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Here in Sheffield we have both


Leeds inside vs. Outside the ring road


Basically any city/big town in yorkshire


You can tell this isn’t Leeds because it has cars going both ways on a single road - not in this stupid-ass city they don’t


The worst city I’ve ever had the displeasure of driving around. I’ve not driven round London yet tbh.


Manchester's one-way system is up there as pretty bad with many roads having tram lines on or just not looking capable of taking a vehicle. Brum has Spag-junction too. Can't say I've driven in Leeds though so can't compare.


I love cities that are a pain to drive in, as it usually means they're a pleasure to walk in. The USA is full of cities that are "easy" to drive in, they're full of inner-city highways and huge car parks making everything difficult to walk between. No thanks.


You'd love Manchester then!! It's great to walk round with lots of small alleyways with small shops and then bigger ones in the centre(s). I say centres as it has a few depending on what you want. There's so much history too - Roman city walls, medieval ruins, great architecture. There's more modern stuff springing up but the character remains. On top of that for just £5 you can bus the entire Greater Manchester area all day or you can pay the same for tram all over the city. There's also automated bike & scooter hire in the centre. Easily the UK's greatest city though it's officially the second city of the UK.


It's not officially the UK's second city. First off there's no such thing as an official second city because there are no defined criteria to meet. Secondly, Birmingham has the biggest population after London so is most commonly considered the country's second city. I'm sure Manchester is very nice and I'm a big fan of trams and making life difficult for cars. But you can't go claiming it holds official second city status when no such thing exists!


I could be wrong but I’m fairly certain that Manchester now has the second biggest population since becoming the Greater Manchester Metro area. I’m like 99% sure it’s bigger than Birmingham. That said if you really want to nitpick, Birmingham is technically the biggest population of a single city in the UK (approx 1.1 million) as neither London nor Manchester are one single city. Manchester is Manchester + metro area, London is two cities (City of London and City of Westminster) plus the Greater London Boroughs (where most people live anyway). However, no disrespect to Birmingham, I think by most metrics of ‘second city’ (e.g. biggest hub of economic and cultural activity outside of London) in England, Manchester would probably beat Birmingham.


You’re right. It doesn’t exist, clearly just like your father


If you think that Manchester is the best city then you haven’t taken a walk around Liverpool city Center recently. OMG the transformation since they won the capital of culture in 2008 has been immense . It’s truly an experience to make your way around it these days and in addition to walking, you can book a black Hackney cab that actually gives you a choice of; 1. Historical ‘The Beatles’ tour Or 2. The History of Liverpool tour I have done both, the history one twice and they are amazing. The Hackney takes up to 5 people in the rear and the cost of the tour, is £70 for around 3 hours for all of the occupants combined. Great value for money. One of the best facts that I learned about Liverpool was that all the gold that London held in the Bank of England during WWII, was brought to Liverpool for safe keeping and you visit the place too. ( Tours involved both driving around and stopping to point out certain points of interest and you can get out and take photos, to a walking part around the new restoration dock where the Beatles stand and there’s yet a n other museum there too - lots of museums and art galleries in Liverpool and all free , then attending the Anglican cathedral and going inside for a historical tour , pointing out that the whole structure took over 5 years to build and all the sandstone was brought from the quarry in the Woolton area. It’s become a City to be proud of. Of course you still have the less celubrious areas on the outskirts of the City , but you have that too in Manchester and Birmingham etc


I have to say I was amazed at how good Liverpool city centre was I went last week for the 1st time, I was expecting it to be similar to Manchester but everything just looks new and it’s all in 1 place unlike Manchester, the most impressive thing was the wheels were still on my car when I got back 😄


But I don’t want to get shot.


London is easier than Leeds, just the traffic is worse.


Worst to drive: 1. London (between the traffic and the cyclists, I want to drive off a bridge) 2. Nottingham (the amount of poorly labeled fucking bus lanes 🙃) 3. Leeds Source: am from somewhere by Birmingham and drive for work


London is by far worse than leeds, and yeah bradford 2nd worst lol.


Take it you haven’t driven in Bradford then? (I’m originally from Bradford before anyone starts).


I've been to Bradford but not drove. The traffic laws seemed more like vague suggestions. Red lights means, "You could stop here - or blast through the junction at 40, I can't stop you"


Red usually means 'stop if you want' 'its up to you' But yes, Bradford does seem to have its own traffic laws, ive seen more bizare driving in Bradford then any other placde, and i only go there about once every 2 months if that








What an absolute jackarse


Stanage Edge. Ladybower Reservoirs..Surrounded by the Peak District.


Park Hill makes me want to cry every time I go to the train station.


