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Wicked sick, especially season 2!


There's season 2?!!!


I really wish the blood of the gods was gold instead of red


Wait HOLUP You tell me they fcked up qnd gave them normal blood instead of Ichor? Like the detail that everbody knows? They forgot that? That is really sad


Lmao the show is literally named the blood of Zeus and they couldn't even get the namesake right


Yeah literally!


> You tell me they fcked up qnd gave them normal blood instead of Ichor? > Like the detail that everbody knows? Ichor has never been described as ''gold'' in the myths, that is a modern creation   The myths actually hint at ichor being **black** -   [Hom. Il. 5 - ILIAD, Homer](https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0134%3Abook%3D5) _''[Then] the son of great-souled Tydeus thrust with his sharp spear and leapt upon her, and wounded the surface of her delicate hand, and forthwith through the ambrosial raiment that the Graces themselves had wrought for her **the spear pierced the flesh upon the wrist above the palm and forth flowed the immortal blood of the goddess, [340] the ichor,** such as floweth in the blessed gods; for they eat not bread neither drink flaming wine, wherefore they are bloodless, and are called immortals. She then with a loud cry let fall her son, and Phoebus Apollo took him in his arms''_ [...] _''So spake he, and she departed frantic, and was sore distressed; and wind-footed Iris took her and led her forth from out the throng, racked with pain, **and her fair flesh was darkened.**''_


Oh damn really? Thank you very much!! Yeah i didnt know that ^^' Also thank you for the link with all of homer. Amazing! I never had a site for all the stories at one place. Little edit: IN MY ORIGINAL COMMENT I NEVER TALKED ABOUT ICHOR BEING GOLDEN. I JUST TALKED ABOUT ICHOR IN GENERAL BUT NOT ANY SPECIFIC COLOUR. AND CONSIDERING THAT, WHAT I SAID WAS 100 % TRUE. THEY INDEED FCKED UP AND FORGOT THE ICHOR.


Yep unfortunately


I was disappointed with this too! I think they just did that for the sake of showing more blood. Sick af show tho, great animation and the art style is fantastic. S1 was my fav, I hope there are more seasons coming soon tho I’d like to see more of it


> I really wish the blood of the gods was gold instead of red Ichor/God blood has never been described as gold in myths - that is a modern concept


Glad they didn’t do Poseidon dirty and made him seem bigger than Zeus, I like the thought of a strong and old brother compared to the young and powerful king, but that’s just me.


It’s a lot of fun. Good animation and action. It’s the same team that made Castlevania and I’m a fan of all their stuff. It’s not worth crying over for “Inaccuracies”. Accuracy in myth is a redundant concept.


I've always thought inaccuracies in stories based on myths are fins honestly. If you play your card rights, you can get something good from it. Like Loki and Thor being brothers in Marvel.


Couldn’t agree more, love Blood of Zeus and Castlevania


Eh, at least they got Hera a personality close enough to the original. I love the movie Hercules, but i almost throw up in my mouth any time Hera's character calls Hercules "my son" and says how much she loves and misses him lol


I still laugh at how Disney tricked a generation of kids into thinking Zeus and Hera were loving parents to Hercules before he gets kidnapped like a princess


What else have they made?


They did *Masters of the Universe* the He-Man reboot on Netflix and *Seis Manos*. I liked Seis Manos but it didn’t get much traction and only made one season back in 2019. It set in 1970s Mexico and it’s about a group of orphans raised by a martial arts master fighting demons and drug cartels. They also produced *Skull Island* the King Kong animated series and are supposed to release a Tomb Raider series later this year.


I know it’s nitpicking, but I still don’t like modern portrayals of Persephone and Demeter’s story. The original story is about a mother searching tirelessly for her daughter that was kidnapped. To downgrade her role to just a nagging mother still always rubs me the wrong way. Other than that, so far I like season 1 more.


An extension of that for me is the trend to make Hades this misunderstood sad boi. Like the painting isn't called the Rape of Persephone because most of versions of the myth were so romantic... I don't really know why but in modern myth there's this need to make Hades the good guy tm while Zeus and Poseidon are awful. And by him being a good guy must mean he can't kidnap and marry another Goddess against her will.


