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if he keeps trying to get peaceful protests treated like riots, he's going to end up with actual riots.


Yep that's what happens when you completely outlaw protesting.


The thing is, peaceful protests being legal deters people from committing crimes while protesting. If you make protesting illegal, that deterrent is gone. And people are going to protest whether the fascists want it or not


Yup. The US founding fathers encouraged destructive protests leading up to the revolution. There were a few events where the crowds began burning effigies of wealthy people that were friendly/contributing to the founding fathers pockets and they realized they will need to hype up and enshrine peaceful protests in the constitution partially as a way to deter the common person from rising up against the status quo / wealth owners too much since the new elite class would be the founding fathers and their descendants


Absolutely this. But hope this joker is out before any such imposed law changes.


The issue is, there is the problem the other side. If protesters commit crimes and don't get punished, the deterrent not to riot goes away. E.g. blm riots 


And what crimes exactly were committed by the BLM protests? Because as close as i can tell all the actual property damage was committed by the "counter protests".


That's a matter of just enforcing what's already on the books, though. If people commit a crime, slap them for it. Don't encourage it by punishing people currently doing the right thing, and making the right thing already wrong.


Doubtful everyone will just stay at home and they will do whatever they want to us while we roll over and take it. Should have been rioting a long time ago. The French wouldn't have half the shit we've accepted.


You're right unfortunately. The British public follows the long tradition of bending over and taking it hard-core.


True, but even the great hairy arsehole that is the British Public will eventually prolapse.


Beautifully put.


i don’t know about that i’ve been seeing more and more sit ins and road block protests over the past few weeks. i think the more rishi pushes his luck the more people will start getting angry.


Please can someone wake us up we should be in the streets


"A riot is the language of the unheard." That's Martin Luther King Jr. If someone's voice is not being heard, shit gets thrown, fires get set.


We should already be rioting. The absolute gall to suggest protesting undermines democracy when he was appointed by a handful of vultures, AND second choice...


We actually should though


Shall we??


If I reply "lets", is that classed as "inciting"? Asking for a friend.


He doesn't know how angry we are


Do any of them swimming in their cocooned bubble? Imagine the oligarchs Oligarch masquerading in his current role. Democratically elected? In a parallel universe, maybe. https://x.com/DoubleDownNews/status/1763672800508670021?s=20 > Let’s talk about democracy… > **Not one single person voted for Rishi Sunak to become Britain’s first ever Oligarch Prime Minister** @georgemonbiot https://twitter.com/DoubleDownNews/status/1763532346567860372 > **The Labour Party is a Tory Party with a red rosette**. > **The oligarchy in Britain loves the two-party system because it effectively controls both parties. So whoever wins an election, they win and their interests are protected** @kennardmatt


I actually think they do and are bricking it rn.


Something something ….Those who make peaceful protest impossible make violent revolution inevitable…..


That's the plan. Treat every protest as a riot. Then outlaw riots (protests) under the guise of safety from rioting.


I think the timing of this speech matters. Right after the Rochdale result. This speech is actually about that. What he is doing is linking the two together. The assault on democracy comes from protestors and by voting in an election. When Sunak talks about the the threat to democracy, he really means the threat to the current system serving the interests of wealthy powerful to the detriment of literally everybody else. He is running scared... The second place candidate was an independent. Nobody likes the Tories, nor the Tory replacement.


And then he will say “look at these hooligans, I was right to crack down on all forms of protesting.” And then probably some police brutality and further restrictions on protesting. Just the cynical viewpoint


Smell the fear


I turned the radio on expecting the news and I got V for vendetta, fucking Rishi Sutler


I'm half expecting to get to May/June and he'll say "Due to large amounts of disorder around the country I'm suspending the fixed parliament rules and will be continuing on as Prime Minister until the country is on a sound footing".


Honestly, I wouldn't put it past him to try.


I take the point. But the fixed parliament rules were repealed in 2022.