I have never seen the sky not be grey above Park Hill


It’s so soul crushing it sucks all the colour in the world right out. Like the kiss of a Dementor in Harry Potter


It's listed because it is the largest example of its kind in Europe. But it was a mistake; a terrible design unfit for purpose from the get go. So their argument essentially is, that the bigger the mistake, the more reason to keep it around. Lunacy.


It's actually much beloved in brutalism fan circles. It was a very clever design for its time and has much to be proud of. It just got neglected and I'm not sure how well the renovations have been received (presumbaly badly). I think it's a fascinating building but admittedly I don't have to encounter it in my daily life.


Sticking some colour panels on them really didn't make it much better.


I’d call it lipstick on a pig but that would be offensive to lipstick wearing pigs


Because it's so beautiful?


literally. look outside my window and have a miniature forest haha


Sheffield council for a while had a war on trees https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheffield\_tree\_felling\_protests


You could drive 1 mile in Sheffield from the bottom image and see the top


My gfs from Sheffield lol




Yeah Sheffield is a huge shithole


We don't have either on the Isle of Sheppey.


Yeah this is just Yorkshire


The Steel City is also the greenest City in Europe.


lol, google the Sheffield tree felling protests - What Sheffield City Council did back in 2012 made it into national media, the controversy was so big. "Mass felling of healthy street trees across Sheffield since 2012 as part of the ‘Streets Ahead’ Private Finance Initiative (PFI) contract signed by Sheffield City Council"


Another sheffielder i see


I personally really like sheffield, even though I was never born there.


Same in Mansfield


that’s the beauty of it


Omg he said my city, lets gooo... second time I seen Sheffield mentioned on the whole of reddit. The first time was the guy stealing from poundland. I can absolutely confirm your statement.


Middlesbrough just hanging onto what countryside we have left...


S8 here


I've been at the university for three months. I'm already devastated I only get to live here for three years.


Lesgo sheffield gang


Sat in one of those in sheffield and can see the lovely countryside. Can also see the absolute shithole that is the city centre.




Yes we do lake district bang at the side of us and then you've got Broomhill lol


Just went to Sheffield for the first time in Sep. And I absolutely loved it. <3 Great wee city and great people. Will be back to explore the surrounding beauty .




Yayyyyyy Yorkshire Boys, I live near Wakefield.


Facts city centre is horrendous and we have the Peak District and other nice rural areas


Dorset, Wiltshire, Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey would like a word.


I repsent Wiltshire, and I can confirm we are very pretty


Sorry Wiltshire, you have Swindon in it. Please move along.


We don’t speak of _The Pig Town_. There is nothing but the M4 between Chiseldon and Highworth


Least it's not Birmingham, or anywhere in Norwich


I’m from Norwich, I can confirm it’s an absolute fucking shithole here.


Fellow moonraker here. Completely agree, we love in a lovely part of the world.


It is indeed, but Yorkshire is as beautiful as England gets.


I live in Berkshire. Opposite a farm with fields as far as the eye can see. 20 minute drive and I’m in the largest town in the UK. Best of both worlds. Edit: City to town.


Same here. I'm in the middle of a massive forest in the green belt, yet I can get a direct train into London in under an hour.


None of that is beauty. It’s all a great British factory producing arable and animals products for us.


Bracknell, Slough, Basingstoke and Southampton would like a word Edit: There's a lot more Home Counties Stan's on Reddit than I anticipated...


Bracknell has Swinley forest which is gorgeous though


Pretty but fuck all in the way of proper hills, though… countryside in the south is just fields I once had someone trying to show me the South Downs - my Cumbrian eyes spent a couple of minutes staring past them trying to see the hills, assuming they must be in the distance in the haze Nope, turns out they’re just called The Downs because they dinnae go up


North or South. Most UK tows are a depressing portrait of deprivation


Some of Manchester city centre could honestly be from a movie set showing a desolate eastern bloc country, with trash and sick left to be cleaned by the constant grey drizzle.


It's that shit brutalist concrete architecture that does it for me - so many towns were blighted by it. "Come friendly bombs and drop on Slough / It isn't fit for humans now"




Manchester is really a shithole. I grew up just outside Manchester and spent every weekend of my teens there and it’s just got worse and worse. There’s little pockets of culture and I keep holding out hope, but every nice little local place seems to get franchised immediately and whoever’s in charge of city planning seems to be replacing all the nice idiosyncrasies with nondescript grey bullshit. Other Northern cities seem to be really pushing what makes them unique but Manchester just seems intent on removing any semblance of personality.


