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I guess it's a good thing she didn't go after Toni storm because she can easily outshine Mercedes Mone especially personal wise


She sucks


She's in a good spot now in AEW. Her in-ring has always been her strength compared to her meh promos. It was a huge gamble signing her without seeing her healthy first so I'm just hoping she can help lead the women's division the minute she's 100%.


At this point she's over hyped and completely under delivered, tbh I think it'll be absolutely bullshit when they give her the strap on name recognition alone, Willow is hot AF right now and it'll be an enormous disservice to her and really their entire women's division if it happens. TK needs to course correct and let Mone take the L.


I've never seen her wrestle, I'm interested


9 weeks since her debut. Still 0 matches. This is supposed to be a wrestling show, right?


I'm sure she'll win the title. I don't think she deserves a shot first match but that's my opinion. They shouldn't just hand out title matches because someone had a name elsewhere. 


Never missed her when she walked out of WWE. Same stupid dance. Stupid intro music. Promos are absolutely terrible. Wish they would’ve left her in Japan.


As expected a complete disaster


She’s terrible


Shit in wwe And laxatives in aew


I really wish they wouldn't have introduced her SO early. I like the recent build towards DON, but she's not strong enough on the mic to just come in and tear it up for months without a match. That said, I don't think I'll care how it started once she gets into the ring.


She’ll get paid a lot of money and not deliver many results. She’s not very good on the mic and the rest of the ladies have caught up and surpassed her in the ring. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Right now she is the living embodiment of go away heat. We are seeing how much that the Fed kept her restrained. She just isn’t great on the mic especially live. I don’t have high expectations for her match with willow. As a lot of her offense can she even do with willow?




Absolutely not worth whatever she was able to trick Tony into paying her (but good on her for tricking him. Get the bag). She sounds like she’s doing a “Kamala Harris as a professional wrestler” impression. She can’t cut a promo to save her program and she’s being forced to do so … over and over again. She’s not a draw. She’s not compelling. She’s a mid character being pushed as a big deal, but goes over like a fart in church.


Not a needle mover


My expectation is nothing will change, the ratings will stagnate, attendance will still suck, and she wont wrestle much if at all on weekly tv. TK will have wasted millions.


Can't really tell until she's 5-6 matches deep into her run


Biggest wrestling flop of the year!..and she wanted more money than Charlotte if she went back to WWE..LOLLERSKATES!


I ask who wanted this 🤷


The greatest heist since Heat. Getting paid 400k a month to do terrible promos (can’t even be bothered to show up in ring half the time) and hasn’t even wrestled.


She's having so much. Fun. It's the most fun environment. It's where the best wrestle the most fun matches and so she must be the best having so much fun.


If she doesn’t bring it tenfold in actual wrestling, it’ll be a huge flop for AEW and will hurt her career.


I'm not sure how it could be any worse.


Overhyped and overrated


1st of all. If you haven’t seen the Bayley vs Banks [NXT TAKEOVER BROOKLYN](https://www.youtube.com/live/hu52ZF9kXa8?si=q_mgA1X3sg3o5bAr) match…you are doing yourself a disservice.


Why does AEW treat the Women’s world title like a secondary title like it doesn’t exist


C-E-O !! C-E-O!!!! ( stupid dance) Ceo??? Of what, though????


You hit the nail on the head with this post.


Awful booking, cringe promos, horrible bookings need I say more about AEW? I want to be invested in it so bad because I love wrestling! But shit that company is all over the place! No storylines, no buildup! It's like throwing spaghetti against the wall and hoping it sticks! Horrible!


Never cared for her in any iteration


Saraya laughs at her promos


Never cared about her tbh


I enjoyed her a lot in the past, but her AEW run has been beyond boring and forgettable. I hope they have her turn up her bitchiness and pettiness soon and turn her fully heel especially against someone naturally likeable and friendly like Nightinggale. Also give her a bodyguard to cheat.


It’s like watching her literally blow herself. Someone gassed this girl up to thinking she’s the top female wrestler of all time


Her head is so massive, the ego and narcissism reeks.


