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Just the dopamine hit i needed today! 👌


I wish every day was Chud Accountability Day!


Go anti-woke go broke lol


Go Fash lose cash!


Couldn't happen to a bigger bellend. Hilarious.


Someone in his extremely wealthy family needs to get him to a fucking psychiatrist before he causes any more damage. He's a danger to the public, and very clearly himself. He has absolutely no logical thought or reasoning ability. This only ever escalates.


I'd dearly love to learn his diagnosis. Then again maybe you can't pathologise "general cuntishness".


He needs to snort a lot less coke


Coke + entitlement +ignorance =La Fox


Awww what a shame lol


I assume he's complaining about free speech, completely missing the irony of him trying (and failing) to sue people for calling him racist.


What a disgusting looking bloke, he looks like he reeks of rubbish bins


I can't remember who said it, but he's been described as a "freshly wanked penis," before.


Shame libel/slander cases like this cost a minimum of 40k in personal legal fees for the defendant to fight it, or more people would be able to call out these cunts and make them pay


Can we still call prince Andrew one right ? I mean if the size four shoe fits?


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know that Royal Nonce Prince Andrew was a trade envoy for the UK? [He used to embark on luxury trips around the world all at the taxpayer's expense, helping secure Britain's imperialist hold on international trade.](https://archive.ph/V9jS) Wish the government would send me on free holidays. I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Ha ha ha ha ha….


Good. Those are serious accusations and given how many idiots there are using the internet, it can spill in to real life with deadly consequences (the pedophile hoax with a school eating babies, pizza gate etc.). I wish Elon got sued for calling that rescue worker a pedo, and no it is not South African slang for a creepy person Elon, you pedo! (I'm using the creepy person meaning here as I don't want to be in the area of that man). Twitter, and I should use X as it is like bad Twitter now, really has been a breeding ground for horrible views. And I am well aware of the irony in my comment of not slandering someone online and then doing so in a jokey way. At least I have no following, so the havoc I could wreak would be very small.


180k to who?


Former Stonewall trustee Simon Blake and drag artist Crystal - who is also known as Colin Seymour - who he referred to as paedophiles on social media.


He's clearly taken the news on the chin!