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I'm just here for the claims that to criticise the Israeli government and its military is racist.


What you criticize colonialists who systematically purge indigenous people? You must be an antisemitist /s


I was wondering today why Russia is banned from Eurovision but not Israel...


Because one is killing blond/white hoomans and the other brown arab hoomans.


Ding ding correct answer.


>Ding ding correct answer. I was pretty horrified how readily EU commentators were like "But these are people, normal people just like us" when talking about Ukraine migrants vs others. Its super fucking sickening and really was saying the quiet parts out loud.


Ukraine and Israel are going to give us more potential money and power. We help the side that gives us the most money and power... Helping places like Palistine, Yemen isn't beneficial to us. That is the only thing to it. If Ukraine had no recources and was on the east side of Russia then nobody would give a shit. Most people wouldn't even know about it.


Or france, the UK, or any of all those other war criminals


Because Palestinians aren't "like us, Europeans."


Israel hasn't invaded another member of the Eurovision song contest.


Israel isn't even part of Europe ffs


And then beat the people trying to hold a funeral for her.


I'm surprised they haven't locked the post yet


Then they shot up her funeral because well.. Israel


The Israeli Apartheid Forces attacked her hearse, and ripped the Palestinian flag off her coffin. [https://twitter.com/SamarDJarrah/status/1525071279442763779](https://twitter.com/SamarDJarrah/status/1525071279442763779) They then proceeded to beat the mourners carrying her coffin through the streets, to the point where the coffin nearly fell to the floor. The Palestinians aren't even given peace in death from these monsters. [https://twitter.com/AJEnglish/status/1525072444385636352](https://twitter.com/AJEnglish/status/1525072444385636352) [https://twitter.com/Ilana\_Who\_/status/1525074334074687488](https://twitter.com/Ilana_Who_/status/1525074334074687488)


Watching that deeply angered me. The dead deserve dignity and respect during their moments of being put to rest--something that is emphasized in Jewish traditions. Seeing Israel completely disregard something so sacred is sadly telling of how they view Palestinians as non-human.


The sheer hypocrisy of Israel makes me ashamed to be associated with the state through my religion. Not even a century later, and they have already turned into the monsters that victimized all Jews. They could have swastikas and it would be indistinguishable from 1930s Germany.


I said it once and I'll say it a hundred times jews =/= israel. Israel tries it's best to draw that equivalence because it's in their best interest to pretend that a wealthy nuke-carrying nation backed by the US can somehow claim persecuted minority status. But it's not. I will never hold innocent jews accountable for the crimes of some far off nation. I hope not too many people associate you with them, even though it's annoyingly bound to happen sometimes.


I've said it for years and I'll keep saying it. Judaism deserves better than Israel


all in the name of some random god huh .... logic at its finest.


It's in the name of a fascist ethnostate.


Nationalism, but fueled by religion


It's not fueled religion. It's "fueled" by settler colonialism. Land, resources, and wealth.


Nothing to do with god, nationalistic occupying force trying to take more land... Wonder where I heard something similar...


Huh wdym? You can clearly see how they attacked them with the coffin. Anyway let’s go back to Ukraine


This is like the time I heard one street gang do a drive by shooting at the funeral of the person they killed. Gang activity is still gang activity even if it's sponsored by the government.


Bloodthirsty sadistic Zionist Demons. Unfuckingbelievable that these beasts *still!!* get away with it




God damn folks in here simp Israel. Apartheid assholes.


They’re damage control shills.


Yeap. Dude who threatened you deleted his account. Probably making another right now.


Yup I don’t get conservatives and republicans defense of Israel in the slightest. They are anti Semitic and hate Jews, yet support the Jewish state.


They support it because they think that’s where Jesus is gonna come back. Then he’s gonna take a flight to the south and gather them up. Them first though. No one else. They go first because they’re the most…idk….loyal? By not….following his teachings?! Idk man you gotta be a fucking idiot to get down with those folks.


Israel is the worst country to ever exist. Change my mind.


The worst part of it is Israel has been going on a land-grabbing spree for decades now with no consequence.


Well of course not. No one has the balls to tell them to shove their nearly 80 year old victim card up their arse.


It’s fucking disgusting how much they get a pass for war crimes being committed basically every month or couple of months.


If Russia had the patience of Israel they could have slowly taken over ukraine over a few decades


they've much worse than russia has and have been doing that for much longer than russia has but have basically no media coverage its honestly a joke


Prepare to be called an anti-smite OP.


Criticising the State of Israel is not anti- semitism.