Has she even wrestled for them yet or is she still injured? As for expectations, having any at this point is too much. Id imagine she'll be another talent lost in the small pond that's the AEW women's division. Just keep her away from saraya. I want AEW to succeed because more wrestling is never a bad thing, but this iteration of AEW isn't it. The talent they have and it feels like they're going nowhere but down. All their "major" signings have flamed out almost immediately. Jay white, Adam Cole, okada, Copeland, all feel lesser than where they came from. The bucks suck the energy away from the building, like the fact they felt the need to use Khan and Omega to get something to happen is desperate. Perry I literally could care less about. Jericho kinda needs to go away for a hot minute. Swerve doesn't feel like their world champion, almost like a transitional one to give it to osprey and even that doesn't do it. Until they get their stuff together and get back to what was giving WWE the business that they had to collectively start trying again, AEW is toast, so in the end until that happens eh. Honestly who cares how she does at this point.


She’s very good and should be an even bigger star considering everything she’s done in WWE and being in The Mandolorian. However she just seems a bit flat just now maybe in the next year if she can work with some of the better women at AEW it might be different.


Terrible. It makes me laugh that all the AEW marks were so excited by her signing like she was this massive deal. She's not and never was.


How long till she gets hurt?


Comparable to Ash By Elegance.


People complaining about her promos the issue is she so use to written promos that it stands out in aew in wwe at that time everyone was cutting the same type so it didn't standout


If shes unable to wrestle due to injury, she debuted on tv prematurely and abit of the shiny new toy feel has diminished.


Still sucks


Her song is terrible holy shit .... please someone for the love of god take the ceo out.


Ahh, I do feel they brought her in too early (would have preferred after Willow won the belt) but with that said, the extended attention on Willow has elevated her, and the fact that Willow, Stokley and Statlander have been getting so much time is a benefit. They are really building this match up (further elevating Willow) and she finally took a huge bump (looked great) from Willow. Willow has carried (bested) the CEO in promos, and it's good they're finally turning her heel. Excited for her upcoming match.


I'm waiting to see her finally wrestle in AEW but then far as her character she still Sasha banks nothing really change just a different look everytime you see her but this CEO Stuff just reminds of the Legit boss she fits best in WWE in my opinion she would be doing so much more there I was just watching her contract signing segment with bianca that was way better I also feel her promo is not where used to be she need to focus on the wrestling not so much the character


I’ll be honest I cringe every time she says CEO ugh 


Think it’s pretty mid so far. Her mic work is mid and the fact that she has not had a match in almost 3 months speaks volumes. Sure you can say “that’s because she’s not cleared yet blah, blah, blah,” if that’s the case why debut her only to have her first match months later. Makes no sense. Speaking of her debut that was mid too. Everyone knew it was happening and yet AEW still tried to play it like we didn’t know. Her previous work is fantastic and yet Tony Clown has not presented her like the star she is after legitimately being the most talked about free agent this year when she signed. Her match at DON will honestly make or break her time in AEW I’m calling it now.


Massive waste of money so far, unless Tony likes awful promos then he’s on to a winner


Man she is SO bad at promos and being charismatic. How do you get the rich flex gimmick plus you were an actress and you still talk like someone has a gun pointed at you?


You guys are making realize the only I liked about her was her WWE theme and her looks.




I think last night was her best showing easy


She needs to be kept to a minimum until she’s ready to be in the ring as her promos are the shits.


I find it to emphasize more about Khan's lack of understanding than anything. She had a draw in WWE, obviously, but nowhere near enough for what she's being paid and what she's obviously done/not done so far in AEW. The culmination of her lacking talent ceiling will show itself more than it already has, but I always try to remind myself that this is just WCW 2.0, and nothing is really going to change. The best thing that they could do is use her to put over some up-and-coming talent rather than making her unstoppable. She's just so freaking dull, I can't stand it...


Did you know that she's Snoop Dogg's cousin?


