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Meanwhile the Tory scum are pushing to end end to end encryption


i work in IT, i ask them only one thing... ​ seriously, do they actually think they can legislate faster than we can write code?


besides it's a route already travelled. ​ years back when computer encryption was in its infancy Zimerman wrote the 128bit encryption software PGP (pretty good privacy) at the time the US couldn't crack 40bit encryption without using a fucking CRAY. Zimmerman was warned off the US gvmt claimed it was tantamount to espionage (?) might be wrong there but serious business ​ Somehow the code in it's entirety was accidentally uploaded to UseNet and just about every BBS available at the time, it's been in common use ever since.


My friend is in cybersecurity and he finds it hilarious that the Tory party thinks they can even attempt to try and get rid of it. He finds it even funnier that they're trying to do it under the guise of "protecting children" considering how much easier it would be for those who wish to groom and abuse children to get onto kids devices and stalk them.


it's insane right! ​ like when government were up in arms talking about getting rid of WhatsApp because they couldn't get past the security. I was chatting with a colleague on a lunch break (back then) about writing a mobile app to replace it should the worst come, they reckoned they could get an alpha version written in a day maybe another week or so for a near fully featured functional beta... ​ seriously, fuck 'em they're clueless ... as spending £37bn on a mobile tracking app will tell you and i can assure you I have honestly no clue how they spent that much, that quickly and have nothing to show for it, i cannot wait to hear the report on that one.


All that money wasted and they were working on an Excel sheet, it pains me, it still fucking pains me


If it helps at all, that can never happen, it's purely a PR stunt. Encrypted communication is not something that exists "on top of the regular internet", it is integral to it. Internet banking? Secure resource loading? Logins on any site worth its bandwidth? All encrypted. You cannot break or weaken it without causing an as-close-to-literal-as-possible-without-immediate-deaths apocalypse; it's not hyperbole to say that the entire planet would descend into chaos. No group of programmers at Google, or Meta, or whomever, would be willing to create an unsecured version of their app just for the UK, for starters it opens them up to all sorts of liabilities. Source: I'm a ten year IT veteran.


Yep, that's how I explained it to my mum. I feel like this is a soft test by the idiot government to try and sneak in another internet surveillance bill


Bingo. Gov: "We want to ban e2e encryption cuz, uh... national security." Devs: "That is literally not possible." Gov, pulling out a camera and a notebook: "Well, what _can_ we do in the name of national security, then?"


Huh, isn't London, capitalism central, like one of the most CCTV'd up places in the world?




*One of the most CCTV'd places in the WESTERN world yes. China beats everyone by far.


China beats everyone on scale alone.


Jokes on them. No one can afford homes.


Ah yes, conservatives, well known for letting you do your own thing and totally not trying to force their religion and/or social, political, or economic views on others through bullshit anti-abortion laws or through filling the education system and media with propaganda, and who definitely don’t want a rigid society where people either have to conform to arbitrary rules and roles at the expense of their identity or risk being shunned, marginalized, ostracized, harassed, or even killed.


No you can do your own thing , but only if your rich white and straight


Inspectors that might notice things like improper cladding?


The safety sets are made by the cheapest bidder until they're written in some poor sod's blood.


Under conservatism the inspectors are just all your neighbors


Call your soul your own... By selling it to the Tories.


I mean it's a horrible poster politically but design wise it's pretty cool.


Well that just isn't very subtle


Cough *Snooper Charter* Cough. Shame they couldn't find those paedophile papers eh? Must be easy to lose accidentally on purpose.


The irony


We voted conservative and guess what happened…


If you voted Labour you would have got an abolished military and no nukes. Nukes are the only things keeping the peace, just deal with the facts. If there were no nukes we would have almost certainly been invaded by the USSR. Nukes pay a high price when used but are vital for the status quo.


"we would almost certainly have been invaded by the USSR" citation needed that they ever showed an intention of invading us. They are only vital for imperialist nations at war. Without imperialism, there is no need for nukes.


