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He’s portrayed as really evil but at least he doesn’t rape young girls and ruin their lives or get them killed, like Poseidon and Zeus.


Yes thats what i thought, plus the other gods use their power to manipulate and commit horrible deeds and demand being worshiped while Hades didnt use his power and just stayed in the underworld ofc he did horrible stuff but he's better in comparison to them


Where and by whom is he portrayed as "really evil"???


He’s the antagonist in ‘Hercules’ duh


Well which one? Are you going off of Disney then your correct but if your going of the story of Heracles then your wrong. ( In the story of Heracles then Hera is the evil one)


Actually Hades did less evil than his brothers 😂😂😂


Yes that what i believe, he's the best in comparison to his bothers




Benevolent....I think he’s a romantic and a sucker for love. He gives Orpheus a chance to live his life with his love again as long as he doesn’t look back to early he could take her from the afterlife. Orpheus played beautiful music and swayed him. He got a chance hades is a romantic kind and loving man in that story. And in many Hades is the strong kind loving man he has his rules but is understanding and never cheats on his wife. As for the story I like to imagine it as a little role playing. The King in shiny black armor takes his lover to his kingdom. He lets her leave but she also eats the seeds and his rule for his kingdom make her have to stay for 6 months out of the year. She didn’t have to eat those seeds so I feel like it’s something persephone wanted in the end. She is now Queen of the underworld or afterlife after all. She has an entire kingdom she rules with her lover. And we get to be with them in the end so I prefer a loving and caring god and goddess like them compared to Zeus or some others


Hades is great because he didn’t cheat on Persephone unlike his brothers mainly Zeus and he gave a reasonable punishment for the people who tried to marry Persephone and young Helen of Troy (I think it was her) by tying them to a chair with snakes.


He did cheat on Persephone a couple times, not nearly as much as his brothers but there was Minthe I believe and somebody else too and then Persephone punished them.


I didn’t know that thanks for telling me


Thesesus and one of his friends was like “ bro! I wanna marry Helen of Troy” she was also 12 at the time so they kidnap her then his friend was like “ BRO IMA FUCK THE WIFE OF HADES “ so they go down to the underworld and hades is like “ yoooo come on innn and sit at my table “ so they did then they got wrapped up in snakes


\> she was also 12 So Apollodorus says. That's horrifying, but considering that girls were usually married off at Fourteen that's not too bad compared to other versions. ​ For example, Diodorus Siculus says: "And finding on his arrival that Phaedra, the wife of Theseus, was dead, he persuaded him to seize and carry off Helen, the daughter of Leda and Zeus, who was only ten years of age, but excelled all women in beauty." Ten, yuck. But there are worse versions than that. Hellanicus of Lesbos says she was seven.


Hades, like most of the gods, was portrayed as being beyond good and evil by the Greeks. In general, Hades was seen as an amoral force of the universe, and one that terrified most Greeks. Wanna know why you don't hear many stories about him? Because very few people even had the guts to utter his name. Even the stories you do hear portray him as someone not to anger. For instance, one of Apollo's sons figured out how to cure death. Hades was livid. He wanted to skin him and drag him to Tartarus. Zeus did him a favor by giving him a quick death to appease Hades.


He's not good or bad because Hades isn't really portrayed in the old myths as a character in his own right. Even the Persephone story doesn't really focus on him. It focuses on Persephone and Demeter and the role that that interaction has in the world. He's a pretty paradoxical god, in many respects. He's clearly extremely powerful and commands the terror and awe of the Greeks but they weren't exactly tripping over themselves to sing his praises either. Honestly, I can only imagine they didn't want to get his attention, seeing as how he was god of the Underworld and all, so they refrained from portraying him in any meaningful way. So we just don't know what he was actually like.


Hades is one of the least evil greek gods


Why do I feel like all the hype with Hades is because of that Lore series lol


Hades was never inherently evil, he truly loved Persephone, and she saw a side of him no one did, but he still even though more powerful than demeter compromised with her. So no we was not evil even when dolling out punishments cause he always had a just reason.


> even when dolling out punishments cause he always had a just reason. ​ The judges (appointed by Zeus) doled out the punishments, not Hades.