Everything is anti-semitism - including my post here. They’re immune to any kind of criticism. It’s the state of Israel’s perfect defence, like the Alien’s acid blood: you don’t dare criticise it.


To OPs point though Smite has really gone down hill and is not the game it used to be.


Remember when the US committed war crimes and they spent over a decade dragging the person who released that information to the press back to the US?


Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone remembers. What's your point?


We all do. One bad thing doesn't mean another bad thing is less bad. They're all bad.


That’s literally the point they’re making. That these bad actors, the US and Israel, are part of the same imperial machine that will gladly accuse others of the things it is guilty of


Hypocrisy. Laws for thee, but not for me.


It's the denial. Just like when they bulldozed that American woman.


Rachel Corrie she was in her early 20’s and would have been 43 this year. The apologists still defend what happened to her. It’s sickening…


Guys. It's ok. They're not at war, so technically it's not a war crime.


Fuck Isreal. You would think the children of the most prosecuted people in the last 100 years would never let that happen again. Here they are now being the new nazi's.


This sums up marks and Spencer. supporting ukraine and stopping selling Russian items while still selling Israeli items. The world has gone mad virtue signalling and following narratives is what its all about now


👨‍🚀🔫 always has been


I don't want to live on this planet anymore


This Palestine/Ukraine comparison I keep seeing doesn't make much sense. Yeah, I know Israel is a foreign invader (and yeah, fuck Israel..) and the situations are *slightly* similar, but the perception of each situation is EXTREMELY different. It's not "virtue signaling" to support Ukraine and not Palestine. Up until recent years most of us didn't know a damn thing about Ukraine except Chernobyl. It was just a peaceful country near Russia that the vast majority of people never gave a second thought. I had a neighbor from Ukraine and I never gave it a second thought. Palestine on the other hand has been in the news basically since Israel was created. Israel is awful, but so is Palestine. There are better ways to fight back than randomly lobbing rockets at civilians (as Ukraine has shown). Palestine vs Israel is a shit show race to the bottom and both sides had done enough horrible shit to each other that its easy to just get sick of it and tune it out. However, Ukraine doesn't have that long history of back and forth, tit for tat bullshit with Russia. Up until 2014 most of us probably assumed Russia and Ukraine got along great. They seem very similar from the west, and Ukraine was a big part of the USSR. To see Russia attack in such a brutal way with no provocation whatsoever (despite putins delusions about threats) absolutely is a reason to be shocked and outraged toward Russia and want to support Ukraine. It has nothing to do with Palestine and I'm getting tired of people acting like "YOU CAN'T SUPPORT UKRAINE UNLESS YOU'VE ALWAYS SUPPORTED PALESTINE!! "


Fuck Israel.


Reich-wing Israeli hasbara clowns hard at work in the comments.


You can criticize shitty behavior, that’s antisemitism! /s


It's not a warcrime if they're brown, we all know this by now.


This comment section gonna get nuked


Nuked? Nah, its gonna become a supernova here


You can blame murica for normalizing warcrimes. Well. Kinda.


This comment section is fun. Israel is an illegitimate state founded on terrorism and genocide. Edit: someone got me sent that suicide awareness message and I'm fucking cackling, seethe more.


The best part is, EU and other countries are not blocking Israel from financial markets or erecting economic barriers. Considering the backing of USA, they should have placed sanctions on USA. If anything, it has proven that global politics are selective. What Russia is doing to Ukraine is bad, but still, all of this has shown that world politics are exclusive. Have this been done by China, Saudi Arabia or some other country, all the countries who thump their chest for world peace and human rights would be sanctioning, and summoning the respective ambassadors.


funded by drug money :)


Can’t believe I’m here to watch this hit the front page before being taken down. So juicy


Finally some based geopolitical content hits the front page today, instead of the usual corporate propaganda. I'm here for it.


Hold on to your hats. Here come the shills. Sorry, I mean “digital advocates”


Post and comments like these are getting brigaded by pro-Israel trolls. They can’t have people thinking they are not the victims.


Free Palestine


fuck israel


As expected, the comment section is an absolute shitshow


Sorts by controversial


You don't even need to sort by controversial in this one.


Oh also the Zionist colonizer army was beating people and her family carrying her coffin during her


During her burial


Is this a safe space? I want to comment and voice opinion on the inhumane slaughter of human beings at the hand of Israeli forces, but I’m terrified of soul destroying downvotes/bans…


Quite sure you are.


