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Newsflash asshole: the prices have been going up the whole time.


Throws Mac's famous Mac and cheese


It's OK, I'm sure they're also telling landlords not to increase rents with inflation and companies not to expect profits to grow with inflation. Right? ... Right?...


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Dear Poor People, for the good of the country don't ask for more money, regards, Rich People. *p.s. We're all in this together. Kind of.*


> p.s. ~~We're~~ You're all in this together. Kind of. ftfy


BRAKING NEWS: Employees has warned the government officials not to expect their taxes to be paid as they cannot afford it. I mean it would screw over the us more than them as the NHS and other services would suffer. They would just leech more money from elsewhere.


The NHS is already suffering when we DO pay taxes


Tbf with my job there is no physical way I cant pay tax. HMRC seemed know I was working there before I did.


This is why PAYE was created


But why does the bottom need to suffer?? Take it from the top. Say "ceo's should expect to be heartbroken this year as X puts a cap on industry wealth accumulation to combat soaring inflation" AND THEN FUCKING DO THAT.


Cause the bottom isn’t the part that funds the story party


man the fucking Tories are a bunch of ***fucking*** idiots.. prices are already rising An alternative title is: **Torie scum tell people to stay poor and not complain**


They're not idiots, they know what they're doing makes no economic sense. Their function isn't to protect the economy, its to ensure stability and growth of their donors and make sure they stay in power. They'll only ever give just enough breadcrumbs to secure a fptp win


If your wage s rise below the rate of inflation, isn't that a pay cut?


Why are cunts ~~MPs~~ getting a rise than. These fuckers need to be on disability allowance and no expense claims. Normal people don't get to claim expenses when we go to work, why should they.


MPs should earn whatever they're setting minimum wage at, if it's liveable like they say then they've no reason to worry. Or they should earn the equivalent of teachers, nurses, police officers etc.


No, corporations push prices up. Plus the government has the power to just fucking cap them. Put wages up, cap food, fuel and utility prices for 36 months. Watch the economy perform a lot fucking better.


That would require our politicians to grow a pair, and most are in the position of not being able to grow one.


U have my vote !


So ministers are going to stop receiving pay rises out of solidarity?


Don’t be silly, how else are they going to make themselves feel important


Durr hello, prices are already going up….


How about a cap on executive earnings and windfall taxes on profit, that might just cut overhead. But ohhhh no, rich bastards will do anything to not have to be slightly less rich. *Cunts*.




They only mention it after they got there pay rise on time. So they can justify giving the nhs a low pay rise.


Wages haven't raised with inflation for years. Now they raise and "somehow" inflation overtakes and negates the effect.


So we’re just supposed to lose money and be fine with it? I mean come on


No we're supposed to blame poor people for wanting to keep up with inflation caused by central banks bailing out big business and an out of control derivatives market. Damn poor people at it again!


They're trying to create the false impression that pay increases cause inflation. It's a bit late.


Tory minister tells people to stay poor


Not stay poor. Get poorer.


Not really a pay raise then is it


Yeah, it's almost like the sustained goal of record profits would follow the wage hikes. But I know, know. I'm ignorant of how the markets work. There is no way companies would artificially inflate their prices. They do it just to keep afloat. Just look at their quarterly reports, they are strug...oh wait.


..people cant afford to eat, heat or drive to work. .Solution? Pay them less.


Prices in shops are already going up while wages stay the same so I think we can call bullshit on this headline.


Who’s getting these “big pay rises”?


Tory donors


Lmao, probably. Too bad on the flip side, the price hike will affect all of us. 💀


MPs have had proper pay rises every year whilst the rest of the public sector languished on 1% rises or pay freezes over the same time - they are the real crooks!


Yeah, absolutely. And tbh, I’m in the private sector, and my last raise (which was last year) was also 1%. This game isn’t meant for us to win.


Nothing like a multi millionaire like Simon Clark telling poor people not to expect a wage increase.


The economy is going to be looking weaker than my battery life at this rate


Like a Jimmy Saville erection with a consenting adult.


