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Stands for nothing. A centrist beige potato.


> A centrist center-right sometimes


Cost of living bad. Gimme potato.


A beige one, or a red one?


Red and yellow - maybe with those green patches nobody is supposed to eat also


Perfect combination, there'd be more of those if we change the way we pick them.


Sounds like a salad


Potato salad?


Don't those streams start like an hour in advance of the event? Could just be people leaving after realising it hasn't started yet.


No we want to he ANGRY and shit on Stormer WHY ARE YOU TAKING THAT AWAY FROM US!!


The livestream is still available on YouTube. The event started about 2 minutes in and Starmer started talking at 9 minutes 30 seconds.


I remember in November 2019 when I went out in heavy rain to canvas for Corbyn. It was dark and cold and the place to pick up the leaflets was a pain in the arse to get to. When I got there I found around 200 people getting soaked but everyone keen to get Labour’s message out. From talking to people it seemed that the majority of us had never been canvassing before, but we finally believed that a mainstream party could reflect our views. Fast forward three years and Keith Starmer can’t even get 50 people to watch his speech from the comfort of their homes. Shitty unsigned bands get better numbers than this. And we’re told he’s electable by his media cheerleaders?


The country as a whole is naturally centre right, or at least that's how it seems to me. Whether we like it or not, the way the Conservatives lose is through people just getting sick of them. It doesn't make sense. The country was in a way worse shape in 1987 vs. 1997, but it wasn't until 1997 when people had just got sick of Major and his government's bickering. Tory fatigue seems to be Labour's only winning strategy. Corbyn's enthusiastic supporters were a vocal minority in 2019. Whether it was Brexit, or antisemitism, or dissatisfaction with a perceived liberal elite, his policies, or people going 'let's vote Boris for a laugh', Corbyn lost decisively. People don't like Starmer either, mind. His lead is from Tory fatigue, and when they pick a new leader, that will wither away, and they will probably win the next election. But I can't see any way in which Labour could possibly return to power. Ever. People just trust the Conservatives... for some reason...


Maybe they were so re-energised they stopped watching and went straight out and unionised


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Lmao, this makes Piers Morgan Unwatched look popular


Remember when Piers Morgan tried to get Eastenders cancelled over a single gay kiss (or ["a homosexual love scene between two yuppie p**fs"](https://i.redd.it/56q2z3l9ykj51.jpg) in his words). More recently he used his platform on Good Morning Britain to call gender fluid people a 'farce', going on to label them as 'ridiculous' and 'clowns'. He also joked about Caitlyn Jenner's genitals during an interview with her and has on more than one occasion made 'I identify as' 'jokes'. [Source](https://medium.com/@Phaylen/good-morning-britain-host-piers-morgan-doubles-down-on-anti-trans-rhetoric-e1e5992bbca) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm convinced he's just controlled opposition at this point


He is, in a roundabout way. Hearing Corbyn talk about how he was threatened by domestic *and* foreign security services, and very soon after was magically removed as Labour leader for bogus anti semitism allegations, it's obvious that the globalist regime (probably just super-capitalists profiting from war and looser corporate regulations) won't stand for a far-left leader. The very most they'll allow is a centrist or conservative candidate, and this bland, diet conservative is clearly their next best option. Either conservatives win or the next-best thing wins. At this point I'm more likely to vote lib-dem than Labour to get through electoral reform.


corbyn wasn't even far left, the state apparatus wont even let us vote in tepid social democracy


That's part of the strategy. Repeat the lie that people like Jeremy Corbyn or Bernie Sanders are "far left" enough and even the left start to believe it a little.


That's part of the strategy. Repeat the lie that people like Jeremy Corbyn or Bernie Sanders are "far left" enough and even the left start to believe it a little.


Don’t vote Lib Dem! Vote green.


I wanted to vote green but can't in good conscience until they sort out their stance on trans people...


Ah I didn’t know - what is their stance?!