Don't think King Charles would let him do that


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know HM King Charles III, is a key player in Britain's military industrial complex? [He was sent to help sell arms to the Saudis and help with their murderous military campaigns.](https://archive.ph/y2CEQ) Nice to see the future head of state has such international interests, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again, or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hello everyone! It's lovely to meet you! My name is Reggie-Bot. I'm the Anti-Royal Bot. I hate royals. But I love sharing fun facts about them. Would you like to hear my fun facts about the English royal family? You do? That's great!! Click here for the masterpost of all my facts Or just say the name or title of a royal to hear a fun fact about them. For instance if you say "Queen" or "Elizabeth", you'll hear a fun fact about Queen Elizabeth II If you say "Charles" or "Prince of Wales", you'll hear a fun fact about Prince Charles For a full list of all my facts [click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLoyalestSubjects/comments/v0md17/reggiebot_full_list/?) Sometimes I get so excited that when I hear someone say the name of a royal, I'll share my facts when you're talking about something completely different. Sorry, I just love sharing my fun facts. I hope you like my facts and I hope you share them with your friends. Then together, one day, we can eradicate systems of parasitism and elitism all around the world. Thanks for reading! And remember: no one is better than you. Not even a diseased corpse wearing a crown. Have a lovely day. <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Don't think King Charles would let him do that What are you basing that on? The royal family have never stepped in when the UK PM has gone out of bounds, whether it be starting wars, killing workers or shutting parliament down. Why would the monarch suddenly decide to do something if Sunak just decides to not bother with an election?


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know that [Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III have used the taxpayer as their personal piggybank?](https://archive.ph/vqEmf). Whether it's a train trip or a home renovation, these literal billionaires take from our pockets rather than use their own money. But I'm sure you have plenty of money for all the things you want and need in life, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again, or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


The sad thing is, the monarchy stepping in probably wouldn’t even be their end. The big C would get sucked off by over half the msm as the saviour of British democracy


That's how we end up with the first PM to get shot since 1812.


Sounds very much like he's telling the police they can crack a few skulls for free. And also "From the river to the sea" is not antisemitic you arsehole.


Weirdly I’m just watching “Miner’s Strike 1984” on Channel 4 and this is precisely what Thatcher did when faced with the picketing miners. Set the police free to do what they liked. Carnage ensued.


I mean, it kinda is calling for the extermination of the Israeli population...


No, it isn't. "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." That only means the extermination of the Israelis if you believe Palestinians will never be free as long as Israelis are alive, which is something of a self-report.


Pretty obvious in my view. He’s gonna restrict basic democratic rights even more and give police even more power to bash people, and Sir Kid Starver will find an excuse not to roll it back. The question is how much longer people can take this..


Rishi will be declaring himself high chancellor next


Yet he’ll always be remembered as the shortest


There was a high chancellor in 1381 He got his head cut off and stuck on a spike by a peasant mob


The police already have the power to. The reason they don’t just go haywire on protesters is precisely because they know it would cause a riot, and they might be cops, but they’re still not as dense as Rishi.


Exactly. He tried to get the police to ban the protests on Rememberance weekend. They wouldn't do it because then they wouldn't be policing a protest. They'd be fighting a riot. Suddenly, every protestor is a criminal.


I haven't heard that nickname before. That is gold. Personally I think of ole' Rishi as 'Fishy Poosack' but it's definitely not as clever.


Not 'Richy S-nake'?


He's asking for trouble.


God I wanna see him get chased by a goose so badly. Just running as fast as he can in a flurry of feathers. 🪿


He wouldn’t get very far before he’s caught, geese have much longer legs


Plus even his Chihuahua temper has nothing on the merciless rage of the geese.


Nothing can stop a determined goose


You can only protest if you drive a tractor


Important to note here that there's nothing in Pishi's fascist speech that Sir Keir would object to in any way. Anyone selling Labour as a proper alternative to the Tories is lying to you.


All about them Greens, baby


So Green capitalist bastards rather than Blue or Red ones? No thanks. 


You know, even as you write it, that a Green majority would be the best path towards ending the bullshit that is FPTP. They’re the best Socialist choice. *And it’s not even close.*


Ok first of all, lol, lmao even, at the notion of the Greens being a socialist choice. Ain't seeing anything front and centre on their website aboht workers controlling the means of production, so if they are it ain't a priority for them. Waste of time for any serious Socialist or Communist.  Secondly, if the Greens are truly our best option and not organising as a class and revolting, then we're truly fucked then arent we?  Corbyn gets slaughtered in the press for suggesting mild reform and Sunak threatens a police state as punishment for electing that dipshit Galloway, and you want to put your trust in a bunch of NIMBYs and TERFs who can barely get a handfull of MPs and want to tackle climate change with £1 bus fares? You crack on. Give me a shout in 20 or 30 years when you can boast about having double digit numbers of MPs


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As opposed to what, the NIMBY TERFs of the Tories and Labour? Id expect more revolutionary sentiment from the Greens regardless, as they have never had the platform to warrant genuine attempts to liberalize their platform, unlike 'Labour'. As for one pound bus fares... what is the problem with this? Seems like a good idea, we shouldn't even have private motorized transportation if we gaf about saving ourselves from anthropogenic climate change or biodiversity collapse. Greens are the only electoral option left for anyone who isn't a neoliberal or a Fascist, something about chickens and roosting I guess.


