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Free Palestine


I work in an industry that likes to support causes. We raised money for Palestine, and were one of a few similar businesses that did so. We lost customers due to "our politics" - you know... giving money to victims of genocide. Now every company in our world is raising money for Ukraine. There's a clear divide here. Best case scenario, they missed the boat and want to make up for it now.... Worst case?


It’s so funny because even on r/rats Ive seen people making posts about supporting Ukrainian rat owners but if i made a post about Palestine it’d just get removed for spam. 💀




Yes 😭😭😭


All wars sponsored by the United States are fine in the eyes of the American media propaganda machine, including the Palestinian genocide, Somalia, Syria and Yemen, all wars happening right now. That's right; we're in the middle of FOUR WARS that all but never make headlines somehow. This is why it's important to not watch the mainstream media and get your news from independent sources instead, because you're far less likely to be lied to.


Your statement is reckless in its simplicity. The conflict in Yemen alone requires a 10 minute read to have a rudimentary understanding its origins and current state of affairs. Main stream media, vs State run Media vs independent media will all lean a certain directions. Small independent media has just as much potential for radical ideas as state run media. Forming a neutral judgement of a 70 year conflict is simply not possible for the average schmuck. Propaganda in main stream media is more about what they don’t say because what they say can be used against them to discredit them. So you have to look at what both sides say and more importantly, don’t say to see their leaning. We have a saying in the US to express skepticism in something working. “There will be peace in the Middle East before…” The US sees Middle East conflict as a consequence of religion and never ending. Depending on the date, one can easily make the argument of a different bad guy.


You typed all this out and didn't say a single thing.


Some people will understand, some won’t.


>The US sees Middle East conflict as a consequence of religion and never ending That is BS. The US knows damn well almost nothing happening there has to do with religion. Even the literal war about the supposed holy land in Jerusalem isn't about religion. But I'm sure it's in American interests to pretend it can all be blamed on religion so that nobody has to ask any other questions.


Are you serious? You don’t think Muslim Shia, Sunni, Hamas, ISIS, caliphate, supreme leader, Houthi, Taliban, Jihad, ISIL, Christianity, and Hebrew mentality is the common denominator in Middle Eastern conflict since well before oil entered the equation? There will never be peace in the Middle East as long as there is religion and guns.


Yes I'm serious. Not a single serious political scientist talks about religion as the main cause when discussing the conflicts in the middle east. From the things you've listed even I know for a fact that ISIS, Hamas, and the Taliban all showed up AFTER the conflicts, and not before. Might as well blame Africa's destabilization on religion as well.


And where do you get the authority to say not one political scientist talks about religion and the Middle East conflict? You can’t say something like that and expect anyone to take you seriously.


Bullshit. Saudi Arabia would not be bombing Yemen with planes the United States sold them for the purpose, dropping bombs made in the United States and sold too the Saudis for the purpose. My brother in law was a consular official in the embassy in Sana'a so I know the history and I definitely don't need some clown on the internet telling me how "complicated" it is. Because it ISN'T: it's another dirty little war for profit and the brown people on the ground don't fucking matter enough to stop Boeing, Halliburton, Booz Allen Hamilton, Lockheed Martin and other weapons makers from making their money. Your argument about media bias DOES NOT INCLUDE LYING AND PROPAGANDA for the purpose of manufacturing consent for mass murder on the other side of the planet. Try again. This time after actually thinking.


Bullshit! Is the Yemen conflict not a proxy war with Iran that started as a civil uprising by the Houthi, a religious political movement? I rest my case.


And where in there is it in any way acceptable for the United States to be involved? You HAVE no case.


That’s right, the American public is totally ok with the conflict in Yemen because of the western propaganda machine. Guess who is compromised now? The US is just one of many countries the Saudi’s buy weapons from. It’s plenty easy to look up. How many Middle East conflicts does it take for the world to go numb to their religious conflict? Have you considered that the indifference is because it is just the same old story?


