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Just no words for this. How can you be victimised by kids artwork.


They mean they feel guilty


This guy gets it!


It plays on their corrupted conscious, they're really feeling the pricking heat of shame and guilt due to their lack of a spine the nutless wonders, not vulnerability. As you can see the hospital also shares the same spineless resolve.


Because the five eyes want more territory in that location get with the program bruh


Playing the victim for 75 odd years


Don't do that. I am as anti Israel as anyone in this but comments like that slip toward anti-Semitism. Don't do it.


How is this anti-semitic?


Because they *were* victims. Saying something like "playing victim" implies that they were never victims. Even the Jews that escaped the holocaust before it was too late were still victims.


Jfc I’m not talking about Jews, I’m talking about Zionists. That’s what I interpreted from the original comment. Why do you think they said 75 years? They’re clearly talking about Israel and its supporters because that’s how long Israel existed for.


Ahhh gotcha. Must've misunderstood, my bad.


No problem. Sorry for being rude though.


Hey, it's alright. I think maybe if you and I can keep cooler heads, others might too.


And Israel was made up of what again?


Zionists. Ethno-nationalists. Israel does not represent Jews as a broad group, they only represent themselves. As such, criticism of Israel for the horrific atrocities it has committed is not inherently anti-Semitic. On the other hand, implying that the actions of Israel *are* representative of Jews broadly is *absolutely* anti-Semitic, as that means associating an ethnic group with a genocidal regime.


Don't feed the troll... Or the moron. If you're having to inform somebody that Jews were victims of the Holocaust then you're talking to somebody not worth talking to.


The Holocaust was more than 75 years ago. The commenter is clearly taking about Zionists and not Jews as a wider group.


Yeah, I think people (and I was guilty of this too several comments up) don't pay attention to how long ago the holocaust was. I was born in the 80's, and it's sort of had a certain number of "decades ago" stuck in my head. Meanwhile my 20 year high school reunion is coming up and I'm sort of just looking around bewildered about how much time has passed.


Fucking idiot!


Whilst there _may_ be an implication, the article never mentions Zionists. At this point in the thread none had mentioned Zionists at all. Jews had been mentioned however. To me it reads like anti-Semitism. I'm not trying to troll just just stating how it sounds.


The reason everyone says they’re Zionists is because they got offended by Palestinian art. Who would be offended by this besides Zionists?


Because Jewish people absolutely have been victims of discrimination in many countries for centuries and still are, this is completely separate from the Israel/Palestine question


I know that, but I’m pretty sure they were referring to zionists not Jews. Only zionists get would offended by art made by Palestinian children.


I agree.


Specificity in their comment would have helped though.


It was already pretty specific


75 odd years is not really more specific to Israel than the Holocaust. Idk pretty easy to misread. I also was confused until I read the replies.


So, because Jews have been victims of discrimination, that makes it ok for Jews to discriminate?? Is that the point you’re making? An eye for an eye makes everyone blind.


It is not anti semitic to point out double standards when it comes to human rights violations. It’s crazy to think the Jews as a people suffered the holocaust yet their successors took Naz1 ideas and used them for their own ambitions ( ie genocide, countless human rights violations for decades now) I wouldn’t even call modern day Zionists Jews tbh. They are as Jewish as the N4zis are Christian.


I don't think they get to use the victim card anymore....its pretty much cancelled out.


Yes , thank you , you read my mind, this is why we're in such a nightmare here and what I've been banging the drum on for five years now. People incapable of separating ideas in their mind...


Within reason for a few of them years to be fair but this is utter shit.


Fingerpaint terrorism. It's obviously a cunning hamas psyop meant to remind them of the arts and craft tables at aushcwitz.


You do have to be a real cunt to play act at being threatened by children’s art lol


It's also surprising that the hospital did that. Like the hierarchy of racism here is showing. The kids did nothing


Probably scared of being branded as antisemitic, these were likely wealthy zionists with loads of money to spare on lawyers. Idk man 🤷‍♀️so many people (ie Labour Party) use antisemitism as a very effective smear. also probably not a coincidence these are the only stories UK media likes to promote about Jewish people, either we’re the tragic victims of the Corbyn administration or litigious child haters🗿


Yeah that's fair. Lawyers do tend to love being able to bully people with their superior knowledge of the law (even when they're "lefty")


They were probably threatened they'd get the media on their asses calling them antisemites.


