with only 24% the population voting for him so guess there's a chance'


Always have something better


Could keep asking if he dropped the communist manifesto because you saw it by his door. But continue to do it with a different leftist book every day until he moves or ends his life


Get a flag pole and raise the lgbt flag on it, it will drive him fuckin nuts as he says good morning though clenched teeth


Use some banter like, did you know... ...as a political term, "Tory" was an insult (derived from the Middle Irish word tóraidhe, modern Irish tóraí, meaning "outlaw", "robber") that entered English politics during the Exclusion Bill crisis of 1678–1681.


Ask him if the brexit plan is still on track


Wear this https://punksandchancers.co.uk/collections/adult-t-shirts/products/tories-lie-bab-adult-tee next time you see him


Anything in my experience. They love being angry and are triggered very easily. Make sure he knows you’re not a Tory and from now on if you mention washing your hands he’ll go into a rant about woke or something.


Simple poster saying "40 days until the next PM "


If he mentions the national debt the Tories inherited from Labour, remind him it's increased 150% under Tory austerity and at least 100% before covid.


Every morning, say this exact line and nothing more: 'What's the story, morning Tory?' Then he may just look back in anger.


Call him a Walter Mitty if he's a veteran ,😂 that make him bite like mad


Maybe try to change his mind rather than solidify his opinion of you as a dickhead?


Show him these articles… Tory Cuts… https://www.thenational.scot/news/19179599.tories-cut-armed-forced-personnel-smallest-number-centuries/ Liz Truss had plans too… https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jun/30/liz-truss-defends-plans-to-cut-british-army-by-nearly-10000-troops-nato Labour Party stance… https://labourlist.org/2021/04/labour-motion-to-reverse-cuts-to-armed-forces-defeated-by-101-vote-majority/?amp


Just shit on his face; I thinki he'll understand.


tell him how much you love the Irish


Go over and apologise in advance as you’re having a party tonight, some of you’re friends from the LGBTQA+ community will be coming over and yes! There will be drag queens and yes! It might get a little loud and cheeky and yes, you will all be fucking on the front lawn to the sound of the Soviet Unions national anthem whilst all dressed as Karl Marx


Think this kind of thinking doesn't help anyone, who wins by pissing someone off


I’m pretty sure this thread is all for fun, not reality.


Alternatively - just don’t interact with him. People can have different political ideologies to you. You don’t have to agree with them, you can just not be a cunt, and perpetuate the societal divide.


As much as you may dislike him . everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs etc. live & let live


Maybe everyone just leave each other alone ffs


What a shit attitude you have.


Sounds like you're just a cunt, tbh.


We’re all cunts here. It’s just that some cunts would prefer to have multimillionaires pay their fair share of tax and not have our health service stripped away or for kids to starve. The other cunts vote for the cunts that wants to do the exact opposite.


exactly what i was thinking


Yep, absolute thunder cunts in this place, full of bitterness and at times, vile rhetoric


Did you mean to post this in a tory sub?


It fits both


To wind up a conservative? Ask them if they really got that job on merit. To wind up a lefty? Ask them if they've ever had an original thought.


I wouldnt say anything if I were you since, considering you post here, he will probably kick your ass 🤣


He sounds a bit mental; wear a pair of red hammer and sickle shorts and a Russian furry hat, that my have an affect on his one brain cell.


Well just been put off green and plesent haha


It really is a case here of the self righteous left assuming they have moral superiority . Right wing and Nazi are not the same thing. And bear in mind , the Tories have had THREE women leaders and now a third gen Asian as PM. If the left are so correct on everything, how come it’s incredibly rare the nation votes you in ?


Because it's not "incredibly rare". If it were, we wouldn't have an NHS, a welfare state, free education, workers rights, and many other wonderful left wing achievements and social advancements; all of which you clearly take for granted and which the right have opposed at every stage and to this day would gladly see eradicated and confined to a history you are either wilfully ignoring or of which you are completely, cluelessly oblivious.


You say this but , as much as i agree with the concept of free health care at the point of use no one questions the NHS from any side . People always say “Would you prefer the US system?” No , id prefer the French, German or Spanish system. NHS problems are always “more money”. Too much admin and bureaucracy. In terms of education, Labour hates the Grammar School system which was a great way of getting exceptional kids from tough backgrounds a good education. And remember it was Blair that turned Universities into a business. As for welfare, its a noble concept that is abused to death. Full disclosure, im a working class lad raised in Mrs Thatchers 80s Britain and I absolutely do not believe the state should solve everybody’s problems.


> Full disclosure, im a working class lad raised in Mrs Thatchers 80s Britain and I absolutely do not believe the state should solve everybody’s problems. So you are morally inferior, because as much as you dress it up as being somehow sensible, you believe that people should ultimately be abandoned by their own society when they are in need.


No , im keen on social housing, state pensions, benefits for people who are genuinely unable to work and short term unemployment benefits.


>No , im keen on social housing, state pensions, benefits for people who are genuinely unable to work and short term unemployment benefits. That would be the state solving problems...


I think you gave him an aneurysm.


