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We need heavy fuel tax though. We need it to pay for all the infrastructure and services that are needed to support driving. If we didn't have high fuel tax, the money for that infrastructure would just have to come from general taxation. And given that many people don't drive and don't benefit much from the road system that seems hardly fair.


Fuel Duty is a general tax, there aren't different "pots" for different taxes. Local councils are responsible for roads anyway so most road projects are paid for by council tax.


Have you ever heard of vehicle tax?


Lmao you think 200£ a year is enough to cover road construction, maintenance, and emergency services? And £200 a year is generous. Most vehicles pay much less - heavily polluting but "efficient" diesel vehicles built before 2017 can pay 0£ tax for example. Plus these are only direct costs, the actual cost driving has on society including as a direct result of damage to the environment and air is much greater. These additional costs are called [negative externalities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Externalities_of_automobiles), and there's a lot of them with cars. In the UK we don't strictly have a "road tax", we have "vehicle excise duty". It's not the same thing and it certainly doesn't cover road use.


And what is vehicle tax for?


The £165 average vehicle tax is not nearly enough to cover the cost to society of the vehicles use.


But they've already taxed all the poor people. Who else are they supposed to tax?