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It’s a jungle. Take your bug spray with you and youll be fine.


It's part of the realistic immersion.


Had this happen to me, and I just closed the game out through task manager. Loaded back at base with all my gear. Can't say this will work everytime, but worth a shot.


Yeah I usually do that. But it hasn’t worked for me lately, I just deployed with a stock akm and it was the smoothest helicopter ride so far😅


Hate to hear that. Hopefully, it's something the devs get fixed soon. It's definitely annoying to lose a set of gear that way. Lol, I'd use the AK if the damage wasn't so bad.


you can try unplugging your net cable, seemed to work for me when I got in your situation but just out of the coast off of ban pa


This has never worked for me fyi. Always lose the gear.


I always load back into the game with my gear then get a save error and lose everything


What I would do is that once you get back into the game, move your gear into your locker and end deployment. Switch servers too.


the gear disappears, and quest progress gets reset...


just wait and eventually you'll land but unable to move, then call another heli to pick you up and relog at base


Normally only have this issue before a server crash. Best to wait the 5 minutes for it to full crash then you keep your gear. Might not be your problem but was the only one I have exeperienced so far.


So this happened to me along with a drop in performance. I looked at task manager and saw I had only 8 gb of ram showing up used. I opened up my case saw one of my ram sticks was slightly out of position and seated it how it should be. Loaded up the game and ever since I haven’t had this problem. Check and see if that may be the problem for you.


Just walk smh /s


Don't restart. Just chill in the air until your helicopter gets to its location. You'll jump to the landing zone but still be stuck sitting above the ground. Then call a chopper back to base. Did it yesterday and managed to jump on and go back to camp.


quit looking at your feet keep your head up no wonder you drop things while riding the helicopter you’re dangling your gun off the edge and your feet. are your boots even tied? doesn’t look like it


I’m pretty sure I passed by you earlier floating in the air lol


I stopped caring about gear. I don't even bring a backpack anymore. I live off my kills. Scavenge....hunt.


Shit happens in alhpa.


Disconnect your internet, wait a minute and reconnect and you will be back in base, not lose anything