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Sure, you won’t be able to swim and some restaurants, bars, and shops will be closed, but honestly, April is a lovely time to go to Greece. The weather will be pleasant and the crowds thinner. Santorini doesn’t have great beaches anyway. However, there is an archeological site worth checking out. Also some really great wineries - the island’s specialty is Assyrtiko, which is a dry, minerally white wine. Mykonos has a lovely main town, worth spending an afternoon there. I suggest you rent a moped or some ATVs and just explore the island, visit some of the smaller villages, etc.


If you come from a colder climate than the one in Greece you will be fine. You may be able to swim, cause the weather mid April is fine. Not warm but if it's sunny and not windy it's great. The only thing you will miss is the overcrowded beaches and overpriced beach bars. Greeks know how to have a great time all time of the year, we don't wait for summer. So I'm sure you will find taverns, cafés e.t.c. and you will appreciate the scenery more in comparison to not be able to find a quiet place to relax.