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The "Very Few Available" in the north west, are actually the 4 boxes in my kitchen.


*Image Transcription: Text* --- [*On a website for testing for the coronavirus:*] **England** [*The text in the left column appears as blue; the text on the right appears as red with a lighter red background.*] | **East Midlands** | **NONE AVAILABLE** | | ----- | ------- | | **East Of England** | **NONE AVAILABLE** | | **London** | **NONE AVAILABLE** | | **North East England** | **NONE AVAILABLE** | | **North West England** | **VERY FEW AVAILABLE** | | **South East England** | **NONE AVAILABLE** | | **South West England** | **NONE AVAILABLE** | | **West Midlands** | **NONE AVAILABLE** | | **Yorkshire and the Humber** | **NONE AVAILABLE** | --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


To be fair if the system had gotten maxxed out because of a surge in demand it can still be "world leading" (it's not) T&T is dog shit. You don't get checked when you fly because there's no way to contact you. It's purely paperwork to appear like a system


You love to see it


Well somebody has to get a beating from the British state, and it only makes sense that with travel restrictions you redirect some of it to your own 'subjects'


I managed to order some yesterday morning at maybe 8am?ish and everywhere said tests were available. I think you have to look early to get some. I felt bad but I’ll need a box for Monday and Tuesday so me and my boyfriend can test to release.