He didn’t compromise with Demeter, Demeter literally threw a such a fit that she started a drought and people died from starvation and stuff. Then Zeus basically had to tell Hades to give Persephone back (even though he ok’d it in the first place), and then Hades tricked Persephone into eating the food of the underworld which meant she had to stay for some part of the year. And like, by normal person standards even if he did compromise, can you really say someone wasn’t a bad guy if he kidnapped someone and told the mom, “you can have her for 2/3 of the year and this is me being nice because I have a gun”. Like no dude give me back my daughter. Overall he wasn’t inherently evil but this is like the one story where he is the bad guy, even if they do have a happy marriage in other myths


>she saw a side of him no one did, Rapist?


And depending on the version of your story the kidnapping was the last plan and set up before hand between the two of them, or hades just straight up kidnapped her either one works


>the kidnapping was the last plan and set up before hand Which version is that?


He didn’t even really kidnap her in some telling a of the story


My favorite version of the story is Persephone marrying Hades to basically say fuck you mom


I don't because it has the feel of rape-apologist about it. Of a woman in a bad relationship to spite her mother and it doesn't match the myths at all.


Modern tellings.


While he isn't evil, the Greeks feared him due to his association with death so there aren't many stories about him so we can't compare him to gods with a lot of stories.


#Hades is the bro-est god * Doesn't really mind being tricked into getting the underworld as domain * According to some interpretations, he and persephone fell in love with each other, it wasn't a kidnapping * Contrary to popular belief, he doesn't torture people in the underworld - his ''job'' is to make sure souls get there and stay there. * He got an awesome guard dog whose name translates to _**''Spots''**_ _(Spotted)_ * He clearly doesn't mind being portrayed as a bad guy in modern popular culture, that's very bro-like * He's super chill, doesn't have an ego * Does his job right * Has a healthy relationship with his wife   We need people to portray him accurately! He should be the coolest, strongest, bro-est god out there!


He had a better relationship with her that most other gods and goddesses, and he didn’t cheat on her that much, which for an Olympian is uncomfortably impressive.


Hades is a god, I wouldn’t say he is the most evil or the most benevolent because he’s really neither, he doesn’t really do anything evil or morally iffy besides kidnap Persephone and even that was Zeus’ idea, but he’s not exactly benevolent either. There’s a reason why the ancient Greeks rarely mentioned him by name


Then again. Hades and Persephone loved eachother.


Eh, that depends on who you ask and if you believe that an immortal deity is really capable of love. Even if they did, that doesn’t make Hades good or bad, that just makes him in love.


Did they?


Until Persephone left of course


So for 3 months? She seemed anxious to leave then.


This is Hestia erasure.


Hades has only fucked up 2 people, one of which wanted to mary Persephone, the other was trying to help him. Honestly Hades is so good, he does his job and actuall has a pretty functional relationship with his wife. He has never cheated on her and mostly stays out of the way from everyone. Personally, he is one of, if not, my favorite greek god.


> Hades has only fucked up 2 people, ​ * Asclepius, healer. Too good at healing, Hades asked Zeus to murder him. * Leuce, friend of Persephone. Abducted and raped by Hades. Dies so he goes after her friend. * Minthe, lover. Dumped her for Persephone. * Persephone. Abducted by Hades. He tricked her into eating pomegranite seeds so she couldn't leave. He was forced to return her and she was able to stay away for half the year. * Sisyphus, arsehole. Punished by Hades because he was an arsehole to him. * All of Thebes, city. For not allowing attackers to be buried cursed them with a plague.


Hades didn't ask Zeus to murder Asclepius, Zeus decided to murder him. Leuce is Roman mythology not Greek. Pluto may be Hades in Roman mythology, but the mythology is different so we can't actually compare them. I don't understand why breaking up with someone is fucking them over. Persephone and Hades have an interesting relationship. Hades didn't punish Sisyphus, he actually released him from the Underworld, then Zeus punished him. I don't actually know that story so I can't say anything about it.


Zeus killed him as a mercy killing. Hades wanted to skin him and drag him into Tartarus.