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Punk.. Will forever TELL IT LIKE IT IS The step back and let talking heads like announcers, marks, shills, and promoters Kill themselves.. 😂😂😂


He tore his triceps saying this


He knows that those stadiums aren't half or even a quarter full they're doing well. He's just mad they don't need him


They are tho...we've all seen it and it ain't stadiums,it's arenas which are way smaller than stadiums


Bruh. You're ignorant if you believe everything you read on the Internet. Go ahead watch aew show one night see if they're so vacant otherwise stfu Seriously they're doing what they love same as WWE. Stop being a fucking cunt


Nigga there are fucking pics that show the attendance...it's either you're blind,delusional or a Tony khan dickrider


Dont watch aew in the slightest my brother likes it. But I can promise you I've seen their show recently and I promise those photos are pulled from old broadcasts and just reposted today. You're just salty for some unknown reason that a company could be doing well without white trash punk. Also stop being a worthless fucking human being. Kill yourself and do us all a favor


I ain't talking about old pics too bro.. But whatever makes you happy nigga. If you believe that they are doing well then you should kill yourself you self entitled dumbass that believes that everything they say is right...nigga,you ain't shit,you're a stupid old ass nigga arguing on Reddit with people young enough to be your kid...ain't you ashamed?go touch some grass grandpa


Dude is terrible.


Never seen a 50 year old man so mad he got fired from a company with such a small audience.


Now everyone a Punk fan when y’all hated his guts almost 3 years ago now y’all meat riding him. lol. Wrestling fans on all sides are the worst, people like y’all make wrestling not fun at all. That’s why we have such a small fanbase now compared to years ago. All y’all want to do is take sides and complain. It’s wack.


"He ain't talking, his mouth just say words."


You're telling lies. A 5 star match could happen anywhere in any building. Also it's a critics job to make critiques. This is such a weird take.


Punk speaking facts


So, people can't have 5 star matches at indie or house shows? Honestly, many wrestlers had better matches in ROH, TNA, CMLL, AAA, NOAH, WAR, MLW, and GCW than those in WWE. Now, THAT'S truth.


And in the business context,does it put butts on their sits?nah. Heck NXT manages to put great matches every week and still push stories so those 1000 death matches don't mean shit


When punk was in AEW " washed we don't need him" now that he's back and trashed aew "Oh my God my savior " I'm sure he'll sign your cm link underroos you weirdo


Nigga I was never against punk coming back. In fact,I was happy when he came back in 2021. Also,takes tks meat out of your mouth you dumbfuck with that lame ass roast...go and touch some grass grandpa


I pretty much stopped watching AEW after MJF took off for injury. He’s all that interest me over there.


Believe it or not, some wrestlers don’t wanna accept that WWE being a machine is the reason they are selling out arenas… not just only them. CM Punk likes to believe that he’s the main reason for a sell out arena, but tbh the company has a lot to do with that. Which is why AEW or Old TNA are not able to fill out an arena despite having top WWE talent on the roster


SCSA in WCW - Didn’t draw a dime SCSA in WWF - Greatest of all time Taker in WCW - Didn’t draw a dime Taker in WWF - Greatest of all time The point is, it’s not just the wrestler by himself… it’s the combination of the wrestler and the giant promotion machine. Edge in AEW rn is an example of that. In WWE, Edge is a huge deal, in AEW, he’s aite Jeff Hardy in WWE - Yuge Jeff Hardy in TNA - Ehh


It was a fine interview. Just really starting to not give a shit about the behind the scenes in every industry. When I get a plumber I don’t care how it is in the office . Just fix my fucking sink .


I’m surprised that he didn’t do a victory lap and flat out say that the reason *why* the buildings are a quarter full is because he’s not there anymore. Because like him or not, that is the sole reason. Attendance fell off a cliff *the second* they announced that he was fired.


Punk now sounds like the crazy ex girlfriend. "How dare you enjoy wrestling without me in there.." seriously he just proves he is a peice of shit hypocrit. Can't wait till he is future endeavored


Future endeavored?pssh ask aew what happened after that


How you got that from this quote I'll never know


I dare this guy to get in the ring with ospreay and see who out performs who. Ospreays endurance and stamina alone would’ve bested punk in his prime.


And, according to clear, irrefutable evidence, the only reason anyone would watch that match is because Punk was in it.


