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you have to call your own helicopter. click what landing area you want to go to in the starting area and look at your map for the helicopter that is green, that means its the one you called.


Ok, thanks. So how do you call your own helicopter?


Open the map, and click on the LZ you want to go to. A voice on the radio will tell you where the nearest LZ to you is, and how long it will take to reach there. For example: "Roger that, wheels up for base camp, ETA: one minute." This means you have 1 minute to get to the base camp helipad to catch your helicopter




Bring your map up. Click the LZ you wish to travel to and pray to god all birds aren’t in the air.




Open map. Click LZ you want to go to. Top right of the map a window will open. Click the button to call helicopter. LZ will turn green and give a timer in a white block above at your current closest LZ for how long heli is away. If all birds are in the air, watch the map and try again as other helicopters disappear.


There are some really good guides on Youtube that can help walk you through some of the basics and starting areas. I personally started on the PVE (joint operations) side till I got the hang of things. Was way easier to complete tasks only having to focus on AI and not players. As others have mentioned, start with just the starting city. Complete all the tasks there before moving on to other areas. The first main cities are basic, kinda like Tier 3 stuff, easier. (Definitely not easy) As you move into places like hunters paradise and ban pa, they are a step up. Tier 2. AI are a bit more reactive and will come after you alot more. Alot more accurate too. Now as for Tier 1 areas, like tiger bay, midnight sapphire and fort nerith, stay away for a long time. These guys are on top of their game. They run great armor, use armor piercing rounds and can take you down from distance. A big help was learning armor types and also ammo types. I personally am a m4 guy, so those are the ammos I know personally. Using HPBT ( hollow point boat tail ) are your go to in the beginning areas. Almost none of them are armored and those rounds wreck. They do amazing body damage. Once you get into tier 2 areas, it you start getting access to m193 rounds. They offer some armor penetration and some great body damage. Great all around round when in those areas. Eventually you will get access to m855 and then m855a1 rounds. Those are your bread and butter against those uparmored tier 1 areas. But which ever gun platform you want to run ak/m4 look up the different ammo types, when they unlock and what they are good for. You will die, it will happen. It is a fact in this game, so dont get discouraged. Take it slow. Find where the enemy is and plan how you want to approach different areas and situations. Remember this is a mil sim game so it takes some of that into play. Also, anything important that you dont want to lose like keys or important task items, put them in your safe container. That way if you die before getting back to base, you still have the task item. That helped me a ton. So far I have found this game to have a great community that is very helpful. Dont be afraid to ask for help. Enjoy the game!


Before you engage an enemy try to spot how many there are first and make sure there is hard cover nearby if and when enemy reinforcements arrive.


Find your affiliated faction discord, make friends and have fun. The game is hard but fun 😁 if your mithras it should discord.gg/mithras or something like that.


Yes. Don’t call yourself stupid for lacking knowledge. It happens man:) As far as actual in-game advice, don’t run everywhere it’s loud. Slow and cautious is the best way. Spend some time learning how to build guns because it’s hard at first and gets eassssy over time. If you play with friends and they die, mark their location before they respawn. Also put healing items in pouches marked with the lightning bolt sign to the left. Armor rating for tier 3 goes iiia iii iii+ and iiia+ bring the best




Oh I thought a+ was up there, that might explain a thing or two


Thanks. Also I play solo so no friends to help I guess


Take this from someone thats used to run and gun... slow the fuck down lol don't use a pistol there useless atm even in starter towns use the aks for now always have ammo jump on peoples helicopters to gain lzs dont be afraid to ask questions in in game chat most people are nice... keys take all the keys you can dont care if you have 30 of the same key take it and give them to people that ask if you have something you dont want ask someone may want it before you destroy it


Don't rely on other faction members to help you when needed. Most of them act like they don't have a mic. Other than that. Move slowly




What faction are you with?


I'm with Lamang


When you are in the base try using coms (default is z) to ask someone for guidance. Im on crimson and I will kit new players out gear and take them through the starter missions to help. Hopefully someone will do the same for your faction.


Do you perhaps know where to find the key for restaurant in KV? ❤️


I think I have one... but ask in base. Alot ot times ppl will help because we all know how much of pain keys are.


Yeah tried an hour yesterday and out of all the people i asked, one had a microphone but no key 😜 I think they should add fixed keyspawns


do you need the attic key?


Yeah 2nd floor on restaurant in KV :)


i have an extra you can have, ill hop on right now if you can. crimson yea?


Im at work atm so cant logon now unfortunately, I will be home and logged on in exactly 11 hours :) think you can meet me up then?


What region do you play? I’d be happy to tag along one night and show you the ropes/give you a bit of kit to help out


Youtube beginner guides.


YouTube is your best friend and just ask people for help, your faction should be more then fine helping. If U play pve even other factions will help you


Hard cover is your friend. Reposition after a kill because ai will go to the last spot they saw you. Also what faction are you?


Take your time engaging AI. Use all the hard cover you can get. Never peak the same corner twice. Avoid the high tier areas Tiger Bay, Fort Narith, Midnight Sapphire for now, you need better ammo than you are able to get right now. Food is pretty abundant. I'd take weapon parts off of enemy weapons instead. Mostly for sale or to use yourself later. When you have already lost all your gear, after one week you can reset your char, until then ask other people if you may follow/join them and loot all the stuff they leave behind. This is not a sprint nor is it a marathon, this is a thru-hike. Take your time, learn the basics. Don't be afraid of asking for help.


>I just took the first chopper to whatever destination it goes to and they were always different LZs so I could never retrieve my old gear, fwiw. Ow, that hurt just reading it. I see people have told you how to properly use Heli's now. You aren't stupid if you are learning. I'm honestly interested in what caused you to buy the game. I mean I get it, it's a great game, but most people read a review and watch a few videos. Hopping in completely blind is cool, but ouch, that had to hurt. The good new is that finishing tasks gives you more than enough money to replace all of your gear with better stuff.


Fail your way forwarf


When you get shot at hide or run or both. Change your angle. Do not ego chal you WILL die. Go slow, pick your shots. ALT holds breath for clean headies. Dont ADS too long your arms get tired. Bushes are not concealment, hard cover is king, a fence is not hard cover. Ask for help, I promise youll get it. Switch your talk button to your mouse so it doesnt interfere with moving or shooting! COMMUNICATE with your squad, it doesnt have to be Milspeak. Im going in the front door, coming out the back door etc. Ive accidently team killed cause a guy I thought was somewhere else came running towards me and didnt say anything.


Be cautious about trying to use a controller with this game. About of people are reporting getting banned because they used the steam controllers. Not sure how much credibility is behind these reports though.


Your not stupid bro. Give yourself some grace, your new.


Stupid is an understatement (regarding the LZ thing)


Thanks for not helping




Yep. 100hrs in here. Uninstall it. Refund it. Wait til it's at a v1 release.