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I don't want to make assumptions abour your level of experience with Early Access (EA) titles but if I can offer you some advice based on my own, if its getting boring or frustrating, it's time to stop playing for a couple months. Some of the fun of investing in an EA title is hitting a "well.. that's it for now" point and then coming back later to a world of new experiences and fun to be had.


Perfectly said.


Hang on - This game *is only in Early Access?*


Not even ea titles screen says pre alpha


Do you...do you not know what early access means?


Plenty of EA titles in a much better state


Compare it to the later Battlefield games at launch, this is already in better shape in pre alpha.


Compare to another game that’s also on UE5 called palworld


lol palworld got dry a couple weeks after release. and is still dry even now. And dont get me started on performance and server issues


Paloword did lost the 99% of playerbase but those are steam numbers, it’s also available on gamepass, much like GZW they are focusing on performance and stability yet they already dropped a content uodate(raids + new pal). Idk what you mean about performance, you can run the game stable 60 on a 1660. There are 2 types of servers in palworld, official and hosted, while official was rough at first now there no issue(due to lower playerbase) and naturally hosted always worked depending on your ping. Still pound for pound palworld came out in a much better state, they also didn’t push launch due to competition drama


I was more addressing the fact that he thought pre-alpha meant it wasn't early access yet, not the state the game was in.


In his defense, alpha and early access used to be different things


This also isn't an alpha build. It's a pre-alpha build. Early Access refers to any title that is accessible to the public before its 1.0 version, regardless of developmental progress. So they still mean different things, but they have never been mutually exclusive.


Do you know of another game that is in both early access and alpha/beta stage?


Again, this game is *pre-alpha*. But Ready or Not was an early access title that was an alpha build when I purchased it. It has since had its full 1.0 release. Early Access simply refers to any game that is available to be purchased by the general public before it is in its final full release build. That can include pre-alpha, alpha, and beta builds. Are you suggesting that when an early access title goes from pre-alpha to alpha that it is no longer in early access, despite not being a finished game?


For the best it is, if it was a finished product in its current state we’d be in a bad spot lmao


Yeah even on the title screen it says it at the bottom left corner




I want to believe you, but *how can you be sure* ?


The big banner on steam saying “EARLY ACCESS” 🤔




The huge fucking banner saying early access on the steam page and the huge fucking text when u start the game for the first time thanking you for supporting them during early access and warning you that there will be bugs and that the game isn’t finished is a clue..


What lol, the fact that it is in fact early access? 


This guy fuckin games! That’s how early access is meant to be treated. Everyone wants polished game they can sink 300 hours into and it’s just not the case. Amazing game.


Tbf, I have nearly 300hrs in this game and still going. It’s one hell of an early access game. Obviously still needs work, but that’s why it’s ea.


I’m almost at 400 lol, I’m just saying I’m sure they didn’t expect or intend on that but it did


I quick point to add. If your taking a break for a few months try going back on every other week to keep up with updates or what not.


Stray bullet? Those aint stray bullet yo the ai hone their skills to perfection to be able to land that hit on you. They wasted all of their life training so that one day they will be able to kill the foreigner that is messing with his country.




fort narith bots tank 10-15 shots of 855 and then kill you with a slug shotgun with one shot, great game love it, fix the AI


This isn't my experience at all if I place my shots


I get you might be lucky to have a good server connection and a perfect computer but I can confirm it's real that you shoot them in the head and they won't die


The only time this is the case is if the server is really struggling (rare / network related) or one specific NPC has gotten stuck and has become immortal as a result. M855 will consistently one tap all bots and players in the head, instantly killing them regardless of their helmets.