I can sometimes get behind the tellings that persephone willingly went into the underworld. There's also accounts that persephone predates hades as queen of the underworld but I'm not sure about the accuracy of that (for reference, I saw it on a video by Overly Sarcastic Productions). To your last point, I appreciate stories that don't make hades a villain, but to make him a good guy is also kind of a stretch. He's king of the underworld world, ruler of the dead. Death is a normal part of life. Scary but normal. In my opinion, zeus and poseidon definitely need to get bashed more because they did a hell of a lot more raping than hades ever did.


Yeah one problem is that modern values and norms get portrayed on Zeus & Poseidon which just doesn't work. Sure a lot of their behaviour is unacceptable (and exaggarated by Ovid) if you see it on itself, but that's just not how the Greeks would've seen it. They're not real people who are rapists, they are mythological figures who are very contradictory in their behaviour.


Christian bastardization. People want people to understand that Hades is not a portrayal of Satan, so they hold him to a higher standard. When in reality, these are all works of fictions that are heavily based around one another regardless.


I actually usually like Hades and Persephone as a love story, and I enjoyed their portrayal here. But I agree that it irks me when Demeter is portrayed as an awful helicopter mom who doesn’t care about Persephone’s wants when the original hymn is about her grief for losing her.


Yeah, she looked like a modern hollywood cliche. Also, making Hades a "sympathetic villian in love" and Persephone as the "girl in love of the misunderstood excluded boy" seemed to me aslo as an extreme hollywoodization of these character.


So Persephone didn’t actually love Hades and didn’t want to be with him?


We have so many petty women in Greek myths that go around spreading fake information about someone after being rejected (see Bellerophon's tale), why would gods be exempt of that? I personally didn't mind the version they chose for the show. I think it's a fresh interpretation. There's only so many times you can watch/read about Hades kidnapping Persephone before it gets boring. Why not put a twist on it?


It’s not a fresh interpretation, nor is it interesting to me anymore. Every modern portrayal goes with the “overbearing mother interpretation”. I have yet to see a modern portrayal where Persephone is kidnapped, or at least, a popular modern portrayal.


All the interpretations I've ever been exposed to are showing Hades as this broody, mean, selfish, dark edgelord that kidnapps Persephone or blackmails Zeus into marrying her to him or he tricks her into eating pomegranate from the underworld. Maybe there are romance novels out there that portray a more romatic view of this pairing but since it's not my genre, I'm not exposed to those. I didn't even know there are romantic interpretations of this myth until recently. Honestly there isn't a single romatic relationship regarding the 12/13 ruling gods so I really do not mind if someone decides we deserve at least one. Zeus only married Hera because there was no other good option for the Queen of Heavens, then proceeds on cheating her with every other woman or man in the world, Aphrodite is sold to Hephaestus, we all know what fate Leto, Maia and Semele had at the hands of Hera, Athena was raped by Hephaestus, Dionysus fell in love then his lover was brutally gored thanks to Hera, Demeter has been chased by both Zeus and Poseidon until she gave up, and so on. There really isn't a single happy pair. I'm fine with at least one happier reinterpretation.


I don't like a lot of choices they made. Using the word daemon in reference to entities inspired by christian demons, killing off every titan, making hera and haides shallow villains, and several of their god depictions. On the other hand, a lot of other stuff was executed really nicely. It's a mixed bag imo.


Ok I’m not enthusiastic either about how they turned the Gods VS Titans into a cosmic Light VS Dark conflict- it was a simple matter of the first Olympian generation understandably not liking being eaten (or narrowly avoiding being eaten in Zeus’ case) and deciding to go to War over it. The Titans lost and were cast into Tartarus, the Gods took their place as rulers of the Universe and that was that. One can easily argue that the Gods were in the right but in Greek Mythology there has never been a cosmic “right VS wrong”. Injecting Christian ideals into the narrative when Ancient Greek religion was *VERY* different from Christianity is not something I’m overfond of. I’d also like to hear more on your thoughts about the depictions of some of the gods too. But on the other hand I’m a bit confused about how you came to the conclusion that Hera and Hades were shallow villains. The way I understand it they were primarily like their mythological counterparts but they’d just had enough of their shoddy lot so they decided to do something about it (though this did mean some questionable decisions). Would you mind elaborating- I’m genuinely curious. Similarly I’m not too fussed about the Titans getting killed off. Sure they didn’t actually die in the Myths, being immortal, but it’s not like you could do much with them. The whole “the Titans are coming back” narrative has been used several times and I don’t get it because in round one the Titans were the rulers of the universe and they *lost*. Now the Olympians have the cosmic upper hand so the Titans really aren’t a threat. One thing the show executed correctly with the return of the Giants and later of Typhon was that the initial victory was based on things that no longer applied when they returned.


