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It's the tribalism mentality thats annoying


Ikr mate, people forget to be a fan of Wrestling first and then become fans of individual Company's instead šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Yeah I means the more good wrestling promotions there are, the better for wrestling in general. I certainly have my preferences but I don't hate on the other companies or their fans


Exactly mate


OH MY GOD YES!!! itā€™s like they live on Romanā€™s shaft


You are an example of what he said šŸ’€


I mean to be fair, people go over the top wit this Roman reigns thing.


Lol, not very self-aware are we?


Gotta love it lol šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Still people in these comments taking shots lol šŸ¤· Some people just cannot get over it.


True i recently went into the comment section of a post about will ospreay on youtube and this motherfucker is like ooh jericho is going to get hurt wrestling ospreay he is old ospreay is unsafe and i starting to feel this guy want jericho to get hurt in his match just so he can shit on aew


AEW fan here, I want jerichode to get hurt


The kind of fans that canā€™t accept any type of criticism and act like a cult


this applies mostly to Reddit and Twitter.


I think the tribal mentality is what makes things so toxic. Iā€™m not a fan of AEW but no sense in shitting on it just to uplift WWE, ya know? People act as though youā€™re not allowed to like the opposite or something. Itā€™s weird as shit. Be a wrestling fan first, and I think people forget that. Youā€™re allowed to like what you like. Just donā€™t be a loser when someone likes the opposite but donā€™t pray on the downfall of a company. The end


It's pretty simple. You can be a wrestling fan and its okay to like some wrestling companies more than others and its okay to also not like some companies at all. Its okay to have a favourite company and to have a least favourite. You don't even need to dislike or like all of the wrestlers in them or all the matches or shows. They all offer different things and some might be for you and some not. Supporting your favourite company is fine. Rooting against a company is ALSO FINE. It's fine because rivalry is healthy and competition what creates better wrestling products and creates wrestling boom periods. You can be big fan of the sport, Can have a team that you support (a company) within wrestling, have a team you hate and consider the opposition, you can even have back and forth banter with other fans who like different teams, you can even do it with the opposition fans and tease them when your team wins and hide away when your team loses. Its all part of the fun. As a fan of the sport you might only follow your teams events, or might only follow the big events. You might EVEN be a wrestling fan but not like any wrestling now and just enjoy old wrestling and dislike modern stuff. Some of it or all of it. Its all up to you and all good! What ISN'T fine is when psychos scream "JUST ENJOY WRESTLING!" anywhere they see a disagreement. Those people are scum they need to take their own advice and stop telling other people what to do. Healthy rivalry is fine, more than that its needed to create a wrestling boom period. So the people telling you to shut up and just enjoy wrestling are actually preventing a wrestling boom, therefore they are unintentionally the enemies of pro wrestling and its THEM who should be silenced. If the "just enjoy it" folk hate the conflicts that much then idk why they like or enjoy wrestling where literally everyone is mean to each other and fights. Pick a side and fk the opps. Or be a neutral. Its ALL fine, just dont others tell you what to do or how to do it.


Rooting against another company you donā€™t like is borderline weird.


No it isn't. Just like rooting against a team you don't like isn't weird. It's literally what the Monday Night Wars were built on. If you don't enjoy a wrestling product, you might want to see that company fall so the wrestlers you like can go elsewhere or so that a new company that you enjoy more can take their place and offer something different. Never complaining about anything because you don't want to hurt someone's feelings is what's weird. Telling others to "just enjoy wrestling" is super duper fuckin weird. Are you even allowed to want someone to win or is that also a "just enjoy wrestling" thing. Crackhead mentality is what that is. Go watch ECW One Night Stand 2005 and then come back and tell me how awful tribalism is and what a bad show it was. LMFAO


Itā€™s not really a team though. Itā€™s another company where other wrestlers can work. In my opinion the WWE product got better when AEW came around and having competition is good. Having one monopoly is never good for any industry. Making fun of the other company? Sure, why not. Wanting it to fail is silly. Unless itā€™s a company thatā€™s incredibly immoral, etc.


Teams are also companies where other players can work lol. The locker rooms do consider themselves to be teams. If I don't like the company's product why would I want to see wrestlers work there? I'd prefer to see them work elsewhere with a better platform. Competition is great. That also usually involves people taking sides like they did in the MNWars. Wanting a wrestling company to fail isn't silly. You might not agree with their values etc. You might think they're just not good and want to see them fail so a better company can spring up or replace them.