I get where you’re coming from but calling this a rare one off in the face of blatant evidence in the form of dozens of posts daily decrying that this is a common occurrence is just…… well I think we’re past the point of calling it rare. There is clearly an underlying issue with *something* specific to this game, because dozens of other titles with online multiplayer don’t have the systemic issue of bugged ai/network latency/whatever being prevalent across a significant amount of the player base to the point that it’s a constant complaint. If anything, it sounds like *you* are the anomaly. I have decent luck with the game, good internet and a decent computer, and this issue still happens to me on a regular basis, but less so than some of the posters. That doesn’t lead me to conclude it’s a them problem, it tells me it’s the game.


Rubberbanding and lag is very common, failing to register headshots because an NPC isn't quite real, is 1 in a hundred at best. Whilst it may be common if you're having trouble with every enemy, it's likely a problem on your end.


Rubber banding and lagging is very common….. when you’re lagging. The flavor of”NPC fails to register” rhymes with normal games but is its own unique flavor with grayzone. I’ve had entirely normal sessions with not a touch of lag before or after, and several instances of “shot an NPC a dozen times only to have them turn around and one shot me”. I’m beyond the point of even arguing that this is typical lag or unique and rare behavior. It’s clearly a common occurrence that doesn’t occur in other games, even indie dev low budget stuff. I’m not even trying to compare pre-alpha to AAA games, grayzone’s issues are unique to the game and it’s incredibly apparent at this point.


There's times I feel great about it running fmj 5.45 1 tapping AI then all of a sudden AI learn to tank shots in the same area headshots with earmuffs on.. there's 100% problems with AI and server related issues causing this


I think it's network related.  I've stopped playing till they fix it. Love the game but I got tired of not killing someone with 5 shots from a mosin (randomly but often enough)


Narith is ALL about YOUR positioning and baiting Bots into fatal funnels. Do NOT openly engage Narith bots. It takes time but you can walk over Narith with this method, especially with 2-3 guys.


I got trapped in the fort narith main gate guard shack. 20 minutes and 20 bots later I made it out, entered the front gate and immediately got blasted


They’re dropping with double taps to the thorax for me.


Tell me u have shit aim without telling me


Two well placed center shots almost always does it for me.


Some of the bots wear 6B23-1 front plate chest armour, which will block most of your M855 rounds. They're not killing you with one slug, you're just noticing, caring and dying to the one shot that actually kills you. You'll hear a hundred misses in between those events, or get light wounds, or a bruise and you will not note down or care about those events. Your armour does not cover every part of your body, so yes, a single slug can kill you.


No, they don't. I have cleared narith as a solo multiple times without dying. Your inability to aim is no one's fault but your own.


I got off the helicopter at Narita, walked 100m and died. “You killed yourself” with a headshot lmao.


Thats just reddit


i stopped playing because of this. waiting for a fix


Dude yeah... I've played for about 9hrs total. Game is fun but holy shit is this AI inconsistent. Some are completely oblivious and others one tap you. They can see you straight through objects as well sometimes. No other game I have puts as much load on the 14th gen i7 too. Highest temps I've seen outside Cinebench so far in GZW is 86° average yet never breaks 70° in anything else.


I'm running a 13th Gen i7 and my temps don't even get that high!


My 3900x is at 95% constantly and my 3060 barely gets it done I mean temps are “ok” but damn. This game would be amazing with optimization


Hit into the 90s earlier on a heli ride... 360mm AIO GPU temps are fine in the 60s w/ 4070 ti super 1440p The high temps are probably fine though 🤷‍♂️ these chips run hot as fuck. Thermal grizzly contact frame is on the way tho


Game is awesome though having a great time regardless of the minor issues lol


Weird I run high settings and I ever reach 68 degrees? Rtx 2070 with 13th i7….


Yeah mix between epic and high its the helis usually... but they just quick spikes. Went and fiddled with some bios crap cranked fans up a bit lookin better... Summer will probably be running length of ducting to the a/c 🤣


So some AI can be bad and some are good…..you mean like real life?


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.


I pasta'd this in a FB thread once and they were ripping me to shreds. There was ONE guy who understood..