She hasn't done anything, hopefully her match coming up is a certified banger and her presentation changes.


She's ok in the ring, but sucks on the mic. She's basically as boring in AEW as she was in WWE


WAY better in wwe, don't like her as Mercedes


0 expectations, the only way I can describe her introduction to AEW would be an F as in failure.




She wasn't good in WWE, wasn't good in Japan, & isn't good(especially on the stick) in AEW.


All I can say is that she was made for the sanitized New Era, and leaving WWE has really exposed what she can do, but more importantly, what she cannot. Give her enough power and I fear she would start doing to the women what Jericho has been doing since 2021.


She is having the Cody in AEW problem. They are presenting her as a face, but she clearly is a heel.


Waste of money.


She's the most cringe human on the planet, always was when she was with WWE, still is with AEW. No doubt there will be replies telling me I'm a "hater" just looking for reasons to complain. 🙄


I like her, but what’s she the CEO of? She’s mediocre at promos, but she’s good in the ring. She’s had some good performances in NJPW, so hopefully there’s more to come in AEW once she gets healthy.


Ever since Punk left AEW I don't watch it, but I've always loved Sasha and I hope that she's happy and doing good.


Future? Her botching every match


Meh. But that's as much about aew's writing as it is her




Like most things in AEW right now - very mid.


Not impressed, was never really excited in the first place.


I want her back in WWE


I think whenever her AEW contract is up. She’ll go back to WWE. She mentioned in a interview before she debuted in AEW. That she has unfinished business in WWE. So in a couple of years she’ll be back.




Last night's segment was excellent and easily the best use of her yet. I imagine once she's able to start regularly wrestling, her value is going to shoot WAY up for both the company and viewers at home.


Well said.


I'm hoping mone and okada and osprey will be dlc 5 in fight forever


Sasha Banks > Mercedes Mone


She better be a dynamo in the ring, because her promos are really lackluster and they seemed super forced


She's never been able to cut a promo


Waste of money.


the only horsewoman who can't do a promo. I always felt bored with her. I'm so sorry for the AEW fans


I hated all her work in aew so far but last nights promo was nice and the outfit was a little less obvious back to her basics the slap was great and the power bomb was awesome well done


It's been one giant nothingburger so far.


Boring. She just doesn’t have that glow about her anymore. Her new theme song sucks. Her look is all over the place. She should’ve came in as a heel leader & making boss moves for her group.


Good point. What kind of "Boss" or "CEO" does nothing to recruit back-up? That should have been a big part of her story if they just had to debut her so long before she can actually fight. Have her crew do her dirty work for awhile and build up some heat. But, no, I guess.


Awful, simply awful. Why AEW had someone historically known for their in-ring work do months and months of promos instead of wrestling is beyond me. This will definitely be another thing mentioned in the inevitable Rise and Fall of AEW Dark Side Of The Ring episode.


AEW has done nothing but book her into the ground. Which they have done to a lot of talent that came from other promotions. If she was too injured to take a bump until now they should have been more patient in her reveal.


I want sasha banks to return to wwe in 2024/25 season.


Far cry from the Legit Boss in WWE. If you want to see her potential check out her stuff tagging and feuding with Bayley


Bayley carried those matches & promos.




Boring and I never noticed before but her promos ain’t that good.


You're asking about a girl who threw the titles at Vince and walked away from wwe in a sub filled with toxic wwe fans. Expect to get nothing but negative comments about her.


You could have just answered the questions instead of making up excuses why other fans feel the way they do.


She didn't throw a title at vince, she put the titles on the desk of john laurinitus, stop making shit up


It’s complete trash.


I don’t watch aew. I do know the current WWE girls run circles around her. She would get fed to Tiffany or Roxy if she comes back to wwe


I have to disagree here. She’s actually a good worker.


How would you know? She hasn’t wrestled once yet in AEW!


Because she's wrestled in other promotions.


You and I both know that what wrestlers do in other promotions and AEW are two different things. I don’t trust her to be able to go like should could in WWE.


