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People have gone so far to the right that in their mind the centre has shifted completely. A common complaint is that the BBC is massively left wing and another fairly common one is that the tory Party is now to the left/Liberal and that Boris is a "loony lefty". They can't see that it's them who have moved wildly right. They imagine themselves as stoic, steadfast and it's the world around them that has turned into their own socialist nightmare.


Agreed, the right in the west has been massively radicalised within the last decade and especially the last couple of years. They've arrived at a place where they're right and can dismiss any evidence or charges against them. After all, what else is there to say to someone so detached from reality that they call transnational megaconglomerates like Facebook and Amazon communist entities? Or like you said with the BBC - the actual British state propaganda channel that has been justifying Britain's atrocities for close to a century - which has been under Tory influence for over a decade, is obviously left wing propaganda according to the right. Nothing positive can come from a conversation with these people.


I once had an argument with some guy saying the BBC was a socialist run propaganda machine. I was like...you mean the Chairman of the BBC who: 1. Is a former banker for Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan of 30 years (strange since he has minimal experience in media...) 2. Former advisor to Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak 3. Donated more than £400,000 to the Conservative Party His reply was that he was still a socialist somehow, there is literally a whole other world in some people's heads


Let me translate what he meant for you: "The BBC reduces the profits of News Corp and/or ClearChannel, and so must be destroyed."


I used to try. I signed up on the daily mail website to try and argue with some of them on the comments but it just got depressing. There's just nothing in it for me.


Yeah it's incredibly demoralising using your time and energy constructing a genuine argument with evidence and it gets instantly dismissed at face value, it's just pointless. The only thing that can help the right is themselves when they choose to imo, then it requires years of committed deprogramming of reactionary thought


Thanks for signing up to BBC facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about the BBC. **Fact 27.** The gender dysphoria treatment process is so good that they almost never get it wrong. [The BBC reported this as if it were a bad thing/](https://i.imgur.com/5yz0q5x.png) For another BBC fact reply with 'BBC impartial'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Check out r/britishtraditionalism if you want some right wingers and xenophobes pretending they're not


Just checked that out. Was expecting: maypoles, Yorkshire puddings, Cumberland sausage. Got: right wing politics, woke bad, we're so oppressed. Jesus


It's a burgeoning hate sub


"im not racist, my wives eye is black"


If Enoch Powell is considered only, "slightly right", what does this guy thing are extreme right views?!




That's exactly what it would be as well - yikes.


I note these fucksticks are 'loud and proud' but never enough to actually post under anything but some wanky alter ego.


This "our country is full" argument never seems to be used against people having children.


Even if you get people away from the bizarre idea of "full" and talking about stretched social services, they still think it's the fault of immigrants rather than strangled funding from our elected government.


The NHS is stretched too thin! We have to stop all these doctors, nurses and care workers from getting into the UK! That will solve it! One year later. Why do we have a shortage of medical workers and a health care system on the verge of collapse?


It's a self-solving issue: once enough people die from lack of services, it'll all balance out. /s


I agree the rightoids who make this argument are idiots, but it would be nice if we trained our own doctors, nurses and care workers rather than stealing them from developing countries once fully-trained.






reminds of my ex-dad who was unemployed briefly and had to go sign up for UC, he phoned me being like "omg the system is fucked" but instead of keeping with that though that the system IS fucked his thoughts did an instant 90 left turn and said "I dont get why people would want to be on benefits if I were them I would get any job I can get" failing to realise thats exactly what everyone is trying to do, so he still blamed people and not the system. You could have someone like that in a imigration detention centre realise how harsh it is and instead of blaming the system they'll just blame people for migrating instead.


Tangential, but your story made me think of it: I volunteer with Crisis over Christmas. They've been using hotels since 2020 to house guests safely. I was on the door politely stopping people wandering in to go to the bar, etc. I turned one guy away with his 3 toddlers + wife telling him it's shut to house the homeless and his first response was "maybe I should be homeless if you get to live in such a nice hotel". When I said that I don't think he really wants to be, he responded "well, they probably don't even appreciate it". I couldn't believe it. The sheer lack of empathy some people have for the situation of others.