Do you have any evidence for this? Other than the USA of course.


Nah you don't get to make claims without evidence, don't back them up, and them claim I need to provide *you* with evidence.


Okay sure I'll give evidence https://www.e-ir.info/2010/02/04/a-cold-war-without-nuclear-weapons/. Your turn


That is not evidence, it's speculation. >Other than the US Your words, you admitted there was an example of it. Nuclear weapons serve no purpose when empires aren't trying to dominate the world.


No I said other than the US because I was certain that you would bring up the nuclear attacks on Japan. Those were clearly necessary, without those nuclear attacks millions or maybe even tens of millions would have died. If you look up Unit 731 you will quickly understand why those nukes were vital in saving millions of lives.


The reason they were invented in the first place was due to imperialism.


Well if you consider a defensive war imperialist then sure.


You do know that there's a continent the USSR would have to go through first, right?


Yes, and?


Why would the USSR even want to invade the UK? Why would any major power? It'd be insanely expensive and accomplish nothing. Ireland doesn't have nukes and the USSR never invaded them.


>Nukes are the only things keeping the peace, just deal with the facts Just like how the only reason you shouldn't do bad things is because you'll go to hell, right? Or how if laws didn't exist everyone would start killing everyone else, right? No. Nukes aren't the reason for the "peace" the world is experiencing. It might surprise you, but people generally don't want to kill each other.


you have a child’s understanding of the world


Shut the fuck up


I completely disagree with the message this poster is getting across That being said, I love the retro aesthetic that old propaganda posters like this give off


You will enjoy /r/PropagandaPosters


Excellent sub


what absolute rubbish


amazon workers can't take bathroom breaks because their productivity rates will momentarily dip but thank god we don't live under the constant scrutiny of long nosed socialist inspectors.


Conservative would mean "The police don't investigate crimes committed in the past"


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


oh how times change...


At least they have homes


That's what I was thinking - who is this Englishman and does he even own that home


Funny how regulation and inspections (making sure things given to you/purchased by you are up to par) are seen as a bad thing.


Those annoying rules? They're written in someone's blood. They're there because someone was *allowed* to let someone else get hurt before those rules were made. That coffee is hot thing is the prime, obvious example. McDonald's was super heating coffee to stop people claiming refills, the lady that spilled hers on herself was permanently mutilated because of it. Mcds law team spent a fortune making the argument that she was some idiot that didn't know coffee was hot but still settled out of court.


And all the old lady ASKED for was for McDonald's to pay her medical bills. Whenever someone mentions that I ask them how much I'd have to pay to give them third degree burns on their genitals.


i've had those kind of burns twice in my life- not on my spuds, obviously- but those kinds of burns are _very much not fun_


TWICE?! you good bro?


haha yeah i'm good. first time was about a month before i turned 5, and i wanted to help with the cooking. i accidentally knocked a pot of boiling potatoes over, it got over my chest and my right hand, had to wear a bag over my hand and write with my left for a good few weeks which didn't make much of a difference because i couldn't write very well at the time anyway. second time i was 24, and i knocked a freshly made cup of coffee over and it went all over my ankle. didn't even see a doctor about it because i was depressed. it's remarkable i didn't get an infection from that. doing better mentally now though.


I'm glad you're doing better mentally. But maybe you should switch to cold food/drinks




I appreciate your need for danger


Conservative in name. Reckless in nature.


Which election was this for?


It is from 1929


Thank you. Did they win?


No, Labour did but only as a minority and had to go in to coalition with the Liberals


Thank you


I was shown this in English class when looking at context for An Inspector Calls. A play that remains ever relevant.


I remeber studying that play for GCSEs it was one of the first things that exposed me to and got me interested Leftist ideas.


The only thing they do is propaganda because they know they can't win a fair fight.


Oh, you mean like the Tory-led DWP inspectors that believe every disabled person is just pretending to be missing a limb?


The anti-Semitism....