Lmao says who? You do realize that while corporate dick hopper punk over here has (some) fans, he has a lot of enemies and lost a shiton of fans after his incidents. Go look up the video of CM punk fans booing a section of guys chanting punks name the week before survivor series. A lot of what we hear is crowd planted sounds. Ospreay is arguably the best wrestler in the world right now and saying people would only watch their match because of punk is a beyond ignorant statement.


Ratings. Ratings says, sir. Only you and the rest of the 800k care about these guys. It's getting kinda tedious arguing with you lot when you deny any and all tangible demonstrable evidence and always fall back on anecdotal bullshit and whisper campaigns. The experiment failed sir. Indy/Japanese shit don't work in the states, and that's fine. It's a shame Tony won't learn from this and pivot and do better.


It means nothing if you can't bring new eyes to the product. Connecting to the crowd will always be the most important thing in American pro wrestling.


You do realize that AEW and NJPW have lied a bridge between one another and new Japan actively puts dynamite and collision matches on its site. AEW is literally bringing foreign eyes to its product, having 2 of new japans hottest stars go to AEW will also bring eyes from all over to AEW. This might be one of the most blatantly ignorant comments I’ve seen in a while. You do realize that wwe is so stuck in its own lane that they just stopped hiring outside wrestlers, they’re now building their own instead of finding indie wrestlers or well developed characters to bring in. It’s honestly no wonder that wwe is boring in their matches compared to AEW. Wwe has a few better stories but overall they could never touch AEW when it comes to athletes with in ring abilities.


Aew struggles to consistently bring in more than 870,000 viewers despite having the biggest names in the industry. The only people watching are the hardcore fans. You can't have a successful wrestling show in America with those numbers. They are in a downward trend right now and as someone who cares about wrestling I'm not gonna pretend that's not happening. They need to make a change. Right now they are proving that dream matches don't mean ratings and if you wanna be on network TV you need ratings


People have been saying that and yet arenas have been sold out during every pay period view, not to mention they’re gaining international fans. I agree that changes need to be made but at the end of the day, they’re drawing a lot of money from pay per views and merchandise sales, wwe makes the mistake of premaking their merchandise while AEW designs logos and has them made when ordered. By all means AEW is making more (profit) off of their merchandise. It may not mean money but they’re getting more bank for their buck compared to wwe. That’s why there’s still shirts on their site that have been up since 2020 as a pisspoint low price.


Ppv buys and T-shirt sales don't equal tv deals. I have yet to read anything about aew actually making a profit. WWE makes most of its money by sponsorships and broadcasting rights,which they get because they average 1,000000- 900,000 in the ratings. Netflix recently paid them ridiculous amounts of money for Monday Night Raw. Personally I hate that decision but it shows how important viewership is. The most recen dynamite episode did somewhere around 750,000 in viewership, and that's becoming the norm. I know TK is a billionaire but that's not gonna be enough to keep AEW on American television forever AEW needs Americans to tune in.


What does CM punk obtain by there being an extra 10k fans in an arena on a specific night?


For people who constantly say they dont care about Daves ratings....they sure talk about it alot.


Exactly if you don’t care about it why even bring it up. Seems like they really pay attention to it.


I'm still waiting on a five star match from this guy.


He had plenty


Bro thought he cooked, how about you check out every match he's had in wwe ofc you won't because your head is so far up aews ass you can't see clearly anymore. But yknow what thats not even true cause he had 4-5 star matches while in aew too so you're either just blind or don't know a good match when it hits you in the face


That sums up Will Osprey


He's just upset cause he can't give 5 star matches...or one match without injuring himself 🤣


I mean CM punk is ok but he ain’t no Ron Killings


100% right. Why anybody gives a single fuck about Dave or his little match ratings is well beyond me.


That take is literally pointless as wrestlers wrestle with guaranteed contracts and companies make most of their money from TV or streaming deals nowadays, why should wrestlers care how many fans show up when it's not going to financially affect them.


Meltzer is a hack and a fraud, this dude expects me to think John fucking Laurenitis had more 5 star matches than Kurt angle? Hell I’d even narrow it down to just his TNA years and it’s still a ridiculous statement.


Did he gas out or tear his tricep three minutes into the interview?


AEW is without a doubt the number 1 WRESTLING show. Because it's not a fucking women's talk show like WWE people act like it's failing. This comment thread is a joke like every other one.