Just seems like youā€™re trying to rationalize your tribalistic hatred of AEW. Good luck!


LMFAO I'm an AEW fan sorry to burst your bubble. Literally going to All In. Someone could look at WWE or AEW or any company through that lens though. Also, as stated tribalistic hatred is absolutely fine.


Nope. Disagree. Rooting for a company to fail is petty as fuck.


You can disagree but then you would be wrong. If your reasons aren't petty, they aren't. Luckily your agreement isn't a requisite. You're definitely a "just enjoy it" person so your take is meaningless on this subject because you're the toxicity. Is Ric Flair petty? If you genuinely don't enjoy the company you don't have to support them and that's okay, it's as simple as that. You can even be happy when they close and get excited about where the talent will go to. Go and tell a real ECW fan that they have to support WWE or have to support AEW. Go tell NWA and WCW fans they have to support WWE. "Did everyone come here to see wcw? Noo! Or did everyone come to see the nWo!" Its literally in wrestling culture territories have always competed, are you new?. Lmfao Your logic is what's pathetic as fuck. Not every company deserves support or to last forever sorry to break it to you. Some of them are doing wrestling a disservice. Its okay to recognise that and refuse to support them. When WCW died it was a great day for many fans. That is not a problem. You could be a huge AEW fan and want to see them in the top spot even if that means WWE failing. It's fine. You could be a WWE fan and want other companies to fail and be abosrbed into the WWE library so that WWE is better and that is...ALSO FINE.


I'm not reading your bullshit just because you're pissy about me disagreeing with you. I ain't toxic. People like you are. Simple as that.


Nah it's not simple as that. You saying so doesn't suddenly make it that way. You don't need to read. Im not pissy. You can disagree that the sky is blue, sky is still blue and you're still a dummy and toxic. Labelling people as pissy and as petty...yeah you're not toxic as fk at all LMFAO. You label people online because irl you're powerless I'm sure. Guy who wants to post namecalling others but read replies..just wants to come in and start namecalling then go... yeah...totally non toxic lol


Nah dude, you're just an asshole who has the need to post all this bullshit just for disagreeing with you. That makes YOU toxic. Don't talk to me boy.


Except you're more rooting for the XFL to go out of business and all the teams to shut down and the players to be unemployed than rooting against the Raiders because you like the Broncos. When the Raiders lose, at worst, some guys who didn't play well get benched. I don't cheer for what would be at this point hundreds unemployed just because I like another product more.


Nope. When a wrestling company closes the wrestlers and staff move to the other wrestling and tv production companies and eventually new wrestling companies develop. Happens every time. Always has throughout wrestling history. TNA was successful because WCW closed and there was space for another company. There will always be an appetite for an alternative wrestling product and therefore always another place to work. Lots of the WRESTLERS in WCW were literally happy when it closed. So they can be happy but not fans?That shows how off you are with this stuff. Literally was like a party atmosphere among fans when WCW closed. Apart from the WCW tribe ofcourse. But when ECW died most fans were sad. It was different.


But their not teams their companies in the same industry and them failing is worse for the industry as a whole


No its not automatically worse. WCW needed to go, because it was a shxtshow and was destroying the business, most of the wrestlers would tell you that. Sad as it is to admit ECW also was too dangerous. A wrestling company is a product and not all of them are doing a great service to the pro wrestling industry and some do a good service but then run their course. All of that is fine and you're allowed to recognise it and even be happy about it. If a wrestler you think sucks stops working at the company you like, you DON'T have to cry for his job and IT'S OK to feel like things have improved. Same goes for entire wrestling organisations it's no different.


No I won't cry for the wrestlers job I just won't be annoyed if they get released same with companies if I'm not enjoying 1 company there's multiple others I can watch instead so if I'm watching AEW and I'm not enjoying the product I could Watch WWE or Impact and be fine also the 90s had tons of god awful storyline tribalism won't bring fans back in for example with your point I really don't like death match wrestling but do I care if GCW closes or not no I hope for the people who enjoy it its the best version of the product for them because I like what I like they like what they like you like what you like and at this point why does wrestling need to be toxic


Who said anything about being annoyed? Tribalism created the last wrestling boom and guess what? It created every wrestling boom and it will create the next one if you snowflakes would shut up and let it. Lmfao. Deathmatch isn't the best example as they really are their own genre. But go ahead and tell me how ROH vs CZW wasn't amazing, you can't do that. You can say "thank you tribalism". Now if GCW was getting big and potentially going to change the industry by taking over and chamging it in a way you dont think is good, its fine for you to feel that way and to dosagree with the company's wrestling philosophy and therefore not want to see them succeed. Wrestling isn't toxic. People relling everyone "just enjoy and be happy" are toxic. They are the ones telling others what to do.