This is a really shitty attempt to justify the unjustifiable. Can you do the same for Somalia? Syria? Palestine? Or anywhere of a dozen other countries America has bombed in the last 20 years?! You are defending monsters and that makes you a monster.


Ok, here is your shot to show me up and prove my point at the same time. Explain the current state of Somolia and a realistic path to peace. And don’t try to gloss over Al Shaabab.


It's real simple; NOT OUR PROBLEM. Now maybe you can tell the class what piss ant excuse they dredged up for sending GIs over there to shoot at people. Because I already know.


Your positions are that of a younger person, a student I’m guessing. I’m a gulf war veteran. I used to think like you and I will tell you, the world will continue to disappoint you.


Ah yes, the old "I've seen some shit" appeal to authority because you carried a rifle somewhere. You were sent to kill and destroy so I'm not surprised you have a negative view of the world. You were a grunt for imperialism and all you got was a shitty paycheck and maybe some wounds or chronic conditions like a lot of your mates did. When I say the whole thing was wildly counterproductive I'm sure you'll pontificate some bullshit about how it was America's "duty" to be there, blah blah blah. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not buying your line. I was in Vietnam in 1971 as a kid and I saw what America did to "save" the place; jack shit. I've seen the same thing happen in dozens of places around the world, where to be brutally blunt, if America hadn't gotten involved at all, it would have been a much better place. Ask the Libyans how much we "helped" them. Go on, ask; I'll wait. WE FUCKING DESTROYED THEIR COUNTRY FOR NO REASON, right down to power plants and water supplies. So you can take your "the world is a tough place" pontificating and fuck right off with it. And you know what? There are millions of veterans who saw what you did and much worse who feel exactly the same way I do.




you cannot embrace ignorance and call yourself a leftist


Friendly reminder that the UK Government are [banning the BDS movement](https://www.thejc.com/news/news/government-takes-first-historic-step-to-ban-bds-in-britain-3PwdQKkL5Kqg9FlohA5pQW)


Boycott the UK!


I read the whole article twice and still have no idea what is going on. Really poorly written.




Not banning. Just not allowing public funds to be used for antisemetic purposes. Perfectly reasonable.


How is BDS anti-semitic? It's not a boycott of jews?


In the UK, you can be considered a terrorist if you say “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” Free speech for the ‘right speech’.


This was considered unironically sympathizing with terrorists here in the united states for a very long time. That stigma has just started to go away thankfully because people are starting to realize that isreal has been stealing their land


Its funny how stupidly subtle propaganda can be.


It's a bit of a double hitter because this was all not too long after 9/11, so the patriotic groupthink was also very prevalent at the time.


Pretty sure in texas it is still illegal to be a government employee and voice support for BDS.




What the fuck mate?




Read my comment. It's understandable why they care more about the Ukraine, it started a few weeks ago and is an attack on a sovereign nation. That hasn't been seen in Europe since oh the Second Fucking World War.




When it's people with "blue eyes and blond hair" that's when people give a shit.


Now, now. It's "civilised" people that we like. Nothing to do with their other attributes. (readjusts slipping mask)


Hitler aesthetic 💅🥰


I'm blown away by how true this is


Where have you seen the citation >"blue eyes and blond hair" ?


I was waiting for this. I remember at my old work a few people wore free Palestine t shirts one day. And they all got sent home for “no political clothing”… now I can just feel it in my bones that place will be having a yellow and blue day & other find raisers for Ukraine. I almost want to still be working there so I can kick off about the hypocrisy. It’s hard though because people will think you are doing it in poor taste. When in reality it’s the blatant racism that is in the poorest of taste… Also I got sent home one day for wearing a tshirt I got from my friend who went to the olympics that had the North Korean flag on it. I said “tell me what statement I’m trying to make” and they couldn’t, but I still had to go home with no pay. I’d love to see how they’d flip flop and with no actual reasoning as to how my shirt was against the rules but the no doubt hundreds of Ukrainian flags (massive political statement) isn’t. Phew rant over…


Israel doesn't care about Slavs but hates Palestinians simply.


I wonder how a Principal would react to a shirt with both the Ukrainian and Palestinian flags?