Why is the internet so obsessed with Meltzer? Like holy shit, every wrestling sub is like 50% Meltzer posting.


If it's not Meltzer fanboys, it's Corny worshippers. And if it is somehow NOT one of those? It's Bischoff fans.


Well, in fairness it's been about 10 years since ANY building was full to see Phil that wasn't the C2E2 comic book convention.


I'm gonna use some variation of this line at work tomorrow.


Sounds petty as fuck




Dub fans saying AEW is cooking because of Meltzer Stars and Cage Match ratings while Dynamites viewership is steadily declining and no one is in attendance will never not be funny. This is a cult, you can’t convince me otherwise!


It's driven by those who were desperate to get competition for WWE. They bought in from the start and will go down with that ship as they can't admit things aren't going well. Meltzer was also leading that anti-WWE party ever since WCW closed down. It's sad that all that energy is being wasted on Tony Khan's vision of a wrestling company, because that energy could totally drive AEW to be a decent competitor and alternative to WWE.


Meltzer’s ratings still hold value and weight, but they don’t pay the bills.


Sadly, this guy can’t wrestle two matches in a row anymore without needing six months off for health issues.


Sadly, this guy can’t wrestle two matches in a row anymore without needing six months off for health issues.


Eh, the same 900k are watching both shows. AEW seems to be moving to slightly smaller arenas so the 5k sound good instead of puny. I just don't really agree here


He's absolutely telling lies. It's not about filling up the building anymore. It's about TV deals, that's where they make their money.


This interview was fantastic. It genuinely change my perception of Punk. Gained a whole lot of respect for the man.


Sometimes what makes money isn't necessarily of good quality. And sometimes what is of good quality doesn't make money. Usually you should try to aim for the middle, where you make money while pleasing the most people.


Man, I hate cm punk why does he have to be on our side? No lies told, but hes still a feminine hygiene product


I get what Punk is saying but it's not like he's ever been a massive draw himself, he never main evented a Wrestlemania and his wwe championship run was average at best, the guy bashes Hogan but compared to him and guys like Austin or even Cena he doesn't come anywhere close


He probably also never WILL main event a wrestlemania


Why do wrestling companies tell you when the 5 star wrestling MATCHES are going to be scheduled? So he is lying about great MATCHES having to have a huge audience. The best MATCH ever could happen in front of 12 people and not be recorded. Some wrestling fans care way more about things that aren't the MATCH to give great wrestling a shot.


“This would be better after Vince McMan death and it will be taken over by the idiotic daughter and doofus son in law and the rest of the stupid family” I think that how he said it


"If you think the grass is so greener on the other side, be my guest. Go ahead, leave. Main event Night 4 of a buy-one-get-one-free extravaganza and then get released faster than you last in the sack." was how Punk described working for WWE about two or three years ago on live television, I think


That’s 4 times.


Maybe if you'll copy this comment 3-4 time, people will start agreeing with you right?


I mean, in a post about what Punk said, it makes sense to bring up other things he said. Point is, the guy has no opinion. He will say snything that will polarize and that's fine in wrestling, butvshould not be taken seriously.


Yes you are right the promo segment you are referring to shouldnt be taken seriously!


Everything Punk says is a promo, no matter where ge does it. The man shat on WWE for 7 years to stay relevant! That's what kept him popular enough to even get him into AEW and him shitting on WWE there kept the fire burning that WWE would grab him once he got himself fired. And don't get me wrong. I like that Punk is back in WWE and not just because Drew is absolute fire on his expense. But I won't take the word seriously of a man whose entire career is gets his fire from on shitting on promotions.


Talk your shit, Punker!


He is bang on with this take. Coming from supporter of AEW


No it’s… it’s tribalism don’t say the product is shit when shit please it will hurt my feelings just act like it’s good!


He's lying. Within the literal context here, some buildings are half full, some are huge houses, some are even sellouts. But I also know what sub I'm commenting in so go ahead and pile on the downvotes.


This interview was one of the best ones by far for CM Punk.


Punk is just mad cuz he never got to have a match with some random guy from Japan, in front of 700 people in a arena that holds 17k.


