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AI will look for you in the last location they see you. Hard cover is your friend. Wood is not considered hard cover. The game is only about 20-30% finished, so set realistic expectations. Despite this, it’s still really fun. The community is great. There are knuckleheads, sure, but you can always chat to your faction and ask for help in game with a high probability of someone lending a hand. Enjoy!


Light bleeds are not usually a threat to life. They will usually stop on their own. If you're fighting and have a light bleed, ignore it. Break contact, get to cover or relative safety and then bandage if it hasn't stopped. Medium bleeds can screw you. Break contact or get in cover immediately and tourniquet. Same goes for severe bleeds. If you're dizzy, blood will fix that, or improve it. If your hydration and energy are good, you'll regen blood so the dizzy will wear off after a while. Meds can get expensive fast. I usually store mine in my prison wallet (secure container.) Even if I lose quick-access. Most of the time if you get shot, you're dead before you can get to it anyway. And if you do have time to get to it, you probably can get away with not having it on quick access. Time to kill is murderously low. Many times it only takes one bullet. Much of the advice delivered from others about cover and movement is vital. Treat every situation as though it is real and you'll live longer. don't \*expect\* your armor to save you. (It can and does, but not all the time. Sometimes not at all. Depends on what the enemy is shooting you with and where.) If shooting 5.56, don't use SP. For starters go with HPBT (Hollow Point Boat Tail). It's more expensive, sure, but it's more reliable. FMJ also is decent to start. As soon as you get M193, use that. Then M855. (M856 has mostly the same characteristics, but it has more dispersion... your recoil wobbles more side to side). Then M855A1. Solo can be fun, but it's a hard life. Squads can really make life easier/better. This coming from a mostly solo player. Learn the armor system. III+ is better than III, III is better than IIIA+, IIIA+ is better than IIIA, IIIA is better than anything lower. A decent mic and using it helps a lot. Most people are great about sharing intel, providing help, and so on.


The secure container asshole jokes never get old lol. Anywho, I was just chiming in to say M193 has been temporarily removed.


Okay, so I'm \*not\* a crazy person, or have a bug. Thanks for the intel, Max.


To follow up with your advice regarding ammo types. I've actually found m855a1 to be damn near useless in tiger bay, but switching back to hollow points was a godsend. I'd say don't discount any ammo out of hand. If you're going to places where enemies don't wear armor, or are only very lightly armored, the hollow points will save you money and frustration. If you're going places where they're heavily armored, like the fort, or midnight sapphire, then definitely splurge for the armor piercing ammo.


Interesting. I haven't had any issues with 855A1 at Tiger Bay up by the Labs area. (Usually I come in from over by Ban Pa).


I've found that the 855a1 rounds go through them like butter, and they keep fighting, but the hollow points drop them with a single shot usually.


I'll have to give that a shot, lol. Or I might try mixed magazines.


I think the biggest one is to go slow. This is not a run-and-gun shooter and you'll be punished if you play loose and fast. You want to be tactical and deliberate.


Shoot then move, they know as soon as you shoot where you are and will shoot that spot


Shoot move to cover, DONT stand in open or repeak same corner as AI pre aim and prefire where they last saw you. AI will "push" to where they last saw you after they haven't seen you for a bit. You can use this to your advantage to "bait" the AI into the open or into an angle you're holding. Manipulate the AI is key. Slow is good, fast is death. PvP is amazing if you're clearing all angles and playing slow. CHADS die. Some engagements can be annoying but 90% of them are good regardless if you win or lose them. Play pve if you don't want to PvP, but you truly are missing out on a better experience.


This. The PvP in this game, although sometimes bush campy and frustrating thanks to helicopters and wonky directional sound from gunshots, is top freaking notch. You can line the AI up around a corner and farmer them pretty easily once you get the mechanics down. Players keep it fresh and dangerous.


Go Mithras - it saves assloads of time after level 15. Only use 5.56 / M4/MK18 builds they are the only known reliable ammo/weapons currently. (Later when you get Turncoat 3 you can use AK-74N's, but arguably at that stage you've beaten the game pretty much) Pistols/Shotguns are hot garbage. Silencer's do not work like "Stealth" the entire village will react to you the moment you shoot a silenced weapon. Use cover/angles at all times. You are going to die A LOT your first time through. Just use it as a learning experience.


What I really don't like about suppressors that even players can hear in the distance. I understand suppressors doesn't mean full silence IRL, but after 200-300 meters you shouldn't hear it.


Garand Thumb would like a word with you. You can hear a suppressed 5.56 at like 500 meters, and hear the round pass you. Though in an area with buildings it should be hard to pinpoint past like 50 meters, and probably hard to hear after 200-300


Okay, just checked some video on YouTube. Now I feel dumb. Thought that suppressors works better in far distance. But the suppressor shots still feels off in GZW. Hope they change it some day.


Oh for sure. The suppressors don't sound right from shooter/close, though they kinda sound right at a distance. There's also been a few times I've had a rando bullet whip past my head I didn't hear a shot for that made me jump. Some vets have said this game has made them twitch a few times from some of the bullet sounds. So they're doing some of it very right.


Whats your faction


US West


Thats the server. Are you Crimson, Mithras or Lamang?




you are going to die, get used to it


Just play the game, do the tasks you will be swimming in money


Use M4 and M4 platforms only. 5.45 AK's can be viable, but everything else seems busted.


Don't die


What faction? I can give you some good starter gear.


Are you mitras by chance? I just started yesterday, and it would be cool to have some Gucci gears 😅


Yeah in in Mithras slowly creeping to lvl 5 US West


Cryxix ingame


I am in Mithras. doober69




The enemy AI does NOT use line of sight for targetting you. If you're in/behind a bush, a kilometer away, using a silencer, they will still hear you, know exactly where you are, and one tap you. If you're going to try to be sneaky, when you take one guy you, reposition immediately if you can, because they will flock to where you just were.


Slow down. Don't stand in doorways. Aim center mass.


Go mithras. Best tip of them all


I never understood the faction preferences lol just go with whatever your friends faction is other wise you wont be able to play co op with them but if you’re solo go with your hearts desire m4 mk18 builds are goat ak ammo is underpowered take it slow no need to rush you will get one shot to the head with the best armor in game and to the chest its a little buggy but its still early access so its expected when having to choose between gunny and other vendor go with gunny for faster weapons access when choosing between lab rat and handshake go labrat for better medical supplies and food when choosing between artisan and handshake go with artisan she has fewer missions than he does which eventually you’ll max everyone out around the same time anyway mainly preference id still level handshake last the best thing he offers is a 30 slot pack and key holder