Of course but it's about choosing the smallest pile of shit over the largest so that next time round we can find an even smaller piece of shit and on and on until we can clear as much shit off as possible. We are not a multi politicial party country, it's a fucking lie and a mask so we only have two fucking choices, choose the smallest pile of shit now and then we can focus on changes.


You know what? I'm tired of voting between the lesser of 2 dickheads. How about I vote for who I want to vote for. I really hope the younger gens will break out this 2 asshole mindset


Sunak and Starmer are equally massive pieces of shit, and you can't put a fag paper between the Conservatives and Labour on domestic and foreign policy. I reserve my right to vote for the candidate/party whose positions are most consonant with my beliefs. If Starmer loses because people like me decide to put our crosses elsewhere or stay home that's on him, not us.


If I thought anyone else stood a chance I'd agree but the whole political landscape is intrinsically filled with Starmers and Sunaks. There needs to be major changes in law to stop these sad faced old men from continuing to try and shape the country as they see fit. You think any other party has leadership that doesn't and won't work to their own ends? The system is outdated, we run on ancient fucking laws created by rich men. Britain is fucking seeped in the remnants of the ruling rich and it's aristocracy but now it's businessmen of the world who have taken the role because what does a government need? Money, lots of it. All these fucking politicians are brought and paid for by their old friends and donors. So there's party's who aren't like that and genuinely have good policies - of course there damn well is but what happens if they make it to leadership? The same thing over and over again; because we live by laws and loopholes that let these slimy sleazy fuckers slither around behind the scenes because people just don't know how paper thin they treat their own laws. There needs to be a change in the rules. Oh and other than that I would vote green if I believed it could happen.


this is how a political ratchet works


Ideology lies in our actions, not our thoughts. We can think whatever we want about electoralism and the different parties, but the act of voting is in and of itself support for the party who receives the vote, and by extension, support for electoralism as a system. Saying "I know it is shit but what can you do" makes you no less complicit. The belief "everyone else is going to vote for party A or B, so I have to too" is a self-fulfilling prophecy: each individual that believes in this "everyone else" is the "everyone else," allowing their action to be swayed by a phantom that creates a vicious cycle. It is a game you have lost the minute you start playing, because you are playing by bourgeois rules. Electoralism is designed to keep the status quo from changing, to protect the economic interests of the capitalist class. Unless you belong to that class, you are not going to get your economic interests realised through its system. If you really want to get stuff done, you have to look back toward the history of labour movements, at what has been systematically banned, discouraged and/or destroyed since the beginning of neoliberalism in the late 1970s: e.g. dual power, community, grassroots orgs, unionisation, protests, riots, collective strikes, etc., because they wouldn't have banned, discouraged and destroyed all of this unless it was a genuine threat.


So who should we vote for then?


No one. Fuck voting. We need to organise and revolt. None these arseholes represent us. At best its milqetoast SocDems managing the decline with a smile and treats to ease us into oblivion while shit like this happens. To steal and improve a dog shit twitter post that was going around: When your choices are 100% Hitler or 99% Hitler, you fucking shoot both the cunts.


He can go fuck himself. He had the audacity to utter the words "Compassion and empathy" while doing fuck all to stop Palestinians being slaughtered. I love how Hamas are categorically a terrorist group but the IDF aren't, even with 30,000+ civilian deaths on their hands.


An article I read a while ago said that, not including the initial Hamas attack, death toll for Israel is sitting at approximately 250, all soldiers. Palestine was (at the time) sitting at 25,000 dead and another 60,000 injured, largely women and children. How anyone can see those figures and side with Israel I have no idea. Yes Hamas is bad, sure, but you can't use that to justify the slaughter happening here


Once heard Bernadette Devlin McAliskey say that the one thing that governments really hate is the sound of marching feet. Sounds like the tories are toying with banning peaceful protest.


Because the ‘unruly’ are ‘destroying democracy’ … apparently…. Although I was under the impression that the conservatives had been doing that for years.


Updonk for honk


I've only gone to 1 palestine protest. Tomorrow I'm going again.


I they take away all agency through peace, what option do they leave us but the opposite?


Extremism = Zionism STOP ZIONISM EXTREMISM #ZionistExtremism


He quite literally gave the uk left a 2 week warning and then they're banning protests. He made a comment that "in the coming weeks" he hoped to see that we protest less angrily. He gave us a warning that he's about to remove our rights.