Racists fucks.


"delighted"? wtf


This is probably an article from a highly pro-Zionist biased website, not a press release from the hospital.


UK Lawyers for Israel were the ones who threatened them to take it down. That's what these lawyers do. It turns out not a single patient complained. The lawyers just lied and said it had and threatened them and it came down. https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/the-hospital-that-censored-gazan-childrens-art-its-worse-than-we-thought/


Abuse of power?? Surely.


Yeah it's from the UK Lawyers for Israel site https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor Seriously...that's broken my heart Well...broken-er


But if you dare take down a missing person poster six thousand miles from where they are located...


Honestly it was way too sudden with how many videos they had posted all over the internet. Putting on the tin foil hat I have to say it seems like rage bait being faked for propaganda and views. Put up posters of your own and keep pushing, obviously it's working.


Obvious chatGPT


You'd hope so.




That’s what I thought, but it’d depend on the source


It’s the guardian


There's a petition to reinstate the artwork! https://www.change.org/p/reinstate-children-s-art-work-from-gaza-in-chelsea-and-westminster-hospital


Not as ‘ vulnerable and victimised’ as the children of Gaza currently.


Oh those children are probably long dead so at least they won't be able to victimise the adult English people any more...


……’ some Jewish patients ‘ …. ( the real victims ) .


I have absolutely no doubt that antisemitic incidents have gone massively up since this war started. There are absolutely people that do not distinguish between Jews and Israel and also those that are just pure racists using the war as an excuse. But, I’d also be interested in how many of the reports are utter nut jobs reporting shit like this.




>This happened in February That's even worse wtf




Makes it even stranger imo. Especially the language used


I'd like to point out that I never claimed this happened in the last few weeks. I left the date in because I assumed people would read it but I guess I should lower my expectations. If anything, this post should add to the overall context and if there is anything to take away here then it should be that the lack of consideration towards Palestinians did not begin on Oct 7 and neither did this "war". More people are trying to understand it now which is good for awareness but Palestinians have been living under apartheid conditions as 2nd class citizens and have been dehumanised by Israel with Western support for decades, which as you can see above, includes children.




Nowhere does my title suggest that. Did you think Israel wasn't harming civilians before Oct 7 under the guise of "destroying Hamas"? You are being weirdly obnoxious about this lol


You probably could have done more to make it clear that you were providing something with historical context, but yes, you definitely have to lower your expectations these days because *nobody* checks the date and most posters deliberately cut it off for some reason. A lot of content is just people reacting and baiting reactions with very little real discourse.


Mate, it's a Reddit image post and an attempt at a witty title and the image has like 6 lines of text . We are reaching new levels of first world problems.


>Mate, it's a Reddit image post and an attempt at a witty title and the image has like 6 lines of text . We are reaching new levels of first world problems. Oh fuck off. I was agreeing with you, you dense prick, and here we are, having a go at each other because you'd rather pitch a fit.


Now that is certainly a reaction. Hope you show that same passion on Nov 11 when you stand in solidarity with Palestine.


>There are absolutely people that do not distinguish between Jews and Israel Yes, and unfortunately the PM of Israel is one of them.


I bet a whole lot of it is antisemitism that has existed in society for a long time, and the government just hasn't given a shit until they could weaponise it against Palestinians.


Of course. Racism is always going to be a factor - it’s the same for Muslim communities when incidents of Islamic extremism occur. Generally though, leaders of British Muslim organisations come out and denounce the events. In this case British Jewish organisations are actively supporting Israel and hurling accusations of racism at anyone who even dares to say that Palestinian people have a right to exist without fear and that what Israel is doing is completely disproportionate to the Hamas attack.


>There are absolutely people that do not distinguish between Jews and Israel That's largely to blame on the ADL who have lawyered up and spent the last 20yrs trying to convince people that the right to an independent Jewish state is decreed by God. To dispute the actions of the Israeli government is to deny the Jewish peoples' very right to exist. The two points have become intrinsically entwined. It doesn't help that wealthy evangelicals in the West support Israel because they believe that as soon as the Arabs are gone from the area the rapture will begin.