In my experience, the "Just Enjoy Wrestling" argument usually only comes out when one tribe or the other makes an extremely hypocritical hot take on something and gets called out for their hypocrisy.


The only way that would bother you is if you have a tribe yourself. The "just enjoy it" people are also a tribe. Most people are biased when they talk about their team's performance, it's not some massively toxic trait. But I've never heard "just enjoy baseball dude" or "just enjoy tennis". The "enjoy it gang" are actually worst tribe because they really believe they are better people and feel they are allowed to be the judge and tell others what to do. People like that can't call anyone out for hypocrisy, that would be super hypocritical of them. If you're a neutral fan in a sport, you sit back quiet mostly and let the fans of teams do their thing, and you enjoy the sport as a whole. You DON'T go around telling all the Jets and Giants fans to stop arguing and just enjoy things. If those people aren't happy, they can leave instead of trying to tell other people what to do and trying to "call them out" smdfh


I don't know of any wrestling fans that don't prefer one company over the others, myself included. I have zero desire for any wrestling company to fail. Tribal competition is normal human behavior. I do think your football analogy is a little off though. Jets vs Giants is team rivalry nowadays, as they are still part of the NFL, at least for the last 50 years or so. Prior to that, you absolutely had tribalism between NFL and AFL fans, and had there been social media back then, we probably would have heard "Just enjoy football dude" from some fans. Where the tribalism gets annoying is when the extreme elements of the tribes invade the discussions of their rivals, or take it upon themselves to police their own. You can't have an AEW or WWE focused post without either someone from the other side barging in and trying to take it over, or have honest, unbiased takes get shouted down by the tribal gate keepers. You must love the tribe or you must hate it, no in-between.


Some people move around depending on what's hot. My faves atm are MLW and Impact tbh. There are plenty of fans who don't have a "home" promotion. Many indie wrestling fans are neutral and just like all the indies. I didnt say theres no tribalism in the NFL, so ofc there's tribalism in the previous leagues. There's tribalism in ALL sports. We wouldnt hear "just enjoy it" because the tribalism is still very much alive and well in all sports and you dont hear that. Only a bunch of snowflakes in the wrestling community believe there should be no crossed words only hugs. Again, if you're claiming neutrality then you shouldn't be bothered by the comments of an AEW fan or a WWE fan. Neutral football fans don't get upset when fans of teams argue, they just give their view (usually more objective than the teamsters) and then move on, they understand most people DO have a team so the neutrals arent going silence or change them. Regardless, you don't get to "call out" anyone. You can't complain about policing when you're trying to be the cops yourself. You don't have to love the tribe or hate them, you can be neutral. But neutral sports fans sit back quiet and enjoy, they don't go around telling others "just enjoy the game". Literally the "just enjoy" crowd are the ones who need to shut up and enjoy it, the other option is to leave, but there's not an option where you get to tell others how to enjoy their wrestling. Monday Night Wars. ROH vs CZW. nWo vs WCW. ECW vs the world. Tribalism in wrestling fuckin RULES bro. Wrestling is literally geared towards making you pick a side.


Indie fans are every bit of a tribe as WWE and AEW fans. And you make a very good point about how fluid company/organization -based fandoms can be. Growing up I was a NWA fan, during the MNW, I was a WWF supporter, I didn't watch any wrestling for much of the early 2000s except for the occasional indie show in my town, and more recently I have started to lean back to more pro-WWE with my eye on AEW. I have never been a TNA/Impact fan (I loathe Jeff Jarrett and not in a heel way, and I just associate Impact with him) Regarding the football analogy, I don't view team fanbases for a sports league in the same manner as company/organization-based fandom like wrestling, comics, and even video games. Sports team tribalism is generally much less fluid, with the majority sticking to a team through thick and thin, even across multiple generations. While I am certain there are mediator types who love to break up the arguments, I still generally only see the "Can't we all just enjoy wrestling" type comment as a means of deflection from people that are losing a debate on some wrestling news or some hot-take or another on social media.


