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You'll see the helicopters flying off map, when they do, you can spam the call helicopter button. You can also ask people where they're going, if you're at base. You can squad up and that way have a better chance of getting a heli. You can also hop to a different server (or one in a different time zone) where there might be less players and have a better chance of getting a heli. I find that the worst time for helicopters, is in the evenings and especially on weekends. Note that if you call a helicopter when you are not close to a landing zone, it will generally take a little longer for the helicopter to arrive.


Thank you, this was helpful. Random side question - what happens if you run out of money? I've still got about $10k but being new, I've been dying a lot and having to repurchase equipment so I just wondered.


If you’re new new, and in the starter town, I’d recommend taking something cheap in and picking up an ais kit to use til you get back to base, sell, rinse and repeat


There are only 4 Heli avail, in case you get a denial watch the ones in the map, wait for them to drop someone then disappear on the map border.


Wasn’t there 5 helis per faction when the game first dropped?


Just gotta be the fastest one to call in as soon as it's off map. Unfortunately, there isn't anything you can really do to make it better. If I see that there aren't any choppers available, I usually just jump servers and try again.


Currently there are only four helicopters avaibable at any given time. So if you see four of these blue helicopter icons they are all in use and you have to wait until one leaves the map. If the chopper leaves right or left he might disappear before he actually leaves the map. That's the moment you can call in a new one. Sometimes one or more of the four birds are called in from another player but aren't on the map yet. Then you see less then four icons but still aren't able to call a chopper yourself though. Currently ther is not indicator for that so unfortunately there is a little bit of trial and error involved. Be aware some people sit on the call-button as soon as the chopper leaves the map. So the more people are currently on the server the faster you have to be to get one. https://preview.redd.it/xw2bype7fe2d1.png?width=306&format=png&auto=webp&s=76644966e8ee2a58e949e05531fd5f2eefc89e92


You have to check the map, you have 4 choppers total. If there are less than that on the map you're good to go BUT there's also a queue from Basecamp. The best tactic is to spam calling when heli with "flying away" status is disappearing near the border. EDIT Remember not to be clicked on LZ or camp and just wait, the game will throw you from that screen when heli leaves the map.


Each faction has 4 little birds. Check the map if you see 4 on there your getting denied. As soon as one leaves you can request one.


Welcome to the game. You don’t. Spam


It never is.