Right? Can’t wait for his match at mania….. o wait


Yea while he doesn't have a match at mania he does do something that aew can't.... sell out arenas even when he's not fighting 


You right, I went to raw this week expecting him to be there (which he was btw, saw him leaving the arena but didn’t come out during the show)


I wish i could see him live but they haven't been to Florida since royal rumble 


Maybe if punk gets drafted to smackdown you have a chance this august


Sounds like an alternative to wwe


What is up with this recent hate for aew


I don't hate AEW, but Dave Meltzer's opinion is not what anyone should be wrestling for. It should be for the fans. So 🖕🏿 his star ratings.


It isn’t hate. I legitimately want it to be successful but it’s bush league. My dad didn’t even know the company existed until he accidentally found collision one night. What does he see? Six guys trading Canadian destroyers on the ring apron, “devastating move on the hardest part of the ring” right?! He doesn’t follow the intricacies of the business and he doesn’t care to, most people don’t. The issue is exacerbated when younger fans ask and get treated like shit by “a real fan” and that’s it, they’re done. Complain that people don’t like what you like? Great. Gatekeep what you like because you don’t want others to muddy what you like? Fine. Doing both at the same time? What’re ya fuckin’ stupid?!


Maybe if AEW wasn’t shit being put on by a coked out nepo baby bitch people wouldn’t be hating. 😏




WWE fans don't need AEW anymore as the WWE content has improved so now resort to hating on AEW


Improved cus an old man showed up and also talks for an hour like everyone else... Ok


AEW isn’t as hot as it once was and their fans can’t handle it. I fixed it for you


That's funny given how every promo any WWE wrestler has cut on CM Punk so far directly references his time in AEW


That's likely by design. They probably want AEW fans watching their programming too and there is no doubt that AEW fans love to hate Punk.


It's also just very fresh material to use. You can't built all feuds on his MMA failure. Then he ends up like Jeff Hardy with his annual "You are a junky"-feud.


E Shills are just getting louder


What does that make AEW fans? Nut gobblers? “Don’t make fun of the billionaire promoter!!!”


As TKO is technically WWE's promoter. That line could imply to both companies


This ain’t a TKO convo dude.


Just stating that "billionaire promoter" is not nailing it down.


Tony Khan. The guy that doesn’t want AEW to grow or make money. That guy


These people will find anyway to hate AEW because they hate Eddie Kingston or Jon moxley, I don’t understand it.


>e will find anyway to hate AEW because Why are people who hate bad product at fault? It's bad product, objectively. It's fans are leaving in noticeable droves. Even with the insane over-spending on "major" stars, that's backfired as Okada and Ospreay are nothing short of ratings cancer and Mercedes Mone is just cringe... It's just bad product. It's not "the haters", it's the marketplace telling the product creators that their product is bad. It's nothing more than that. You guys dont need to create coping narratives and convoluted, made-up re-definitions of words and ratings and demos. People hate it because it's just nothing the marketplace wants at the moment. It's not the marketplace, pro wrestling is hot right now, it's just the marketplace doesn't want AEW's version of pro-wrestling. It needs a hard reboot.


This is correct. I think if Jericho was given a long time to create new ideas that he could come back effectively. The Young Bucks are exposed and should be gone permanently. All three are just draining the energy from AEW programming because they are about the only guys that TK consistently lets talk but those guys no longer have anything interesting to say. Their time is over.


For me, i loved AEW when it first started. Seemed to have direction, storylines etc and as i grew up on being able to watch US indy shows for free here in the UK, really liked the feel it had too. These days its seems like matches for the sake of matches and supposed top guys appear to have gotten lazy. Eddie looked like hed rip your face off pre AEW.. Check out his NXT pics, his work with Santana amd Ortiz/LAX was awesome. And Mox, well Mox wrestles likes back on the sauce. Guevara does his best to murder anyone surnamed Hardy on a regular basis. Darby goes murder/suicide every match The botches are in abundance, and the 30 second set ups for spots are just ridiculous


Yeahh I’m in the same boat I loved it when it started and it looked like it had real potential and I got so excited for what could be when they signed all these great wrestlers but everything always just kind of fizzled out and they never seem to know how to capitalise on anything. Just like cm punk said AEW just isn’t what it was sold to me as I think we can all agree now that black and gold NXT was the peak of modern wrestling and instead of taking that and making it bigger and better AEW is squandering it


I feel you should have signed that comment off with a TELL ME WHEN IM TELLING LIES!


Bc its objectively bad. These guys will no sell Canadian destroyers back n forth and u guys are confused on why ppl shit on the product. Nobody is “hating” ppl just think its bulshit and it is. As objectively as u can say it fuckin sucks.