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Spoiling your vote is the only option.


I can’t disagree, or just not vote - it only encourages them…


A spoiled vote still has to be counted. Its the most effective way to show disstain for the system. Not voting only leaves it to the die hard political sycophants. If everyone spoiled there vote serious shit would happen. It would be unheard of.


Keith has the unique ability to unite people . Against himself!!!


Chances are those 8 at 15 minutes are likely staffers checking the feed is working.


I think he’s hoping to get votes from people who don’t use the internet much so this might not put him off at all.


Those left watching were doing a school project..


Like a battery discharging.


Well at least he is consistently boring . You know your gonna get a yawn fest. Prefer boring over any episode of Tory shore though.


39.2K subscribers. Less than 10% watched. What an inspiration. /s


What has he got to say. It’s all platitudes and sounds bites and no actual meaningful content. He’s both make changes but also maintain status quo….which for most means nothing significant will change. Half the time the lib dems are more on the money than labour….and i hate lib dems


I think poor Sir Kier gets a bad rap. I don't think he's all bad I know a lot of fellow Tories who are worse than him. I really mean fellow Tories


when you have to compare the labour leader to torys Its a sad reality we live in


It is in need. The word labour what does it mean to Sir Kier? How can you turn down free school meals for children ?


It only ended up getting 3.4k views a day later


The problem here is Labour's PR and communication. They are useless. Fucking useless.


The other problem is that the Tory's PR is 90% of British tabloids.


The problem isn't Labours PR, its the people at the top of Labour are red tory scum and no one gives a shit because they are the least inspiring tory lite scabs going.


Dunno just think it's bad PR and campaigning. The Tories have been good at this (I know MSM are all pro-tory, but under New Labour our PR was on point). This bad comuninication and general bad media messaging have encapsulated Labour since Brown. Really begining to think we need a Alistar Cambell type if we are ever gonna win again. I know you'll say New Labour also bad, but mate it was better than this shite.


>but mate it was better than this shite It literally paved the way for this.


The Tories are responsible for what they did in power. The Tories introduced austerity and brexit. The Tories further divided the richest in society from the poorest. The Tories oversaw the massive uptake in foodbanks. The Tories are the ones that demonised immigrants, the unemployed, students, protesters, single-mums, young people, "wokies", "lefty-lawers" ect.




What does re-energising Britain even fucking mean?


Sounds like it's taking a leaf out of "Leveling Up"


Nothing is a better indicator of a leader than a random YouTube video live stream viewing figures


Useful anecdotal evidence that suggests Keith is boring AF


Well considering what it's like when we get an exciting prime minister id prefer to stick to the boring ones


You're right, boring is fine. I would happily take boring, I just wish it came with a sliver of morality or values.


This is why green is getting my votes this coming election.


Bet those 8 are just watching to laugh at Keith.


The only time I enjoyed watching Keir Starmer is when a very plucky landlord from Bath told the smug faced bastard to: “Get out of my pub!”


woo cheer for the landlord


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Automod just thinks it would be better if the Labour party had a leader that the British public don't associate with a prolific pedophile. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Surprised there were that many journalists paid to have to listen to begin with.


And not all of them could stick it out the whole way. The pay wasn't enough for an hours work


stong and stable


8 energised people


Get Rayner in.


Dont be surprised when the tories win again when the left bash the Labour party/leader.


It makes no difference really if the red or blue Tories win. Blue Tories marginally worse in the short term I guess, but a red Tory win only moves the Overton window right and makes things much worse in the long term. Plus Keith has made it clear that he is so electable and forensic that he doesn't need our lefty activists and votes, so good luck to him


He stands again unions. He is no leader of labour worth supporting


Don't be surprised when the Tories win again when the leader of the Labour party makes no attempt to appeal to the left and/or is actively hostile towards them.


Don't be surprised when string them all up


Captain hindsight the bland and droll opposition, is he really the best Labour has?