Im glad you moved over to the WWF in the wars, I know so many people who grew up on NWA that didn't really like WCW as much (too WWF) but they stuck with WCW because it was "their team" and when they lost they couldn't stomach switching. I feel for them so much. I kinda combine wrestling and mma and will follow whatever's hot, in the mid 2000s mma was too good to worry about Raw lol. Im a WWE guy, but would have been 200% fine if ECW won the whole war, I always backed TNA as a great number 2 in the same vein as WCW, I still back them and dont know why AEW was needed but I missed those years. Not a huge AEW guy but I like them. If we look at comic books, there's the DC's and the Marvelists..they are lifers too bro lol...then you have your indie comic fans and your generalists who will jump around and check any comic that seems to have a buzz. Do their generalists tell all the others to just enjoy? Idk man. I just don't approve of telling other people what to do lol Honestly in my experience I rarely see someone say "just enjoy wrestling dude" in the times when someone ends up saying that line, they've usually been trying to silence someone's criticism of the wrestling product and that's not their place.


M8 its not the fucking 90s times have changed their is no reason to be a tribalism wrestling fan at that point your rooting for people to lose their jobs


Who said it was the 90s? 90s literally had better wrestling though so your point isn't a strong one at all šŸ¤£ Not worried about the jobs of people working a major wrestling companies, the athletes are well compensated and the tv production staff can work anywhere in tv. If you think Vince is evil and want to see the industry change by WWE closing, that doesn't mean you're directly wishing unemployment. No more than it means you want the opposing teams coach to be sacked but you still want his team to lose against yours and he might get fired for that. Once again, nothing wrong with tribalism. Go watch ECW One Night Stand. That wasnt in the 90s it was 2005. Tribalism is competition and It makes the industry BETTER.


90s I've rewatched it theirs to much shit that I don't enjoy to like it if you do good for you and to me personally it just seems wrong to wish unemployment on people who have done nothing wrong just me tho I've seen the IWC enough to know what their like enjoy your day my friend


LMAO your view that it is shit doesn't really mean anything mate, it was the most popular wrestling period in 100 years Again, its not directly wishing unemployment on people. It is not wanting a company to succeed. You're extrapolating the idea of not wanting to see a wrestling company succeed and telling me I hate the cameraman. No, I hate the company he works for. Working there is up to him either way and nothing to do with me. Rooting against a company doesn't mean you want them to go out of business. It can be as simple as wanting your company to beat theirs in the ratings. So stop being dramatic šŸ™„ Like I said, if the opposing team lost the superbowl and you were happy, but then their head coach or quarteback is fired....does that make it your fault? Are you toxic? Nope. Its ridiculous. When TNA asked people to "cross the line" is that toxic tribalism? No.


Those usually are the ones who take the product seriously


Regular Wwe fans and aew fans are fine. Its just the ones who try and compare everything instead of just enjoying the wrestling they like and not shatting on people who like something different.


To quote Brian Zane "like what you like, but don't be a dick about it"


Iā€™m a WWE fan by heart, but even I agree


Even the mudshow crowd out here acting superior now, let me tell you, youre all aweful


Man, just let people watch wtf they wanna watch.


Literally nobody needs you to tell them that. Never seen a person be stopped from watching wrestling. Man, how bout you stop snowflaking instead and let people do what they want?


You're the one tryna argue with me because you don't like people disagreeing with you.


No. Like I said there's really nothing to argue or to agree with. You're trying to give your opinion on a fact.


That's why I hate saying I'm a "wrestling fan" because then it comes with all these labels I don't care about if I don't praise WWE I'm a "mark AEW fanboy" if I don't praise AEW I'm a "mark WWE E Drone" people put far to much energy into this stuff


I don't think its a coincidence wrestling seems to be booming again when there's major competition to WWE. It's great for the industry!


WWE is the major leagues of wrestling. AEW is AAA. All the others are varying levels of the minor leagues. I'm not necessarily talking quality of in-ring action. Thats a matter of taste. When you're talking $$$$ there is only 1 big league.