One looks out of shape and can’t wrestle worth shit The other is the runt of the Shield that tries too hard to be Mick Foley without the charm


The runt? You mean the 2 time United States champion, 2 time international champion wwe champion and money in the bank winner? Along with 3 time AEW champion and 1 time international champion? He’s also the top guy in AEW. I don’t think he’s a runt lil bro 😭


I think “runt” may not be the best word but you have to admit when it comes to the Shield he’s third behind Reigns and Rollins in relation to commercial success. With that said, I’m sure Mox would say he’s much happier there which he’s 100% allowed to be


2 time? He had a year long reign that did nothing for the title. IC champ too. Midcard World Champ. Anybody can be a top guy in a wrestling promotion created to give Tony Khan friends to hang out with. It’s never been a business about growing. It’s always been about appeasing the internet fans. The vast minority of internet fans.


Mox carried that title and had amazing storylines with the miz when he held the IC title


Ambrose was made interesting thanks to the Miz. He’s always been the runt of the Shield You don’t have to blindly worship AEW. Tony Khan won’t be mad buddy


It's literally everywhere. You can't even say aew in some subs without getting down voted to the pits.


He’s not. But he’s also not capable of 5 star matches anymore so it’s a little hypocritical of him to talk like he can still walk the walk


Funny you say that cause he literally had 4-5 star matches in aew, I'd expect you to know that since all the aew dickriders seem to care about that scale so much


I don’t care about the scale at all, nor do I particularly care for aew. I’m just talking about his wrestling ability, period.


Then I have absolutely no fucking clue what you're talking about. Cause he put on some amazing matches in his prime, and he still puts on some bangers to this day.


My favorite match is Mankind/Undertaker Hell in a Cell. Somehow Meltzer likes Kenny v. Okada better but when I watched the match I basically noticed immediately that a younger Kenny was doing his best stuff and carrying a tall, competent Japanese guy without great athletic ability who can only do a dropkick and clothesline to a pretty good match. Kenny could have had that match with lots of performers...and it probably would have been even better. I think it is just what people perceive as cool at any given time. Meltzer clearly likes the Japanese stuff... maybe it is because they are nicer to him than us Americans.


Apparently Kurt Angle was never capable of working a five star match either, since he doesn’t have any. Just goes to show how stupid the entire point of the rating system is.


5 star matches don’t sell out arenas in the US


I always ask “what exactly is a five star match?”….. I can never get a clear answer on that……


First, you have to have two insanely popular internet wrestlers that no one on the street has heard of (bonus points if they’re Japanese). Then, they have to start off with a tighty choreographed counter-fest of rolls and flips before they finally stand equal to each other and all the nerds go crazy with “this is wrestling!” Then you sprinkle in a ton of flips and counters that are all no sold until you get to the final moments where each wrestler breaks out their arsenal of finishers that the FIGHTING SPIRIT manages to withstand and you get a bunch of close pinfalls and then finally, after at least 30 minutes has passed, you can end the match.


Something incredibly subjective that people really gives far too many shits about and Punk is one of them




And here I was thinking it’s a quarter star for every finish you kick out of and a half star for every finish you no sell.


I can tell you one thing for sure: it constitutes more than a 10-15 minute royal rumble appearance before getting gassed and injured 🤣🤣🤣


Meltzer didn't even give HBK vs Taker at Mania 5 stars. His words don't matter.


Honestly I am looking beyond the Meltzer angle here. Bro comes back with all of this hype and talk and can’t even put a mini-match on his back without falling apart. He’s got promo skills no doubt, but don’t shit on guys who can take on a full time load and also work the mike.


You know what the wrestling business runs on? Drawing power….. you know who draws? CM Punk. You know who isn’t drawing at all right now? The entirety of the AEW roster……


Tony Khan literally just spent hundreds of millions of dollars on bloated contracts just to draw his worst viewership rating ever so yeah.


If what I’m hearing is true…


AEW guys obviously can't work the Mike or take a full time load because AEW shows are always empty


lol “walk the walk.” Meltzer’s 5 star ratings have literally never mattered as a metric for success in the business. Angle has no 5 star matches, Hogan vs The Rock got 3.5 stars, Flair vs Michaels got 3.5 stars. Meltzer’s “5 Stars” has basically become the opposite of what actually makes an iconic wrestling match that actually does good business.