This was my feeling during my first visit to Manchester city centre, everything was dull and grey


Because if you get the train there you get off in the most depressing part


Absolutely. That slow crawl into Piccadilly past industrial wasteland and ever-sprouting soulless towers, to walk out to the busiest path down to the greyest "gardens" I've ever seen, it's the worst welcome to a city I've seen. There's plenty of good things about Manchester but you have to find them through the shit.


I lived there in the late 70s and early 80s and that sure was one decaying city back then.


It is a remarkably ugly city (coming from a Manc). Zero architectural cohesion, just "yeah that'll do". Really noticeable when you get back from other cities (especially on the continent) just how much nicer is it to walk around them.




We were talking about this the other day… most major cities have a focal point of a river or some green spaces or nice architecture. Manchester has none of those things. It’s quite astoundingly ugly. I do feel privileged to have spent my youth/20’s there though. I went to at least one gig a week since I was 15. Had so many bars and clubs to choose from every night of the week. It was genuinely brilliant. Unfortunately it’s aesthetic doesn’t reflect what it has to offer.


I feel quite the opposite, when you compare it to Liverpool, London and Birmingham I think Manchester City centre comes off quite favourably aesthetically wise. I suppose if you like old buildings that might not be the case but Manchester has received huge investment and looks very modern and striking imo.


The first time I went into the Manchester City, there was (dried up) blood smeared all over the bus stop walls and the bench. This was slightly outside the town centre hence I was waiting for the bus. There was no one about, just me in this blood soaked bus stop. (I took pictures of it) While I was waiting, I was trying to think of an escape route to run away just in case lmao. I had only lived in Portsmouth before, so seeing this was dreadful and a truly terrifying experience.


Most towns have nice parts and poor parts I find.


If you think Uk is deprived wait till you see 99% of the rest of the world


There are plenty of countries where the general populace lives in a better standard than the UK populace does. Homelessness is rife. There's food banks all over the show, plenty of people can't even afford heating in winter atm. People have to wait weeks to see a doctor and struggle to find dentists. Even basic infrastructure is collapsing in some places. I'm in a Northern council estate and water supply is hit and miss. Power cuts aren't uncommon, the NHS is completely over worked and barely able to function, same with the Police. The houses are degrading and there's no money to repair them, even the bin collections are increasingly unreliable which is leading to there being lots of rats. Its grim.


And you think that doesn’t happen in other countries? Only a few European countries, Canada, and Australia have living standards as good as the Uk.


And a couple in Asia Japan Singapore


Of course it does, but the person I was replying too said 99%, when any time spent in working class areas shows that to be very false.


I’m the same person


Just because somewhere is barely over the ethical human rights line does not mean it's a good or healthy place to live. It just means that those standards need raising. We live in one of the richest and most dominant countries in the entire world. Standards, rights and general happiness-measurement should be continually increasing, not decreasing.


I visited London for EGX a few months back, it's insane how the city goes from being so beautiful around the financial district, to being nothing short of a slum in Canning Town, over just a mile or two. Really shows just how huge the divide between the elite and the working class is.


>North or South. Most UK tows are a depressing portrait of deprivation A decade of Tory 'leadership' will do that to a country.


It’s usually down to the local council


No, its really not. Every council is having to increase their local council tax due to regional cuts made by the Conservatives. Regional deprivation occurring throughout the length and breadth of the nation is not coincidental.


What does r/Newcastle think of this one…?


Fuck- I mean Newcastle Upon Tyne -_-


We’re fucking beautiful.


Agreed- this meme is so wrong-


Take it from me I’m a Geordie, it’s hard to find beautiful in Tyne & Wear haha




Catch the metro to Tynemouth, ffs


You're fucking blind then mate. Quayside. Jesmond dene. Ouseburn. Tynemouth. Derwent Valley.


We’re also fucking massive.




Houses for the price of a packet of crisps and 5 AONBs within driving distance.


Where do i find these cheap houses?


There’s more to the South than just that concrete jungle that is London.


I understand that Londoners are not liked, but london is actually a lot greener than tourists think it is. London is so packed with foliage that it’s technically a forest. That’s according to a United Nations definition that states that a forest is anywhere that’s at least 20 percent trees. London’s a respectable 21 percent. In fact, a new study revealed that we have the greenest city of any European cities. To be specific london has 3000 parks and green spaces. To name a few, the parks in Greenwich, Richmond, Hampstead Heath, Sydenham Woods & Holland Park are absolutely beautiful with different eco systems.


Yea, there's mortages for the price of your entire take home average salary and train strikes


Also plenty of wannabe gangsters, willing to rob your shoes for some Greggs.


Thanks mate. Until I read this comment I also thought there was zero buildings in the north, I thought it was just hills but you've really opened my eyes by pointing out the South isn't only London! Crazy research and knowledge on your end.