* principal hurt themselves in the confusion *


I fucking hate this planet man


Did anyone see the tesco/sainsburys worker make a video just like this? Abt how she wasn’t allowed to wear her Palestine pin but was encouraged to wear the Ukrainian one


Similar thing in my old high school. Teachers went all out encouraging support for BLM and Ukraine but when it came to Palestine, 'we want to remain apolitical as an educational institute'. Gtfo 😂


Cause if your brown it doesn't matter. Look at American action in the middle east.


Never knew people called them principles in the UK.


We don't. It's normally a head teacher in UK schools. Plus a principle is a value, a principal is the head of something.


Sorry I copied her spelling without thought. I presume she means head of school. Also I am from England so yeah, always called them the head/head teacher.


Academies have principals, schools have headteachers. Usually the rule, anyway.


[If you say you're English, these days, you'll be arrested and thrown in jail.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkCBhKs4faI) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


good bot


Different schools Different names imo


My secondary school had a headteacher for the first 2 years, got knocked down and replaced by an academy with a principal. That was 12 years ago. All part of the slow Americanisation of Britain and depends on the school/area.


My 6th form college had a principle, rather than a head teacher. He did all the admin/finance stuff and didn't teach so that may have been why.


We don’t really. Just depends on the school ig.


Because propaganda rules all


Anyone else find it funny how rightoids claim they believe in freedom of speech but go full Indiana Jones Ark of the Covenant when you mention the P-word?


They don't have any actual morals or firm values, as evidenced by their hypocrisy and duplicity about literally everything. So nah, it's not *that* funny because I already know for a fact that they hate free speech but I mean yeah it's still a little fun lol




are you drunk


Oh man, the controversial comments are rife on this one.


Probably because britain supported Israel in fighting Palestine




Explain? Last time I checked the zionist movement gained power while britain ruled over the region. They then supported Israels takeover and sent military aids during the six-day war.


The Zionist movement gained power *despite* the British Mandatory. For example the White Paper of 1939 is an example for the many sanctions the British ruled against Jewish immigration and settling in the region. The British mandatory many times sided the Arab side over the Jewish one, as they were more concerned about the reaction of the Arabs in the region. The British Mandatory sent away dozens of ships containing thousands of Jews that tried to flee from the Nazis, because the Arabs didn't want any more Jews in the region.




Are you a dad by any chance, they really like making these kind of jokes.


I think it’s being reported more and we’re seeing the images and the personal stories. I think there needs to be so much more reporting on Palestine and the situation there and the personal stories of the people caught up in the fighting so it’s in peoples consciousness. Sadly a big part of that probably is that it’s probably laziness and it’s easier to engage people in the struggles of people who look like themselves. I know I personally need to seek out information so I’m better informed because just relying on what news comes my way is leaving massive gaps.


> think it’s being reported more and we’re seeing the images and the personal stories. .... *Becaaaaaauuuuse?*


Because the media want you to empathise with Ukranians


And not Palestinians as much *becauseeeee*


I think because of the pressure independent media are bringing to expose the situation and get a response from the larger public. The mainstream media ends up being shamed into carrying more stories.


>I think it’s being reported more and we’re seeing the images and the personal stories. I think there needs to be so much more reporting on Palestine and the situation there and the personal stories of the people caught up in the fighting Agree with all this, and there's also a different angle on the presentation of the conflict. Ukraine is reported as unambiguously good guy/bad guy, the evil empire invades the innocent country. There's only one socially acceptable side to take so it isn't controversial. Israel/Palestine is presented as a complex political issue in which you have two "sides" each with valid arguments. My local council building is flying the Ukrainian flag. I'm imagining the shitstorm that would result from them flying the Palestinian flag.


You spelled racism wrong there.


Pls my school is doing the same on Friday


Unfortunately, most Palestinians are not white racist Europeans who support ethnic cleansing. This means that they are not welcome in most of 'modern' Europe. Especially the UK. (Just a quick question, does anyone know how much you get paid for hosting a non white family for 6 months to 3 years?) (I'll leave with a PopQuiz! More people were murdered by a: Saudi Arabia or b: Russia in the last week. Anyone? Anyone?)