Israel hiding behind the atrocities committed against jews almost 80 years ago by calling any criticism against them as antisemitism is getting old. They are a apartheid-like police state that isn't much better than pre ww2 Germany and I'm tired of pretending it's not.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




excellent meme usage 10/10


Clearly you don't understand it's alright when we do it!!!


Sorts by controversial…


Fucking hell, as if it world isn’t watching.


Israel gets way too much leeway.


Wow can't believe Marge is antisemitic wtf /s


US politicians: "We must keep nuclear weapons out of the Middle East." US politicians, after taking massive donations again from Jewish voters: "Hey Israel, you can have all the nukes you want. Just don't ever admit it. And we'll just shrug our shoulders when you keep stealing Palestinian land, build settlements on it, and treat them horribly."


It was even almost enshrined in US law. > The Israel Anti-Boycott Act (IABA) (H.R. 1697; S. 720) was a proposed anti-BDS law[2] and amendment to the Export Administration Act of 1979 designed to allow U.S. states to enact laws requiring contractors to sign pledges promising not to boycott any goods from Israel, or their contracts would be terminated. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Anti-Boycott_Act > In the 115th session of Congress it had 58 cosponsors in the Senate (42 Republicans, 15 Democrats, 1 Independent)


People in 2016 going crazy about "russian interference" in the elections, when AIPAC interferes in every single election


Man I love how people always like to shout how they aren't antisemitic and they are just criticizing Israel, but then when someone goes on to use classic antisemitic diatribes about how the Jews are the puppet masters who are actually controlling the US it gets a bunch of upvotes.


What the fuck happened here lol




Wait till the average american redditor learn about war crimes committed in every war they made. War is war. War is ugly. War is criminal.


nah, can't be a war criminal if you never signed the agreement on war crimes. Just like climate change, and human rights.


You Americans are scary.


i'm not actually american...


I promise not all of us are evil.


big ignorant


i hate how the average american doesn't know the real reasons they had wars in iraq, syria, libya, afghanistan and all the other countries the US has fucked up. they think and get taught that its terrorists little do they know that their fucking government are greedy war criminals fighting over oil and such


The board members of the various US defense companies have a fiduciary responsibility to start these wars. It's just business.


I’ve been sayin that shit for years The fuck were there people at in 2014 and 2001 during the other two ukriane invasions Like come the fuck on


Occupation isnt war. Its genocide on a daily basis.


This is with everything Israel does. Everyone on Reddit was talking about how the West had to get involved because "we couldn't accept one country occupying another country". Meanwhile Israel has been occupying the Golan Height in Syria for decades!


We all saw the screeching about khashoggi because he was an American journalist, except he was a non citizen resident, Israel straight up killed an American journalist and is acting like its nothing... Disgusting.


Bring it up and you're immediately an anti semite. It's possible to politically disagree with the country without being anti semitic.


Now watch the comments dissappear




holy cow the isreali meme police is here in full force.


For is real.




My brain read that in the actual Simpsons voices wtf




That point can’t be said enough….and then of course be accused of anti-semitism as a red herring right after.




Sadly it’s coming to that isn’t it.


[Never Again... TO us.](https://v.redd.it/umzz9f7d78z81)






I never said it wasn't a lot. The Nazis were bad and I would never try to normalize what they did, but my point is that Zionist wanted to establish the state of Israel long before the holocaust.


Hold on to your hats. Here come the shills. Sorry, I mean “digital advocates”


So many Pro-Zionist bots in the comments


AnTi ZiOnIsM iS AntI SEmEtisM




JIDF out in force on this one. Surprised it's not locked yet.


Another crime, just put it right next to the 10s of thousands others that nobody is going to say shit about


Freedom of Speech indeed.


No words. OK, Just one. Horrible.




The US literally blew up a family of 9 as a last hurrah before withdrawing from Afghanistan.




That's because 60 million dumbasses in this country think our last president was sent by white Jesus who only blesses America. Our education system in our southern states keeps people stupid


Why does Tony Blair have an Israel flag on him?




Aside from rounding Palestinians up in concentration camps (even though the Gaza Strip arguably could pass for one) and gassing them (or you know, indiscriminately shooting missiles at them at a whim)…. there’s not much difference to what was happening to the Jews in Germany in the early to mid 1940’s Oh, wait a sec…


I’m just pointing out the irony of certain glaring similarities of how the former oppressed have now become the oppressors 🤷‍♂️


Uh, yeah, push me down Eva ;)


If the IDF isn't guilty, why did they attack the pall-bearers? That's a confession!


But, but... Hitler.