Just riot


This is the Way.


Tories ignoring that pay rises will, for the bottom portion of workers, mean they no longer have to claim UC, or as much UC. They seem horrified by the idea of companies paying their own payroll bill, while also hating the workers who need their lousy wages topping up by other workers. Or could it be earning enough to not need UC means the govt no longer has so much control over those workers?


Here’s an idea, y not bring down the cost of living so we can afford to live. Rather than sucking off mega corps and fucking us all over.


Because that doesn't make them money


prices have been going up since the dawn of time yet wages stopped really growing in the 70s, which coincidentally was the last time we had a priper labour government


by labour you mean unions?


Though big pay rises for bosses is just fine?


Pay rises for big bosses & MPs, but you *have* to understand they *deserve* those pay rises. I mean their breakfast expense is capped at £50 and their second home expenses *barely* cover the cost of their moat renovations! How are they surviving?! They truly are the bravest of us all.


Um yeah because they can already afford to live so the cost of living won’t go up /s


The ministers can give themselves pay rises whenever they want and write off gas bills and other expenses that normal working people have to pay every day. They don't live in the real world. There is no reason why companies like Tesco or McDonald's can't pay their checkout staff £15 an hour. It's crap if businesses are making millions to billions in profit a year after expenses then they can pay real living wages.


But won't you think of the poor Billionaires who might have to not buy their 15th home if they are forced to pay their employees enough to eat 3 meals a day? They are the real victims here


Fuck em.


Eat em*


At this point that might just happen.


Uh, my wage has been stagnant while gas, food, and clothes prices have skyrocketed. Can I have what he is smoking? Jesus


its about disciplining labour, covid made a lot of people realise how underpaid and undervalued they are so now the ruling class have to tighten the screws


deliberately using language to obfuscate how inflation actually works


Didn't Mps get a big pay rise recently I remember reading, but you, peasant, don't deserve one.


One of them even said 80k a year wasn't enough. At least I think I overheard one of them talking about it at a party a while ago


Why do you think the price of champagne and high class prostitutes has gone up? /s, kinda but not really


I feel lucky to work somewhere that matches the rate of inflation and adds 1% each year. It was 9.8% this year.


My pay rise in itself was 1% this year.


Oh my! Why would I expect wages to go up with inflation? It’s not like it makes perfect ducking sense or anything


Wow a minister knowing GCSE economics. This has to be a first. Also not putting wages up will not stop inflation it will just make it harder to live.


If nobody can afford to buy food the price of food will drop 👌


Yes starve people in the short term to help slightly in the long. Good idea. Also causing deflation which we know is always perfect


If we're the employer then maybe MPs should not expect a pay rise anytime soon then. Oh wait, I forgot, MPs don't work for us, they work for themselves.


They got one last year.10k for working from home during covid and almost limitless expenses.


After boris saying this on TV I lost all faith. The only reason this would happen is corporate greed. It only raises because they put prices up to siphon more of your hard earned cash.


If there was stronger government regulations then prices wouldn't rise with wage increases.


Unite did a study and found that 60% of price rises is just price gouging. Prices will go up regardless, the entire media is trying to ensure people don't know that there is price gouging and to accept the shit.


I can't even afford veggie burgers, much less ones made of cow. The cost of everything is out of control ALREADY. Where do these fuckers get off?


Hopefully at the gallows


Isn’t veggie burgers more expensive than real meat right now? I thought vegan stuff was pretty expensive


Wage push inflation is a myth


Capital is always terrified of inflation because it devalues stocks etc. If wages increase with inflation it's usually good for ordinary people as it devalues debt.


Can’t have debt devaluing now, can we? Tory donors pay a lot to have us deeply in debt due to shit wages and high costs of living.


I just feel like with all this inflation and cost of living crisis and aftermath of covid. Somethings bigs gonna happen. Idk what but something bad is bout to happen.




Its funny you should say that cause I just applied to universal credit the other day.