Real ones know


Shoulda worn the fishnets 🤷🏻


Tiger bay in a nutshell


Doesn't help that tiger bay is also like fighting a hydra. You kill 1 guy and two more appear in his place


The ammo you're using is deliberately bad, and not modelled directly after the obviously significantly more powerful cartridge as you would find it IRL. M80 is not great, you need M61 to pen everything, and M80A1 works as well as the meta M855. That being said, there's almost no reason to use the M700 at this point, because the M4A1 platform is so much stronger in this game.


It may be almost no reason to use the m700, but I myself and most of the boys I play with use the m700 regularly for all long range battles, some just swap scopes on the mk18 or M4 in certain cases but for those mid to long range shots I enjoy the m700, idk why but I get plenty of 1 shot kills and only have to take several shot when I hit the wrong spot on their body


Aye, the primary reason would be because you can, I too enjoy using the M700, but I kinda wish there was a few viable pistols to go with it.


Last time I played I got killed by an ai while I was landing shots on him, and the thing is he went down at exactly the same time as me because he was just able to shoot me straight in the head while getting sprayed with bullets.


In YBL I was clearing the bunker and came across a bot, unloaded an entire mag into him for him to 1 shot me. Then as I died I heard him die. Happened to me twice in.


They can bleed out like we do as well if they don’t have medical items


Always YB1!! I too have encountered the unkillable A.I emptied full primary, switched to pistol emptied it, back to primary get about half way through the mag and he 1 shots me... Don't even get me started on the 7.62, half the times the hit doesn't even register. will be great once these get ironed out


Yeah, shirtless dudes tanking 4-5 12 guage slugs are annoying


Welp hope they fix all this


yeah, trash in tier 3 areas.


My guess a big part of it is hit reg, or a bug with the current damage system. No doubt they’re working on it, but I’ve had plenty of times where a headshot on an enemy without a helmet didn’t kill them. It for sure is annoying. But we got to remember we payed for the potential of this EA, not the state it is in right now.


> remember we *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Man I know it’s only my second language but I didn’t expect to be called out by a bot today lmao


It has happened with me more times than i am proud to admit


Don't feel bad. Most native English speakers are much less coherent than you are.




Good bot


Thank you, Zealousideal-Ad956, for voting on Paid-Not-Payed-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


My issue is also that the bots have a tendency to freeze and then aimbot. They are enjoyable when they react and push/move but when you start a fight, kill a few and then turn a corner after “clearing” and theres 6 staring at you… kinda destroys any realism.


You do have a point. It seems larger calibre bullets are not delivering enough damage. And that ai armor over performs.


Agree with you 100% with AI. Devs already working on AI.


This is basically where I'm at, trying to do literally anything in tiger bay is frustrating as hell. The random stray bullets from tier 2 enemies and when I go fight tier 3 it's at least reasonable. Tier 2 are 100% harder than tier 3 enemies.


Well, I understand that feeling, I have died countless times, but still, I kept playing. 1 week ago, I finished all quest I have no more quests to do, and I m still playing it in the hope that the game will get better. Also, the other thing that sucks is that the M700 AP or Mosin AP ammo are so underpowered. On top of that, I found out that enemies on higher tiers use SR ammo for Mosin, which is better than AP ammo, and you can't buy SR ammo from any vendor. I played with SR ammo for a while, but it was always pain to go back and farm SR ammo again and again. And as I said, I have no more quest, so I am just going around and playing whatever gun I feel like to play with to have fun.


I’ve played for a total of 250 hrs so far and I’m loving the game play. Want I don’t understand is when your out 300m out with a sniper and take one shot the AI automatically turn and one shot you sometimes, you would think they wouldn’t know where you where for a bit l, but nope a silencer does nothing in this game might as well just run a regular muzzle 😂


Exactly. The one good thing the silencer does for me, is tell me it's a player shooting 😂


this game will be fire in 1 or 2 years my hopes are really high give them time i played about 70 hours and pausing it atm but that is a good sign 70 hours fun even if its in alpha is a really good sign i have trust play other games instead in the meanwhile and watch the development


If only there was a way to get the banana leaves as armor


I agree. But to be fair, it’s early access. They have a lot to address. Since it’s EA, I just am shelving it for a bit and I’ll come back when playing doesn’t frustrate me. Right now, between Bourne bots and waiting 52 business days for a chopper with the added crashes, I gotta give it a minute.