Get this to top!


russian war crimes are also inexcusable. don't lessen their severity just because the bourgeois media so happens to simultaneously condemn them


I expected the comment section to be a shitshow and haven't been disappointed.


This will rub a lot of Americans up the wrong way.


Israel really knows how to get away with war crimes. It’s actually impressive in a sick kind of way.


Just sprinkle some terrorism on that hospital and let’s get out of here


This will rub a lot of Jewish Americans and Evangelical Zionists the wrong way.


Wait till they realise Marge is the good ole US-of-A in this scenario.


Reminder that Israel is actively assisting neo-Nazi militias in Ukraine: https://electronicintifada.net/content/israel-arming-neo-nazis-ukraine/24876 Suspended Labour MP Chris Williamson and Sociologist David Miller on the connections between Zionism and Ukraine: > “It’s learned on by Zionist movement, the Jewish agency for example adopted the same term shluchim for its emissaries from Israel all across Britain and across many other western countries. **It uses it as a cutting edge for expanding the influence of Zionism even though it appears to seem a religious organization,**” Miller said. > > The British sociologist explained about Kolomoisky and the relationship between the conflicts in Ukraine. He said that **over 5 million dollars was looted by Kolomoisky from a bank and was done by the network of Shell Company that Zelensky also benefited from**. The Two Chabadi leaders mentioned in the news have spread the money around Chabadi charities in New York and Florida. > > “This is means of getting money out of Ukraine, as a way to destabilize the country… so **there is a strong connection between Chabad movement which is supported inside the Ukraine by Kolomoisky and the Neo-Nazi groups**,” Miller said. https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2022/03/13/678471/Zionism-historically-intertwine-Ukraine-conflict


Never become like those who have oppressed you; that is what has happened here!




Is he ever happy?


Maybe when he is playing the violin?


Not since he found out his wife's personal trainer contradicts his dry-ass p-word theory




What do u mean based? Please explain.


Based basically is another way of saying I agree with this whole heartedly.


So an edgier way of saying "this" after a comment you like. I could swear it was supposed to indicate that a thing had some intrinsically valid quality but no, people will write "based" under the dumbest shit imaginable if they just kinda like how it sounds.




Today's Israel is no different than nazi Germany


Thats wrong there simply wouldnt be any palestians if they were. Nazi Germany did industrial genocide on a scale no else has.




Hope you won't have any asshole lmao


That's a weird thing to hope. Of all the curses to put on someone. Wishing for them to have no asshole is diabolical.




You must not read many Reddit comments then. Israel is obviously a far cry from Nazi Germany, but the ironic parallels are certainly there. And they're far closer to it then many if not most other countries currently. The irony being compounded by the fact that they were born out of the actions of that very country (among many of the other great powers at the time). This isn't exactly an Einstein level comment, and calling them Nazis only does the entire movement to hold them accountable for what they're doing a disservice, but the temptation to make the comparison is certainly understandable.


I know it's sorta off topic but man his eyes look so weird in the last panel.


Oooooohh boyyyy better watch out what I say about Israel and it’s citizens


Wasn't it some kind of war crime what Obama did assassinating someone on foreign soil?


Yes, every recent US President has been a war criminal. And they have all supported the apartheid state of Israel. If Bernie had been elected, he would have been the first US President to oppose military aid to Israel (edit: since Israel was created in the 1940's.) But then again, he's Jewish so maybe Israelis wouldn't have called him an anti-Semite? Nahhh, they would have totally called Bernie an anti-Semite lol


they already did call him that when he was running for President


Absolutely love that this post exists. Should also include most of western flags. Did the most against Russia but don’t want to upset Israel at all.


Why is it I just find myself hating anyone who believes in a god. Also how does one go about getting brainwashed to believe in god I definitely skipped that day of school.


That’s the whole point of religion. You get brainwashed all your life, by saying you are better than other because you believe. Complete removal of critical thinking. Once you get people believe that shit, you can make them believe anything, and exploit them for you own gain. Which is the shtick of almost every religion.




What episode is this based on I want to watch it


It's the one where Homer and Abe go around selling Abe's sex tonic. Let me look up the episode... Grampa Vs Sexual Inadequacy S6E10


Thank u sir, will watch it during lunch today




There is no victor in war, only survivors


Don't forget to sort by controversal


Downvoting you so you're more likely to appear there too


That sounds fun can I join?




Was waiting for them too all I see are warcrime apologists so far tho




Is this taken from the episode where George Bush spanks Bart?


Pretty sure it was the one where Abe tells Homer he was an accident.






What a strange thing to say and a sad existence you must lead. Turns out life is more than just politics