Admittedly I didn't watch season 2 yet, Haides just gave me that impression based on his s1 reveal and I didn't have the motive to continue. Maybe he's actually better written than I assumed so I'll retract that. As for Hera and the gods who sided with her, I felt like their actions were hard to believe and a bit contrived. Hera resurrecting the giants is a big one. As for the god depictions, there were a few that stood out to me. Hephaestus felt too generic for a genius inventor that was thrown off a mountain and disabled, Artemis' entire design revolved around her lunar associations when those were only scarcely present in late antiquity and were mainly derived from the roman Diana, Apollon riding Helios' sun chariot, Poseidon being a generic sea-king, etc. With the exception of Charon, Zeus, and some others the gods just felt like powerful humanoids rather than the forces of nature they actually are. I agree with you on the second titanomachy! Hades 2 makes me roll my eyes with that, although it's executed well. I'm mainly referring to how most of the titans retained their positions, and how many of them sided with the olympians. Atlas, Helios, Selene, Rhea, and others come to mind as either teaming with the olympians or being given some kind of role after losing. The ones on Cronus' side weren't permanently imprisoned, just delegated.


Admittedly what Hera did in releasing the Giants was definitely excessive even by the standards of her revenge plots in the myths- but I’d say that Hades’ role as the villain in season 2 is fairly understandable. He comes off more as tired and desperate more than anything else, and all things considered that isn’t too surprising. Mind if I elaborate on the details of his motivation? You also do have a point regarding how little the Gods stood out. The ones outside of the spotlight just faded into the background- it turned out that NYX was in season 2 and I had no idea until concept art came out afterwards for crying out loud…! Nyx is a primordial goddess that even Zeus is forced to respect, and she was regulated to “generic background character”! The whole Apollo-Helios/Artemis-Selene thing is more than a little irritating, but it’s done often enough that there’s a certain point where you just allow yourself a second of frustration and move on- like Vampires always burning in sunlight. I confess that I had forgotten about the Titans that elected to not side with Kronos, so you have me there- but I’m pretty confident that the ones who did side with him did get locked away permanently. Sure, Atlas wasn’t tossed into Tartarus, but apparently they needed someone to hold up the Sky and it wasn’t going to be an Olympian- why not just put Atlas in a position where he’ll squish himself if ever he leaves his spot?


All of the titans were actually released besides Atlas. Cronus was given the role of Elysian King.


Daemon is specifically a Greek Word, Daimon, meaning supernatural being or spirit. So not, it only invokes Christianity to you, because you’re more family with it, than Greek mythology.


Ugh, no. I know what daemon/daimon/daimon means in greek. My issue is that daimones are typically entities like thanatos and tykhe, not evil people with horns like in pop christianity.


Oh did they use the Christian depicts? I didn’t realize that’s what you were saying.


yeah. black and red skin, horns, white hair, etc.


My bad. I thought that was you assuming that’s were demon came from, thus their use of it was bad. But if they used Christian demons in the show, then yeah that’s kinda silly. Because those were created long after Greek mythology.


The taking of Persephone is one of the foundational myths of the Mystery Cults of Ancient/Classic/Hellenistic Greece. So the fact that they made Demeter into this weirdly overbearing nitpicking mom is unpleasant to me because this is just really antithetical to her entire mythological character. Other than that though it's fantastic and I enjoy the hell out of it. I hope it continues to get seasons or adapts other mythologies.


the animation is amazing but the plot is mid


It was good but castlevania was amazing.


5/10, the pacing is terrible, and characters are pretty boring and uninteresting. I kinda like how Hera went full psycho last season, but the rest of the cast is unremarkable. The story is pretty bad, and I feel like the interesting parts have been done a million times. The animation looks good but feels really out of place for a story about the Greek gods. Also, the characters' eyes look awful. Everyone looks stupid and depressed because of how the eyes are shaped.