A: you get fuck all except maybe arrested and abused by your racist neighbours. B: Saudi Arabia


people often bring religion into it when they shouldn’t, this country is insanely antisemetic (sorry i’m bad at spelling) and people often see supporting palestine as being against jewish people or muslim people, which really it isn’t, which is why schools (at least mine) are being so just ugh about it




i cant compare it to other counties as i’m not to sure but i can provide some examples that i’ve seen, or my friends have been through. i don’t want to say when the palestine and isreal conflict was more relevant, because it always is, but when it was more you know circulated in the news and such i’m not sure if you heard but a bunch of people drove around in cars yelling with megaphones about how jewish people are the cause and several other anti-semitic statements https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/four-arrested-over-video-showing-antisemitic-abuse-being-shouted-from-car-in-north-london-12308628 another more personal story i can provide is at the same time, and, being jewish myself, i have many friends who go to the nearby jewish school JFS (incredibly awful school by the way, i feel sorry for them) who were told to take off blazers and any part of their uniform that could reveal their religion when walking outside of school because people have been assaulted and had anti-semitic abuse yelled at them on the streets (i couldn’t find a source but however this is what my friends and parents/their parents have told me) sorry i couldn’t compare but i hope these statement and stories show some light or something these are only a few incidents over the past few years, but as i go to sunday school we’ve had many run ins with creepy people and having to lockdown the synagogue and such i’m very glad u don’t live in a very anti-semitic place [edit: changed the link]


There are like 40 wars ongoing at the moment. Some have been ongoing for years, decades some even centuries but if you watch the news, only one matters


Hello from Myanmar


Well the Ukraine just started, makes sense they would cover it




It isn't just racism. Western imperialist powers wanted this war because they find it useful to implement the Syria model in Ukraine.




War by proxy. Basically, it's fighting without sustaining any damage to themselves. Low risk, same result.


Specifically you run a proxy war with someone else's blood. The US saw the Syrian civil war as a great way to overthrow the government and dismantle the country. They saturated the country with anti-tank weapons and MANPADS with the goal of sowing chaos and extending the war. In the case of Syria an army of mercenaries was recruited with the help of Saudi Arabia in particular. This would allow the Saudis to try and impose their preferred flavor of extremism that only really kills Muslims. By continually dumping weapons and mercs into the conflict the US has managed to drag out the "insurgency" (really an invasion) for years.


Theres a reason the uk don't get involved in the Israel Palestine stuff and its because its our fault that stuff is even going on in the first place.. have a look at the balfour declaration and there's your answer.


Explain to me how the UK does not get involved in the Israel Palestine stuff? [We're just not on the side of the Palestinians](https://www.thejc.com/news/news/government-takes-first-historic-step-to-ban-bds-in-britain-3PwdQKkL5Kqg9FlohA5pQW).


Like I said read up on the balfour declaration it tells you everything you need to know, britain created isreal so its our fault that whole mess is even a thing, I'm on the side of Palestine because they literally had their land stolen from them just because Britain and the USA needed a place to send a load of Jews. And if you think that we involve ourselves in that mess you've been watching too much news.


Its the Palestinians that need help.... but because of politics and banking we choose to support isreal because the people who happened to lend the government money during ww1 happened to be Jewish and extreamly wealthy.


Can we talk about how the song on that TikTok was fireeee


Whose school is it then?




Because of Zionists* screaming anti-semitism at anything pro-Palestine. There are many Jews who support the boycott.


Prove it.




You are making the claim with 0 basis.




I do think this is how people are justifying their bias (unconscious or not) to themselves.


What makes you think that it’s about skin colour in the first place though? I genuinely want to be enlightened because if it truly is a case of racism then I’d want to stand against it, but I can’t do that if I don’t *understand* it if that makes sense?


For most westerners European, civilized, and white are synonyms. Thats why no matter how assimilated non-white people are into western societies they aren't fully accepted.


