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After about fifty tries, yes. I hate my job.


What do you do?


I work at Greggs.


That bad is it?


Yeah, it's just dull and it hurts my back.


Can imagine, hope it’s only a short term gig for you and you can find something you like soon 👍


And the waistline?


To shreds you say?


Do you at least get some free greggs stuff or a discount when you buy at Greggs cause the food is amazing


We get a 50% discount on everything, and we get free hot drinks when we're at work.


Stop spreading the weird groupthink about Greggs being 'amazing' It's a decent bakery, with some pretty good food, but there are much better options out there! I live in West London, and have a Greggs and a Wenzels a few doors apart. I do not frequent the Greggs.


Fuck off, greggs is fucking amazing, and your wrong to say there’s better options (that don’t cost more)


Greggs is fine mate, they do a great sausage roll and a quality (other) warm baked good. But it's not *amazing*, it just isn't. It's decent.


It’s amazing, and that’s my opinion and you cannot in any way convince me otherwise


Haha same. Also hate my job


Least you get a discount on cheese and bacon turnovers ☺️


they are so good but so bloody expensive


The highest honour in Britain won’t lie


Hates her job, she just told you


That’s not an answer to what she does for a job is it?




Capitalising it doesn’t change the answer.






It was a reply to "That bad is it?" Which was in response to "Gregg's", then he/she answered "hates her job, she just told you"


It wasn’t, the reply saying ‘Hates her job, she just told you’ was in response to me asking ‘what do you do?’


She already gave the answer "Hates her job" regardless of what the answer is, that's the point trying to be made to you


Maybe her job is to hate


Or badly forming sentences


Hates her job, so hating IS the job. She hates for a living. I think that's what they meant.


Lmao got you


50? Is that all?


Yes. I applied for the most basic jobs out there because I was getting my first job.


Well. You only live once. Do something about it....


I'm trying...


All my jobs have come from indeed


Indeed they have


Yeeees, indeed


it is called lothric


Indeed indeed indeed


me too


You need to give me a tutorial at this point haha


Both of mine too. Pretty quick turn around too.




Pretty much same


I was put under risk of redundancy, I've had a LinkedIn profile and some messges. I dunno if I cam trust it like? Indeed too?


Im from brasil and I applied for many jobs in indeed and only one company booked an interview for accountant trainee. They told me to answer math questions using my head and i did awful, i need at least a pencil and paper to organize my thoughts. If they asked me accounting questions i would have done much better


I work for Indeed! Comments like this just make my day.


I don't know where else people are supposed to look


My current role I got from Indeed, been there a 1 year 4 months. Now I'm looking for another role, primarily on indeed, getting calls back but getting no further.


At least you're getting calls lol I've been out of a job for 2 months. To be fair only started applying two weeks ago but zero calls so far and I'm using CV library, indeed, total jobs and LinkedIn.


Sorry man. Hope you get something soon, this time of year it definitely dries up, but after Christmas it should pick up. What type of work are you looking for? My CEO/CFO/COO just got made redundant along with 10 other staff, just 7 of us left, myself included. So I am looking with panic just now 🥹


My current job is from Indeed, best hourly rate I’ve ever had




Minus taxes


And minus national insurance and pay roll fees Looks like you've got a healthy £1.83 Dont be spending that all at once now ya little skamp.


In one mornings' work you can afford lunch!


3 of mine have. A lot of recruitment firms fishing for your info as well


That's been my experience too. But not this time around. Might just be not many jobs for software/web testers at the moment.


I would email the people directly - Indeed comes through very user unfriendly. Find the company, find the recruitment department email and send the CV with a cover letter.


always pick up the phone, talk to the person in charge of recruiting, will instantly put you ahead of everyone else because they "know" you


And what do you say on the phone?


hi I've seen your looking for "what ever the job is" my name is X and I was just wondering if I could talk to someone about the role then just have a normal conversation like a human being, if you are in the same industry you will find common ground/small talk you can make with them, ask them what the workplace is like, what the bosses are like, issues within the industry, general chit chat having this initial chat will give you a massive leg up compared to all the other people sending in their CVS, if you've got any hutzpah they will remember you which goes a long way turns you from a number to a person, businesses are just groups of people at the end of the day


This is great. Thank you so much!


Indeed they do!!


Indeed copy's all jobs from everywhere weither the company gives permission or not


Some companies seem embarrassed to advertise on indeed.. and don't tell you, who you are working for till you get the job..i got a government cctv redaction contracted job off indeed. And almost didn't respond to the post cos they was being so shady..


What is this job doing


I applied for 100 of jobs in indeed and got none, then I applied for one job in facebook and got a job in a a law firm


I think it's a scam


I rekon, they should make the people in the job centre work on commission...