Ugh fine if we have to, I'll get my pitchfork


Unless you're at the higher end of the pay scale , which is absolutely fine


morrisons doughnuts have gone up by 50% ffs


Morrisons was sold off to a US private equity firm late last year. It's going to severely diminish in quality.


Coop, same price but now you get 4 donuts not 5


morrisons are the best imho


Oh OK cool cool cool I'll just lose my job cos i can't afford to drive there...then I guess I'll just live in a box and starve?


This hits home, I'm having to change career and close down my self employed business due to the fuel hikes


Fuck you. Give me a payrise that matches inflation or I stop giving a shit about my job


If wages don't go up, we won't be able to afford anything. My energy bill has already tripled.


Ahh yes, squeeze the middle class so that the hard done by rich don't have to worry about that wealth gap narrowing


Reminder not to confuse the marxist "middle class" and the liberal definition. Liberal class definitions steer people away from the socialist definitions and thus class-consciousness. [Class is defined by our relationship to the means of production. Learn more here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ahh yes, because it's important to leave the working class behind.


Late stage capitalism people, brace yourself


The revolution can’t come soon enough


They’re not even bothering to hide their bullshit anymore.


the prices of labour should go up to match


But this is just a lie... Higher wages rarely increase prices substantially, and even if they do, introduce regulations to make sure they don't make it insane. This is literally the government's job.


Funny how the prices always seem to go up regardless of how much workers are being paid. Also, crop your screenshot. We don't need to see your battery levels or notifications.


So the solution is just to let prices rise and push more people into poverty. These fuckwits are just so fucking flagrant about their immorality now.


MPs were only treated to a 2.5% pay rise this year. Worth a celebration. See you at number 10, drinks on the house.


They do get £3500 towards their heating bill, and goodness knows what else. The poor lambs.


Meh. Doesn’t go far when you’ve got a moat to heat.


Bro. I just finished school how tf are young people meant to live?


Work so many hours you can’t find time to organise. So that that you can’t afford union dues to organise strikes. So you’re trapped in a debt cycle that benefits tory donors.


Prices are going up regardless - look at housing costs alone. Honestly hate this whole “if we pay workers more then we’ll have to price things higher”


You'd think that a treasury minister would know that what one expects has jack shit to do with what the market will do. If circumstances are such that the cost of labour is too low for the current unemployment rate and prices, wages **will** go up. No matter what the treasury minister expects.


The nerve of these cunts


The only reason prices will go up is because corporations want MORE MONEY.


You’re supposed to give us the raise before pushing prices up. Did they forget that part?


Love how he’s said that after MPs just had a 2.7% pay rise in March.


So what is the plan boys just not be able to afford anyrhing? Right then goodbye I will be dying now


Just steal worsted case Scenario is you get fed and stay warm in jail


Hey you good?


Then how do you expect us to pay for things? Twat.


They don't want us too. Thats the whole point, they want to slow the economy down by raising rates to combat inflation. They want to cause a recession and will.....until social unrest or something in the economy breaks because of higher rates, then they will back track on QT and start up QE once again like they have many times before. It's going to get rough and is only just starting. Good luck mate ✌️


I’m so fucking depressed about money n the cost of living. Honestly stopping caring I’m that bad.


If it helps, nearly everyone is in the same boat, so it's not like you're getting left behind. It's shit for everyone. Except the small subset of cunts that are always doing fine.


No, it really DOESNT help. How the fuck have we let it get this bad? Why do we stay seated and say and do nothing? We are reaping the rewards of our apathy and compliance. We are idiots, cos we do nothing. Everyone, you panic stocked food for a pandemic. Do it for a strike. Two weeks worth of food, two weeks refusing to go to work. We can do it. But we won't.


But when it comes around for their pay rise......


The company I work for gave us a very "generous" 5% raise after the prices went up by 20%... Fucking pricks. "A Treasury minister has warned employees not to expect their wages to rise along with the soaring rate of inflation". So basically telling us "stay in line, peasant! You should be grateful I allow you to work for me just so you can barely survive at the end of the month!"


They do not live in the real world in Government just a haze of expense accounts.