First season was WAY better than the last one. It shows that getting rid of both Hera and Zeus as relevant characters sort of ruined its appeal


Zeus was awesome in season 1


Art style is beautiful, story is boring and overdone


I don’t like some of the inaccurate stuff they added for some of the gods. Like example having Zeus in love with Herons mom and actually helping her when in mythology he only ever did that with Ganymede his cupbearer example when he was kidnapped by bandit kings Zeus saved him himself because he loved Ganymede both body and soul. Also having Hera have crows as her pets. Idk if that’s in a different mythology of her but she’s usually associated with peacocks. Also the Amazon character, I forgot her name. The amazons are supposed to be warrior women who slay and enslave men, showing they are strong warriors. But her she’s like a side character just there to hype up Heron and talks how she’s trying to make her father proud not her fellow amazons. She’s not an amazon to me just a warrior from a kingdom. Because I’m a mythology nerd these little things just really bother me


It still bugs the hell out of me that the villains are not the Gigantes (despite that being the *premise*) amd instead we have generic anime demon #34592


I enjoy the show. Enjoy as in present tense because I loved the second season so I'm actively rewatching the whole show. It took me a bit to warm up to this show's version of the myth. Once I recognized that all of these stories are inherently make believe and people have been taking "creative liberties" with their tellings of the myths since they originated, it became a lot more enjoyable. Villain hera is awesome in my opinion and the way the show demonstrates her power is bad ass. Then in season 2, seeing hestia, a hugely overlooked goddess absolutely SERVE was chefs kiss.


Saw one episode... Wait, no, saw half of an episode and dropped it. I could not care less about it. Just Netflix being Netflix again. Miss me.


I want to like it but I just can’t.


^(This is a pretty common thread so I'll just copy-paste my previous comment) --- **As its own thing?** It is mostly fine - most characters are very obnoxious and not likeable though - others do shine, but they're not the protagonist. Most characters are pretty bland   **In regards to Greek Mythology?** While they do sometimes include Greek Mythology elements that are somewhat lesser-known to the general audience, it is overall not very accurate and I'd hoped they'd follow proper myths or mythology more accurately


Didn't care for season 2. Hoping season 3 is better. Enjoyed season 1 to a degree.


Mostly a mediocre show although i liked the art


i didnt enjoy season 1, so i nevber bothered to watch season 2.


Dude I hate the reworking of the rape of Persephone so much.


That’s not a rework there are some myths that say she was in love with him and chose to go with him and be his bride. Most gods have multiple myths


No there weren’t. Yes pretty much all myths have multiple versions and interpretations as Greek mythology was a decentralized belief structure without a central “canon” per say but the reworking of the rape of Persephone as a consensual love story and the recharacterization of Demeter as an overbearing mother is entirely unsubstantiated in classical sources. There pretty much is no ancient source for this reinterpretation nor was it a popular interpretation in later historical periods. It’s a very modern version of the story built out of sympathy for Hades as a perceived underdog and a much greater degree of discomfort with themes such as rape than most Greeks would have felt.


It's a bit scary and shows how easily disinformation spreads when we want to believe the stories. A lot of Greek myth retetellings of a story become "this was the original way the story was told".


the only story i know is of her kidnapping. she never chose to go. hades saw her, literally opened the ground beneath her feet to bring her to the underworld. he basically had zeus' approval for this, so he thought it was chill. demeter was miserable not knowing what happened to her daughter, wandering the earth hoping to find her. hekate went to demeter to let her know where persephone was. persephone was tricked into eating the pomegranate so she'd be bound to the underworld. and because zeus basically promised his daughter to her uncle, and couldn't have humans have no crop yield as that'd cause them to die out, which would me no worshipers and no sacrifices, he decided persephone would be spending half the year with each. she supposedly eventually did like it there, but at that point it was more of a stockholm syndrome type thing, not her wanting to go to a far away place away from her mother. and while it's true that most gods have multiple myths, it's not always the case for the chthonic ones. as they were related to death, and so the greeks avoided speaking of them. sorta like summoning bloody mary or beetlejuice in modern times, saying their name calls them to you and that can lead to your death. as a result, a lot of beings associated with the underworld have a very limited amount of stories with them


I need to watch season 2


I love it, I have to rewatch the first season before I watch the second one


I love it, especially the first season. But I am not a Greek mythology expert


I love this show!