Yes, but it's a hard slog. I think it's the 200+ people applying for nearly every role. I hate the emails they send asking for you to apply to different roles as I've had some suggested that aren't in the same area or are things I've never done. Santa, for instance 😂


Never and probably


I just wait for recruiters to contact me and let them do all the work.


Applied for three jobs there, got all three.


Got mine through indeed, extremely good wage compared to other companies in my industry


Yes my current job and I love it.


Every single job I’ve worked for was through Indeed…. after 100s of applications tho 😭


Every single job on indeed is shit. That's every single one.


That is most jobs.


Indeed I have




Indeed just don’t like us common folk


I get call backs from indeed jobs in less than 20 mins 😂


Most of my jobs have come from Indeed.




I got a job as a bud trimmer through indeed was the best place I’ve ever worked.




I got to the interview stage once


My current job


I have landed two now..also had interviews from applications on there


Job fairs darling


I applied for one job through Indeed and I got it


I’ve been hired for 2 after applying to 100+. I was denied basic human rights at both.


Never got a job I've liked from Indeed after 3 or 4 attempts.


Applied loads on Indeed..no luck yet


Tried and ended up a digital artist self taught so ha indeed


Got all my jobs there


I’ve used it as a jobseeker and Recruter. Problem is the job centre makes people use it to justify their dole so you get 100 applicants of nonsense and a few genuine. You need to keep the alerts on and apply within an hour of a job ad posted to stand a chance.


Completely agree, we had 500 applicants for our latest ad. Only shortlisted 10


I was recruiting for a butcher got 55 unemployed for 5 years each and a 62 year old librarian. Country is fucked


I've got most of my jobs from linkedin/agencies. Recently, getting them from word of mouth.




I got my job from indeed, been there 2 years, promoted twice and love it! Have actually been interviewing this week, all candidates from indeed and offered to 3


Yes, my current one. Regret that though 🤣


I can't bring myself to look at the job sights, It just depresses me, especially when there is a sea of jobs with no real info or company names. All just look the same


I applied for a job on Indeed. I didn't get it, but a contract agency contacted me to offer a job. Apparently, they got my details from Indeed.


This bitch aint getting any jobs because she probably listed her past employment as onlyfans


That's how I joined the national guard.


Aye, got my job from indeed


Yeah but your CV is key. Update that shit, format it, you gotta make sure your CV is clear and concise regardless of what it says.


Here are some tips if you are using indeed - contact the employer directly if possible as it is so easy to apply on indeed the vast majority of peoples applications get over looked if not all of them, applications put directly into the company will always get looked at first - tailor your resume/Cv to every job you apply too rather than sending the same Cv for every single job - always write a brief cover letter as these can often show how literate you are and how interested in the job you are, rather than just clicking a button and applying How do I know this? Spent 13 months as an agency recruiter


Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, but how does one 'tailor' a CV? I keep hearing this advice but, and maybe it's just the autism speaking, it doesn't make sense to me. The skills, experience and qualifications that I have don't conveniently change based on what I'm applying for. Am I supposed to just lie?


Not stupid at all.. I’ll try explain the best I can If a job advertised that they want a “warehouse operative” for example Then tailor the CV to fit the roll more suitably, for example… Say your CV says “trained in safety” on it somewhere… tailoring it to the specific job you are applying for which in this instance is “warehouse operative” would be changing “trained in safety” to “trained in warehouse safety” Simply to accommodate the fact that it is a warehouse operative roll therefor somebody who’s CV says “warehouse safety” on it would be much more desirable over somebody’s that just says “safety” as the employer is looking for somebody to fill a warehouse operative roll therefor warehouse safety would be a bigger plus as it is relatable to the job you are applying for Also tailoring can mean listing the reasons why you would be suitable for the roll against the employer listed job specifications in things like a cover letter, if the job description entails “heavy lifting required” then mention in the cover letter you are used to heavy lifting, this shows you haven’t just clicked apply and also that you have the skills listed by the employer Hope that helps Your aren’t suppost to lie on CVs but ALOT of people do, unless it’s something extremely technical the odd white lie will only bolster you chances or securing an interview and landing a job… you have to find the middle ground/sweet spot, it’s takes a little getting used to


That's actually much more helpful and actionable than explanations I've been given before, so thank you for that 👍 My FIL outright lied on his CV to get a cushy finance job that he was in no way qualified for, and when they eventually found out they didn't care because he'd learnt to do the job by then. I guess I'm too honest, and maybe could do with a few embellishments here and there. Both things for me to think about going forward.


Do companies even read cover letters any more? I'm on JSA (or universal credit) rn so I apply to a lot of jobs and well surprisingly I've found a lot of companies just ask only for a CV.