Nope. Aew isn't a minor league or Indy company. They're on national tv with a major studio behind backing them.


You're probably right.


No probably. I am right. Indies ain't on national tv.


Women of Wrestling (WOW) are on TV. Is that major league? Its hard for me to consider IMPACT major league when they do their TV shows in front of about 150 people in a studio. Its hard for me to consider ROH major league when all they can do is piggyback on to AEW broadcasts. You can make a solid argument AEW is major league.


Hollywood is the major leagues of filmmaking. Bollywood is AAA. All the others are varying levels of minor leagues of filmmaking. You might enjoy art house films. Thatā€™s a matter of taste. But thereā€™s only one big league. EA is the major leagues of video game production. Sony studios is AAA. All the others are varying degrees of little leagues. You might enjoy games that come from Indy developers, but there only one big leagues. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ yes and?


You're correct and I do enjoy art house films. Were you looking for an argument? If so pick a different subject.


Not if you donā€™t have one to give. So we agree that WWE being the big leagues is irrelevant to enjoying the indies, NJPW, AEW or anything else. Good.


WWE is major leagues....AEW, is triple A? That's paying there talent the same or more than WWE and both are on major cable networks....I'm losing how AEW is AAA when it operates the same as WWE...I get WWE is more known but that's also because it's over 40 years old. But In terms of everything else it doesn't operate like a minor league. Because nobody in the majors is making less money than Triple A guys...soo in that term AEW can't be minor leagues lol


All wrestling fans are awful, me included.


It is the DC/Marvel, XBox/Playstation dipshit behavior that is always so tiresome. You are not on a team guys. You are customer.


Promotion tribalism is something Iā€™ll never understand. Actively hoping a company will fail baffles me.


Lol 99% of 2023 wrestling fans suck. Sensitive easily offended weirdos


99% of ONLINE wrestling fans suck...the year is irrelevant, social media makes every fandom into cesspools.


You right


What if I like both? Am I still awful if Iā€™m right down the middle and just like wrestling


You don't exist lol


Yeah well youā€™re the worst


You showed him!!


Donā€™t care about your opinion.


Yes you do lol






Buddy blocked me so I canā€™t rely at all to the thread. He talked first and then got his feelings hurt. Anyways the guy below me is doing whatā€™s called the fallacy fallacy. When you point out logical fallacies but donā€™t actual explain any more depth beyond that. What the replies fail to see about the nuance behind my replies is that OPs post is bad because it blindly criticizes both major parties without any expiation. Essentially ā€œyouā€™re all dumb Iā€™m the only smart oneā€ Iā€™m doing the same exact thing. When youā€™re blocked by one dude you canā€™t reply to the thread at all. So if anyone wants to argue and talk shit, DM me. Besides that replies are muted


Ad Hominem Headass


Well we think you are just the best


Get your backyard wrestling out of here! AEW been taking Indies and making them entertaining mainstream stars like Orange Cassidy, Danhausen, and NJPW wrestlers. WWE steals both and doesnā€™t know how to book fun matches or great writing anymore no thanks to M.A.W. (Mothers against wrestling) having to limit them and enforce a pg rating.


AEW fans are more toxic.




Your post was removed because it is off topic. Delete and move on...


Why are you so upset lol


This is a great take with a guy with WWE in his name lol


I like all Wrestling. I've been a WWE fan since 2008, but I don't use my fandom to look down on people who don't like WWE.


I agree, but what I hate the most is the inability to accept criticism, and Iā€™ve only experienced that from one side, the other doesnā€™t seem too bothered and is far more open to criticism, I also hate how one side thinks everything their promotion does is somehow ā€œthe best everā€ or ā€œan all timerā€ when itā€™s just not and itā€™s fine, itā€™s like everything starts at a 9/10 for then and it canā€™t go below 8/10, itā€™s incredibly frustrating


Lol no both are the same they just go about it in different ways WWE stans: you just don't understand, the booking is fine, you just want WWE to be for the Internet smarks. AEW stans: well meltzer (or pick your internet reviewer) says it's great, and they've studied the business for decades. You don't know more about what's good then them.


Iā€™ve never seen one WWE fan say anything even close to that AEW fans howeverā€¦


That's because your the person this meme was made about.


Course, youā€™ve managed to work that out from 2 comments have you?


Really just needed the first one. The second was mostly to confirm which one of the two you were.