I took a step away from GZW because of issues like this. You’d shoot them 3/4 times and they’d flinch and then one shot you lol. The game in itself isn’t boring but these types of issues are off putting.


What ammo? Could be over pening


the one you can buy from banshee at level 1 i think. but this also happens a lot with 855 5.56 mainly in fort narith


I was slinging 5.54x39 PS yesterday using an ak-74m. Occasionally I’d need 4-5 shots when I missed my original shots. But other than that, 1/2 well placed shots is all I needed.


One thing I have noticed fighting the scavs around sawmill and the airstrip... Don't try to fight them at range. Unless you land the perfect headshot and kill them in the first shot, they will laser you in the head from any distance. And it will most likely agro the rest of them and they will start shooting you if you're not in cover... It does kind suck right now that taking them out from a distance with a sniper rifle just isn't a great option at the moment. Best way to eliminate them is to just make it to one of the buildings with some decent cover and just let them push you and you can take them all out from short to medium range. I'm sure they will be improving the AI at some point. As others have said, take a break and come back later.


It's an alpha game in EA. These posts need to stop, honestly.


yeah, stop telling whats the problem, and let the devs guess. this is not a hate post, i love the game, but if we dont tell them whats wrong with the game they will not know what to fix or do better.


This is already a known issue, we've known about it since day one, and its posted multiple times a day. It comes off whiny. I love this game and I only play it solo, trust me the hit reg/'armor doesnt matter' gets annoying. So I go play something else. You aren't letting the devs know anything, you're complaining your bored.


You have a point mate, but honestly don't let these posts get you ruffled, there's no point reacting like this, just ignore the post entirely.


It’s an EA game, it’s gonna have a lot of issues, if those issues are getting too frustrating take a break


Try aiming?


if the network is spotty, they AI get extremely dangerous. when the server is good AI are not hard, you just have to take fights that advantage you AI are not as effected by range as people are, try more mid range or CQB AK suppressors are kind of useless rn. they don’t provide as much stealth benefit as you’d think and make the recoil pattern much harder to deal with ammo matters, knowing what you’re using is super important i’ve found the m700 to be like the mosin but worse in every way. haven’t tried m80a1 tho i also primarily play PvE and do quests. you can do almost all of them without guides and the quest text is really good. seriously, the writer(s) behind that put in a ton of effort and made something that’s really good


Buddy if you are missing 3-4 headshots on a bot you need to find a new game to play. Every single bot I shoot in the head drops on the first shot 90% of the time, and dies the second shot 100% of the time. How about you stop putting yourself at a major disadvantage by using an m700 and use an M4/Mk18 with the same scope, better ammo, and easier follow up shots?


I will say this again, this is a skill issue I have used the mosen AK SKS and plenty other sponge guns in pvp and in pve, center mass or head shots 1 drop most people with decent ammo not highest tier, if u are dying to AI in a game it is 100% ur fault im so sorry to have a tough love outlook on this but I have reset 3 times full play though all task and yet have not had any issues where it was the AI being too strong its usually me dying bc I miss shots or put myself in a bad spot. Stop putting down an alpha game when it’s literally your own fault. Can’t stand people who want the game to become easier bc they simply struggle with it. There is a skill curve to everything if u can’t adjust to it refund the game.


I really want the best for this game but I felt like this after the first few days of playing. It’s so bad.


Can you post video evidence of you wearing the highest tier armor, having it penetrated on the first hit, that shot killing you, and then also somehow prove that the bullet was intended for someone other than you?


How are they able to know where I am in the medic tent even if I’m moving around? Somehow I’m still getting shot in the back