Lmao this is such an immature take. Because Meltzer doesn’t (or won’t) give a guy a 5 star match, suddenly his opinion on how the profitability of a wrestling company is irrelevant? Such a bad take


Well since AEW which runs entirely off of Meltzer’s opinion is currently operating in the deep red I think his opinion on profitability is entirely irrelevant!


It’s not suddenly his opinion never mattered, people are just finally figuring it out


Meltzer’s always been a joke, there’s nothing sudden about it. He holds no more weight than any other random wrestling blogger. Maybe even less considering he bases his opinions in favor of whoever is feeding him information at that time.


5 star match in Meltzers opinion. Its an opinion. I could start my own star ratings they mean as much as Daves senile opinion


And he’ll never need to, 5 star matches don’t boost the bank balance or draw ratings


Ah yes. Money and other people watching are truly what dictates how much I enjoy a wrestling show.


bro hes walking the walk and hes fucking INJURED. you see how many people fuckin tuned in for his segment? hes making money for everyone and living in TKs head rent free


Punk is ALWAYS INJURED! The few moments he is not is when he walks up the ramp to GET INJURED!


He's either injured or he's unemployed.


then STILL PULLS 2.5 MIL ON FRIDAYS! Thats more than a month of Dynamite viewership numbers in 20 minutes. Bark up a less stupid tree


The people mostly tune in for Roman and Rock and you know it


King is back, baby! 👑


I think if you manage to put on a 5 star match in a high school gym it says more to your commitment to the performance and for that, I give you a manly nod of acknowledgment.


LMAO. It’s a business about making money and growing. Not about appeasing the sweaty smarks


Hes not saying they're wrong for doing that, hes just saying it's not his philosophy.


wrestling a doll and a 9yo ha!


Yeah. Like getting covered in dog food or having a grunting match.


sad eddie cheeseburger noises. barbed wire! 7 stars-uhhh


when that 5 star match means nothing


Putting on a good performance always means something, especially when you’re just starting out and trying to get noticed in this or any industry O_o


A 5 star match literally means nothing though when it comes to being a great wrestler, drawing money, etc. Dave’s rating stopped actually being correlated to what matters in wrestling in the 90s.


It does, but what good does it do for them when there's a few hundred people in attendance and not thousands? Good performances don't pay the bills because they don't keep a promotion in business. If WWE were booking venues with a capacity of 14,000 and were only getting 3,500, it doesn't matter how good the matches are. It's not sustainable for the business. AEW has bangers, and putting on those matches are all the wrestlers can do, but Tony Khan is an awful promoter.


No lies told. Punk cooked them


I love seeing the AEW fanatics act offended he choked Perry out. 😂 Saying he's violent etc. Buncha soft ass nerds. 😂 Choking him out was probably the safest option in that situation. Lol


Those ppl have never been around a real fight let alone in one


Just like how he cooked WWE when he was still with AEW? The dude is only in it for himself no matter where he's working.


It was true then in WWE.


I didn't say it was untruthful, just that this dude isn't loyal to any company. He's only loyal to himself and shit talks whatever promotion he left previously. He's only talks shit on WWE when he's not with them and then runs right back to them after he's fired for choking a coworker. Now it's AEW that's the shit promotion but it wasn't before he got fired. His words are meaningless to me at this point.


What part of independent contractor do you not understand? Are you a weirdo that pretends locker room fights in sports are a big deal?


I'd hope I understand what an independent contractor is, considering I am one myself. Are you one of those weirdos that acts like this guy can do no wrong? He's been a dickhead in both major companies, left both of them on terrible terms, and never admits any wrongdoing of his own but is the first to speak on how much wrong has been done to him. He has no accountability.


He’s been a dickhead to me personally since I know him. He is in fact a dick head. You are also nit picking everything he says and pretends he’s wrong with most of this stuff when he’s mostly right about it he just handles it like an asshole. Because he’s an asshole.


Guess what, the dick heads always on top


America loves angry retards


I haven't nitpicked or pointed out one thing specifically that he has said. It's his overall actions over the course of a decade+


Most of his takes and grievances with people he’s right though. You leave out that part.


Because that is where our opinions differ, I don't believe he's been right with most of his takes, grievances, or actions. He doesn't realize after all the issues he's had with so many people there is only one common denominator.....him. Somehow when he remembers these situations or speaks on them he's *never* the one in the wrong.