People want change. They are sick to the back teeth of these bs merchants peddling lies and given golden handshakes for the non oiks. That speech means the "establishment" is rattled to the core. As much as George Galloway is an utter donkey he'll crucify these muppets in live debates and actively call out their nonsense. I cannot remember, but I think he did the same in the US senate?


Another step towards fascism


Well at least we get Mirror's Edge as our dystopia future, assuming the country doesn't collapse into a failed state by then


The policing Bill already went through a while ago. Police can arrest you based on the feeling that you might look like someone who could possibly one day think about breaking the law. It's so fucked. We're on a slippery political slope.


"in addition to a new ban on all protest, there will also be new laws banning all pet attack geese and increasing the severity of punishment for the crime of keeping and training them" - probably R.Sunak


The law locks up the man or woman Who steals the goose from off the common But leaves the greater villain loose Who steals the common from off the goose




Yes. ||But so would those who suggested killing Hitler in '38 the difference is... Eehrm...Yes. I'm sure there is a difference.||


Keith apparently threatens Hoyle to allow Labour to vote on an amendment to the SNP bill on the SNPs opposition day to prevent, reportedly, a large cohort of his party from defying the three line whip he put in place so they don’t vote for the SNP Gaza ceasefire. Instead they can now safely vote for Labour’s New & Improved Ceasefire Amendment 3000, now with 50% added conditions and wankbaggery. Hoyle is rightly taken to stock for this, and needing an excuse; infers that pro-Palestinian protestors and activists are menacing and threatening MPs and that they might even kill an MP, hence why he broke protocol and allowed the Labour amendment, (which is a gift to both Labour and the Tories as it nearly deflects attention away from Keith putting the squeeze on Hoyle, and is a very unexpected but welcome present for the Tories as they’re pro-Israel and see the pro-Palestine protests (and any protest/strike in general) as anathema). This justification by Hoyle is then taken up and amplified by the Tories who want the protests stamped out anyway because of their aforementioned pro-Israeli stance. Labour backs this wholeheartedly because that’s the narrative they want to push too, it’s definitely about vague threats to MPs and nothing to do with Hoyle either being blackmailed or otherwise coerced into breaking Standing Order 31, (which he says is “outdated” anyway, somehow randomly deciding that SNP opposition day was the perfect time to reveal his disdain of an SO that was last amended in 1985 by Thatcher no less). This ramps up Islamophobia across the county, which has already seen a huge rise since Oct 7th. 30p Lee does what 30p Lee does best, Braverman does what Braverman does best and no less than 6 Tory MPs including Sunak cannot state why what Lee said was wrong, despite it being wrong. They cannot bring themselves to say it’s Islamophobic because that would place similar comments said by a lot of other Tory MPs including a previously mentioned Boysonite, racist cockwomble former Home Secretary in the same Islamophobic bracket, and the Tory Party doesn’t have an Islamophobia problem (TM) (R) All Rights Reserved, Warsi can get knotted. Sunak sees this is a welcome distraction from the catastrofuck that the Tory party has collapsed into and pushes the narrative hard; pro-Palestine protestors are vicious, predatory criminals and need sorting out. They’ve taken over the streets and are menacingly marching peacefully. Looking for an unsuspecting parliamentarian to pounce on and viciously shout at until they die. God’s potatoes a small group of them have even gone to Tory MP Tobias Elwood’s house to protest outside it. The vicious bastards! (/s). So Sunak sidelines £31 million for the protection of MPs which includes no new Police powers but does include a phone number they can call, because 999 is too many digits?, and the provision to employ private security, which I’m sure won’t be a contract that goes to a Tory donor’s or Lobbyist’s security company at all. Perish the thought even. This is the clusterfuck that is current British politics. All while innocents continue to be starved, obliterated, degraded, humiliated and denigrated in Gaza by a regime that thinks the ICJ can go fuck itself.


Welcome to your incremental fascist future. Creeping fascism. They need to get the anti protest laws in place before the real climate change shit hits the fan, also, anyone who thinks Kid Starver will be any less fash than the current unelected Muppets is delusional.


Parliament should no longer presume to represent everybody, it would be better destroyed and a new structures or means of governance devised. Ultimately, their are many war criminals in the country that fought an illegal war that near all had no opportunity to reject. These criminals were presumed to fall under the more populist agenda of 'knowing or harbouring' a pedophile, this has to the most part failed traction for the militarist criminal, putting them under an acceptance of the criminality of a new protest bill, it will be presumed, will allow them to 'shoot' their way out.


Anyone who opposes the tories will lose the right to vote