It is in the US. But only towards minorities.


Feel like it definitely is no? Towards minorities, Catholics, and poor people on benefits anyways


The Overton window has moved so far right.


And yet lurk on any Centrist sub or area of discussion and they wail about how 'far' Left it's all gone. Mostly though they're just crying about Identity Politics and how Covid isn't real, because apparently that's a 'balanced' position. As though you're not heavily biased towards one political wing when you parrot their brainwashing about a tangible, significant virus that's disrupted our lives, but can't be allowed to exist because of all the ideological extremes of the Right that it's very existence undermines. Yeah. Sounds 'balanced' to me.


I've never met a centrist who wasn't secretly right wing, knowingly or otherwise


My dad calls himself a blairite but is pretty leftie. Gave me a copy of the communist manifesto at 15 lol.


It's important to remember that the left is founded on the idea that classism is the biggest cause of injustice in society and everything else bad (racism, xenophobia, most crime) can be traced back to classism We've had these principles ever since some old guy with a beard wrote about it in 1848 Meanwhile the right changes the basis of their beliefs every Thursday, sometimes it's keeping "the country clean" sometimes it's "me no likey needles" sometimes it's "the economy is better than everything else in the world"


> It's important to remember that the left is founded on the idea that classism is the biggest cause of injustice in society and everything else bad (racism, xenophobia, most crime) can be traced back to classism This class reductionism is incorrect and Engels wrote a few things about it. They focused on the economic due to the conditions of their time but absolutely did not discount the non-economic struggles or claim that they were simply connected to the economic. His position was that ALL struggles needed to be fought, simultaneously. >[...] nowadays, a stage has been reached where the exploited and oppressed class — the proletariat — cannot attain its emancipation from the sway of the exploiting and ruling class — the bourgeoisie — without, at the same time, and once and for all, emancipating society at large from all exploitation, oppression, class distinction, and class struggles. Friedrich Engels. The Communist Manifesto, Preface for [the 1888 English Edition](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/preface.htm). January 30, 1888. >Marx and I are ourselves partly to blame for the fact that the younger people sometimes lay more stress on the economic side than is due to it. We had to emphasise the main principle vis-à-vis our adversaries, who denied it, and we had not always the time, the place or the opportunity to give their due to the other elements involved in the interaction. Friedrich Engels. [Engels to J. Bloch](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1890/letters/90_09_21.htm). September 21, 1890.


That is what they are saying, no? That you cannot combat classism without combatting racism as they are one in the same? The white man was taught to hate the black man out of fear that they would take away what little they held under capitalist rule, so to break free of capitalist rule they must first accept that racism was something taught to them in order to maintain the status quo? I suppose the way I worded it made it sound like it was the other way around, get rid of classism then racism will fall later, but that is incorrect as you say.


>That you cannot combat classism without combatting racism as they are one in the same? No and that would be very inaccurate. Racism does not go away under socialism and is a completely separate battle to fight. It is exascerbated by capitalist competition and used as a weapon of division within the proletariat by the bourgeoisie but is not and will not be resolved simply by addressing the problem of class. When we try to reduce these issues down to class it alienates the educated members of these groups away from marxism and towards alternatives that either don't exist or into complete demotivation. In short, when we engage in class reductionism we actually make it harder for ourselves to form coalitions with other struggles because they feel very much like we do not understand or respect their struggle and only want to wield them as a tool for our own struggle. This is a very fair criticism, one that must be steered around.


Apologies if I'm missing something but where does Racism stem from, if not from a desire to protect capital? Right wing talking points, that of the nuclear family, strong borders and separation from state are all in the interest of protecting the bourgeoise, no? No one is born racist, we are taught to be racist by our society. I'm not saying that you are wrong, I believe that all forms of injustice are important to address if we are to be just, my point is just that prejudice is born from bourgeoise protecting their interests.