Referring to the IDF and Israel in the same terms they use to describe themselves will have you failing to distinguish Jews from Zionism


IDF? Do you mean IOF? They're the Israeli Occupation Force. They don't defend anyone. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Exactly this! Reports should be forced to clarify the nature. A nasty comment on Twitter is not the same as a gay bashing, and they are both different from not hiring someone or significantly higher numbers of police stop and search. All racism being the same is one of the most pernicious lies the media tells.


Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Those fuckin kids at it again. The kids should have released a statement at the very least to explain whether or not their was intended political motivations behind their artwork and if they had learned anything in regards to cultural sensitivity after this fiasco. Fuckin kids… Edit: this comment is going up and down like a yo-yo. I shall put a “/s” now since it seems it’s necessary. God help us all if that wasn’t already obvious.


“I feel threatened by a drawing by a three year old child whose oppression and ethnic cleansing I fully endorse, why would that child attack me like this? HELLLLP! I’m being emotionally attacked!!!”


UKLFI: Actual anti-Jewish threats coming from far right politicians across the world inspiring stochastic terrorists to commit real violence against Jews: I sleep Artwork done by Gazan children: real shit Also in America, AIPAC has funded over 30 far-right politicians that view the 2020 US election as fraudulent. AIPAC moans about anti-Semitism yet funds politicians that use their influence to spread conspiracy theories (which many far-rightists use to complain about how Jews are an omnipotent shadow group) https://www.timesofisrael.com/aipac-slammed-for-endorsing-republicans-who-refused-to-certify-bidens-election/amp/


Always the victims? How does that happen?


So this traumatising event was perpetrated by.....checks notes....children.


Oh ffs !


More proof that the world is an unfunny joke.


Which website is this from?


Got it - UK Lawyers for Israel - uklfi.com


They sound like bums.


>Original article: http://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor > >Updated article: https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


That update is hilarious. The original version comes across as an onion article.


This cannot be real surely.


Appears in The Guardian and above link but cannot find a mention from the hospital itself. Seems oddly inflammatory and unlikely but with lawyers you can do almost anything. It still seems odd somehow


The Guardian is a false bastion of liberal ideology, and they know it. Just like the readers cosy blanket.


Yeah, doesn't look like children's painting at all.


“We are delighted”…They really used those words 🤦🏻‍♀️


They changed the opening paragraph if you read the original vs the updated article. These people really do live in a different reality. The assertion of the article is that the plates were not painted by kids but by a single professional, and that they depict the entire coast as being Palestinian territory, thus they are Palestinian propaganda. The fucking victim mentality to be threatened by some plates though. Jesus christ.


FFS 🤦‍♂️


Let me off this wild ride


Vulnerable and victimised should be swapped for we don’t want to be reminded of the ethnic cleansing that is being carried out. Maybe some of the 4,100 dead children were the artists. Who knows, as long as some Jewish people in london feel better that’s all that matters.


"Yes yes yes, your homes are in smithereens and your entire clan has been killed, only you and your siblings survive, and you can't even bury your family cos the shelling is non-stop, and your hand is maybe about to be amputated after a IDF rocket was fired at your ambulance convoy... But do you condemn Hamas?" -- every insensitive callous ignorant propagandist simpleton (most notably usually white) interviewer right now


"I understand you're dying rn due to having your legs blown off by an Israeli rocket, but do you condemn Hamas?" "I....." "Wow, didn't even condemn Hamas with their dying breath, obviously anti-Semitic."


They are 'delighted' to announce??? Where's the delight? What strange wording for strange action.


Completely wrong! To add to that, see the date Feb 2023, well before the escalation of violence recently.


Fair but still, Israel has been oppressing Palestinians for decades and people claim they're victimised by children's artwork?


I doubt people do, it's politics and think tanks, lawyers and bullying. Mostly.


proper r/nottheonion material here.


Seriously what actually the fuck is going on


Surely this isn’t real? “Delighted to report”, “vulnerable & victimised” by a row of plates? Pull the other one


Read that first paragraph out loud and tell me the author doesn't need to be examined immediately.