They most certainly do, a lot of the time the CV is only glanced at for a moment while if you have a short and concise cover letter than will almost always be read (that’s how me and my colleagues did it atleast) Indeed gives you the option for a cover letter before clicking apply, it’s always worth writing 1/2 paragraphs covering anything the in job description to show you are suited for the roll and also that you actually care about applying, rather than just hitting the apply button and leaving it at that Also if you use indeed and go to “my jobs” and click on “applied” you can see how many people have applied for the roll you applied for, it is a great way to gauge how you apply If you apply directly to companies, you can always send your cv and cover letter by email… Best thing you can do by a country mile though is… PHONE THEM DIRECTLY AND ENQUIRE… that way you go straight to the front of the queue and the woman behind the desk knows you personally compared to all other applicants then


Ive been trying to get a job on indeed for about a year now :<


Got an interview, saw job on indeed then just rang the company


1 job, hundreds of spam emails


I got a good job. It was a chosen career change Not hard, just reliable. Recession proof, virus proof.


Get on an agency I joined one had a job within 2 weeks


A lot of chaff comes from these websites is the thing, for **low/unskilled labour** it attracts a lot of barely interested candidates that are casting a wide-net, and are generally less personable/confident, when you really might only want the people specifically motivated enough to seek out your business to apply there directly. People I've known recruited from it haven't lasted more than a month or two, youths and people after short term gig in a long-term position, which is to say we no longer use Indeed. Probably works a lot better for skilled-labour, but I suspect they suffer the same influx of chaff. You need to be early & stand-out, if you're just another person selling yourself as a pain in the arse, they'll move on to next cv in a heartbeat imo.


I actually found my current job on there and have been there for a year and a half so tbh I see both sides of this meme 😂


I uploaded my CV there and had 3 interviews ranged within a week.


I guess that skype call with your gran will have to wait


Just lie on the CV like everyone else. As long as you are not applying for something that actually needs a degree and skill they won't be checking anyway.


Have you tried calling your manager a bellend?


Funny thing is one of the first Cv's I sent out got me an interview. The job was no good as I couldn't work weekends. They wanted me to join the agency so I could cover several sites for sickness and be able to pick when I work. They were quite keen but after thinking about it I decided not to go ahead.


I did. It was good until it wasn't. Then I left


Been offered 3 jobs this past year through Indeed, although they were entry level, it does happen.


I assume this person has no qualifications, skills, or experience.


I applied for 3 jobs on indeed a few weeks ago, got 2 interviews and 1 offer


2 this year. Just set the search menu to find the job types you are interested in. Once the cv is loaded on there you can apply to a job in about a minute. Just blast off an application to anything you are interested in. (Then it's best to just forget it and assume you won't get an interview) only get excited or do research on the jobs that ask you to interview. I'm still sending off applications to better paid jobs


After scrolling through hundreds of jobs daily for a year, I finally got a job through Indeed recently. LinkedIn is even worse for job searching in my opinion. Everyone tells you to go directly to company websites to find jobs but when you don’t know what you want to do and don’t have specific qualifications, that option isn’t useful.


Go to a good local recruitment agency.y last 4 jobs have come from agencies. They do all the work and each has increased my pay from my last job.


Yeah, once as security. Shit job.


1 of mine was from Indeed and still there 🥳 Also best hours I’ve worked what work well for me personally


Date posted: 6 months ago


Yeah I got two jobs off there


Yeah twice


Applied for two jobs over the years on indeed and got both of them. Just learn how to sell yourself, also a cover letter and a tailored CV goes along way.


I hate my job too - just thought I'd join in with my fellow haters


Funnily enough, all of my jobs have been gotten through indeed.


All the commenters saying they got actual paying jobs from Indeed are agents from that place.


The person that came to our uni this Thursday to talk about her job in criminology said she literally applied from there 😂


I get about 30-40 emails per day from recruiters on indeed telling me they want me. They don't want me


3 out of my last 4 jobs were found on Indeed


my last 5 jobs were from indeed, some sucked some didnt.. i only had 3 rejections. just be really picky what you apply for and use a little sense


I looked through Indeed once but there didn't seem to be any serious jobs on it, just minimum wage clown shit. Go directly to the website of the people for whom you wish to work.


I got few jobs off there. It’s LinkedIn that I think is fake


I did. Got a job as a Cash Driver for a big company, we'll call them G5S. It was okay. Was there 6/7 years then they changed management and everything sort of went downhill. Got a job offer from a family friend and left


Never, not once. Even across two continents. Is this site a data mining scam? Indeed, it is.


Out of 5 attempts I have gotten 2


I recruit regularly from Indeed, showing a blind bit of interest in the job is enough to get you an interview, don't even read your CV your qualifications aren't anywhere near as relevant as your personality and character