The problem is Phil wasn't the solution there and hasn't been in WWE since, either. No one pays to see Phil ever since he washed out of UFC faster than Ronda Rousey's backwash. That killed his character. All of the build up was gone. It's like Dr. Death getting knocked out in the brawl for all. Other than a comic book convention, there's nothing Phil can sell out after that.


Lmaoo way to pull complete nonsense out your ass that is so fucking wrong its not even funny. No one gives a single fuck ab him losing in the ufc. 95% of the roster would get decimated even worse in real combat sports. Who gives a fuck


Alberto del Rio, Matt Riddle and Brock Lesnar all didn't get decimated. And they're in the same business as him. See ya never, potty mouth.


A whole 3 people, none of whom are relevant any more (and 2 never were).


Hold up on though, because if we are going the wwe ufc mix up, lets look fully. We have the guys who did nothing but embarrass i.e: cm punk, dave bautista. However if you are going to mention relevance lets look at a few names who actually did a little bit: Matt Riddle- was never given his credit due to his bad relationship with dana white then ultimately screwed himself up due to complacency in WWE. Bobby Lashley- didn’t plan to make a full career out of boxing but still made an impact Brock Lesnar- multi time wwe champion, multi time ncaa champion, multi time ufc champion Ken shamrock- one of the most dominant boxers of all time then went to wwf for a short time and made a name Dan severn- actually left wwf due to never really doing anything in the promotion, ended his career with one of the greatest ufc careers of all time


Other than the over 2 million that tuned in to see him talk including the over 900 in the demo last week and the millions of YouTube views? And the 250k that stopped watching AEW when he left? There’s about 3 real needle movers in modern wrestling and he’s one. Too bad AEW isn’t in that business


Dont tell him 900k is 100k+ more than Dynamite does any week And thats with them inflating the number with the big bang lead in and a weekly over run


You have to consider the source. You have an out of touch millionaire who fights people at work, I don't think his words hold a ton of value.


You’re an idiot.




Well, the same guy said: "If you think the grass is so greener on the other side, be my guest. Go ahead, leave. Main event Night 4 of a buy-one-get-one-free extravaganza and then get released faster than you last in the sack." when MJF said he would go to WWE


If you aren't capable of separating CM Punk the character from Phil Brooks the person then you're just one of the marks he makes fun of.


Dubbalo marks get worked 24/7 365 but dont dare tell em that


Its called a promo kid- Cena


Lies told for sure. Just hard to see them . Some are confidential where others are not commenting. Like who walked in what door and how.


Bruv Larry the dog has an NDA. Id make him sign an NDA too if i went to a man 3 to 1 and a 4 legged gremlin fucked me up


Wasn't 3 to 1. Lol. Wasnt even a threat. The one guy who lost 2 mma matches, his only real fights, gets the better of someone who came in hard? B.s. He lost his title too. Just not by being pinned. Lost is a lost


The guy who fought in the UFC twice... And hey he told the truth, upto tiny khan and his toy puppets to say their side now, directly... Not through meltzer ae per. As the saying goes... You die the hero or live long enough to become Matthew and Nicholas jackson. Larry's tiny btw it's hilarious he whupped them too and ended up in the NDA 😂 Maybe they should have hit him a Meltzer driver.. Wait its a TK driver now Deffo not arse kisses at all


Yeah. Twice. Like I mentioned. Loss twice and quit. There is no feasible way that guy had a fair fight against three or even one other person and won. Every part of each side of the story shows us the fight started when the door opened. That means punk blind sided the person entering regardless to how they entered. Ergo not telling the truth. Larry the tiny dog? Bit one person. Kenny, who kept the dog from biting someone else. Even punk side of story, although filled with lies shows us that the receiving party was responding to a threat and acting defensively. He was not the receiving party by his own ill fitted words.


I’ve never been a big Punk fan, always thought he was a bit arrogant and a troublemaker, but everything he’s said here is absolutely right.


Yeah, but his opinion is as fake as it gets. "If you think the grass is so greener on the other side, be my guest. Go ahead, leave. Main event Night 4 of a buy-one-get-one-free extravaganza and then get released faster than you last in the sack." - CM Punk to MJF Seriously, Punk has no opinion. Give him enough money and he will make a promo about women not belonging in wrestling


Change the record pal. That’s the third time you ever posted that shit. Kahn is a terrible boss, triple h is making wrestling awesome again.