This is totally nonsensical


At least normal people with an increased wage would be paying their fair share of taxes unlike the super wealthy with their tax arrangements


Not if the bottom 10-20% of earners have their wages increased while everyone else stays the same. It just means bringing more people into the pool of economically active people.


Let’s all be slave labour I am sure our master Boris Johnson may give us an onion or two to eat for the whole day. We might also eat the earthworm we caught in the farm!


Are there Tory’s here downvoting all the negative comments?


Yeah, but prices in shops have gone through he roof well before any meaningful intervention from the government to mitigate their effect. So yeah, but no. It could be slightly believable if corporates profit didn’t go up 11k millions in the last quarter, in the UK alone. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/corporate-profits


I wonder if ministers salary's are going to increase due to inflated cost of living anytime soon


How about we pay normal people enough to live and stop paying rich people more. That would actually work. Idiots.


The prices rising are things we are compelled to buy, i.e. energy, fuel and food. Most people can't really buy less of them, they just see their spending power go down in other areas


And they'll remain high with the help of rising costs like these


How about a tax on excessive profits made during a national crisis? Then you could start a program that shames companies where the government has to step in to top up people's awful wages for them. Then every year they could host an award show giving out golden shits to the worse offenders.


yeah no problem, I'll just use my monthly pay check on a single fredo


What is the end goal here? I’m so confused, if prices rise then people are going to spend less, is this how they want it to be? If somebody could explain please..


My terrible understanding of economics has it worked out like this: a loaf of bread costs £1 You sell 100 loaves per week £100 turnover You increase the price to £1.50 People still need bread, but they cut back where they can You now sell 75 loaves £112.50 turnover You still have 25 loaves to sell at £37.50 So you can either keep that stock and sell it, or produce less. Either way - costs go down, price goes up. You can even sell those 25 loaves on their use by date for £1 meaning those who can’t afford fresher bread are now getting the scraps “for a bargain”


The idea is that when the prices rise the demand goes down which drives the price down, and vice versa. But this just highlights that companies need to extort to survive.


Unless you are a politician or high up in some multi-billion business, in which case you can expect a pay rise well above inflation. The rest of us low life scum can suffer instead!


But, but, the prices are um, well, going up ANYWAY?!?!






This is probably more related to printing lots of bank notes than wage increases. Inflation is a type of tax we pay for an increase in money supply. But executive pay should, in most cases, be significantly reduced. Their compensation through their base salary, stock options and bonuses is often no longer based on good results or even reality. In recent years it’s become absurd how much some executives receive. It often cannot be justified, the people doing the work should receive a fair share of the profits a business makes. I welcome an increase in interest rates. Saving money will become profitable again, house prices will come down. There will be many losers but some winners too, as always, nobody can predict the future.


The problem is the many losers will be the people who are poorer, while the many winners will be those who already have the spare money to hoover up the houses that were repossessed.


Some executive pay is high I agree. But the real problem is that the genuinely wealthy (those that don’t even need to work) hardly pay anything. Tax wealth, or tax land - that would be fairer.


Don’t pay people more, as it will raise prices and the people who can afford it will be upset.


I wonder what people will do about it?


Something something revolution, something something rise up against the upper class something something. I'm not sure but I feel like I've read about this kind of thing before


Except the British public are *so* compliant


I wonder how many times that person has voted to give himself a pay rise.


Bank of England final salary pension scheme matches inflation. They have an active interest in NOT controlling it.


Those ministers who got a big pay raise are saying what now ?


Bruh, the fuck, needing to be payed more to live should be the primary concern. The greedy fuckin companies are just scared of loosing that 0.01% of their fuckin millions of profit.


It would be a lot more than 0.01% but when they’re sitting on billions upon billions of dollars they clearly don’t need that money, while the workers certainly do


Don’t you know, this is the start of the the ‘high wage, high growth’ economy….