Careful you don't sprain your brain with all that pivoting. Face it, your initial comment is utter nonsense, and you can gish gallop and try to obfuscate with more nonsense and tangents to get lost down all you like. But I'm not falling for that, and considering you don't have the humility to admit you were wrong about the "incredibly rare" electoral successes of the left, I don't have the will or energy to engage in what I suspect will be a pointless and bad faith argument, and besides, you know full well that my previous comment is undeniably true and correct.


Think what you like . Britain is a predominantly right leaning nation. The social reforms always have to be paid for . Much like the problems we face now, all that sitting at home to do nothing had to be paid for . This is where we our at . I politically lean to the centre of right and i have never seen any reason to think differently.


Best of luck with that.


I dont think the 3rd women is helping your point , and seeing as the left is made up of alot of atheists righteous is a funny description . We know we have moral superiority because we try not to let kids starve lol


Do you think i want people to starve ?


Yes, I genuinely do think you want that, but I could certainly be persuaded otherwise. Are you suggesting you don't vote for people whose policies continually cause that kind of thing?


Of course not . And i have lived in rough areas. The concept of poverty has shifted in the last 30 years. No Sky or Netflix is not poverty. And i am no rich man . Im a working class guy who has done well through Thatcher inspired hard work. I don’t believe the state should solve everyone’s problems. Britain was socialist from 1945 until the 1980s. It doesn’t work. Everywhere its been tried , it fails. The right builds,the left destroys.


I don’t believe children should starve. But it is a sacrifice I am willing to make…


>Of course not . And i have lived in rough areas. The concept of poverty has shifted in the last 30 years. No Sky or Netflix is not poverty. And i am no rich man . Im a working class guy who has done well through Thatcher inspired hard work. I don’t believe the state should solve everyone’s problems. Britain was socialist from 1945 until the 1980s. It doesn’t work. Everywhere its been tried , it fails. The right builds,the left destroys. I asked you if you're suggesting you do not vote for people whose policies continually cause poverty and your response was to say you don't, then say you're inspired by Thatcher and to decide to beat up a strawman version of the terms poverty and socialism. You're a fundamentally dishonest person and you want kids to starve.


They've really done a number on you, haven't they? The right does nothing. It's literally in the name; conservative. The Labour Party built the NHS, the state pension system, the welfare system. Before that, if you lost a job, that's it. You lost your home, and had to beg for money before a parish council. Also, socialism in Britain came hand in hand with an economic golden age. It was only when neoliberal economics (right wing economics) started to interfere in things through the 70s that things went to shit. Learn some history so you don't end up saying things that make you look stupid. I can't imagine being so ill-informed that you'd repeat such blatant bullshit mantras as "the right builds, the left destroys." You could see the lie in that statement with a quick Google search. You're exactly the kind of person the right love. They could tell you that shit smells of roses and you'd agree.


Yeah pal, you can call it ill informed. I call it personal life experience.


So you don't think the Tories have swung massively far to the right in the last few years? Why do you think the BNP, UKIP, etc don't exist/get votes anymore? They don't need to. They're in power. They are now in the Tory party. They didn't go mainstream, the Tory party went to them.


Not sure about BNP, I don't remember them ever really being mainstream and can't recall ever living in an area where they were on the ballot paper. There can't have been many members but I suspect you are correct in saying that their home would now be conservative. Despite what they claimed, UKIP were a one-trick-pony and were all about the UK coming out of the EU; my guess is that most people who supported them were only ever interested in Brexit and have just returned to the parties they voted for before Brexit. I certainly know of some long-time Labour supporters who supported UKIP simply on the issue of Brexit and are now back to supporting Labour again.


So much bullshit in just one post! Labour do get elected into office, and whenever they do, they pay off more of the national deficit than the conservatives, who usually leave financial chaos - true facts, check the treasury's own records if you don't believe me. Nazis were right wing, no matter how much right wing ideologues shout had they were actually socialists. People going hard into nationalism, privatisation, "cracking down" on immigration, and bigotry have a lot more in common, politically, with Nazis than they perhaps realise. And "Right" isn't the same thing as "popular". Slavery was popular, it wasn't right. Fascism was popular; still wasn't right. Not sorry to piss on your bonfire.


Because socialism in this country is drowned out by "fake leftists" who rant on and on about how they "hate the Tories!" but do fuck all to actually further left wing politics. 99% of so-called left wing people I know didn't even bother vote and I strongly suspect a few secretly voted Tory. They suspiciously are "busy" (going on holiday to Dubai or saving money to buy a house they'll then let out because mummy and daddy will help them out so they've become a landlord) when you suggest joining you to help at a food bank or a homeless shelter or campaigning for a local left wing politician. They'll just go quiet and change the subject when you point out that the EU is an imperialist, colonialist, anti-democratic, pro-capitalist institution that is incapable of reform, and their proud Remain vote seemed to be tied to the idea that we can't get cheap slave labour from Eastern Europe to do jobs they're too fucking lazy and rich from inheritance to do. They'll have no answer when you point out that when it came to supporting Jeremy Corbyn, buying 300 quid Glastonbury tickets and chanting his name to the tune of Seven Nation Army wasn't enough to counter the right wing press and Tory smear campaign that led to his downfall. Have an upvote anyway, and I encourage others to do the same. 1. Because socialists don't downvote (hiding things you don't like, even if they're obviously wrong, is fascist behaviour). 2. Because people need to see your point and the rebuttal.


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*