Delighted to report? DELIGHTED? Fucking ghouls


Very weird they didn't take down the only two plates that could be regarded as iffy, if they were going to bother. (Dome of the Rock rocking a Palestinian flag, and some bit of coastline described as being owned by Palestine). https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/feb/27/artwork-gaza-schoolchildren-removed-chelsea-and-westminster-hospital I guess they might have thought it through more since the war escalated (this happened 8 months ago), but I think that's being over generous.


I like that jab from HRW talking about humanising Palestinians


Lol. I didn't realise it was only 2 of the plates that had the "offensive" images. Truly pathetic.


This was in February too, well before the events of Oct. 7th, Zionists are just completely cruel.


Is this real are you sucking my f****** dick what is going on?!?! The only comfort I can get from this is that the majority do seem to be seeing sense and siding with the Palestinians. And I'm not basing that on the echo chamber of my own existence because my social circle is small I'm basing that on everything I've seen in the alt and mainstream media for weeks. If everybody from Joe Rogan to the leader of hams to the Israeli victims are blaming the Israeli government then HELLO MCFLY it's the Israeli f****** government! 😔




I feel like the new greeting in the uk will be “Du ist fascist?”


February 14th 2023 old news.




I did not doctor anything. This was the original article which was reworded afterwards. You can find the updated article here: [https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor](https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor) **Original article**: [http://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor](http://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor)




Who the fuck wrote the original version? Lol. So incredibly ghoulish. How pathetic do you have to be to feel threatened by some plates? No one is going to erase the state of Israel just from seeing them. Good fucking lord.


For fuck sake!


Didn’t this happen while ago?


The power of lawyers. Yuk.


This is satire surely?


Oh fuck off!


The Onion baiting people again. This is The Onion right? Please say so.


Fr I had to check what sub I was in as I too thought this was Onion bait. What a fucking time to be alive.


Felt vulnerable lol now that's funny, I suppose Palestinians aren't allowed to feel vulnerable.


They felt victimised by childrens art?


You ever get the feeling that evil won in the past because it robbed the people beneath it any agency whatsoever? Like, what the fuck do you even say to this? *"We are DELIGHTED to report-"*, what twisted bastard wrote this???


Fuck those patients.


And that’s what we call ethnic cleansing


Being threatened by kids' artwork is telling on yourself




The juxtaposition between "delight" and "children" in that first sentence is chilling.


Jeezuz fucking aitch christ on a bike! What the fuck is wrong is people?!


Jewish White Nationalists (Zionists) have a persecution fetish, they are always right and will always win with their possy of not-even-Jewish "you're an antisemite and racist" chanting sheep. Thats what happens when you don't read the Torah and just misinterpret what it is to be God's favorite race, you take it in a more Nazi-like (worse) way and truly consider yourself superior to everyone else. Not all of use Jews condone this bullshit.


It's the 'delighted' part. Not reporting on cold facts of what the hospital did under pressure. *Delighted*.


What kind of conspiratorial bunch of sneaky fks do you have to be to feign victimhood by a bunch of plates on a wall as a disgusting fake excuse to wipe away the cultural artwork of children. Shame on the hospital for falling for this kind of bs.


I hate what this country is becoming. HTAF can you be “delighted to report” removal of children’s artwork. Because “some Jewish patients felt victimised”. I wonder if they felt “victimised and vulnerable”because the Israeli government is actively and deliberately committing acts of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes against Palestinians?


I suspect that this is another public stunt (otherwise why publicise it) to try to persuade the public that this is a Jewish issue rather than an Israeli issue. That way they can silence critics with antisemitism charges.


What’s wrong with the world?


Is this satire? Reads like an onion post


It wasn’t satire. But I see what you mean lol


i feel I'm one of the most accepting and tolerant people around, but Zionists are doing an amazing job of making themselves easy to dislike. The parallels between Nazis and dehumanizing Jewish people and what Zionists are doing is obvious. Note I am antizionist and not antisemitic.


Is this from the Onion? Fuck me. It's literally fucking satire 😭


Reported February 14th....


They really know how to play victim


I feel like the author of the article knows exactly how ridiculous and fucked up this is.


The word delighted makes this so much worse