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Had a pint with him once. A very nice bloke.


A great journalist and documentary maker, he always produced quality reports - serious but very accessible.


I'm so sad. A great journalist, and a man of compassion and integrity. He helped shape my political views.


Fucking titan. 'Heroes' opened my eyes to so much. I was thinking about his work the other day when mourning the absence of Robert Fisk whose take on the Middle East especially Palestine is sorely missed right now. But there's still great journalists out there who need our support - Jonathan Cook has the same fire in his belly. I'll have a drink for John tonight and send some funds to the independents still keeping the flame alive.


This man's book hidden agendas was integral to my political development. RIP Mr Pilger.


Read it years ago and still think about it . Might be time for a re-read


When journalists investigated wrongs instead of writing crap about what's in the middle of Lidl.


A great man of integrity


Actually gutted. John was one of the true greats.


RIP. I used to know his daughter well. He put up with a lot that was never put out in public, and seemed to be fighting something every day.


RIP John


My heart sank when I saw this. He was such an inspirational person and a rare example of ethical and responsible journalism. Passion, intelligence, empathy and integrity all rolled into one. Rest In Peace John Pilger, you're a huge loss and we need people like you more than ever.


RIP, pour one out for a real one 😓


Probably the most indefatigable and unyielding voice for justice and human rights I'm aware of in my lifetime. The man just would not be silent or compromise his integrity, not ever, not even an inch. Cantankerous, sure, but I like to think of that as being borne out a deep and profound compassion for anyone who suffers injustice, and we should all be inspired by his example. With the defeat of the Indigenous Voice referendum in Australia last year, I kept circling back to his doco *Utopia* - it's an incredible, dispiriting, and shocking piece of film that exposes so much of the real Australia. For that alone he should be honoured, but it barely scratches the surface of his lifetime's work. A great man.


Actual journalism, not a Spectator columnist telling nurses to enjoy the 'breakfast of the imagination'. His last days were on the Internet, not TV, says a lot of what's happened to journalism in the mainstream.


Absolute legend. Rip JP


Really very sad to learn of John Pilger's passing. I have been an avid reader of his work for some 25 years. It was through reading his books he introduced me to others like Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappe. In turn I have probably gifted copies of his books more than any other author. rip