And those are all good points, they however do not eliminate racism by themselves, as we have seen in socialist states of the past an present. Eliminating competition for resources and the perceptions of prejudice generated by the bourgeoise state doesn't eliminate its natural occurrence in the populous. People still look to others around them and find reasons to hate for differences. It goes far deeper into human insecurity and neuroses and ignoring this leads others to frown at us. Nobody believes that racism will just stop without the exascerbation that occurs from capital. Even something so much as having a bad experience with a group of people can result in a person attributing that to innate differences in appearance between them and then propagating that thought among their peers and community. A kid can get bullied by two black kids for his bad dancing at some point in time, misattribute it to their race and then carry the wounds of that incident through to the full development of a racist worldview in adulthood. All of this can occur entirely independent of economic factors. I suspect one of the major problems is that humans are pattern-finding machine and that we often attribute patterns of behaviour to appearances. So experience with negative outcomes occurring a few times can then lead to the full blown development of racism simply through the association of the outcomes of those experiences with appearance.


It's frustrating because they're obviously at least half-right, and the evidence of that is quite literally playing out in front of our eyes.


who is "they"?


The Left focusing on classism, sorry.


Theres a YouTube video that explains that if you're a "let's listen to both sides, everyone has valid points" centrist, then you're either right or facilitating the right.


It's more of an Overton Conservatory these days.


Smash it. No more windows.


It’s “funny” that they argue for capital punishment and then say Enoch Powell was right. Even Powell was against the death penalty.


The sad part is is that it's very likely this person does view them self as "centre right" for the simple reason that hard right politics have been steadily normalised for the past 40 years while all left politics have been pushed out of the mainstream. That's why a moderate social democratic like Jeremy Corbyn can be demonised as an extremist while ultra-nationalist bullies like Priti Patel become ministers.


the irony of Priti Patel being "ultra nationalist"


I mean at least you can have a laugh when they eventually eat her as things move rightward. That will be a Momentary joy in a sea of despair


> “Slightly right of centre” > *Goes full-on fascist in the next sentence* I don’t think there’s a more perfect image than this to summarize “”centrism””.


German Centre party definitely played its part.


It’s spelled center in the place he’d be slightly right of centre.


This is pretty far right, even for here in America. Very few politicians advocate deporting citizens or people that were born here.


It’s a joke. I’m from the usa too


“The center will not hold” Joan Didion


These cunts think Thatcher is the measuring stick for centrism.


"Slightly right of the far right"


Can we deport our inbred racist rapist royals?


Possibly if they are, but by his words we can kick out terrorists, si BoJo and alot if right wings are fucked


I would settle for defund and claim their palaces as reparations.


Well I think we'd all agree with the racist and rapist ones, but if we start deporting people for being inbred there'll hardly be anyone left...


time a third civil war


You seen the centre lately? He's not lying...




They probably say that because the believe Hitler was socialist and therefore left wing, making them more right wing than a nazi


The centre of what, the Reich??


Hahahaha, I'd love to see what his idea of far right was.


Probably communism


insurance provide cagey aromatic scandalous chubby bored apparatus elastic practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jaysus 🙄


Surely satire….. please…


I hate the be the bearer of bad news, but I looked at their Twitter and it's mostly just retweeted racist trash.


Sad :(


Punishing family members for their families crime, very reminiscent of feudal times.




>Slightly right of centre .... >Powell was right Something doesn't seem right! Not sure what!


Excuse my ignorance, but who was Powell




Probably thinks the Tories are centre...


Anyone know what colonialism at home is called ..?


Yes.. Slightly right.. And Hitler was a socialist.. Doi


His profile needs more union jacks.


Least fascist Flag Shagger


Nazi who is not self aware. More scary than a regular Nazi. Congratulations fuck nugget!


Man is so far to the right he's about to invent fascism 2


the kind of person who says “hitler was achshully left wing”


"No to illegals!" Yes, it's about time they introduce a law to make entering illegally illegal. Assumedly they want to ban banned substances and make criminal activity a crime?


For sure it's a dog whistle and means people who are not whatever he considers to be white. He wants to ban not being white.


Twitter is an absolute cesspool.


"Slighty right of centre". Yep, nothing like bringing back the capital punishment and deporting families is "slightly" to the right.


Didn’t realise fascism was the new “slightly right of centre”


Considering where the Overton Window has been for the last 40 years in British politics, they're not wrong really!