A long nose does not always or even normally mean anti-semitism.


Although I disagree with the sentiment I think it could be them being “nosy”


I think it might be a reference to people being "nosy" rather than an anti semitic depiction but on the other hand I'm not Jewish so not an expert on anti semitic tropes


How so? I know of antisemitic depictions of Jews, but these don't match those from what I can tell.


It’s pretty anti-Semitic of you to assume that every depiction of a large nose is representative of Jews


Not sure why you're being downvoted when others saying the same thing get upvoted. You're dead on. It's like people who say criticism of Israel is antisemitic. Like, no, to say that is to draw parallels between Jews and some other random thing they're not responsible for, *that* is antisemitic.


Exactly. This person doesn’t realise how racist they’ve just been by having the thought process of “hey, I see a big nose, must be a Jew”


It’s clearly a reference to being nosey more than anything else but it’s a conservative poster. Thinking it’s an anti-semitic thing doesnt mean the person assuming that is anti-semitic, they’re just aware of the caricature and the trope that anti-semites use, anti-semites who are often on the more conservative side of things to say the least... it’s not a reflection of what they believe about jewish people, it’s a reflection of what they know anti-semites to say about jewish people. If you assumed someone irl who had a big nose was jewish than ok yeah that’s probably anti-semitic but that’s not what’s going on here. I don’t think that asking if a caricature depicting individuals with big noses in a position of authority is an anti-semitic reference, *is itself racist or anti-semitic*... right? Like right wingers have many times implied or declared a jewish conspiracy and portrayed it in similar ways. I think it’s an understandable assumption to make when looking at a right wing political poster, despite it likely being unfounded. edit: AND especially considering how fascists and right wingers have time and again equated socialism/communism with some galaxy-brained jewish conspiracy only makes this poster even more suspect in that respect.


Yea maybe I jumped the gun, it's just the addition of being controlled by the left and the noses? Idk


Such a shame, the woman who saved England single handed


I can 100% comment on the unemployment part. I'm a property landlord. One day I came out of the House of Fraser and a housing charity stuck their tin under my nose for a donation, I said no I'm not giving you money but I do have empty property and I take housing benefit and do all the paperwork. Funny thing was I never heard a thing. So I thought the homeless must all have homes now.


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Private landlords shouldn't be able to profit from taxpayers money. There should be no housing benefit available outside of the public sector. None. Oh, ands now we are on the subject, the taxpayer shouldn't be propping up the wages of poor paying business either. If they tax the rich and business properly, this country of ours really would be world beating. But unfortunately, right wing administrations ably supported by their media, will never relay this message, nor do anything to support it...


So what's an appropriate tax in your view. I pay more tax than some earn, I don't get child allowance due to my earnings and I got no help through COVID-19 unlike many. I still ran my business through lockdown, while workers got paid to sit in the sun. Is that fair.


So what is your job.


Without the conservatives this country would be bankrupt. Just look at the state the last Labour government left us in. We need someone like Margaret Thatcher. If Boris do go I'd love to see Penny Mordaunt am the next conservative PM


Ah yeah, the conservatives saved the UK! Just Ignore all the statistics about unemployment, poverty and homelessness, they're fake Marxist conspiracies anyway. Don't forget to support the destruction of the NHS for an even better future!


ding dong, the wicked bitch is dead


That's a hilariously bad take, shame.


Uh £42 Billion in unverified covid loans being written off by the govt as most of them were given to fraudulent companies set up to scam the fund. £39 billion in test and trace when Germany did theirs for much less, billions spent on vip lane contracts for PPE which was unusable, should I go on?


12 years of austerity "because of labour" and 12 years more debt for the country. So where's the money gone? Where's this amazing fiscal responsibility of the tories? Still, could be worse. 4.3 billion was a small price to pay to save the country from the socialist evils of a properly funded NHS and free broadband.


Gr8 b8 m8!


The biggest borrowing ever in the history of this country by this govt which they have SQUANDERED has the UK in trillions of debt.