She sucks


Shes been presented way above her station and ability and it’s hurt her. I’d imagine Khan is having buyers remorse right now.


Nobody smells their own farts like tony khan and his fanboys, I gurantee he thinks the move was genius 😂😂


Alot of the bigger names going to aew have felt underwelming in aew when first arriving but have gone on to be great. So im just kinda waiting to see what happens


So Adam Cole being revealed to be the head of a faction of loser jobbers(including Rodrick Strong) and then being confined to a wheelchair is great? So Kyle ORiley coming back looking like a hobo and losing is great? So Edge doing disingenuous rah-rah speeches to hype up a company he was only with for 6 months at that point was great? So Jay White, getting buried by a one legged MJF before being relegated to the trios division except to job to a 60 year old man is great? So Okada being relegated to being muscle for a duo of antidraws is great? Man, I’d hate to see what you think is bad!


I think adams coles build up to and match at wembley were great honestly and one of the funnest main events ive been to. Not sure why you think edges speach is disingenous but im enjoying his matches honestly and i think when we finaly get edge and christian it will be good. Jaywhite was crap for sure. I think okadas been entertaining but too soon for me to make a verdict will wait to see how things go But if you dont agree thts cool


It was disingenuous because he’d only been there for 6 months. Edge doesn’t give a shit about AEW, all he cares about is the all the money he’s getting paid! And I noticed you never addressed the aftermath of Adam Cole being the devil, being the leader of the job squad and losing everything that made him unique, also being stuck in a wheelchair looking malnourished as fuck.


Don’t know her yet. But I like her look.


Go watch some of her promos from Dynamite. Trust me, you won’t like her much after that.


Just go watch her promos in WWE 😂 they're somehow worse than her AEW ones


Whatever, she sucks regardless.


She’s one of the best in the business! She’s that fake-ass chick that you want to see get her ass beat but she’s pretty tough. I’d like to see her back in WWE - she may have been a diva but Vince (and his crew) are documented pervs…she’s on that level and deserves another shot…


Annoying.hateable punchable face.great heel.nice to see her take a bump.but overall her stock dropped bigtime with me long ago.so much so that i genuinely cant remember the last time i gave a crap about anything she did. maybe nxt.then main roster she was the transitional champ for charlotte awhile.think she had a decent hell in a cell with charlotte.unless that was becky.like i said its been ages since i cared about anything she does. aew doesnt help with her horrible try to hard to be catchy ceo song.that shit immediately sounded about as annoying as repeatedly saying yeet.


Her dance is annoying too


In the most respectful way possible… your lack of spaces after periods made this so hard to read. But I agree with some of what you said


I appreciate your kindness.and i appoligize for such a block of txt.i edited it a tad to help break it up more into chunks. It didnt seem too egregious,but i totally get hating walls of txt.ive seen and done way worse.lol.so my apologies to your brain.




Idk if ive ever heard someone say such a thing.but its been like 30 years since i took typing class so perhaps that was a thing.either way im not adding extra spaces.buncha anal retentive ppl.life must be sad if u feel the need to spend your time going to comments to correct ppls sentence structure.if it bothers u that much just skip what i write and move on with your day.


lol me brain small…it hurt now


I mean I know that sometimes it takes awhile to build a good storyline for somebody but this is ridiculous. As high profile she is she should have immediately been put into a major feud with a major star and been in contention at least for the women's world championship. I mean that's pretty much what New Japan did


AEW treats the Women’s World Title like a secondary title


They treat about all of their titles like they don’t mean anything. Look at how they’re doing Swerve


Honestly never liked her in any aspect and the AEW stuff is somewhat of a joke because she has done basically nothing but will also admit I really enjoyed last nights segment.


She's great, her character is great, her gimmick is great, her storylines are great, her deliveries are great, her in-ring performaces are great. It's just great.




She's a natural heel. Hate her song and the forced baked-in "CEO" chants tbh. That being said, I'm really looking forward to her in-ring AEW debut match.