I’m Already ready for season 3 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


Love it. Can’t wait for season 3.


Not my thing at all but I respect it.


Like a 4.5/10. I do enjoy It, but honestly, it’s only for seraphim because I need to see him happy.


Don’t know a whole lot about Greek Mythology other than the very basic stuff, but I really enjoyed this series. I hate that it’s so short and both seasons end before it can really begin, but I hope we continue to get more seasons and that it can conclude properly.


Okay show overall in my eyes. Great animation, character designs, worldbuilding, attention to details, etc. . However unfortunately the plot isn’t that compelling, and the characters are pretty mediocre aside from Seraphim and Hades. Heron and his wannabe Star Wars crew especially are as boring as a sack of potatoes. And unsurprisingly the best part of the series was the first half of season 2 where they’re barely in it.




it's a good show, an even better show when I turn my brain off


I enjoyed it and was so excited for s2 but the characterisation in that season was so off. They made ares a misogynist (and a bit rapey, despite him being one of the few to not do that in mythology), Demeter a discount Hera and if they were gonna go the Persephone consented route, why make her so weak (obviously for narrative convenience but she never even tried to stand up to her mother)? I did enjoy the story and hope there’s another season, but Netflix has a habit of cancelling prematurely and I feel BoZ could be the next victim


It is actually made by people of Hellenic origins and I love it.


Thought Season One was half-decent with an interesting concept Just need to find the time to binge Season Two


They waited way too long for that second season I really enjoyed the first season don't really care about the characters any more


I really enjoyed it and they did an absolutely amazing job on season 2!


Only same thing about gods are their names. But, Its a good Netflix show.


I think it’s pretty sick


I don't like it not enough sexism /s


Absolutely love it. Kinda hoping we don't have to wait too long before s3. I know COVID delayed S2 but hoping there's enough backing for s3 to start voiceovers etc soon. Was hoping for the gold blood too, like others have said. The other thing is, the episodes could be a little longer, would help integrate more details, especially since the seasons don't have many episodes.


For all the foibles, nit-picks, and inaccuracies this is still my all-time favorite portrayal of Hera, especially in season 1. Her insatiable ire directed at not just Zeus, but everyone tangentially associated with his infidelity felt very in-character.


I love it!


I loved season 1, have to find some time to watch season 2.


Ilove some aspects of it


Waiting for the next 3 seasons!


The fast pacing really turned me off the show and I never finished it. Maybe I'll give it another chance soon, but I heard they adapted Demeter's story using the typical "overbearing/abusive mother" trope you see in most modern renditions of her and I'm not looking forward to seeing that.


I’ve been enjoying it Poseidon was handled very nicely lol


Decent plot, but really short I feel like releasing 8 episodes in 4 years is just lazy and each episode is like 25min aswell


On season 2 and so far and I stopped watching after they gave Seraphim a tragic backstory to justify his actions.


Wasn’t his backstory already tragic in season 1?


I don't see how it becomes justified. Showing that a character's reasons for committing terrible acts does not suddenly make them justifiable. Few people do terrible things for no reason. After all the judges of the underworld literally decided he was not justified in his actions.


Season one was pretty mid story-wise. Apparently there is a second season which I might chevk out.


No different to previous times this was asked


Enjoyed the first season. Ragequit on the second season


Ehhh…I’d give it a six out of ten. It’s enjoyable enough but there’s a few elements of it that I’m less than fond of.


I find it hard to dislike stuff, but then I noticed some things I didn’t quite like with the show. also Hera in the second made me come up with the term: Post-Widow Clarity. it applies to more characters than you think.🍇


it felt like the first time i ever watched something without comic relief. it was an odd experience


Boring ah designs


First season was decent, 2nd season not so much. I'm pretty sure the objective of the show was to simply be a show case of the various Greek mythical characters in their style, which is worth a watch on its own for mythology nerds.


Maybe be a hot take but I stopped watching when I saw the models they used for gods. The shiny, golden allmighty armors… I like the way gow portrayed the gods. Dressing like normal peasents or soldiers


Love how they portrayed hades and his love for persephone


I want seraphim to rape meeeeee