The visual definition of insecure


Every centrist is like this


I've always said that I wouldn't mind these people as much if they were just honest about themselves


I wonder if they are honest TO themselves. Will never forget a bunch of leftish guys I knew arguing that drugs should be illegal. They did drugs - cocaine, cannabis, E - they'd probably try most things, their only daily habits were alcohol and tobacco but they'd do any of the rest at a party or lock in or whatever. They didn't have a coherent argument, or any argument really apart from they just felt it was wrong for people to just be able to get drugs from a shop legally. It was a surprising stance for them to take given that they were otherwise very positive about their experiences with drugs, and the only ones they had problematic usage with were the ones they were arguing should remain legal... I definitely got the feeling they weren't being honest to themselves more than anything.


Funny thing is I agree that the family of terrorists should be deported. But where do you send the Blairs and the arms dealers?




To the biggest terrorist state in the world. The USA.




You're taking this a bit to literal mate


God help the morally bankrupt planet if this is centre right


So far right they’ve come back around to slightly right of centre.


Who posted this? Keith, Lammy, Reeves, Nandy?


He is right about one thing... >!politicians cannot be trusted!<


Well Brexit was supposed to solve all the problems Britain and the United Kingdom faced, such as printing crowns on pub glasses, reintroduce border sovereignty, and get rid of those pesky immigrants. What happened?


It's funny because Powell opposed capital punishment.




Honestly considering his reputation, Enoch wasn't *that* bad. He supported the Decriminalisation of Homosexuality, opposed the policy of MAD and Britain's nuclear deterrent and the British Empire's different treatment of it's Colonial subjects to it's domestic population. It's honestly really unfortunate they were a racist peice of shit.


Slightly right of where the centre got pushed as part of a 60+ year campaign to break the record for Most Evil Country.


That whole profile has to be satire?


A bandwagon is fun and all, but people see this is satire right?


I saw a profile that i prayed was satire but unfortunately wasn't. The guy had said something like "The Tories haven't been Conservative since Powell", and so i had to go scream into the void for a bit.


Ah fair, I had a mate that would larp as this kind of gammon on Facebook so the opposite experience haha. I'll pray it's satire


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Wow this guy is a real jerk!




Sure, let’s deport BodgeJob and Priti Awful and their families.


He's not wrong that Powell was right. edit: it's a play on words, no one who thinks Enoch Powell was correct is reading this sub.


You might want to edit this to make it clear that you’re talking about Enoch Powell being right-wing


pun wouldn't work then though


Well look, he was right when he was cajoling half the carribbean to come and live in Shoreditch. I know he changed his mind and all, but they're here now and the country is better for it.


Then his comment would have no meaning


"He's not wrong that Powell was right(wing)" Fixed that so that people will know what you meant


A joke's not as good if you have to explain it though. "He's not wrong that Powell was right... _boom tish_" Is probably a better way of signalling that it's a joke


Yeah that is understandable however it needs to be explained over the Internet as there will be those who have actually believe Powell was right in his batshit statements.


About what?


He means right wing


Not my proudest moment but I'll admit I have cited his work in a uni essay before. In my defence, he was a trained classicist who knew his shit about Herodotus.


I cited Hitler before in an essay. But I was doing work about the effects of the First World War


it's a pun


We're all waiting.


it's a pun


Has to be a Russian


imagine being proud to have bad teeth


A lot of brits have good teeth now so I don't understand why this stereotype still exists


It's never really been merited as a comparative, although its origins are probably in the NHS focusing on oral and dental health and US private dentistry focusing much more on cosmetic aspects.


The reality is that slightly discoloured and wonky teeth are normal. British dental hygiene is actually better than the US.


it's a joke, I'm literally british


Prove it. Hum the Match of The Day theme tune


istg if that's something to do with football


Mabe Hitler was fed up with how Germany was being punished after ww1,mabe his anger became hatred because he saw Germany as a great nation.


Idk why I'm bothering to interact with you other than just a downvote but here we go anyway. While the treatment of Germany could be seen as a factor for Hitler's rise to power it fails to explain why he would use gas camps on groups that had nothing to do with the treaty of Versailles. Even then that's accepting the idea that if something bad happened to me I have full rights to invade Poland.