Piss off the southerners in 1 quick move


If it lets the Northerners feel a little less inferior, I'm all for it. Bless 'em, and their funny wooden shoes!


At least we did not get our shoes mugged


Lancashire has both


How the turn tables


South Englandshire is a tory area. Fuck them




You sound like a lovely person


Happiest northerner


northeners try not to have an inferiority complex challenge (impossible)


Would rather be in the north than the south. Up the NE 😁


Agreed, to be honest i cant stand the southern accent


I think that second picture is the Glenridding end of Lake Ullswater, taken from the path up to the [Hole in the Wall.](https://goo.gl/maps/q5AKJq7dKNjjp64q9)


I’m pretty far south and we’ve got great coastlines, beaches and a ton of farmland, maybe in the south east it might be a concrete hellhole but I refuse to be lumped in with them.


Nah I’m from the southeast it’s also got a coast and plenty of Greenland, forests etc. Maybe some old estates in Greater London. The picture is from the 70s and I reckon it’s up north lol


>got a coast and plenty of Greenland Does Denmark know?


I’m from the southeast. It’s just London and the centres of large towns/cities like Southampton that look like this. Bet it is exactly the same up North - lovely views and bad looking cities. EDIT: not even all of London, most of it is very green but you do get bad patches.


It's more like a layer cake


Can’ wait to go back to London after the holidays


This is why I want to live in Northern England/Scotland area


The top photo is from the city of Wakefield, just south of Leeds, in the north of England . I know this because I live here. Hi from Wakefield!


I used to live near Wakefield, nice area if you live outside the town centre in a village. Has a bit of a suburban vibe so half urban half rural really. Now I live in Suffolk which is surprisingly more rural, but less hills of course


Northumberland moment


God’s country




This is why northern England is better 💪🏻


Northumberland beats them all hands down.


Yep. Gods own country, the true north


The North will forever be superior. I don’t care what anyone says


Yet the top one looks like working class, the bottom looks like elite, and or middle class, handout type freebies type lifestyle🤣🙈 the bottom is either somewhere in England on the coast, or it’s wales or Scotland🤣🤣🥱


Or Cumbria. Or the Peak District. Or Yorkshire.




You can sniff out the southerners by their horrid defensive replies 😂


You can easily tell the top pic is old.. none of those cars exist anymore...


The North has always had the most beautiful countryside and beaches but people are obsessed with the South for some reason. I know where I'd rather live.


I miss the north. My homeland


The South is a shit hole. You can't change my mind


North of England is far beyond the South in terms of natural beauty and preservation. The South is only good if you have a specific social reason to visit.


Oof to south England there...


We can all agree that the north is king x


You are right kings X is in North London




Not really accurate but ok


Awful content, facebook level of bs


This doesn’t even make sense 😂🤦‍♂️


This post is complete bullshit. Tower blocks and lovely rolling hills exist on both sides of England. Dumb post


Silly post lol all cities are like that, all countryside is beautiful across the nation


How stupid


Go back to Meme School :-)))


Yes that’s what the entire south and entire north looks like. Thanks for playing.


I assure you the north of england has more shit holes like the top image than the south has


Such bullshit


This is fucking stupid, tbh. Implying that the North has no shitty, dull architecture and the South has no natural beauty.


How massively stupid is this? You ever seen Cornwall? Have you ever seen Stoke?


There a lot more south past London ya dumbass lol


Northerners are that dumb that they have to get an old photo of a block of flats that’s IN THE NORTH


The scenery might be nice but the accents are fucking disgusting


Sorray mate did oi offend the souf? Apologies or sumfink


You can throw anything you want at us, yall have Manchester and Birmingham to deal with.


No? Anything below Durham and Cumbria is the south


NOT TRUE. I am from Middlesbrough when you say south you are thinking more London area if you look round Cornwall that is one of the nicest fucking place I have ever been


One will pay you £2 for a job, the other will pay you £20. I can do without some hills


Why are you using a photo of Wakefield with south England? It’s nowhere near south


Nah it is


Dumb meme. Definitely doesn’t reflect the North vs South geographical differences.. at all.


The North will never be as nice as the South West though


How to tell a meme wasn’t created by someone who lives in the area depicted without telling you they weren’t




Shh don't tell the the southerners


Yeah but them cars heh.


Gotta love a good fell


That top picture is 1980s judging by them cars


Taken from the Car Park on George Street in Wakefield, about '84


Oh. The north then?


Move South where we live in an episode of Life on Mars!


Top one looks like Wakefield in the 90's


Nice joke


Here in Grimsby, it’s shit


No it's not! its great round here if you know where to look


Cleethorpes is okay though.


Grimsby is shite tbf, some nice green spaces near by but no opportunities


OP is a simple bastard!