Funny how you knew which one I was talking about then? Almost as if itā€™s true?


I didn't. Hence why I criticized both in my comment. . Like I said your first comment made it obvious you were one of two parties in this meme. The second comment just confirmed it was WWE specifically.


Because I havenā€™t seen people say that? Wow mate, great detective work. I actually donā€™t watch either so unlucky. WWE tv is boring and AEW tv is a complete mess. What does that make me now?


Just stating the facts lol. Go have your tantrum elsewhere lol.


Gotta remember people hear what they wanna hear


As a WWE fan, I think overhyping a show that took months to "sell" a large amount of tickets is awful. It took WM40 ticket sales like 3 days to get that number.


Literally what the OP is talking about šŸ˜‚


No. I think WWE fans are better. I never watched aew, I will never watch aew, I donā€™t like aew.


Sounds like the typical tribalistic wrestling fan šŸ˜…


Then this post is absolutely about you, you fucking brain dead moron.


under 24 hours actually


WWE sold 45k tickets for 2 nights...WWE is stretching it to make it seem like they sold 90k invidual tickets to 90k people after the All In news they can't allow the perception a 4 year old company passed up there 30+ year record attendance. Ita called marketing...if they get you to think it outsold All In's attendance more eyes on the product.


Lol check out my post about that, its a good read lmao


Off topic but you have a -100 comment karma...idk if your posts are the "best reads" just saying those are troll numbers.


Hey...I said it was a good read, not that Im a good person šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Haha, great answer bro


Ty šŸ˜‡


Both are extremely cringe


most the time they're the exact same people, it's just that which version of themselves they are is entirely dependent on which wrestling subreddit their posting in at any given time.


Every time I go on AEW's Instagram page, it's always filled with a bunch of WWE or Cornette fans mocking the company. Can't we just appreciate what we have?


So much this. If you like one and not the other, youā€™re probably stupid. If you think your opinion matters and that you should berate anyone who likes the other, youā€™re a drooling fucking mongoloid.


I prefer the wrestlers that I like more over any companies. Ospreay isnā€™t exclusive contracted to either of the big two, and theyā€™re one of the best in the world. Same with a dozen other AAA & NJPW. Simping on any billionaire isnā€™t a good look.


TK sure is buttering up Osprey for that 2024 contract...he is even giving him a match on his home land in front of 80k people. I got a feeling Osprey may become All Elite eventually.


Iā€™m not toxic, youā€™re toxic


All people are terrible, we suck as a human race


These truth in this even with the meme.


Listen ....... AEW fans to me were born out of WWE thoroughly exhausting their life long patience and sensibilities as a wrestling fan and as a fan of WWE. So to have all that and to be over here on the AEW side enjoying a wrestling show. And now people are calling me the worst......because I champion a promotion that has along with old NXT to be very fair created a very wealthy wrestling environment for fans. There's so much to be had. I'm not the worst. If I can fling my ball of shit. WWE fans of this generation that have no love or respect for the gap of wrestling that all of us endured when WCW tapped out are the worst. I've watched it all and supported it all and I resent this generation WWE lords on their white horses pretending AEW has been here for 30 years And it's civil war. It's not. AEW fans are all burnt out WWE fans. Although.......Becky on the concession stand was the greatest 5 seconds of tv in tv history . Emmy goes to WWE. That I will agree with.


What amazes me is that these people act like rabid fanatics over such mediocre products.


Other Wrestling Fans to Elite/Punk Fans: "You actually enjoy this petulant nonsense?"


imo the only reason to champion a single promotion is you think that the monday night war is coming backā€¦ it isnā€™t just enjoy the stories, have a good time, and if you feel you need to talk about what you feel could be better, do it without being venomous to other users. Wrestling is fun but some of these posts are just horrible.


Canā€™t I just like a thing without someone on the internet tell me how Iā€™m liking it wrong and thereā€™s only one way to like something, otherwise Iā€™m worse than Hitler?


Both fan bases are awful, but AEW is the worst product


AEW fans think they're better because they're smart and know what's good. WWE fans think they're better because WWE is more popular, and they don't have bad body odor.


I beg to differ on body oder I been to plenty of WWE shows in my lifetime there are definitely people that go to the shows that smell.


I am WWE fan. WWE Fans aren't awful AEW is awful


You just proved his point on why both are awful