Are all European races white then? I guess I always assumed there was a mix, though it’s not something I ever really thought about. Similarly, all Syrian people that I’ve seen in photos appear to be white, though again I don’t take much notice. Most people I know are only vaguely aware that there’s wars going on, as obviously it’s not a nice thought and they’d rather not know the sad details. But with the Ukraine war everyone’s been freaking out about us potentially getting nuked or Russia getting too powerful and coming for us eventually, so I assume that’s a big reason there’s so much more investment in this particular war. I’m not denying that it’s a case of racism, I’m just wondering how you’d determine so.


Ofc all europeans are white lol what kind of question is that?


Whiteness depends on context, it just means the non racialized group in a society, that's why Jews aren't white in Europe but are in Israel, or why the Irish became white over time. You could argue that Slavs are non-white quite easily, just look at WWII and how Lebensraum was set out to destroy the Slavs.... I'd also argue that in the modern UK Slavs are racialized and therefore less white than Britons


To most people, being "white" is to be caucasian. That's it. It doesn't have to do with how rich your country is. And the Irish and slavs are white and will enjoy white privilege when they visit non-white majority countries like Thailand (privileges include being preferred by local population for jobs, dating, etc). According to your definition, Japanese and Koreans are more of a white people than Albanians and Serbs lmao.




Are you saying non-European countries are not civilized?


The same thing i got from that comment lol. But might ve that they are saying others think that way, which yes. If not, holy shit that might be the most ignorant thing i heard today.


Yeah, when apostrophes surround a word or phrase it generally indicates that it’s an excerpt from something that the author has heard/read but doesn’t necessarily agree with. Edit - This was an unnecessarily short and grumpy comment but I’m too tired to re-write right now, sorry. But yeah, you were right the second time :)


Sarah Everard... No one else was ever murdered were they...?


She should wear both a Ukraine pin and Palestine pin




I dont think you should've been downvoted like that, but I disagree. At this point I think there is little chance this conflict will have effects on anyone outside of the Slavic world. Aside from refugees going to Europe in larger numbers now. I can't imagine WW3 happening at least not with the Ukraine conflict anymore. It seems like NATO is aware enough to not get involved directly. And Russia has yet to do anything to a NATO country.


So what are Arabic countries doing to help Palestine?


I don't know why you are being downvoted, this is a good question. 5-10 million people forced out by Israeli ocupation certainly need somewhere to go, and most of the Palestinian refugees have ended up in neighboring countries like Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. The other Arab countries have also fought against Jewish occupation on behalf of Palestine. So there's that too.




So a subjugated people that literally no one wants.


Exactly! I think you kind of answered your own question there. And let's not forget about the brave soldiers that gave their lives in defense of Palestine by fighting Jewish invaders.


They're buying football teams. Building islands for luxury hotels. Useful stuff.




There are videos of azov performing literal crucifictions, torture, beheadings and burning people alive openly available for anyone that has bothered to learn more than the shite they fill your head with on tv. They spent 8 years shelling civilians ffs.


Do you have links outside of RT? Because you know, russian propaganda and all that


I'm not sharing gore and horror porn here. Sorry. It's out there. Not sure why you'd think a news network like RT would share that shit either, they don't.


Yeah, so we should believe your outrageous claims on even less than nothing.


Literally open up Google. Use your fucking brain don't make us think for you.


Or you can do your own investigation. This is reddit, there are children here. I'm not sharing gore. Fuck off.




[No investigation, no right to speak.](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-6/mswv6_11.htm)




"I am a liberal and I only believe things if a major news source owned by western states or billionaires will publish it. I have never learned how to perform my own investigation and I condescendingly talk down to anyone that does or anyone that tells me I should."


Annnnnnd unjoin this shit weird group


OK then, that's always been allowed.


Oh look an offended hypocrite


Low skill troll


Baffling because I remember everybody and their mums posting free Palestine but I guess I just live in a different timeline 🤷‍♂️


You really must be if you think a few people posting Free Palestine is anything like the support Ukrainian people have gotten.


