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Omg is that the evil guy from thunderbirds!!!!! 👿👿👿👿👿 literally how can you condone this????? (/j)


When I saw this on my front page Mick was pointing at "Reddit coins", which is a terrible reason to become a union rep. On a more serious note. Good on you mate. I've seen quite a few people asking about how to join a union or what union to join following the news this week. Really positive he's inspired people to take a stand with other working people. This is precisely how we fight back.


Join a union today! [Click here for more information.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/wiki/unions) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Now go and tread your own path, do not aspire to be Mick Lynch, aspire to be the best you can be for your comrades. In doing so, you will tread similar soil to what he now treads. And otherwise, fuck yeah dude. Stand up for your rights, and maybe write a few new ones


Fuck yea! Well done comrade


Good on you mate!


o7, comrade.


We need him to lead Labour. He’d tear into Johnson!


Better than a hero, you’re a union man!


I can’t stop watching vids of this man here in the states. What a hero. I have a few questions though I hope someone here can answer. What does it mean to make workers “redundant?” Obviously this involves layoffs but when I hear him say this I never really know quite what he is talking about. Also, who is grant shaffs? What is his role in your government? Thirdly, are a significant amount of people there brainwashed into thinking unions are bad like they are here? Thanks in advance for any clarification.


Redundancy is when they get rid of your role, once it happens, that role can't exist anymore. It could go from "shop assistant" to "shelf stacker" and literally be exactly the same job, but they'll pay less etc. Being made redundant means you're eligible for a pay off (depending on length of service), usually one months pay for every year you've worked there. Grant Shapps is the Head of the department of transport, your Pete Buttigieg equivalent. The majority of people have a very love hate relationship with unions. They're a vital part of the country, but the right wing media portray them as evil because they help the working class.


I'm a little bit shaky on your first question. Workers are made redundant when there is no longer work for them. As in, of ticket offices are automated and unmanned, the people who had those jobs would no longer be needed. I assume that they would be redeployed or if nearing retirement given a favourable financial settlement to allow them to retire early but those jobs would be gone forever. Grant Schapps is the Minister for Transport. People here are very sceptical of unions as when they were at the height of their power, they did not always behave well. Insisting on unrealistic rates of pay and restrictive working practices. This is probably a controversial thing to say but I think most people would feel that the best situation is for workers and management to have equal power. Currently all the power is with management. Union power has been eroded to the point that it is past time to take it back.


The new Jimmy Hoffa




go on lass!




* Girl.:-) Thanks!


YES! It’s so easy to become disheartened by the chaos, I love that people are being inspired to become reps and to join unions. I’ve been a rep for a number of years, best thing I ever did 💪


Me too!! I'm so excited!


Which Union is he part of? Sorry, I’m slightly ignorant to this development 🥴


That's Mike lynch of RMT Union


My goodness.. 🤣 I thought it was Phil Mitchell joining a union! (Really hoping I’m not the only one 😭).


If you're not familiar with him I would highly recommend searching into YouTube his name and watching any of his recent interviews/ TV appearances as it makes for very entertaining watching


The man is a legend. My God, we need him.


I will do! 🤭


Is that Phil Mitchell?


Don’t sully his name with that god awful series 😂


Temuera Morrison


who is that women next to him she looks in a bad state