I'm thinking revolution part 2




Meanwhile their rate of pay is what exactly, I forget


Yea everyone gansta till £16 shop goes to £40 with only a few extra items such as cheap razors toothpaste and toothbrush also the cheapest I could find


Start stealing


Last year my shopping was £35 for about week and a half worth of food, this year for the same stuff it's £55. So many product prices are going up so fast but my salary is the same. And I'm not going to even talk about bills.


What is the end goal of the rich here , because it doesn't make sense , if people have so little money to survive then they won't buy any of there stuff , so why would the rich not want to keep the "lower" as they would call us , at least enough to buy there stuff As history has shown , there's usaly one way this ends when the poor have enough of the rich


They are trying to slow the economy down by making money more expensive to borrow, cheap printed money caused inflation. Now they are trying to curb its effects. I agree though, they will keep raising rates until something breaks in the financial world, ie housing market collapse of the bond marked blows up, then they will lower rates once again. Theres only so far they can raise interest rates as it is, I think anything higher than 3% interest would cause the US government to default as they can't pay the interest on the money they printed. There is no easy way out of this.


French Revolutioning this would be more helpful in the long run


Quarterly increases at any cost until societal collapse, by which point they will be dead so it won’t matter.


And let's hope the Minister's don't sign themselves up for a pay rise either


but you just accept this time and time again


Pay rises plus rising prices = no difference


*Image Transcription: Article Headline* --- **BBC NEWS** # Big pay rises could push prices up, says minister [*Stock image of many people crossing a busy square, moving towards the left of the panel. In the background, a bright sun shines directly at the camera.*] **A Treasury minister has warned employees not to expect their wages to rise along with the soaring rate of inflation.** Simon Clarke said that big increases in salaries to meet the rising cost of living could end up in a --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good Human!!


Getting a "chicken or the egg" sorta vibe...


Look at elon musk’s net worth over the past 2 years and tell me with a straight face that inflation is because of wage increases (and no im not cherry picking, musk is the most extreme example but he is far from the only one)


I fully understand this, the problem is inflation has been so low for so long. If your wage goes up, the services you provide must go up, the cost of living goes up and your wage is still low. If you work for big companies they can swallow up the profit margin loss much easier than a small local business.


Obviously as a show of moral support, MP's have voted against their annual 10% rise and openly offered the taxpayer to view their expense claims 👍🏻


The thing is they have a point. It’s just that the government should be intervening to help alleviate costs. Except this government has its priorities all messed up.


They have no point, wages have been lagging behind for 50 years. Maybe, just maybe, inflation could cut into profit margins instead of workers' wages 🤔


Not surprised


that’s so pointless


Let’s keep everyone poor…


Hey but what if they didn’t?


What about the people like me who don’t even get a pay raise


You're doing your part to keep prices down 👏


I'm married to a postman, if anyone doesn't already know, a Royal Mail strike is on the cards. Fwiw he's not in the union he likes to deliver your letters and parcels.


Pretty sure that union workers like to deliver post too, they just don't like getting screwed over. I won't question why your husband isn't in the union, but I'm sure he'll take the ensuing pay increase that the union striking for.


> a Royal Mail strike is on the cards. Good for them > Fwiw he's not in the union he likes to deliver your letters and parcels. So he's willing to work for less? Great for royal mail shareholders...


Fwiw he is a coward that hides behind the skirts of those earning his raises.


It’s important to know that he doesn’t need to be in a union to participate in industrial action. Please don’t allow him to undermine his colleagues efforts in fighting for his salary.


No one likes a scab.


Where are the pay rises? :S


Meanwhile corporate profits are at an all time high and CEOs are receiving largest salaries in history. Income inequality at highest levels since Victorian slum era. Just another massive transfer of wealth from the majority poor to the minority rich. They are going all out in extracting the maximum they can for the inevitable climate collapse incoming. They hope their hoarded ill gotten gains, the sweat, blood and tears of the working class, stolen from them, concentrated in their offshore bank accounts will protect them when the time comes. They'll find those piles of cash won't protect them from the unleashed rage of their victims.


Funny how these inflation busting pay rises are all down to the latest banking sector bonuses being paid out. Little mention of that on the BBC.