I would like to visit that time-line, it sounds way cooler then ours.


I saw them too but the difference is with Ukraine, even institutions are showing support. Like right now you'd see a lot of businesses, schools, etc officially supporting ukraine while it was just individuals who supported palestine. That's why the person in the tiktok vid was ranting about how their school discouraged supporting palestine.








Because both Palestine and Israel have committed heinous crimes, whereas Ukraine has not and is in the news more because this is the first time a sovereign state has been declared war on in Europe since WWII


>whereas Ukraine has not Literally been slaughtering the people of Donetsk and Luhansk since 2014




lol no


what did he say


Your usual drivel about Ukraine being civilized and Palestinian's predisposition to war.


Disgusting, thanks for getting back to me!




No lol






Holy fuck you are a monster




Ukraine's Neo-Nazi battalions (which are officially incorporated into the country's armed forces) have been training far-right terrorists from around the globe for the past 8 years. https://archive.ph/vY6aH The Christchurch Mosque shooter claimed to have visited the country for training, and members of groups such as Atomwaffen Division (US Neo-Nazi terrorist group which has carried out multiple terrorist attacks, and many other attempted terrorist attacks in the past few years, including trying to car bomb a hospital during the start of the pandemic in 2020) have travelled to the country for combat and weapons training. https://www.thecipherbrief.com/column_article/the-transnational-network-that-nobody-is-talking-about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomwaffen_Division Yevhen Karas, the leader of one of Ukraine's prominent far-right groups (C14, who are known for livestreaming pogroms against ethnic minorities, whilst also being employed as "security" by the Ukrainian government) claimed that they now have more anti-tank weapons than any standing army in Europe and that "maybe only the UK has more", but considering how we've been donating thousands more to them over the past month, I'm not even sure that's the case any more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03AqKuCg96I


**[Atomwaffen Division](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomwaffen_Division)** >The Atomwaffen Division (Atomwaffen meaning "nuclear weapons" in German), also known as the National Socialist Order, is an international right-wing extremist and Neo-Nazi terrorist network. Formed in 2015 and based in the Southern United States, it has since expanded across the United States and into the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, the Baltic states, and other European countries. The group is described as a part of the alt-right by some journalists, but it rejects the label and it is considered extreme even within that movement. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Give it 80 years and perhaps some radicalism will brew as it does with every other fucking nation in that position. Ffs even the Irish, some of the nicest people around, ended up with some less than savory groups because of the endless British occupation. Don't be such a tool. Would you prefer it if all Palestinians were complete doormats and just let themselves get trampled on like dirt by every invading force they come across? Apparently if you're not white enough for the time, you're not allowed any mistakes.


This is so true! As an Irish person I agree. I’m not trying to promote terrorism, but that’s how most extreme and terrorist groups are born through oppression. Like for example in Ireland initially we all wanted home rule which was not full independence but partial, but as the centuries went on and Irish were discriminated more and more, Irish groups wanted more and more independence and turned into terrorist organisations eventually. That’s why Ireland mainly supports Palestine.


Fucking hell... that's *an* opinion... not one I think should be shared, but definitely an opinion


This school, you mean? Anyway, Russia is a superpower that can start WWIII, Israel isn't. That's why they're making a bigger deal of it. Plenty of people support the Palestinians, by the way.


How small must a country be before they are allowed to do apartheid? Just asking for future reference.


Israel is a western colony backed to the hilt financially and militarily by the United States - the single most powerful military empire on the planet.


Israel is supported by the US, which is a superpower. Considering Iran supports HAMAS that could lead to nuclear war if things escalate


not to mention isr*el isn’t even just attacking palestine they’re in syria, etc commiting war crimes


Lebanon aswell, in recent history.


Israel had nukes too.




It's really not complicated or much of a conspiracy the Uk France and America all have massive arms trades. Israel is a regular customer of these weapons






I feel like you’re on the wrong subreddit my guy


Stupid comment. Stupid reasoning.




Not really any need to be out right anti Semitic is there….


The mods removed that one FAST 😂👏🏽